Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 10

Chapter 10

"Look out!!!" Vegeta cried, grabbing Serenity around the waist, he pulled her off to the side. A large blade fell from the ceiling, nearly slicing the Queen in half.

"No way!!" Serenity cried, seeing the blade in the floor. "That could have been me!!"

"Mommy!" ChibiUsa called, running to her mother. She threw her arms around her, tears in her eyes. "I thought that thing got you!!"

"I'm okay ChibiUsa, but something definitely isn't right here." Serenity said, looking around the room. She saw a flash of yellow. "Minako?" She called, running in that direction. "Is that you? Come back!"

"Serenity!!" Vegeta yelled, grabbing ChibiUsa. "Come back!! Stop this foolishness!! You don't rush into something like this!! We're all going to get killed!!"

"I can't stand around and let my friend get hurt!!" Serenity yelled back, continuing to run after the girl. "I know something is going on, I just don't know what!! I have to find her!!"

"It's smarter to stay together!!" Vegeta yelled, running after Serenity. He finally caught up to her and grabbed her, pinning her arms to her side. "Listen to me!!" Serenity fought, trying to get free.

"Let me go!!" Serenity yelled.

"Let my Mommy go!!" ChibiUsa yelled, the yellow crescent moon appeared on her forehead. She screamed, bringing attention to all of them.

"So... You're finally here." A voice behind them said.

"Who is that?!?!" Vegeta yelled, turning towards the source of the voice.

"Mamoru!!" Serenity yelled, seeing her husband. She looked up at him and saw the black crescent moon on her forehead. Vegeta let go of Serenity and turned towards him.

"So you're the bastard that hit her!!" Vegeta yelled, beginning to power up. "You'll pay for ever laying a hand on her!!" He stepped in front of her protectively. Vegeta thought to himself.

"Vegeta..." Serenity began. Serenity thought, taking her daughters hand.

"So there's my little girl." Mamoru said, looking at the child. "Come see Daddy, Mommy's been a bad girl you're not allowed to see her anymore.

"What's wrong with you Daddy?" ChibiUsa asked, hiding behind Serenity's leg. Mamoru floated in towards ChibiUsa.

"Come see Daddy." He said again. Vegeta stood in between Serenity and Mamoru.

"You'll have to go through me first!!" Vegeta yelled, lunging at Mamoru. That left Serenity and ChibiUsa open.

"Come here." A voice said. Serenity and ChibiUsa turned towards the voice and saw Queen Minako. "Hurry up!" She said.

"Go on ChibiUsa." Serenity said. "I have to make sure Vegeta's okay."

"Okay Mommy." ChibiUsa replied, running to Minako. She reached Minako and was sent into the wall.

"ChibiUsa!!" Serenity screamed when she saw her one of her best friends send her daughter crashing into a wall. ChibiUsa slumped to the ground unconscious and Minako picked her up. "What are you doing?!?!" Serenity demanded.

"Shuttup!" Minako barked, a black crescent moon appeared on her forehead.

"No way!!" Serenity yelled. "He... he couldn't have... it... it's impossible?!?!" Serenity took a step backwards, fear clutched her body.

"Venus Cosmic Star Power!!" Minako yelled, holding up her transformation pen. Stars came out of the top of her pen and surrounded he body, forming her white fuku with an orange skirt. Her orange high heels, and her gloves formed next. A heart appeared in the center of the bow on her fuku and her hair shortened in a length a little. Instead of the usual tiara, there was an upside down, black crescent moon in its place. "I am Sailor Venus, I will fight for the forces of evil, against the enemy Sailor Cosmos and all of her friends!" Sailor Venus yelled.

"I guess I have no choice." Serenity said. "Moon Cosmic Crystal Power!!" Serenity yelled, holding up the locket. Ribbons surrounded Serenity's body, forming her white fuku with color on the skirt. A long white cape appeared behind her, flowing down to the floor. White high heeled shoes appeared on her feet with wings on the back. Her long blond hair turned white and a six point star appeared on her forehead in the place of the yellow crescent moon. She opened her eyes and stood in her normal pose, a long staff in her hand with a crystal on the end of it. "I am Sailor Cosmos! I will protect anything good and banish all evil from the universe! So get ready, I will triumph over evil!"

"I'm so sure Sailor Cosmos!" Sailor Venus yelled. "Venus Love Me Chain Encircle!!" Sailor Venus shouted, hearts circled around her and then flew towards Sailor Cosmos, trapping her.

"Let me go!!" Sailor Cosmos yelled. She gripped her staff. "Cosmic Staff Heart Blast!!" She yelled, the chains around her loosened and she held up the staff a little and pointed it at Sailor Venus. White hearts flew at Venus, blasting her up against a wall. Vegeta turned towards her.

"Finish her!!" He shouted, having trouble fighting Mamoru. He was a lot stronger than he looked.

"I... I can't... she's my friend..." Sailor Cosmos choked out.

"Do it!!" Vegeta yelled, for your daughter. Sailor Cosmos looked at ChibiUsa, who lay unconscious on the ground near Sailor Venus. "I can't!!"

"Come on Cosmos!!" Sailor Venus yelled, standing up. "Is that the best you've got?!?!"

"I... I can't..." Sailor Cosmos choked out.

"Venus Love Beam Blast!!" Sailor Venus yelled. A beam with hearts flew towards Sailor Cosmos.

"No!! Stop it Venus!!" Sailor Cosmos yelled. "You can't do this!!" Sailor Cosmos held up her staff, causing a shield to form around her body. The beam Sailor Venus sent at her bounced off of the shield and headed for Sailor Venus.

"No!!" Sailor Venus shouted as she saw her own beam rushing at her.

"Sailor Venus!!" Sailor Cosmos shouted, as she watched in horror. There was nothing she could do.

"Mercury Bubbles Blast!!" A voice rang out. The whole room filled with fog, causing everyone to stop fighting for the time being.

"Mars Fire Ignite!!" Sailor Mars shouted. Fire came into Sailor Cosmos view, it hit the heart beam, keeping it from hitting Sailor Venus.

"Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars!!" Sailor Cosmos shouted, searching for her friends. "Where are you?!?!" She cried. Sailor Cosmos thought, searching for the rest of the Sailor Scouts.

"So, Sailor Cosmos." A familiar voice said behind her. Sailor Cosmos turned towards the voice and then saw a fist looming towards her face.

"OWE!" She cried, as Sailor Jupiter's fist hit her face, sending her to the ground. "Sailor Jupiter? What did you do that for?" She asked, rubbing her face.

"Because, you're my enemy." She said calmly. "Supreme Thunder Crash!!" Jupiter yelled, a rob rose from her tiara and lightening came down and gathered. She threw the lightening at Sailor Cosmos. Sailor Cosmos jumped out of the way just before the lightening hit her. It crashed through the wall leaving a hole behind.

"Stop this please!" Sailor Cosmos begged. "What did you do to them?!?!" Sailor Cosmos demanded, turning to Mamoru.
