Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 11

Chapter 11

-Mamoru and Vegeta-

"That's me. She deserved what she got." He said, calmly.

"What?!?! What do you mean 'she deserved it'?!?!" Vegeta demanded, his eyes narrowing on Mamoru.

"She was with another man, plus she destroyed both of my brothers!" Mamoru barked, narrowing his eyes back. "You were the man!! Now I'll kill you!!"

"You'll be the one who dies!!" Vegeta yelled, charging at Mamoru. He sent a blast at Mamoru, who dodged it quite easily.

"Is that all you've got?" Mamoru asked, a smirk spread across his lips. "I seem to remember you being a lot stronger."

"What do you mean by that?!?!" Vegeta demanded. "I've never fought you before!!"

"You may not have fought me, but you fought my brother Prince Diamond." Mamoru said. "I am stronger than him, but he said he had sensed something really strange about you when the two of you fought. He won easily, so I think he was just making it up."

"I never fought anyone by the name of Prince Diamond!! I think I'd remember." Vegeta said.

"That's the thing, you don't remember. It's the Silver Imperium Crystal that Serenity uses." Mamoru said. "You still don't remember what happened?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Vegeta said, clenching his teeth. "But you better tell me!!"

"Why should I tell you anything?" Mamoru asked, looking at Vegeta.

"Because if you don't, you'll die!!" Vegeta spat out.

"Is that a threat?" Mamoru mocked. "I'm not afraid of you little man." Mamoru said calmly. Mamoru stood in front of Vegeta, arms crossed and a smirk across his face.

"Let's get this fight started!" Vegeta ordered, charging at Mamoru. They met in a flurry of punches and kicks. They seemed to be pretty evenly matched.

"You're not as weak as I thought." Mamoru said, blocking Vegeta's punches and kicks. "No matter, you're still no match for me." He said, punching Vegeta in the face. Vegeta was thrown back a bit, but he wasn't about to give up. He got right back into the fight and began to kick the crap out of Mamoru.

-Sailor Cosmos-

"So Sailor Cosmos, are you ready to give up?" Sailor Jupiter asked her.

"I won't fight you..." Sailor Cosmos said. She was on the floor, heaving hard. "I can't hurt my friends."

"Who said we're your friends? You're our enemy!" Sailor Mercury said, butting her way into the conversation. Sailor Cosmos slowly stood, looking over at ChibiUsa, who still lay unconscious near the wall.

"This is for you ChibiUsa!!" Sailor Cosmos yelled. She pulled out the moon wand she had been given so long ago. Before she even knew she was the Princess. "Moon Healing Activation!" She yelled, the Silver Imperium Crystal may not be on it anymore, but it was still very powerful. It would heal her friends. A mist covered the floor and she drew a circle with the wand that had a crescent moon on it. The circle went to her friends changing them back to who they really were. All four of them fell to the ground unconscious.

"Scouts!!" She cried, running to them. She ran to Sailor Mars and checked her pulse. She did the same to all of the others and then ran to her daughter's side. "ChibiUsa!!" She cried, she picked up the child and held her close to her chest. The staff of Sailor Cosmos lay at her side and her cape blew in the wind (Sailor Jupiter had blown a hole in the wall, that's how there was wind inside).

"Sailor Cosmos!!" A voice yelled. "Look out!!" Sailor Cosmos looked up to see Mamoru rushing towards her.

"Give me the child!!" He ordered.

"No!!" Sailor Cosmos shouted, holding the child closer to her body. "I refuse to let you take her!!"

-Vegeta and Mamoru-

Vegeta lunged at Mamoru again but was sent flying into the wall nearby. He slowly slumped to the floor.

"Get up you weakling!!" Mamoru ordered, seeing the man fall to his knees. "I said get up!!" Mamoru yelled, he walked over to Vegeta, who was on all fours trying to catch his breath, and kicked him in the stomach. Vegeta held his stomach and crumpled to the floor, coughing up blood onto Mamoru's shoe. He picked up Vegeta by the back of his neck and threw him into the wall. Vegeta groaned and tried to stand up. He managed to stand up and then he did something Mamoru didn't expect. He threw back his head and began to laugh.

"You really think you have me beat don't you?" Vegeta asked, laughing his ass off. "I have a news flash for you, I'm much stronger than you can even begin to imagine!" He got into a fighting stance and began to power up once again. His yelling echoed through the building, sending chills down Mamoru's spine.

"Wh... what's going on?!?!" Mamoru demanded. "Wh... what are you doing?!?!" Mamoru watched in horror as a blue aurora surrounded Vegeta. His hair began to change in color. It went from dark brown, to a golden yellow. His eyes went from black to green, but the gleam in his eyes stayed the same. The muscles in Vegeta's arms began to bulge, tearing the sleeves of his shirt.

"Now let's see how tough you are." Vegeta said, his eyes narrowing on Mamoru.

"Bring it on." Mamoru said, motioning for Vegeta to come closer. Vegeta flew at Mamoru punching him in the stomach. Mamoru keeled over, holding his stomach where Vegeta's fist had hit him. He left his back wide open and Vegeta took advantage of it. He put both of his hands together and brought them down on Mamoru's exposed back, sending him into the ground. Mamoru staggered to his feet, holding his stomach. "I really underestimated you, Prince Vegeta." Mamoru said, that's going to leave a bruise.

"Get ready because when I'm through with you, you're going to be in the next dimension." Vegeta said, getting into a fighting stance.

"I highly doubt that." Mamoru said. He looked over at Sailor Cosmos and the rest of the Scouts and saw all of the Sailor Scouts except for Sailor Cosmos laying on the ground unconscious. "Too bad, I can't prove it to you right now. I have to be going, but before I do, I have a little business to take care of." He said, walking towards Vegeta. he pulled back his fist and punched Vegeta in the stomach as hard as he could. Even at Super Saiyan, Vegeta fell to the ground holding his stomach.

"How can you be so strong?" Vegeta choked out, falling to his knees, one hand on the floor, the other on his open wound on his chest. Blood leaked out from around his hand, staining the front of his armor. Mamoru had punched through the armor into Vegeta's flesh.

"We'll have to save this battle for another time. You're too weak right now to even be good sport." Mamoru said, kicking Vegeta to the side. "If you'll excuse me, I have one more order of business to take care of." Mamoru turned towards Sailor Cosmos, who held ChibiUsa in her arms. "I have to take care of a certain somebody."

"Sailor Cosmos!!" Vegeta yelled. "Look out!!" Sailor Cosmos turned towards the voice and saw Mamoru heading straight for her.

"Give me the child!!" Mamoru demanded.

"No!!" Sailor Cosmos yelled, clutching the child to her chest. "I refuse to let you take her!!"

"You don't have a choice, Dear." Mamoru said coming closer to Sailor Cosmos. "Give her to me now!!"

"No!! I won't!!" Sailor Cosmos yelled, a determined look on her face. "You'll have to kill me before I give you my daughter!!"
