Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 16

Chapter 16

-King Ki's-

"That's the whole story." Usagi said, after giving every last detail. "It's kind of confusing, I know, but it's all the truth."

"That'd make a good bed time story." Said King Ki, more to himself than anyone in particular.

"I used to tell ChibiUsa the stories about Sailor Moon. She never knew it was me until she went back to the past to save me." Usagi said, remembering the evil that had attacked and made her fall into a deep sleep for months.

"Wow." He said, thinking about the stories.

"So... King Ki... can we get back to training?" She asked. "I'm going to change real quick. Cosmic Moon Crystal POWER!!" She cried, holding up the locket. She transformed into Sailor Cosmos and made the cape and staff disappear.

"Why of course, my dear." He said, snapping out of his thoughts. "Gregory!" He cried.

"Huh? Who's Gregory?" She asked with a weird look on her face.

"You'll see when he gets here." King Ki said, walking outside. Sailor Cosmos, Tien, and Choatzu followed and waited.

"Where is he?" Sailor Cosmos asked, looking around her.

"I'm up here little girl." A squeaky voice said above her head.

"Huh? Where?" She asked, looking all around. "Where did that voice come from?"

"I'm right here!" It cried and before Sailor Cosmos knew what was happening, she was on her butt on the grass.

"What the..." She trailed off when she saw a blue light land on King Ki's shoulder. The light died down and a grasshopper stood on his shoulder. "This is my next test?!?!" Sailor Cosmos asked, a confused look on her face.

"It'll be tougher than you think girlie!!" Gregory said, insulted.

"Let's get started then." King Ki held up his hand and a mallet appeared in it.

"What's that thing for?" Sailor Cosmos asked, looking at the heavy mallet.

"You have to take this and hit me with it." Gregory said.

"Well, okay, I'll do my best." Sailor Cosmos said, taking the mallet from King Ki's hand. She easily held it on her shoulder. "Let's get going then." Gregory flew away at top speed with Sailor Cosmos chasing after him.

"Wow!" King Ki said to himself and the others. "I've never given anyone a mallet that heavy, not even Goku and she held it in 10 times her normal gravity like it was nothing!!"

"No way!!" Tien said. "That mallet was heavier than the one you gave Goku?"

"Yeah, she trained in this gravity before. She was born on the planet Vegeta and the gravity there is the same as it is here. She's already used to it." King Ki said.

"Wohoo!!" They heard Sailor Cosmos cry from the other side of the planet. They ran over and saw Gregory on the ground with a huge bump on his head.

"What?!?!?!" King Ki cried, seeing Sailor Cosmos celebrate after finishing the test. "Did she hit you Gregory?!?!"

"She can't prove it." Gregory said, floating above the ground.

"What's that bump then?" Sailor Cosmos said, pointing to a huge bump on his head.

"I... uhh... I fell down the stairs... yeah, I fell down the stairs." Gregory lied.

"I don't see any stairs," said Sailor Cosmos with a smile on her face.

King Ki thought.

"Wow!!" Cried Tien when he saw Sailor Cosmos holding the mallet like it was nothing. "Let me see that mallet." He said. She put it in his hand and it fell to the ground, causing the planet to shake. "Holy cow!! I can't even lift it!!" He said, trying to lift it with all his might.

"It's not very heavy." Sailor Cosmos said, picking it up again like it was nothing.

"Now shall we begin the next step of the training?" He asked, looking at her.

"King Ki?" Sailor Cosmos said, waving her hand in front of his face. "Hello? King Ki?"

"Are you sure you're ready?!?!" He demanded.

"Well, I'll try." Sailor Cosmos said.

"All right, the first thing that needs to be done is..."

-The Planet Venus-

"They're on their way." Vegeta said, walking into the kitchen where everyone sat drinking tea. They'd been working on their plan for days now and were taking a break for a while.

"Good." Queen Minako said. "How long until they can wish her back?"

"By my calculations." Queen Ami said, rechecking her calculations. "It takes about six days to get there. It may take them a few weeks to find all seven DragonBalls, though. Unless they split up. Then it will only take a few days to gather all of them."

"Will she be back in time to help?" Queen Makoto asked, her long green dress brushing the floor as she stood up to get another cup of tea.

"What was that?!?!" Queen Rei cried out.

"What are you talking about Rei?" Makoto asked, looking strangely at her friend.

"I just sensed something from Earth." She said. "Like someone good just turned evil... CHIBIUSA!!!!!" She cried, her eyes growing huge. She ran from the room and headed for the temple area.

"She's right!!" Vegeta cried, running to the window that faced the planet Earth. "I just sensed something!! It felt like ChibiUsa's power level! It was good, but now all I can feel is evil!! That monster Mamoru is going to pay for messing with that little brat!!"

"We have to do something right now!!" Queen Minako cried, a strange feeling coming across her as well.

"What about the plan Minako?" Queen Ami asked.

"Who cares about the plan!! We have to save ChibiUsa now!! We can't wait for Usagi!!" Queen Minako cried, heading for the place they kept the space ships. "Prepare the fastest ship for the departure of all of the Inner Queens, plus one!" Minako ordered the men that were on duty.

"Right away your majesty." The supervisor said, bowing before the Queen of Venus.
