Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 17 ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 17

Chapter 17

"Fire... " Rei began her chant to see what the vision she had meant. She had changed into a pair of baggy red pants with a baggy white shirt. "Oh no!!" She cried. "It's the Black Moon Family!!! He's bringing them back!!! This can't be!!!! It's much, much worse than we ever imagined, we need Serenity here now!!!"

"Rei, we're leaving for Earth right now." Queen Minako said, breaking Rei's concentration. "We have to go now."

"I'm coming." Rei said, grabbing her red Queen dress that was laying over a chair.

"Ami, Makoto, let's go." Queen Minako said. Rei and Vegeta were already on the ship, buckled in and ready to depart for Earth.

"I hope we're not too late." Rei said quietly to herself.


"Rise my family." Mamoru said, using his evil energy to attempt to resurrect his dead brother's. "We will become the rulers of this galaxy and eventually, the whole universe!!"

"Excuse me sire." A voice said behind Mamoru.

"Come in Prisma, Avery, Catzy, Birdy. Long time, no see." He said, turning to face them.

"You summoned us your majesty?" Prisma said, stepping in front of her three sisters. "Where is Queen Serenity?"

"The Queen's dead." He said, plainly.

"What?!?!?!" They all four cried out in unison.

"She can't be dead!!" Prisma said. "What happened to her?"

"I killed her." He said, stepping into the light.

"No... it can't be... you should... be dead... with your brothers... it's im... impossible..." She stuttered.

"What's wrong Prisma?" Avery asked, seeing the look on her face.

"It... it's Mamoru... Prince Diamond and Sapphire's... brother... how can he be alive... I thought Sailor Moon destroyed the Black Moon Family..." Prisma said, standing protectively in front of her sisters.

"I've missed you girls." He said, taking a step closer to them. "Do you want to join my little family again?"

"We'd never join you, you evil monster!!" Prisma spat out. "Leave us alone!!" She headed for the door, but it slammed shut before she moved one step.

"What's going on Prisma?" Catzy asked, shivers running up and down her back.

"I'm afraid you didn't understand me correctly. You will join my family!" Mamoru spat out, black energy filled the room, and began to choke the four girls.

"Can I help, Daddy?" A voice said.

"Of course you can help Lady." He said. "My evil child." She stepped into the light, Luna P floating behind her, and walked up next to the four girls. The black energy radiated from her body, making the girls take a few steps back.

"So girls, I don't think I've ever met you in person. Not in this time, anyway." Wicked Lady took a step closer, the energy began to grow, smothering the girls.

"Leave us alone!!" Avery cried out. Gathering up what strength she had, she charged at Wicked Lady, who easily blocked her. Wicked Lady sent Avery crashing into the wall, leaving a dent where her body hit. "Get out of here you guys!"

"No way!!" Birdy cried. "We're not going to leave you here!!" She said, running to her sister's side. The other two sister's knelt at Avery's side, trying to help her to her feet.

"You're not going anywhere." Mamoru said, stepping up beside Wicked Lady. "Come forth my brother's!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. He began to chant something that the four sisters couldn't understand.

"What is he doing?!?!" Catzy asked, staring at Mamoru as he chanted in another language. His chant became louder and much faster and soon, Wicked Lady joined in as well. She combined her powers with King Mamoru's and made his spell even stronger. Shadowy creatures began to fly around the room, faces appeared and then disappeared.

"What are those things?!?!" Avery asked, seeing the faces of people that looked so familiar, flying around her.

"Sapphire?!?!" Prisma cried, seeing a familiar face appear in front of her. A woman with green hair appeared, standing next to a man with red hair. "Rubeus!! Emerald!!" She cried, recognizing them immediately.

"It can't be!!" Birdy cried. "They're dead!!! They died years ago!!! Sailor Moon destroyed them!!"

The chant became more insistent and louder with each passing moment. The wind began to swirl. Mixing the faces together, smearing the black crescent moons on their foreheads.

"So, sisters, are you ready to join us once more?" Emerald asked, walking closer to the four sisters.

"We'll never join you!!" Prisma cried once more. The form of a man took shape in front of Prisma's eyes. "Sapphire?" She asked, seeing the blue hair and matching eyes. She took a step closer and felt herself begin to drift away.

"Prisma, my love," He said sweetly. "It's been a long time. Join us and we'll always be together."

"Yes, my love." She said. Her body began to change. Her eyes became a little darker and the outfit she wore when she worked for the Black Moon Family reappeared as well as the black crescent moon on her forehead. "Now we'll always be together." His body went from being transparent to solid as she fell into his arms. She returned to the evil she had once hated so badly.

"Prisma!! NOO!!!" Her three sisters cried, staring in horror at their sisters.

"So glad they three of you came back to us." Rubeus said, taking a step closer to the three remaining sisters.

"Leave us alone Rubeus!" Avery cried, trying to stand on her own. Another body began to take form close behind him. It was a man with a long cape and white hair. "Prince Diamond?" She questioned looking at his face. "King Mamoru is bringing him back too?!?!"

"Okay, we give up." Birdy said, stepping closer to Rubeus. Avery leaned against her as they walked forward towards the man with red hair.

"I knew you'd see it our way." Rubeus said, walking towards him. He seized the two with dark energy, lifting them off the ground.

"What are you guys doing?!?!? Why are you joining willfully?!?!?!" Catzy demanded, running towards her sister.

"We have no other choice." Avery said sadly.

"Sailor Moon will return... she'll save us again... you have to believe in her and her friend's..." Birdy finished.

"I... I understand... " Catzy said, stepping closer to Rubeus. "I... I give up... I'll join you..."
