Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 28 ( Chapter 28 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 28

Chapter 28

-Sailor Cosmos-

"I defeated you once!! I can do it again!!" Cosmos cried, sending a blast of energy straight at Wiseman, who didn't even move. It went right through him.

"Ha!" He yelled, moving his hands over the Dark Crystal. "You think you can defeat me so easily?!?! You were lucky before, Sailor Cosmos! If it weren't for that second Silver Imperium Crystal, I would have won and this whole Universe would be void of all life! It would be silent, no annoying little Sailor Scouts! Returned to the nothingness it once was!"

"I'll never allow that to happen!!" Cosmos cried, lunging at Wiseman. "I'll die before I let that happen!!"

"Precisely what I had in mind." Wiseman said, summoning Dark energy to the Dark Crystal. He gathered the negative energy and sent it in one blast straight at Sailor Cosmos. She didn't have time to move and was hit head on. She flew into the wall and slumped slowly to the floor.

-Trunks and ChibiUsa-

"Hold it right there!" Sailor Chibi Moon yelled when her and her future brother broke into the room with all of Wiseman's minions. The four sisters sat together, Sapphire and Prince Diamond sat together, Rubeus was near the four sisters and Emerald was hitting on Prince Diamond.

"And who might you be?" Prince Diamond said, not rising. Trunks was not in their view, he was letting Chibi Moon distract them so he could attack. "I thought we had captured all of the Sailor Scouts."

"I guess we missed one." Rubeus said. "But that will be remedied fairly easily. She can't be much of a challenge, she's just a kid."

"She might not be a challenge, but I am!!" Trunks yelled, jumping out from behind Chibi Moon. He lunged at Rubeus, knocking him into the wall. Rubeus slumped to the floor, unconscious. He turned to the four sisters who were coming at his back. He didn't want to strike a woman so he managed to tie them up using Avery's whip.

"Let us go!!" Birdy cried, struggling to get free of the whip. Trunks used his laser eyes to melt the whip and make it impossible to get out.

"Come on Chibi Moon!!" Sapphire cried, lunging at the child. She couldn't dodge him in time, but a weapon appeared in her hand, creating a force field around her. It shielded her from Sapphire's attack and sent him into a wall. He stood up and started to walk towards her.

"How'd I do that?" Chibi Moon asked, looking at the weapon. It was a scepter with a pink, heart-shaped crystal on the top. She held it up and words just came to her. "Pink Sugar Heart Attack!!" Small pink hearts flew at Sapphire hitting him in the face. It was more of a nuisance than anything else. It distracted him long enough for Trunks to attack him. He went flying into a wall and crashed to the floor, landing next to an unconscious Rubeus.

"You all right, Chibi Moon?" Trunks asked his sister.

"I'm all right, how did you do that?" She asked, referring to his energy attacks.

"I can't explain now, we have to find everyone else." Trunks said, grabbing his sister around the waist. He lifted her off the ground and flew into the air after Prince Diamond.

"Hold it!" They heard a voice cry. They turned to see Vegeta on the ground.

"Daddy!!" Chibi Moon cried, seeing Vegeta. She jumped out of Trunks arms and fell into her father's.

"ChibiUsa?" He questioned, seeing the girl wearing all pink.

"Uh huh! I'm a Sailor Scout too!" She cried happily. "Are we going to save Mommy now?"

"Yeah," He said, his normal smirk on his lips. "Let's go!" He took off into the air, joining up with his waiting son.

"Nice to see you again, Dad." Trunks said. He had the same set expression on his lips.


"Are we going to help Mommy?" Sailor Chibi Moon asked.

"We have to save the rest of the scouts first." Vegeta said, holding his daughter in his arms. She didn't know how to fly yet.

"How are we going to do that?" Chibi Moon asked, looking up at her father.

"I have an idea." Vegeta said, his smirk growing. Trunks didn't say anything. He and his father were more alike than they wanted to admit.

-Sailor Cosmos-

"You're going to stay dead this time!!" Sailor Cosmos cried, holding up her staff. "Moon Intergalactic Smash!!" Little planets flew from the end of her staff hitting the evil man. He laughed as they hit him.

"Keep it up and maybe you'll actually hurt me." Wiseman said, his evil laughter echoing off the walls.

"Leave her alone." A voice was heard behind her. She turned to see Vegeta standing there. He held Sailor Chibi Moon in her arms and there was a young man with lavender hair standing behind him. He looked like Vegeta, only he had soft blue eyes that made him look less cold. He set Sailor Chibi Moon on the ground and walked slowly towards Wiseman.

"So it's you again, Vegeta," Wiseman said. "You are strong, no where near strong enough to beat me, though."

"I don't have to beat you, just send you back." Vegeta said.

"Send me back?" Wiseman asked, not feeling at all threatened.

"That's what I said, send you back.." Vegeta said, lunging at Wiseman. He knocked the Black Crystal out of Wiseman's hands sending it crashing to the floor. It shattered into thousands of pieces. The bodies of the Sailor Scouts and the Z Warriors appeared on the floor.

"What?" Sailor Cosmos cried, running to her friends. "How did you do that?"

"They were trapped in that crystal ball," Vegeta said, Chibi Moon ran over to her mother, hugging her tightly. "I was with them for a while so I knew where they were."

"Mommy!" Chibi Moon cried, hugging her mother, who was battered and bruised.

"How dare you?!?!" Wiseman screamed. His cape flew off, revealing the face of someone very familiar. Sailor Cosmos gasped at who it was, the one person she didn't see passed out on the floor. He had merged with before he was 'taken' by Wiseman. Mamoru...
