Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ After the Battle is Over ❯ Ali and Ann ( Chapter 12 )
Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who reviewed this on after Chapter 11, it's great to know that you're enjoying it. Any suggestions will be gratefully accepted. *S*
Naru B.: I'm sorry I haven't any plans to include Naru in this particular story right now. It does present an interesting idea for another story though doesn't it. I'll think on it.
Chapter 12: Ail and Ann
Haruka's POV
It was actually rather amusing to watch them try to find the right words. They wanted to ask what I meant by saying that, demo both of them were too polite to say anything that would seem offensive. After a few moments I decided to give them some slack and explain.
"Out in public. You may not have a hard time with your family or your friends but it's out in public that things are going to get rough. It works okay for Michi and I because we're naturally like this, demo you're not."
"I think that what Ruka is trying to say is that, with the way she dresses she's constantly confused for a man. It wasn't something either of us planned but it does allow us to go out in public with a bit more anonymity then we would have otherwise. You girls aren't going to have that advantage."
The two teens looked at each other. "I'd never really considered that. But it shouldn't really matter should it? I don't care what others think, my friends and my family will understand and that's really all that counts." Ami stated firmly.
"That's true, but there WILL come times when it all gets a little too much for you. Onegai, when that happens, come and talk to us, that's all we ask. Don't keep it inside."
Makoto's POV
I could almost detect a hint of pleading and worry in Haruka-san's tone and I was surprised at the pensive expression on her face. "Hai, Haruka-san, we will." I swept a quick look at Ami, who nodded slightly, "We promise. Arigato for offering."
"That's what friends are for Makoto-chan. You Inners taught us that, even if it did take us a while to catch on."
Endymion's POV
I gently swept a few strands of hair from my sleeping angel's face and then returned my attention to Rei-chan. It hadn't taken long for Usako's recent exertions to catch up with her and she had fallen asleep between one breath and next right. She had been describing how Ann and Ail had tricked us into thinking they were human and had suddenly just dropped off. She was now snuggled into my chest breathing deeply with a slight frown on her face.
My heart had been twisting the entire time she had been talking. I know it's not my fault that I didn't remember anything but that knowledge doesn't abate any of the guilt that I'm feeling.
"You know, I think I still have those pictures somewhere." I returned my attention to the conversation just in time to be totally confused.
"Okaa-san, what pictures? Usagi-chan never took a picture of the Makaiju (Doom Tree), and I doubt the aliens stuck around long enough to get one taken." Shingo-san and Hotaru-san had shifted slightly during the time Rei-chan had been talking and they were now sitting between his parent's feet, their backs against the couch. His neck was twisted at quite an angle to look up at his mother.
"Gomen ne, dear. I was just a little distracted for a while. I'm referring to those pictures that she used to try and remind Mamoru-san about his past. I think I still have them tucked away in Usagi-chan's baby book. One day I found them on the counter in the kitchen and when I asked Usagi who they belonged to she said herself, but would I throw them out, 'colouring is for children'. I couldn't do that, she'd obviously put a lot of heart into them, so I put them away. I thought they might be something she'd get a kick out of looking at later. You know, one of those things you bring out and embarrass your child with when they get married or have their own children."
"You keep stuff like that?" Shingo seemed horrified at the thought and I could almost see the gears in his head working, 'Where would she have my stuff hidden? I've got to find it!'
"All parents do dear, and Iie, you'll never find it. Parents have ways of keeping that sort of thing hidden." Ikuko smiled mysteriously at her son and patted his head. Shingo just turned back around with a frown of annoyance marring his features.
"So, Chiba-san, now that you have your memories back, what happened? I remember Usagi coming home one day about three years ago and she was a high as kite. I recall it quite clearly because her mother and I had been quite worried until then. She had always been such a happy child and for some reason she had seemed to be depressed. We were starting to wonder if she needed some counselling, demo after that day everything seemed okay again. Would your sudden reappearance have been that 'something'?" His tone wasn't menacing, but the underlying growl was clear for all to hear. Oh boy.
Minako's POV
How the mighty has sunk. I've always considered Endymion-sama something of a cold fish. After all, he never seems to get riled about much of anything. It takes a lot to get him nervous. Tsukino-san seems to be someone who can do it with ease though. He's got such a look of panic on his face that I almost wish someone would save him, but Iie . . . he needs some practise in dealing with his future father-in-law, why not let him start now.
"Uh . . . hai, Tsukino-san. That is most likely why. Usako and I had a long talk after the Makaiju (Doom Tree) left and she was all smiles when we got to your home. Even I noticed the difference in her at the time." His eyes had a shadowed haunted look to them now but I didn't say anything. I don't think Mamoru-san would appreciate drying things out right now. "I may not have remembered her, as my Princess, but I knew Ondagno Atama. I too, had received memories to fill in those I'd lost and the sad, forlorn young girl that she had become didn't fit with my memories of her at all. I'd started to wonder what was wrong as well." Usagi's father only grunted and continued to glare blackly at our young prince. His fists weren't clenched but those thunderclouds were starting to develop again.
"Well it seems things were back to normal then." commented Usagi's Okaa-san happily completely oblivious to her husband's developing mood. "But those other girls still haven't shown up in this amazing story." she said, waving her hand toward the hallway leading to the rest of the house. "Does that mean that there's more?"
"Way more Tsukino-san demo the next story is Endymion-sama's." Rei inclined her had politely toward Mamoru and he returned the gesture.
"Yes Rei, I think you're right. Usako's not awake so I guess Chibiusa is my part of the story isn't she? All right then . . . "
Michiru's POV
"Iie, Haruka! You only needed to put half a cup of that in! Oh here, let me." Makoto is about to have a melt down I think. I exchanged a look with Ami and both of us smiled widely. Makoto grabbed the bowl from my lover's hands and quickly started to sweep some of the extra flour out of the mixture. She smiled in relief after a few moments. "I think that's saved it. What is wrong with you Ten'ou-san, haven't you ever made a cake before?" Her question was a serious one but I just couldn't help it.
"You mean one that wasn't a rock, Makoto-chan?"
Ami's POV
I'm not known for being a really giddy person but I sooooo wish I had a camera right now; a picture of Haruka's look at this moment would have kept me into stitches every time I looked at it! Her faced was scrunched up into a look of indignation, hurt and confusion, all of them trying for dominance at the same time. In a way it was endearingly child like, something that I haven't often attributed to this tall, normally formidable women.
"Michiru-chan that was a horrible thing to say." She continued to pout and turned back to Mako-chan with a look of pleading, "after all, the one I made two months ago was eatable, after it was in the microwave for three minutes. Softened up nicely." All three of us rolled our eyes at that comment. "Hey, isn't it the thought that counts?"
Mako-chan snorted rather indelicately. "Whoever told you that, in relation to food, was an idiot." She glared one more time at Haruka and turned back to the half-finished cake batter.
"Don't worry Haruka-san, it'll be all right. Why don't you help me peel these carrots and make some carrot sticks?" I grinned innocently, "After all you can't mess those up too much."
Hotaru's POV
"Hotaru-san. Hotaru-san . . . ?" I glanced up quickly when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Nani? Shingo-san, what is it?"
"Diajobu? You seemed to have spaced out a bit."
"I'm all right. I guess I was just thinking hard." I smiled a bit to show that I was telling the truth, but he just continued to look at me.
"Ano, have I met you before?" His eyes were searching my face intently and I couldn't help but smile at his rather ironic question. He's asked me that just a few stories too early. "Hai, Shingo-san, demo if you listen, you'll find out when. Don't worry, you can't remember." That seemed to confuse him even more so I just sighed and stopped trying to explain. "Goshinpainaku, Shingo-san, it'll make sense eventually."
He nodded absently and turned back to listen to Mamoru telling the Tsukino's about Chibiusa.
Ikuko's POV
"This is all rather far fetched young man." stated Kenji in a superior tone. It was rather embarrassing actually. He seemed to think he'd caught young Mamoru-san in a lie and he was going to milk it for all it was worth. Men, don't they ever grow up? "You really expect us to believe that we had a young girl living with us and we don't remember it? That is very unlikely. Not to mention, we don't have any nieces!"
"I can prove it to you Mr. Tsukino." Rei interrupted from her chair. Mamoru-san looked at Rei-chan with profound gratitude and indicated that she should continue. I don't think he was enjoying the scolding my husband was giving him, whether he was in the right or not.
"Mrs. Tsukino, please try to remember back about 2.5 years ago. You went through a phase where you brought an extra cup to us every time we had tea at your house. Do you remember that?" I sat back a bit and ran backwards through the years.
"Hai, Rei-san I do. It drove me nuts for a while, and it took almost three months for me to stop doing it. Actually, it was even more then that, now that I think about it. I had some very odd compulsions about that time as well."
"Like what Ikuko? Why didn't you tell me about them?" Kenji sounded worried and I patted his arm reassuringly. "It was nothing dear. I knew they were silly and after a while I trained myself out of them again." He seemed content with that but continued to hold my hand.
"If I may, what kind of compulsions were they?" asked Rei.
"Well, you mentioned that little bunny cup, I always wanted to get it out when you girls were over. Demo, it was other things as well. I was constantly attracted to the attic for some reason. I kept thinking I had to wake someone up for school in the morning and would go to yell up the stairs, or I would be doing the house cleaning and for some reason I would get this feeling that the room upstairs needed to be dusted. Now, I do dust the attic, but not as often as the rest of the house and I found this rather odd. The most annoying one however was when I'd make an extra lunch for Usagi and Shingo. For some reason I just automatically made three for about two weeks." I looked lovingly at Usagi, sleeping soundly across from us. "Usagi enjoyed it quite a bit I think since she always took the extra with her."
I was surprised to hear Minako-san giggle. "She wasn't the only one Tsukino-san, Makoto enjoyed getting to eat all of her lunch for a while too. Actually all of us enjoyed that."
"Anyway, that was caused when Chibiusa left. All your memories of her were erased when she went, demo you still had some habits that had to wear off. We all sort of experienced the same thing although Usagi took it the hardest."
"Why? I can't imagine Usagi enjoyed sharing her room with someone, especially if we ordered her to do it." Kenji sounded suspicious but wasn't freaking out . . . yet.
"There's more to tell Tsukino-sama. Usagi-chan eventually got very attached to that rug beaver." Minako seemed to be completely was serious and I was too polite to correct her. I was starting to get used her rather flamboyant speech patterns. After all, she's been around the house enough in the last four years.
"Why was she here and when did she leave?"
Hotaru's POV
All eyes swung to look at Shingo. "Well, you said she hypnotized us to make us think that she was part of the family, but she must have done it for a reason. Doushite?" Maybe he's not such a baka after all. He's got promise.
"Your right Shingo, she did." Mamoru-san smiled gently at Usagi's brother and after absently kissing Usagi's forehead took a breath to continue.
Suddenly I had to leave. I don't want to hear any more about Chibiusa, I miss her too much. I haven't seen her in so long. "Endymion-sama?"
Mamoru-san startled slightly but turned to look at me, "Hai Hotaru-san. What is it?"
"May I be excused please? I think most of the questions that Shingo's going to be asking will be one's you'll have to answer so, I don't really need to be here and . . . I . . . " Tears started to well in my eyes and I swiped at them urgently. "Onegai." Gosh, I am such a baby.
"Go right ahead Hotaru-chan. Maybe you could go and check on dinner and see how things are progressing."
"Arigato, sir." I stumbled to my feet and all but ran out of the room.
I rushed down the hall toward the kitchen, intent on doing exactly what Endymion-sama had asked of me, hoping it would take my mind off of Chibiusa. When I arrived in the kitchen Ami-chan and Haruka-papa were sitting at the dining table while Makoto-chan stood over the stove stirring something and Michiru-mama stood at the island cutting up potatoes.
"Makoto-chan, Endymion-sama would like to know when dinner will be ready." She turned around at my question answering in an almost absent minded way, "The whole thing should be ready in an hour or so Hotaru-chan. We're going to do it buffet style in the dining room." Then she turned back and continued to stir.
I nodded my head and was about to back out of the room when Haruka-papa got up, came over, and crouched down in front of me. "Hime-chan, what's wrong?" Michiru-mama looked up her soft question and quickly started to dry her hands on a towel.
"Daijobu, Haruka-papa. Nothing's wrong." I might have actually convinced them, had a tear not defiantly streaked its way down my cheek.
Michiru's POV
I could almost see Haruka flinch when Hota-chan startled back from her hand as she wiped the tear away. I know it's going to take time, but I think a talk might be in order, right now.
Hotaru's tears started to come quicker and Haruka asked urgently "Hotaru, what's wrong?"
She sniffed a bit and then managed to say, "Endymion-sama is telling them about Chibiusa's arrival . . . " Then she threw her arms around Haruka and started to sob.
By: Mala B (