Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ All's Fair in Love and War ❯ I Agree ( Chapter 36 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 36
I Agree
"Kino, will you sit down already!"I Agree
Kino shot Paris an annoyed look but resumed his pacing. "It's been five days since her messenger came, Paris. Five damn days! He gave a frustrated growl. "It irks me that she's toying with me like this. It's bloody irritating."
Paris leaned back in his chair. "Have you considered that maybe she's trying to make you go insane so you're irrational and desperate when you speak with her?"
Kino snorted. "No, Paris, I hadn't thought of that," he snapped sarcastically.
A frown marred Paris' features. "It's working you know. I've never seen you out of your mind like this. It's not like you to cuss and be sarcastic."
Kino's steps faltered but didn't stop. "I'm not out of my mind," he stated, his tone more calm than before. "And I won't be irrational." His steps finally stopped as he looked at his friend. "I just want them back, both Tenshi and Usagi."
A chuckle came from Paris' throat. "You and your nicknames."
The briefest of smiles touched Kino's lips, but then quickly disappeared as the worried husband and father resumed his pacing.
It had been five days since Malachite and Yokiro had come bearing the news that Selenity and Serenity had been found. It was more a case of them being told where they were and that they were both safe and sound in the custody of Aminiha by a messenger that had been sent by the Dark Queen. Malachite and Yokiro, accompanied by Luna, had then traveled with that messenger to an unknown location to speak with the Queen and negotiate for the safe return of the Moon Queen and Princess. Kino had given them specific instructions to be as fast as they could with the negotiations. In his mind that meant that they should have spent a day traveling there, a day negotiating, and a day traveling back with his wife and daughter. That would have meant they would be gone a grand total of three days. In his mind, this meant that they were already two days late, which probably meant that the Dark Queen was prolonging negotiations on purpose.
Paris didn't like watching Kino pace a hole into the ground. "Kino-" he began, but was cut off by a knock at the door.
Kino's eyes snapped to the door immediately and his pacing stopped again. "Enter," he ordered, and the door opened to reveal a worried looking Artemis, followed by an equally worried looking Jupiter and Mercury. Behind them was the silver-haired general Kino had been waiting for. Unfortunately, the beautiful blondes Kino had been expecting as well were not with them.
"Where are they?" he asked, his voice on the edge of a growl. He was now starting to understand the worried expressions on the men's faces.
"My Lord," Malachite began as he stepped forward. "The Queen and Princess are on the planet Mars currently. However, the Dark Queen refused to negotiate for them. She allowed us to see them only to verify that they were alive and unharmed."
Kino clenched his fist. "On Mars? Is that where they have been this whole time?"
"No," Malachite replied, "From what we were told they had arrived on the planet only a couple of days before us."
Kino glanced around the room. "Where are General Yokiro and Luna?"
"They stayed on the planet. Once the Dark Queen had made it clear that we could not take your Lady or your daughter with us, Luna requested to stay, and General Yokiro and I decided it would be best if one of us stayed as well."
"And the Dark Queen allowed this?" Kino spat out as he started pacing again.
"No, my Lord," Malachite responded, "but Lord Mars did."
Kino stopped his pacing again. "Mars?" he asked and received a nod from Malachite. "I'm surprised he had such decency. What does the Dark Queen want though, if she wouldn’t negotiate with you?"
"She and Lord Mars wish to negotiate with you in person, my Lord," Malachite replied quietly. "You are to come on one ship at your earliest convenience, without an army in tow. If they see any more ships accompanying you, they promise that you would never see your Lady or daughter again."
"I will leave in a few hours then," the Kino said with such finality that no one dare argue with him. A look of consideration suddenly filtered across his face and he glanced at Paris. "Since you live the closest, will you take the Moon under your protection until I return with my family?"
Paris shook his head. "I'm afraid I can't Kino."
"Why not?" Kino asked, feeling somewhat perplexed.
Paris grinned. "I can't if I'm planning on going with you."
"You heard me," Paris said. "I'm going with you. You're going to need at least one witness to make sure that things go according to protocol. Besides, I'm sure that Helen and Venus can take care of the Moon and Earth while we're gone quite well."
"We're all going with you," came Jupiter's voice from behind Kino. Kino turned around to look at the small group of men. "I wish to go for the same reason as Paris does. I lost my own family to the Dark Queen, and I want to make sure that no more injustice is done."
"I too," added Mercury stubbornly. "I can't let you three go and have all the fun alone."
Kino glanced form one man to the next, and he saw a stubbornness in them that almost matched his own. Knowing that they were going to come with him, he looked to Artemis. "Artemis," he said, "I need you to-"
Artemis smiled and held up his hand. "I'll take care of everything. Just please," he paused, "bring all three of them back safely."
Kino would have laughed if the situation had not been so serious. Of course Artemis wished all three of them to return safe and sound. After all, Luna was with his wife and daughter.
"I will go as well, my Lord," Malachite added. "I have a desire to see the daughter of the Dark Queen again and study her if at all possible."
Kino raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"
"When we were there, I could sense a strange, dark energy coming from her. It held the same taint that all of Aminiha's men have had on the battle field. She is dangerous my Lord, almost more so than her mother if she is using the dark powers of the Negaverse."
"You think she is?" Kino asked, folding his arms across his chest.
"Yes," Malachite replied with certainty. "I am fairly sure. However, I do still want to examine her as much as I can just to be on the safe side. If she does have the dark powers of the Negaverse within her, then we must capture her or put an end to her. Otherwise, she could prove to be too powerful for us in the future, in such a way that would put the Dark Queen's efforts to defeat us to shame."
Paris paled. "The dark powers of the Negaverse? It can't be, they were supposed to be sealed up ages ago."
Malachite nodded in agreement. "Yes, they were said to have been sealed. However that does not mean that they could not have been unsealed." Malachite well knew the fascination of his king with oddities and powers that were unexplainable or strong. He was always studying various powers, not for his own use, but to know what they were, how they were conquerable, how to use them for good and bad, and how they could be stirred up or put to rest. He also knew that Paris understood the gravity of the situation if the young Dark Princess proved to be a user and holder of the dark powers of the Negaverse.
"Why is it so bad?" Mercury asked, puzzled as to why this particular power should cause such distress in Paris and Malachite.
Paris brought his gaze to Mercury, worry written all over his face. "The dark powers of the Negaverse cause much havoc about five hundred years ago. The weilders of these powers had control over people and energy. The energy that they had power over seemed limitless, and the one explanation that the literary minds of the time could come up with was that the Negaverse had somehow found a way to tap into the energy and matter sucked up by Black Holes. However, because some strange transfer, the energy becomes dark and evil."
Malachite nodded in agreement. "The problem with these powers is that they corrupt the person who wields them. Even if they wish to use them to do good, it never works out that way."
Paris sighed. "There has been some speculation that they powers are not energy alone, but part of one large being, so to speak. It has a mind of its own and lends of itself to people it knows it can corrupt and force to do its bidding. Actually, it can corrupt pretty much anybody, so anyone who is willing to accept its powers will fall under its command."
Jupiter frowned. "That doesn't sound good. If Princess Beryl has taken on the dark powers, then she must be stopped before she can fully unleash them, if I am understanding you correctly."
Malachite nodded. "Precisely. The danger she poses could be catastrophical. It is the first time that I have seen the taint of the dark powers in anyone, but I have been taught well enough to be able to detect them. My instructor had small samples of items contaminated by the dark powers preserved all these decades, and the power I felt was very similar."
"It is agreed then," Kino said. "We have to find out for sure if the Dark Queen and her daughter are using the dark powers of the Negaverse, and if yes we must do everything in our power to stop them."
A silence filled the air as Malachite and Paris nodded. This was going to be more difficult than they thought.
" There has to be something that we can do against the Dark Queen," Selenity muttered in frustration as she, Luna, and Yokiro sat around the small table in the bedroom they had been provided with. Serenity had, thankfully, fallen asleep on the bed, which gave the three adults an opportunity to speak without interruption. For two days Yokiro and Luna had been with Selenity now, after they had come with General Malachite to see that she was in fact alive. She had been amazed when Mars had allowed Luna and General Yokiro to stay with her, and very grateful for it. Now at least she had someone to talk to.
Yokiro and Luna had been filling her in on the events of the past few weeks. Things looked very bleak form their side. Even with all the allied forces, Aminiha was still holding her ground strongly, and was starting to make the allies back away slowly. Even though he was hesitant to admit it, Yokiro voiced his concerns that they were beginning to lose the war.
"Have no fear, my Lady," Yokiro said gently. "Your husband should be arriving any day now, and I'm sure that he has formed a plan with the other kings and generals as to how to get you out of here."
"It is not myself I am worried about," Selenity said with a glance to her sleeping daughter. "It's the people of all the planets that I'm more concerned about. You know that the Dark Queen's price for my life and Serenity's is going to be high. I just hope that Kino can keep a cool head and not do anything rash. I would rather stay here than see any of our planets fall under the control of the Dark Queen."
"King Kinotsu is a good man," Luna added in. "He has a sharp mind and good wits about him. He won't do something that would be irrational, and he can't promise anything that is not his to give, so the only thing in danger is the Moon."
Selenity sighed. "I am worried about my own people too, Luna. I know that Kino can't promise any of the other planets, but what if they side with Kino and give the Dark Queen whatever she asks for? They know how hard it was on them to lose their own wives and husbands and children, so what if they have compassion for Kino and give in? If, as you say, things look bleak for us, then this would be a means to stop further bloodshed in their eyes."
"Do not forget, my Lady, that even though the other Kings and Queens know what it is like to lose loved ones, they still love their people and they know that the rule of the Dark Queen could be disastrous for their people….people who also have wives, husbands, and children." Yokiro's words had a visible affect on the Moon Queen.
"I see your point, and I suppose you're right. I just hope that Kino can keep those wits about him and not do something we will all regret."
"I'm sure he won't," Luna replied calmly, placing a comforting hand on her Queen's shoulder.
Yokiro, Luna," Selenity said quietly, "I want you both to promise me that no matter what happens, you will make sure Serenity gets away from here safely."
Yokiro fingered his sword gently. "I will shield her with my blade, your Grace, and with my very life."
A small smile touched Selenity's face. "If you can protect my daughter and make sure she gets away from here, I'll name you the Master of Sword when we get back to the Moon."
Yokiro chuckled. "No need, my Lady. I have not yet served our my time as a General, so I would not deserve such an honour."
"We'll see," Selenity murmured.
A knock on the door caused all of them to flinch in their seats. "Enter," Selenity called out. The three could hear the sound of keys clinking on a key ring, and then one of them being inserted into the lock. Yokiro and Luna both rose from their seats, but Selenity remained seated. A few quiet whimpers from the bed signalled that Serenity had woken up and Luna went to pick her up.
The door opened to reveal one of Aminiha's advisors flanked by six guards. "My Lady," he said smoothly, his voice silky and sweet. "Queen Aminiha and King Mars request your presence, along with your daughter and your companions. Immediately."
Selenity sat for a few moments before she finally stood. She walked over to Luna and after taking Serenity from her, she turned to look at the advisor. "Lead us to them then, my Lord," she ordered. He bowed low and extended his arm, indicating that they were to exit the room. Yokiro walked out first, his hand resting on his sword hilt. He was then followed by Selenity and finally Luna.
The advisor closed the door to the chamber and walked to the front of the small group. The guards formed a circle around Yokiro, Selenity, and Luna, and the small group started to follow the advisor down a series of hallways and corridors. Selenity knew the castle quite well since she had been there on a number of occasions as a child and teenager, so she knew that they were heading to the main hall. Selenity hugged the child in her arms closer to her, wondering what awaited them when they reached the Dark Queen and Mars.
"Now we may enter into negotiations." Aminiha's voice filled the chamber and resonated off the walls, so that no one could claim they could not hear her. "I have sent for your wife and daughter so you may see for yourself that they are alive." The four Kings and General standing before her felt slightly intimidated by all the soldiers in the room. Each one had been allowed one body guard with them, but that was nothing in comparison to all the men in the room that could have massacred them in an instant had that been their goal.
Kino nodded. "Very well. I will be blunt about this my Lady, since my patience is very thing as of late. What do you want for the release of my Selenity and Serenity?"
Aminiha tapped her chin gently as Mars smirked next to her. He stepped forward, his hand resting on his sword hilt. "I only wish for this war to end and to re-establish my honour, as well as the honour of Queen Aminiha. You know that you turned down the Lady, thus damaging her pride and goodwill, and then you and Selenity betrayed me. However, both the Queen and I wish to end the war. Today."
Kino looked puzzled, as did his companions. "And how do you propose we end this war?"
"In a very simple manner," Mars replied. "I challenge you to a duel, Prin-King Kinotsu. The victor gets everything."
The silence in the room seemed deafening.
"You want me…to battle you…right now….here….and that would end this war?" Kino asked slowly. "All the lives lost were for nothing?"
"No, lives are always sacrificed in war. However, I did say everything. If you win, Queen Aminiha leaves, I stop the war and will establish a truce with you and I will no longer bare a grudge, since this shall be a battle for honour. If you win, Selenity is yours and I will have no hard feelings since you will have won her in an established battle. However, if I win, then you get nothing. Selenity will become mine, and the planets will become Queen Aminiha's." Mars replied as he crossed his arms over his chest.
No one knew what to say for a few moments. "Your price is high, my Lord," Kino finally said. "However, it is not fair that you ask for all the plants, since your battle is with me. I can promise you the Moon, but nothing else. These men are here only as witnesses to make sure that everything here goes according to protocol. You would have to battle each of them for their planets as well, if they agreed to a battle."
Mars looked at Aminiha thoughtfully. "What say you my Lady?" he asked.
Aminiha's cold eyes darted to the men before her. "If this is so, then you will each not battle Lord Mars, but another warrior that I assign."
"And who would that be, my Lady?" Jupiter asked, not liking how things were going already.
Aminiha's lips twitched. "Nothing that you can't handle, gentlemen, I'm sure. My daughter," she placed her hand on Beryl's shoulder, who was standing right next to her. "Shall be your opponent."
Malachite cleared his throat. "That would not be a wise decision, my Lords," he murmured quietly, and everyone knew right away what he meant. When they had been travelling to the planet, they had agreed that Malachite would warn them as soon as he had watched Beryl and determined if the dark powers of the Negaverse were truly within her, and if she was dangerous. This was his warning. The had also agreed that if she did prove to be dangerous, they would take all measures to ensure she was captured or killed.
"Those are the conditions," Aminiha announced. "Weigh your options wisely. Each of you can try to save your own planet. If you choose not to battle my daughter, my war against you shall continue. Each of you can make your own choice though."
"My Lady," Paris said, his voice clear and determined. "I beg that you allow us to think about this, since it is an important decision, one which we must weigh carefully. I ask that you give us until tomorrow morning to decide if we accept your offer or not."
Aminiha tilted her head to the side. "Very well, I will allow you to give me your answers tomorrow, since your battle doesn't involve Kinotsu and Mars, only you and me. However, Kinotsu, your deadline is today."
Kino glanced to his friends and then back to Mars and Aminiha. A knock on the large doors caused all of them to turn. Aminiha smiled. "Enter," she ordered, and the doors opened to allow her advisor to walk into the hall, followed by a ring of guards surrounding her prisoners.
Kino saw the two loves of his life right away. Selenity's eyes met with his and they locked together, the pain of the past few weeks shared in that one solitary look. Kino felt his heart skip a beat, and he knew he had to get them out of there. He turned to face Aminiha. "I accept your challenge," he said hoarsely, and then looked back to his Tenshi and Usagi. Selenity had frozen, and the look on her face shouted out 'what did you just agree to?'
Aminiha chuckled. "Agreed," she said.
Mars licked his lips. "Now," he said.
Kino nodded. "As you wish."
Both men shrugged off their capes. "Gentelmen," Aminiha boomed. "I suggest you stand off to the side and allow our two combatants have the floor."
Paris, Jupiter, Mercury, and Malachite were still stunned that things were happening so quickly and that Kino had accepted the challenge so quickly. All they could do was to stand to the side though, just as Aminiha had commanded.
No, thought Selenity. What is going on?
Her answer came right after her thoughts ended, and it was not an answer she liked.