Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ami's Obsession ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Sailor Moon… I do own my mind, the ideas, and poems held with in this fic. So please don't steal, unless you ask me first.

Ami's Obsession

By: Ruka-chan

For months, Ami had harbored a not so innocent crush on Makoto. Her dreams taking her to blissful nights, full of happy, sweet thoughts and hidden fantasies of passion. Whispering her name in her sleep and vivid daydreams plagued the little blue haired genius. Writing her and Makoto's names in corners of papers and doodling hearts. Sweet poems authored by an anxious and lively heart, waiting to fulfill its most precious dream.

Her actions were getting more emotional. A simple touch here and there. A small moment in time, where contact is made. All of which is not at all like Ami. Her friends were beginning to notice a change in her behavior. She was no longer the quiet little blue haired girl who engrossed herself in books. She made a habit of daydreaming during study periods; her eyes would glaze over as if in some fantasy. They didn't notice the little thoughtful glances at Makoto though. Makoto was oblivious to the fact that each daydream was centered on her.

One day after school at the Hikawa Jinja, the little genius was writing in a hard back notebook. The others didn't notice that she wasn't studying. Usagi as usual was reading Rei's mangas. Minako was engrossed in a fashion magazine, while Rei was scolding Usagi for getting chocolate all over her mangas. And Makoto was sighing and sweatdropping at Usagi and Rei's antics.

"Rei-chan, do you got anymore mangas?"

"Odango-atama, you read them all!" Rei shouted.

Usagi began to pout and scrunch up her face all funky. Minako looked up from her magazine and sighed, "Here we go again…" Rei raised an eyebrow and Usagi started wailing like a banshee.

"Whaaaaaaaaaa!!" Rei quickly moved to comfort her princess.

"I'm sorry, Usa-chan! I don't have any mangas that you haven't read already."

Usagi sniffled and an idea popped into Rei's head.

"I'll be back in a minute." Rei got up and went out of her room and returned shortly after with a stack of mangas in her arms.

"They're Yuuichiro-baka's." Usagi's eyes bugged out and she let out a high-pitched squeal.

Rei sat back down on her futon and Usagi quickly moved to her side and snatched them from Rei. Rei just rolled her eyes as Minako joined Usagi and turned her into a pillow. Both of them laying their heads in Rei's lap and started reading. Ami looked up from her notebook and looked at the threesome on the bed. She thought that she saw a very big and happy smile on Rei's face. Ami did a double take and that big, goofy grin was still plastered on Rei's face. Ami cleared her throat and Rei blinked a few times and blushed. Ami shook her head and went back to writing a poem.

I feel my soul being ripped in half,

And everyone just seems to laugh,

I find myself worrying,

Concentrating on one major thing,

I torment myself,

Obliterate my health,

There is one thing that I want so much,

But it just seems to far out of my touch,

I blame myself and cry,

A never-ending nightmare,

I don't know how long against it I can bare,

Three little words I would like to say,

But I never will for fear making you run away,

Three little words I feel so strong,

I don't know how they could ever be wrong,

If there was one thing I wanted desperately to do,

It would be to say I love you.

Ami had yet to come out with her problem, hoping that it would go away. But as the weeks dragged on, it seemed harder and harder to keep her feelings in check. One day she had gone as far as writing a letter to Makoto.

Dear Mako-chan,

I can't help how I feel. I think I am in love with you. I wouldn't usually go as far as telling, but it's getting too tough for me to keep my feelings for you bottled up. I know you probably would never feel the same way about me, but I had to tell you. Friends shouldn't keep secrets like this from each other.

Love always,

Your Ami-chan

After Ami had written the letter, she found that she didn't have the guts to send it to Makoto. So she stuffed it in the very back of her poems book, to forget about it all together.

The next day, all the inners were to have a meeting at Makoto's apartment. Rei had said that her grandfather was having some new recruits for the Jinja come and try out. So they all decided to go to Makoto's. For it was the biggest, next to the Jinja anyway.

They stayed for hours, talking about senshi business, which wasn't much because of the youma dry spell. So most of it was gossip and other things. When the subject had gotten around to whom they liked, Rei and Ami both tensed up.

"Aww… come on Rei-chan! Tell us who you like!" Begged Usagi.

"I don't think you'd want to know…"

"Tell us anyway! Please Rei-chan?" Pouted Minako.

"But… it's embarrassing!"

"No more than when Usagi-chan falls flat on her face while running from a youma!" Said Makoto, trying not to laugh.

"Hey!! Be nice Mako-chan!" Usagi said, trying to defend herself.

"Hey! I thought it was MY job at making fun of Odango-atama!"

"Rei-chan!" Usagi wailed.

"Oops…" Ami sweat dropped at all of them.

"Hey Ami-chan. Why don't you tell us who you have a crush on." Makoto said, changing the subject as she noticed Rei's face go bright red when she called Usagi, Odango-atama.

"Uhh… um… How about not…" Ami said, blushing. She quickly went back to writing in her notebook, another poem.

I hide myself from everyone's eyes,

Hoping that none around me pries,

I put on an act,

And try to hide the fact,

I'm not as strong as I seem,

Wishing that I lived in a never-ending dream,

I see your face,

And with my eyes I lock it in an embrace,

I see the skin,

That I shall never be able to win,

Those big green eyes,

Just make me want to shout out my cries,

I sit here dreaming if it will ever be,

Just you and me.

It was getting late and everyone had to go home. They all said their good-byes to Makoto, but Ami stayed a few moments longer.

"Uh… Mako-chan?"

"Hai, Ami-chan?"

"I… uh… want to tell you something…"

"Oh? What is it? Is there something wrong?"

"N… no… nothing is wrong… it's just that…" Not being able to bare trying to tell her that she loved her, Ami quickly said, "I just love your cookies…" Ami's face faltered and she felt terrible for not being able to come out with it.

"Oh… let me guess… you want some to take home…" Makoto smiled. And Ami without thinking, nodded. "Here, take these. I made them today." Makoto smiled again and handed to bag of cookies to Ami. Ami took the cookies and thanked Makoto. Ami was in such a rush to get out of there, that she didn't notice Minako and ran straight into her.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry Mina-chan!" Ami apologized.

"It's ok." Ami ran out the door and to the elevator.

"What was that all about?"

"I guess she was running late or something. So, whatcha want Mina-chan?"

"Just to get my book, I left it on the table." Minako smiled. "So… who do you like? We didn't get around to asking you…"

Makoto flushed at Minako's question. "If I tell you, do you promise not to tell anyone? Especially the one I like?"

"Of course I won't tell anyone."

"Truth is… I… I… like… Ami-chan…" Minako's eyes went wide and blinked a few times.

"You do??"

"Yeah… Please don't tell her!"

"Like I said, I promise not to tell her or anyone else for that matter. Okay? So don't worry."

"Thank you so much Mina-chan." Makoto smiles and hugs her. "You better go or you'll be late." Minako nodded and walked out of the apartment with her book.

Just then, Makoto spotted something on the floor. She picked it up and it was a book. The cover was blue with a faerie and a unicorn.

"This is pretty... I wonder who it belongs to?"

Makoto opened the book and looked at the writing in it. 'Hmm… it's a poems book. But whose is it?' She sat down on her couch and started reading. When she got to the last poem, she dropped the book in her lap and sat there in disbelief.

"S... someone... likes me... one of... my... friends..." She stuttered, a glimmer of hope dotting her eyes.

When the book had fallen on the floor, something folded up fell from its pages. Makoto reached down to the floor and picked up the piece of paper. She opened it and it read:

Dear Mako-chan,

I can't help how I feel. I think I am in love with you. I wouldn't usually go as far as telling, but it's getting too tough for me to keep my feelings for you bottled up. I know you probably would never feel the same way about me, but I had to tell you. Friends shouldn't keep secrets like this from each other.

Love always,

Your Ami-chan

"Oh… my… god…" Makoto nearly fainted at the honesty of the letter that was never sent to her. "If she felt this way why didn't she just tell me?"

Makoto put the letter back in the pages it had slipped out from. She walked into her room and got ready for bed. But just before she drifted to sleep, she whispered something.

"I love you too, Ami-chan…"

Ami had just gotten home when she realized she was missing something. She freaked when she realized she didn't have her book. "Oh my gosh… she'll find out my true feelings if she reads it… oh… dear… My letter is in there too!" Ami flipped out and started to go crazy.

The next day, Makoto went over to Ami's apartment. She knocked on the door and a shout came from within.

"Just a minute! I'm sorta not dressed at this moment!" Ami shouted, not knowing who it was. Makoto blushed at that, while a picture of her little blue-haired angel completely naked came to her mind.

"O… ok…" Makoto stuttered as she thought of Ami. She leaned her forehead on the door while she waited for Ami.

Ami got to the door, wearing only a long, baggy t-shirt. She opened the door to find Makoto fall in just after opening it. Makoto landed on Ami, as she was leaning her forehead on the door waiting for Ami.

"Aaaaah!" Makoto and Ami screamed as Makoto fell face forward into Ami. Her face landing right in her chest. Ami fell backwards on her butt, with Makoto lying on top of her. Both blushed furiously, as the other tried to get up.

Still blushing, "S…sorry… I brought your book back… y… you left it at my apartment…" Stuttered Makoto.

Still blushing also, Ami took the book from Makoto. "Come in…"

Makoto stepped further into Ami's apartment. She went over and sat down on the couch and waited for Ami to join her.

"Would you like some tea? I was about to make some before you came over."

"Sure…" Makoto slowly drawled, as she watched Ami's little butt wiggle out into the kitchen. Ami returned shortly after with the tea. She handed a cup to Makoto.

"So… how are you?"

"I'm fine."

"That's good."


"Fine… thanks for bringing my book over…"

"Your welcome…"

Ami took a deep breath and they both started at the same time. "We've got to talk…"

They looked at each other and Makoto started. "I… I found it on the floor… you must have dropped it when you ran into Minako…"

"Did you… read… it…?" Makoto just nodded and lowered her head, Ami blushing. "Why…?" She said in a meek voice.

"I… wanted to know who it belonged to, I was hoping to find a name in it. But after I read the first poem… I had to read the others. They're very good…"

Ami blushed more, "Thank you… then I guess you know…"

"Yes… I do… why me…?" Makoto questioned.

"I'm sorry… If you don't want to talk to me ever again I understand…" Not being able to control herself, Ami started to cry.

Makoto felt bad for making Ami cry. So she enveloped her in a comforting hug. Brushing her bangs from her eyes, she took her to the couch.

"Ami, don't cry… shh… you have no reason to…" Ami looked up at Makoto with her eyes all red and puffy. "I feel the same way you do…" Makoto smiled warmly.

"Y… you do…?"

"Yes…" Makoto smiled and hugged Ami again, and kissed her on the forehead. "You should have just told me how you felt."

"I wasn't sure of how you'd react… I was afraid that you might not want to be friends anymore…"

"Well you don't have to worry about that anymore."

"No, I don't." Ami smiled up at Makoto and kissed her.