Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ancient Lies ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )
Ancient Lies
Celeste Jacobs
Chapter 5
Disclaimer: Sailor Moon does not belong to me and neither does Tomb Raider or the movie Lara Croft. Siena, Max, and Gregory are three characters that I have made up and therefore are mine. Thank you and goodbye.
Serena's head whipped up as she saw about ten guys come crashing through her glass ceiling. "Oh shit!" she muttered before she jumped up onto the chandelier. One of the henchman came face to face with her. Serena cocked her head, smirked, and kicked the guy in the face. Serena noticed that many of the henchman had unclipped themselves. "They want the amulet" she thought. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of shooting. Serena jumped down from the chandelier and began running around the balcony. She barely dodged the bullets being shot at her. The more she ran, the closer she got to the shooter. When she was close enough she kicked the machine gun out of his hand. The shooter looked at her and Serena smiled and cut his rope. This sent the shooter falling to the ground.
Siena and Max were alerted by the commotion going on outside and Siena ran out the door with her gun in her hand. Max headed to the computer room and looked into the safety systems. "Shit! We're fucking surrounded!" exclaimed Max as he contacted Gregory. "Gregory!" he yelled into the intercom. "Shh!! They'll hear you" whispered a voice back. "Can you handle yourself?" asked Max. "How many people are in my vicinity?" asked Gregory. "Ohh about fifty" said Max. "I can handle them" said Gregory as he ended the conversation. Max sighed and looked at Mark. "We could sure use you" he said. The computer began beeping and Max clicked on the camera button. "They're heading for the amulet" said Max. Max began to furiously type on his computer and quickly got in touch with Siena.
Siena back kicked a henchman into a mirror and the next she slapped with her pistol. Siena felt a beep and looked down at her two-way. She grabbed it and punched a guy that was behind her. The message read …
Max: They're headed for the amulet!! Hurry!!
Siena headed downstairs to the room which held the amulet but she was stopped by two shooters. "Aw damn!" moaned Siena as she ran the opposite way and slid down the banister. "Thank God for two sets of stairs" she thought as she was sliding down and successfully killed both of the henchman with her gun. Her smirk faded into a frown when she saw another henchman down at the bottom waiting for her. He underestimated her speed and Siena slid into him, knocking them both into the wall. Siena quickly got up and turned around to shoot him when she realized that he was unconscious.
Serena jumped over the banister and her unclipped herself. "Siena they're getting the amulet!!" she yelled as one of the henchman held the amulet in his hands. Siena began to run but she stopped when she saw the same henchman holding something. "A bomb!" she yelled as the guy threw it at her. Siena ran as fast as she could and jumped when the bomb exploded. Serena ducked and yelled in frustration.
Two Hours Later
Home of Diamond:
Five men being led by Sapphire walked into Diamond's home office. One of the men stepped forward and placed the amulet on the desk. Diamond smiled. "Well done, you will be graciously rewarded" he said. The five men smiled. "Sapphire please lead them to their reward" said Diamond. Sapphire nodded and escorted the five men out. Diamond picked up the amulet and laughed. "I will control the universe with this amulet!!" he yelled. The next sound that was heard was the of screaming. Diamond smiled to himself. He picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Yes, Mr. Kou we'll be leaving for India tomorrow" said Diamond.
The Next Morning:
Serena, Gregory, Siena, and Max can be seen cleaning up a half destroyed home when a FedEx driver came in with a package.( My mom and dad work for FedEx and that's who should have been in the movie!!). The guy looked around. "We just decided that we didn't like the décor and what better way to get rid of it then to blow it up" said Serena. The driver just nodded his hand and gave Serena the package. She signed for it and the driver was off. Serena heard him mumbling about women and their crazy decorating antics. Serena smiled and opened the package. "It's from Mr. Murphy" said Serena. Siena, Max, and Gregory surrounded her. "It's a letter" said Serena.
Insert letter and Mr. Murphy's voice:
Dear Serena and Siena,
By the time you receive this letter I will be dead. Your home and lives have been endangered by me and for that I apologize. The man responsible goes by the name of Diamond. He is after the amulet for world domination. You must go to India and stop him from using the amulet. Please hurry!!
Mr. Murphy
P.S. Don't fear my daughters…
Serena and Siena wiped the tears from their eyes. "Goodbye Max and Greg" said Siena as she headed upstairs. "We'll be back soon" said Serena. "I'm coming with you" said Max. "No, you stay here" said Serena. Max let out a sigh. "Be careful" said Gregory. "I agree" said a voice. All four turned around to find a woman with green hair with a staff in her hand. "Sailor Pluto" exclaimed Serena and Siena. "Why I haven't seen you in a long time Sailor Dragon" said Pluto. "Same old, same old" replied Siena. "What are you doing here?" asked Serena.
"I came to tell you that you are to accompany the scouts in India" said Pluto. "Let me guess they're going to find the amulet and destroy it" said Serena. "Yes, and they need your help to get them through the tombs" said Pluto. "Why should I help them!! They disowned me and hurt me" said Serena. "You must forget about the past now because the world is in danger" said Pluto. Serena sighed. "Ok, where will they be?" asked Serena. "They will meet you in a hotel called Wishet" said Pluto. "Oh and Darien is coming to" she continued as she disappeared. Serena yelled out in frustration and stomped up the stairs or what was left of it. Siena let out a sigh and followed her.
Author Notes: It's done!! Chapter 5 is finally done. Tell me if you like it double spaced because if not I'll get rid of it.