Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Angel Tears ❯ An Invitation ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3: Invitation

Why did I bring this here? Haruka mused while standing outside the classroom, playing with the stick in her pocket, wondering why she has been chosen to have this as she startled to walk wherever her feet leads her to. She woke up this morning with an aching head and wondered if all that she had seen and heard was a dream. But as she reached out for the table, the stick that was given to her was there. Shining brightly.

Students pass by her, chatting about the upcoming dance that week. Talking about their dates, dresses, plans, and everything. Haruka sighed at the comments each student made as they passed her. She silently shook her head whenever the girls would look at her, especially those who didn't have dates yet.

I don't have anything to do with that dance. They will find other person than me. They still don't know me. What if they knew…? Well, whatever happens will happen.

She didn't mind at all about the dance. She hardly made any friends because either she was busy thinking about her parents and her revenge, or running all over town to find new information that would help her. She often ran into some guys from school, asking her to go with them, still thinking that she's a guy but she easily refuses. And before the others could react, she's already at the other side of the road.

For now, all she has in her mind is revenge, track and Michiru.

She hasn't spoken to Michiru since that night. Michiru frequently attends classes and was always at the auditorium, rehearsing. She doesn't even see the girl for lunch. She knows the place she aqua-haired beauty sits every lunch, on the corner table, the seat facing the window.

She was deep in her thoughts as a girl bumped into her causing the other's belongings to fall and she being brought back to reality.

"Gomen nasai," she said as she bent down and started to help the other person. To pick up the pages of what seemed to be a music sheet, but it only contains the notes for G clef. The other girl didn't speak as she was busy picking up her things. This, the blonde noticed and repeated her apology.

"It's alright. It's my fault, too. I didn't look at where I am going."

Haruka raised her eyes and was surprised to see the girl she has wanted to see. Michiru was right in front of her. She was still arranging her things so she still didn't see Haruka. Nor the blonde's stare at her.


The whisper reached Michiru and looked up at the person in front of her. Her blue eyes meeting the teal ones of her classmate. Of the person who seemed to remind her of something. Of the one whom she got angry with one night for asking about her personal life. For one simple question that the other didn't intend to say to hurt her.

"You?" Michiru stood up quickly and restrained herself from looking directly into the other's eye. Her thoughts spun as she remembered her dreams. Of the other person who has the same teal eyes looking down at her lovingly.

Those eyes make her do something.

She wanted to shake herself out of it and tried to focus about her music. She just took a break and went out to eat. She had carried with her the pieces so she could study them while not practicing. But she was distracted by another dream, by another vision about the end of the world. She stared out the window and after an hour, she decided to go back. She has been studying the notes of their piece when she bumped into the blonde. The notes were forgotten and her visions came into her mind.

What will you do, Michiru? You cannot just leave. That would be immodest.

An awkward silence fell between the two as Haruka stood up also and looked everywhere but not at Michiru.

What are you going to say, idiot? Don't just stand there with your eyes wandering around. Can't you see she's still angry with you? That she's uncomfortable with you? Well, do something!

Okay, okay!

"Umm…" Haruka started. "Sorry about the other night. I didn't mean…" Michiru cut her short as she turned to face the blonde.

"You don't have to say sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. I shouldn't have shouted at you like that. And I'm sorry for that."

"It's alright." She was quite amused that this girl was apologizing to her. Maybe she isn't so distant at all. She doesn't look like she lives in a different world now. Maybe there's just something that's bothering her. Haruka smiled inwardly. "I'm kinda used to it. You know, being shouted at." She said as she smiled at the girl. Maybe I could ask her to go with me.

"Oh… Well, arigato, Haruka. But I have to go. The conductor should be waiting." Michiru bowed and walked away towards the auditorium. Leaving Haruka who was about to invite her to the dance. Sighing, she walked the other way and trudged her way home.

Some other time.

"Michiru! There's a letter for you here." A chubby woman in her early forties called. It was Hikari, Michiru's so-called aunt. The only person who took care of her after her parents' sudden death.

"Be down in a sec!" She was facing an empty canvas. She had been staring at it for almost an hour now, but still, no pleasing image was formed in her mind. Only destruction and neverending darkness. She put down her brush and went downstairs. A small box lay on the couch. Maybe from some fan, she thought. A note fell as she opened the envelope. It was no fan mail. But a serious one. About her parents. And their death. An investigation was called for by her Hikari and she didn't refuse it. Now, after years of waiting, a result finally came in.

Her parents' death wasn't an accident. Somebody cut the brakes. Somebody had wanted them killed.


She wanted to scream. She had believed that her parents died in an accident. A horrible accident that she didn't want to remember. The pain was too much for her. She didn't let her auntie Hikari see her cry during the funeral. She cried alone in her room. Locked herself up and didn't come down for a day. She cried as she painted the dark incident for it was the only thing in her mind. Day and night. For a whole year.


She cannot believe that somebody's after her parents. What could they possibly achieve in killing them? They couldn't take the car. It was destroyed when they crashed. And their belongings were sent back to Tokyo together with their bodies. What?


Who would do that?

Who would do that?!

"Is everything alright, Michiru?" Hikari was peeking from the kitchen door. Looking at the girl she took care of since childhood. Since the Kaioh's took her in.

Michiru was staring blankly at the ceiling. She was slouching at the couch, something that she never did, even at home. She was thought to be modest all the time and she never failed to do so. She regained composure as Hikari walked out of the kitchen and moved toward her. She folded the letter in her hands and returned it in the envelope. The older woman was looking at her concerned.

"It's just another fan mail, auntie. Nothing to worry about." She lied. Of course, she lied. She didn't want to bring back the pain that she had often seen in the other woman's eyes whenever they talk about her parents. She didn't want to see her cry again. No, she didn't want her to feel depressed again.

Hikari nodded and returned to the kitchen as Michiru fled upstairs to hide the letter. And get dressed. The news was a surprise to her that she wanted to take a walk before dinner. She called out and said that she would just take a walk. Hikari just nodded and sighed.

The leaves were starting to fall. And the wind is beginning to get cold. It was the start of autumn. But she didn't care. She was running. Her strides were long and her opponents were meters back from her. Her short hair was pasted on her face. She had been running all this afternoon. A whistle came as to signal the end of the practice as she slowed down and eventually came to a halt. She was the best runner of this school. She had always been the best. And no one would ever beat her for she was the wind.


She looked around to see where the voice came from. Some students call on her but never shout her name just to get her attention. A guy was standing at the benches. One of his hands waving and the other was inside one of his pockets. He was wearing a sort of uniform. And there was a cap lying somewhere behind him.

Hoshi?! What is he doing here…?

"Hey, Haruka! Hurry up, will you!" The man was shouting at her. Everyone in the oval was looking at the guy who was obviously a friend of the fastest track runner they've ever had. The one who had short black hair in a military cut.

Haruka shook her head as she began to jog towards her old friend. Hoshi was one of the guys she had been working when she started car racing a few years back. The man had a dream of becoming a police, and here he is, dressed to kill.

"Hoshi!" Haruka hit him on the shoulder before shaking the man. "How are you, old guy?"

"Hey, hey, I'm not that old!"

"Yes, you are!" She was teasing him around as she has done so during those times when they still worked together.

"Why you!" He began to mess the blonde's hair and soon they were laughing like children.

"So, what brought you here? Your training's done, I suppose?"

"Nah, not yet. I'm here to be some kind of a trainee to the police department near here. Just thought to drop by and see you guys again."

"Well, it's nice to see you. The guys at the track would love to see you!"

"That's my next stop. Would you like to go?"

"Sure, I haven't been there for about a year."

"Great! I'll wait for you outside."

Haruka went to change her clothes and pack her bag. Everybody else in the team had already left. Dressed in her black pants and the blue shirt and yellow overcoat, she left the building and hurried toward the gate where Hoshi was waiting.

"Took you some time. You're slowing down, Tenoh!" Hoshi was grinning at her. He knew he would get it, but he didn't care. They were after all, good friends.

"You sound like my trainer, you know!" Haruka barked at him with a matching sly grin. They talked all the way to the race track about their life. But Haruka never mentioned her investigation for the gang who killed her parents. Not until, Hoshi brought it up.

"Just wondering, what happened that you quit the team? You were the best out there!" Haruka stopped smiling and her eyes narrowed. Hoshi who was looking at the road, didn't notice the change in expression of the blonde.

"I just had to do some business, that's all." Haruka said quietly. Hoshi looked at her unconvincingly then resumed driving. "Hey, let me out here." They had already reached the block next to the race track. Hoshi came to a halt and Haruka climbed out of the car.

"I thought you were coming." Hoshi said, a little disappointed.

"Maybe next time. I have other things to do. Just say hello to them for me, alright?"

"Okay. Jaa! Drop by the police station if you want to talk, ok?"

"I will. See ya!" The car started again and the car disappeared at the bend. Haruka sighed. She didn't want to remember the incident at the track that remembered her of revenge. She didn't want to remember how she saw a person died in her arms. How she didn't have the strength to protect her. How she just held her. And looked at the person who was running away like a madman.

I have been such a coward back then.

She took the road that led to the park. The sun was already setting and the wind was getting cold. A few people are still there, enjoying the remaining daylight before the go back to their homes. She sat on one if the benches near a tree. Staring up at the orange sky, she didn't notice that people were scurrying their way out of the park and that some were even shouting. A little child tripped in front of her making her realize what was going on. She helped the boy and watched him run away as she decided to check out what's happening.

She leaned against a tree. There was a woman in a fuku that seem familiar to her. Long blonde hairs were blown by the cold wind. She watched her fight the ugly moving thing, shaped like a bicycle, throwing around little wheels. White light appeared when a wheel almost hurt the woman and four other girls were standing beside her in the same outfit. She watched as they destroyed the youma and returned it to its normal form. The girls went to make sure that the boy was alright before they disappeared.

I must be dreaming… Why am I still seeing people in that outfit?

She had watched was happened. She saw the five girls fought what she heard was a youma. Five girls who have powers. Special powers. She was surprised that the youma was a boy and remained standing with one hand supported against a tree until the girls in fuku disappeared.

The cold wind blowing against her face awakened her senses. She looked around and found out that nothing remained of the fight. Although she was sure that it happened, she couldn't find any trace of it. The boy was nowhere to be seen. Surely, he had gone to his parents. But why would such a boy turn to be such an ugly creature?

Her mind was still on the fight as she saw Haruka slumped on the ground. Face on her hands, eyes shut.

"Haruka?" She said in a whisper. She didn't want to startle the person. She was just curious why the handsomest guy at school looking so disoriented and troubled. Just like her…

"Haruka…?" There was no answer. Maybe he's asleep or something.

She turned to leave as Haruka raised her head and saw Michiru standing in front of her with her back.

"Michiru?" Haruka stood up and touched the other's shoulder. "What are you doing here…?"

She felt the hand upon her shoulder and turned to look at the blonde. She heard the question but was her attention was focused on what is before her. She was looking at the other's body. The loose clothing tracing the curves which doesn't belong to a man and the hands that were too gentle to be of a man.

"You're… you're a woman?" Michiru was looking at her with a shocked expression pasted on her face. Haruka sighed and let go of the other's shoulder.

"I never did say I was a boy, did I?" I'm dead meat…!

"Uh… no… But you…"

"Yes, I dress like a guy and look much more of a guy. And I feel more comfortable with this."

Michiru looked at her disbelievingly. Then she slowly shook her head.

"What?" Haruka asked noticing Michiru's movements.

"Nothing!" She started to giggle. I can't believe I thought that she was a guy! What happened to your critical eye, Michiru?

Haruka looked at her asking. She didn't know what happened that made Michiru laugh. But it was a kind of music to her, even if it's the first time she had heard it.

"Hey… what is it? Do I have something on my face?" Haruka pointed at her face and Michiru started to giggle again. This time, because of the blonde.

Haruka sighed and sat on the stone seat near them looking at Michiru who was still giggling. A smile formed at her face as she remembered the first and second time they talked. Her first day at school and that night. She thought that the girl was a snob, but as she what she's seeing now is not the Michiru she has gotten to know at school. This Michiru can laugh. This is not the always serious and distant one.

"Hey, why don't you take a seat. You might fall you know, if you keep on laughing."

"Really, Haruka. I didn't know you were…"

"A girl…"

"Umm… yeah."

"And also a little bit of a jokester." She scratched her head as the other girl continued to giggle. Haruka was looking at her. Her eyes seem to be studying the girl's features and gentle laughter. Haruka sighed when she realized that she was looking up. Michiru hasn't sat down yet.

"Hey.." Michiru felt two hands upon her shoulder. She had been giggling for quite a time and didn't notice the seat offered to her. She looked over just for her eyes to meet Haruka's. She felt warm on her cheeks and quickly tried to cover it. Haruka, however didn't notice it and she made Michiru sit down, before she did.

"Quite a gentleman,too…" Michiru said. Now it was Haruka's turn to blush. Michiru was looking at her and couldn't help but giggle at the sight of the blonde.

Haruka nodded and looked away. People who were passing by looked at them. With the look of approval. The blonde didn't understand their eyes, but she heard some of them say something like they're cute or they're a nice couple. She smiled to herself, but silently wished that it was true. She looked at Michiru who was admiring the sunset. She was about to ask Michiru to the upcoming dance when the aqua-haired beauty spoke.

"I wish it'll always be peaceful like this. That the world wouldn't become dark and bloody." She continued speaking. And Haruka wondered about what she's saying. Slowly, the dance was left off and the blonde thought about her dreams…

"Haruka…" Michiru looked at the blonde who has her eyes closed. She's beautiful. Hai, she looks so cute! Maybe she wasn't the person I thought she is. That there's something to look forward to with her. Hope she isn't like the others I met. She smiled at herself and leaned back. Haruka sensed the movement of her companion that she opened her eyes to see if anything's wrong. It was already dark and the streets seem to get busy with people rushing to get home. It was already time to go home. But it feels so good that Michiru was by her side. She gazed at the woman beside her, wondering if she shares the same thing too.

Nah, Haruka. You must be kidding. She won't feel like that! But she looks so peaceful. I wish time would stop. You're always like that whenever you're with beautiful girls, you know. But… this is different… I think… I …

"Haruka…" Michiru opened her eyes and was now looking at the blonde. I've never felt this comfortable before… What's this feeling…? It seems like there is some kind of connection between us. I hope I could stay here. Near her. "Haruka…" She waved her hand in front of the blonde's eye. She wanted to stay but knew that Hikaru would be worried. Dinner should be finished by this time. "Haruka, it's already dark."

"Huh? Oh, Michiru… What is it?"

"You seem out in your reverie… I have to go now. Auntie must've been worried."

"Then, can I walk you home?"

"Thank you but it's really not that necessary."

"But it's already dark… You might get into some trouble…" Besides, I want to know where you live.

"Oh, alright… Let's go!"

She's so beautiful…

Haruka plopped to her bed as soon as she got home. Once again she saw the cheery smile on that face she had just gotten to know more. And the sparkling blue eyes that captivates her mind.

She's such an angel…

She remembered the first time they met. When the other girl still thought of her as a boy. The time when harsh words were spoken but not meant. When disguises are still intact to their bodies. She smiled at the thought of Michiru scolding her to mind her own business and how the girl seemed warm to her just a few hours ago. The way she smiled and the way she talked was not the one Haruka had known at school. The snobby and bossy classmate and a well-known violinist.

I wonder…

She imagined herself dancing with the most beautiful girl in the hall. She in a tux and Michiru in an elegant dark blue gown. Alluring most of the people's eyes towards them. Making space for them to dance. And clapping at the end of the music.

If she'd go with me…

She closed her eyes dreaming of the day her aqua-haired angel would be with her.

"Michiru!" Hikari called. She was in the kitchen when the girl arrived and heard another voice just before the door closed and Michiru sat on the sofa. Michiru popped her head inside the door to see why her auntie had called. "Who was that?"

"Oh… it was Haruka, a classmate of mine. We met at the park and he… she walked me home." She looked at her auntie, waiting for some reaction about the obvious change in pronoun. Hikari didn't seem to notice it and ordered her to change while she was heating their meal.

"How's school going?" Hikari asked. Michiru flinched. This was the first time Hikari asked her about school. All the time, she just went on with managing the household and everything but not her schooling. Not that she mind, it's just surprising that Hikari would ask knowing her studying habits.

"It's fine. I'm doing well in this one. I'm also a part of the orchestra. They really have real musicians there." Her auntie nodded and resumed to eat. She sighed and presumed that the questioning was over. She looked at her plate and continued to eat.

"Have you made any friends?" Michiru stopped and looked at Hikari. She had avoided that question a lot of times. Hikari knew that. She knew about that incident. Of how she was hurt by a friend that she thought would be nice to her. And how she was afraid to trust other people enough to call them friends.

"I've met some potential. But none seem to suit my preference."

Haruka does… she seem to suit me… Even after only this afternoon's talk.

"How about that Haruka?"

"I dunno. We just talked this afternoon. Maybe…"

"Don't be too picky on friends, Michiru. Just be careful."

Her meal was almost finished. But she didn't have the appetite to eat anymore. She nodded at the last statement her auntie had said and excused herself from the table. Hikari looked at her as she went upstairs and a small smile can be seen on the elder's face.


"A dozen of roses!"

"Such a neat way to ask a girl to the dance!"

Michiru arrived at school with noise coming from her classroom. She haven't met Haruka at the corridor and assumed that the blonde was late. She didn't know where that thought came from but she seemed to notice that Haruka often comes to school just before the bell rings. When she entered the classroom, she didn't notice that all the girls were looking at her. As if she was some goddess or something, or maybe there was something funny with her today. She tried to ignore their faces and walked toward her seat. One by one, the students surrounding it took their own seats just to reveal that on her desk were a dozen of red roses. She almost dropped her bag at the sight. On the card was a well-written note.


Would you go to the dance with me?


Haruka… Michiru smiled. She knew that she had felt this way before but she doesn't remember it. She has this feeling of mixed emotion. She knew she shouldn't come to the dance with a girl, but everybody else in school knows Haruka for a guy. Nevertheless, she smiled at the invitation. She looked around for Haruka and found that the tall blonde was leaned against the wall, eyes fixed upon her. With a smile on her face and an expecting gaze shining through her eyes.

In a graceful manner she walked towards the blonde with the card in her hands. Handling it over, she gave her reply. "Yes, Haruka. I would love to." Haruka smiled then Michiru bent over to whisper, "You really have to do it, don't you?" She was referring to the invitation.

"Uh huh. I hope you like them. And you don't mind…" The blonde replied. Michiru only smiled. Haruka didn't get it. But she didn't correct it, for somehow, she felt that this is right. Haruka felt her cheeks reddening but tried hard not to make it obvious.

The whole class watched them as they went back to their seats. The guys were cheering on Haruka, and the girls were eyeing Michiru with envy. Michiru took one of the roses and gave it to Haruka.

"For the suit…"

She took it. Their hands touching for a moment in time. Their gazes met once more. Before the teacher came in and started the class for that day.