Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Attractive Blonde ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


By Dumas

All Sailor Moon characters belong to Noako Takeuchi, Toei, Kodansha, Mixx,Glénat, Dic and Cloverway (c) 1992-97

It's a beautiful morning day in Tokyo. Amy just finished to eat her breakfast and she prepared to go to the sport center while she heard the phone ringing. Amy goes over the phone and answer

Amy: Hello, Anderson's residence? Who's speaking?
Lita: Amy, it's me Lita!
Amy: Lita! How's your going?
Lita: I'm fine thanks and you?
Amy: I fell very well. I'm going to the sports center pool, do you will join me at the pool center or I will meet you at your apartment?
Lita: (hesitant voice) Amy...listen...I'm afraid than I can't go with you actually.
Amy: (shocked) Why?
Lita: Amy...I had to confess since a couple of days, I dated with Ken often and he invited me to go with his parents at a resort near Sapporo and I accepted.
Amy: I...I see.
Lita: Amy, Is something wrong?
Amy: No Lita, there nothing wrong. I accept your decision even if I'm not agreed but I don't want to interfere with your happiness.
Lita: Ok, Amy if you said so, well I go to go, I will be late, good bye Amy!
Amy: Good bye Lita!

(Amy closed the phone; she fell sad, she takes her gym bag and goes to the sports center pool hoping than water will comfort her. She walks on the street thinking about why Lita goes with Ken)

Amy: (talking to herself) I wonder, I wonder if happiness will be back to me one day?)

(Amy is arrived to the sports center, and goes to the elevator who will send her to the pool center. She changed at the locker room. The blue water was beautiful as usual, Amy smiled for a second but she turned sad again. Amy dived head first, the water was at a nice temperature and caress Amy's face, Amy swims to the deep section of the pool. Suddenly, Amy decided to stop swimming, she floats between the bottom and the surface thinking.

Amy: (talking to herself) Well water, prepare to receive a friend, the Sailor Scout of water.

(Amy released her breath slowly from the nose, she let sink herself to the bottom. Arrived to the bottom, she have very little quantity of air inside, Amy fells the need for air but decided to stay at the bottom, she closed her eyes, at the moment when she release her last breath of air, she fells than someone give her a kiss but it was not a kiss but someone who give some air to Amy, Amy opened her eyes, she was surprised, it was Mina and she don't wear her red ribbon! Her blonde hairs floated around Amy, caressing her face. Mina put her hands on Amy's hips and slightly goes back to the surface with Amy, kicking her legs slowly. Amy wanted to push Mina but something in her conscience tells not do to. She seems to liked the kind of kiss Mina given her. Their head popped-up and Mina released Amy but Amy seems to be a bit angry against Mina.)

Mina: Amy, are you all right?
Amy: Yes, I'm fine, please Mina let me stay, with my friend, the water!
Mina: What do you mean by that?

(Mina just finished her question than Amy's head disappeared in the water, Amy blows a lot of bubbles to go faster at the bottom, Mina understand now by what Amy said and decided to dive head first, her hairs following her body with her feet entering last in the water, she quickly swims to the bottom, sweeps her arms in front of her, then back, kicking her legs, Mina's hairs floats on almost every directions when she sweeps, going back when Mina kick her legs and floating everywhere again when she sweeps her arms again.)

(Amy turned a bit her head and saw Mina coming, when Mina put her arms again on Amy's hips, Amy give a push to Mina with her hands, and then with her feet. Mina's released a lot of bubbles; she begins to lose consciousness. Amy realised what she did.

Amy: (talking to herself) Oh no! Mina!!!! What mistake I did! She will drown if I don't save her. Please Mina hang on! I'll save you.

(Amy grabs Mina with one hand at her hips and one other under Mina's arms. With all the energy she left in her, Amy returns to the surface with Mina, but Mina is a bit heavier than Amy is, it's a bit difficult. However Mina wasn't totally knock-out but only groggy, she regains slowly a bit her consciousness and realised what Amy did and discovers than Amy tries to save her)

Mina: (talking to herself) Poor Amy, she feels guilty about what she did, don't worry Amy, I won't let stay this way.

(With a last resort energy, Mina kicked her legs to help Amy, Amy didn't discovered it yet and finally their head popped-up at the surface of the pool)

Mina: (breath) Aahhh!!! Cough! Cough! We finally made it!
Amy: (breath and starting crying, hugging Mina) Mina!!! Thanks goodness! I'm glad than you're made it. I'm so sorry than I almost drowned you.
Mina: (who hugs Amy as well) Amy, please don't cry! I'm ok!
Amy: Thank you Mina but why...why you rescued me? (they stop hugging each other)
Mina: I won't let a great friend like you drowning
Amy: I'm not drowning, I wanted to reach my friend the water.
Mina: But why?
Amy: I felled so depressed, so sad and only water who comforts me.
Mina: Is something is wrong with Lita?
Amy: Yes and no, let me explain. I wanted to be with Lita the most often as possible but she decided to go with Ken, even if I wasn't agree, I respected her decision and I don't wanted to interfere with her happiness.
Mina: Amy...I'm sorry...I didn't know...
Amy: That's ok Mina.
Mina: But what about Greg?
Amy: I didn't have news from him since a while. Please Mina, let me alone!
Mina: ...Amy...I...

(Amy didn't give the time to Mina to reply, her head disappeared again in the water)

Mina: I'm sorry Amy but I won't let you go!

(Mina dived head first, her hair following her body with her feet entering last pointing to the sky that light the pool thanks to a window located in the roof. Amy quickly turned her head and realised than Mina still follow her)

Amy: (talking to herself, her hairs floating gracefully in the water) Why...why she still wants to save me? (observing with more attention to see than how Mina swims) Wow she swims like a goddess, she's even much better than Michelle!! (realising about what she just said and released a couple of bubbles) Wait a minute! What did I say!? Why...why I have so much admiration for Mina? Is it only admiration? Is it...

(Amy didn't completed her reflection than Mina put her hands on Amy's hips but Amy didn't resisted, she closed her eyes and she fells a kiss, it's Mina who give her air again to Amy, but this time Amy put her arms slightly around Mina and hugged her deeply, Mina was so surprised and did a big rolled eyes like Serena when she's shocked! Mina fells the need for air, she signal to Amy by touching her shoulder, Amy opened her eyes. She saw Mina who did a signal to return to the surface, Amy nodded and signal to Mina to wait a minute before going to the surface, to try to hang a couple of seconds. Mina agreed by moving her head from up to down. Amy quickly returns to the surface. Her head popped-up, Amy take a deep breath and dive quickly head first, her feet pointing to the roof, she swim fast to reach Mina who begin to do some funny faces, Amy put her hand on Mina's hips this time, and she kiss Mina as well as giving some air to her. Mina understands than Amy returned the favour. They both hugged while they kick their legs slowly to the surface. Their head popped-up slowly. Mina saw than Amy fell a bit sad and guilty)

Mina: Amy, is something wrong?
Amy: Mina, I don't know how to said, since I saw when you swim to save me and for kissed me for the second time, I saw a side of you than I never saw before.
Mina: (surprised) I'm really surprised, since we're friends after all that time. What's the hidden side than I possess?
Amy: It's difficult to explain, you have lots a charisma, I fell like I was attracted into a magnetic field and the magnetic field is you Mina.
Mina: (realising what's Amy said doing some funny faces and sweat drops) Well...thanks Amy!
Amy: (smiling to Mina) You're welcome Mina!
Mina: But Amy, do we tell the others?
Amy: (her turns now to do a funny face) Oh...I admit than you have a very good point Mina! But Mina can I ask you a favour?
Mina: What kind of favour?
Amy: Well, if we can go underwater again?
Mina: (guessing then what Amy said) Ok, I accept!
Amy: Ready Mina! (Mina nodded) Ok, Go!

(Amy and Mina take both a deep breath and their heads disappeared in the water,
arrived at the bottom, they hugged each other and then, Amy and Mina kissed for a long moment while their hairs floated in the water, Mina's hairs caressing Amy's face. But unfortunately lots of good things have come to an end. They both need air; Mina and Amy swim slowly to the surface by only kicking theirs legs, hanging their hands. Their heads broke the surface of the water slowly)

Amy: (hanging Mina's hands) Mina, I want to thank what you did for me.
Mina: (hanging Amy's hands as well) You're welcome Amy but I should be me who have to thank you.
Amy: I guess your right Mina, but listen Mina, don't talk about that to anyone for the moment, ok?
Mina: Sure Amy, it will be our little secret. You can count on me and...(Mina was interrupted by Serena at the edge who have just arrived to swim)
Serena: Hey guys! (doing a surprising funny face when she saw Amy and Mina holds their hands) Huh, did I miss something!? Is something wrong? (Amy and Mina did some teardrops) Oh I see, Amy is teaching Mina to swim! (Mina doing a angry face wants to tell Serena than she's a good swimmer but Serena don't let Mina speaking) I'm proud of you Mina than you choose to take some swimming lessons and...(Serena interrupts herself because she see than Amy and Mina takes Serena's hands)guys!? What are you doing? Guys?!(It doesn't take so long for Serena to have her answer, Mina and Amy pulled Serena in the pool) Amy!? Mina?! What are you...(Serena falls in the pool)AAHHHHH? (She did a big splash, her head popped-up at the surface) bubbles come from Serena's mouth) Blub-blub-Glub!! Guys!! Blub! This isn't funny you know!

(Amy and Mina watched Serena with a tiny bit of sarcasm)

Amy: I think than Serena need some swimming lessons as well, don't you agree Mina?
Mina: (she do a little smile) If you said so! But first let's begin by a splashing lesson!
Serena: Huh?! What do she means by...AAHH!!!!

Amy and Mina who splash her by doing lots of lots of big waves, and Serena returned the favour by doing waves too interrupted (Serena)