Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Awakening the Shadows ❯ Senshi Unite/Nephlyte Drops In ( Chapter 6 )
" We have to transform! " Keridwen shouted as she jumped out of the scorpion' s path for a second time.
" It's too risky! " argued Rei with an intentional glance at Nephlyte.
" Let us worry about him! " Keridwen pulled out her silver star wand and raised it to the sky, " Lythos...Star.... Power! "
The other Celestial Senshi took her cue and quickly changed as well. Nephlyte frowned. Who were they? He didn't know these Senshi warriors, and he suddenly felt that their presence would be very damaging to his mission. But something held him back from taking further action.
" Lythos...Dark...Rain...Invasion! " Sailor Lythos leapt high into the air and a shower of needle like energy spikes rained down on the creature's back.
The scorpion let out a high pitched squealing sound as a few of the needles hit the more vulnerable spots on its body.
As this was happening Sailor Phameris drew her hands together and bowed her head. Energy gathered around her and slowly condensed until it became a tangible cloud.
" Cover your eyes! " Talis shouted to Jedite and the Sailor Senshi.
Sailor Phameris raised her head suddenly, " Phameris...Light...Immersion! " she called sending the energy swirling towards their enemy. It enveloped the monster and exploded producing a blinding flash of light. Scorpio stumbled around blindly crashing into trees.
" Lunar...Shadow... "
" Caleria...Techno..."
" Surrender! "
" Explosion! "
Eclipse and Caleria fired simultaneously then hopped out of the way as Talis leapt forward and threw a small gold cube into the air, " Talis...Spirit.... Binding! "
As Talis caught the cube once again the scorpion fell still and the gold cube glowed dimly.
" A new display piece for the mantle? " Caleria grinned.
Sailor Talis shook her head slightly, " No, I won't keep this creature captive. It was being controlled by some outside force. It's actually a celestial spirit. "
" Just who the hell are you? " shouted an angry voice from the edge of the trees.
Rei glanced at Jedite, " Friend of yours? "
" You could say that, " he shrugged slightly with a sort of half smile.
Usagi wrinkled her nose, " Does that mean…? "
" Ah, " Talis glanced at Eclipse who gave a brief nod of approval, " Yes. "
Nephlyte's jaw dropped as he watched everyone calmly discussing him as though he wasn't even standing there; as if he wasn't even a threat. His anger rose as he continued to watch them. " Enough! " he yelled, gathering a ball of energy. He threw it towards Rei and Jedite who were standing closest to him.
The Senshi of Mars reacted quickly and pushed Jedite out of the way. They fell in a heap on the ground, and Rei blushed deeply as Jedite looked into her eyes and smiled, " How can I ever thank you, Princess? "
" Will you two cut it out! " Makoto scolded and dodged a second attack.
" Maybe we should transform now, " Ami suggested jumping back.
" What do we have to lose? " Minako agreed, " Venus...Star...Power! "
" Mars...Star...Power! "
" Mercury...Star...Power! "
" Jupiter...Star...Power! "
" Moon...Prism...Power! "
They all stood to face off Nephlyte. " Gee, I think you're a bit outnumbered, " Caleria smiled tapping her chin lightly with a fingertip. " Would you like to surrender now? "
Nephlyte could only stare in disbelief. He was so confused that he wasn't certain what to do. Suddenly, in a rage, he began throwing a shower of energy bolts at the group. Sailor Talis was caught off guard and one of the bolts struck her right shoulder. She stumbled back gasping for breath as the pain radiated through her body. 'Damn!' she cursed and bit her lip fighting against the shock that threatened to bring her to her knees. Despite her valiant efforts the roar of the battle soon faded. Then the scene around her blurred and the very ground seemed to lurch suddenly beneath her feet The last thing she saw before blacking out was Sailor Mars leaping in front of her.
" Mars...Fire.... Ignite! " The Senshi fired her attack in just enough time to counteract a second bolt that had been targeted at Sailor Talis. She frowned deeply noting that the girl behind her had collapsed.
" Now we have a problem, " Phameris stated as Sailor Moon came up beside her.
" Huh? "
Sailor Phameris arched a brow, " She's the only one who can change him back! "
Lythos was close enough to hear them, " Then we'll have to kill him. "
Sailor Moon's eyes grew wide at the prospect. The Senshi had finished off more than a dozen youma since they had become aware of their destiny, but unlike the hideous monsters, this man seemed too...human. And there was a way they could save him if they could hold him off long enough for Sailor Talis to revive.
Unfortunately, Nephlyte was relentless in his attack, and his fury appeared to lend a limitless amount of energy to his assault. There was no chance of reasoning with the crazed general.
" Don't hold anything back! " Sailor Lythos shouted to the others, " There's nothing else we can do! "
" No! Wait! " Eclipse argued and grabbed Andronica's arm as she ran by, " You can do something about this. You can calm him. "
" Eclipse, I-I can't! You don't know what you're asking! What if something goes wrong? "
The older Senshi glared at her team mate, " Would you rather be responsible for his death? We don't have to kill that man and you know it! "
Sailor Andronica took a deep breath and closed her eyes, " I'll try, " she murmured softly. The fear was obvious in her voice. She concentrated and her hands began to weave a pattern in the air before her.
Sailor Lythos saw what was going on and proceeded to cover the Senshi while Andronica worked her spell.
" Andronica...Mental...Command! " ' Sleep! ' she thought repeatedly, ' I command you into the realm of dreams! '
Sailor Eclipse shook her head and sighed as Lythos collapsed into a deep sleep, " Lunar...Shadow...Surrender! " she shouted and fired about a foot away from the general. " Keep trying! " she snapped at Andronica.
The energy flow began to fluctuate as Andronica grew more frustrated. 'Sleep!' 'Sleep!' she shouted mentally trying to focus on General Nephlyte.
Unfortunately, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Moon both fell into dreamland as well before Eclipse grabbed the girl by the shoulders and shook her roughly, " Concentrate, damn it! We can't hold him off forever! " As if in response, a large energy bolt zipped by barely missing them.
Phameris frowned and moved to stand behind her friend, " Eclipse, you're not helping her at all! You're going to have her too upset to do anything! " She laid a hand on Andronica's shoulder, " Focus on the enemy, Aria. Picture him in your head. You can do this. I'll help you. "
Eclipse arched a brow but stepped out of the way. In the brief moment that she had let her guard down a stray blast clipped her calf. She fell and a sharp pain radiated from her wrist to her shoulder as she tried to catch herself. Her vision blurred as the throbbing sensation increased with every movement. Taking a deep breath she used her uninjured arm to push herself up once again