Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Birthday Dunking ❯ The Note ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Birthday Dunking

Hello, I found this story amongst my endless supply of paper. I wrote this fanfic two years ago and thought that I better add it to and Okay, this story takes place in the forth season. I am using the American dubbed names.

Summary: Serena is turning sixteen and Rennie is turning seven. Thank you for reading this story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon

The Birthday Dunking: Chapter One: The Note

Lady Hawk

The sun was just rising up from the hills to start waking up the people in the land. It did it job warming the land and people in it. In Tokyo, a certain girl rolled over to try to ignore the sun seeping through the blinds.

Finally she decided to that she could not go back to sleep she sat up in bed and started to rub her eyes from the sleep that was still in them. Looking over to the digital clock beside her bed, she read the numbers 6:30.

`It's too early to be up. I wonder where mommy and the rest are.'

`Well since I am up I mines well go take a shower and start the day.'

With that thought in her little mind, she started to walk slowly, sleepily into the adjourning bathroom.

Feeling much better after the hot shower, she wrapped a towel around her body and went back into her bedroom. Taking a quick look around her room quickly she found a swimsuit and note on her bed.

The note said,

Hello Rennie,

Put on the swimsuit and come out to the lake in the woods. Your Birthday presents will be they're waiting for you. Happy Birthday.


The Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask

`I completely forgot that it was my birthday today. Well mine and Serena's'

`I better get into the swimsuit so I can get my presents.'

With that thought little Rennie looked towards the bed and got her first good look at her swimsuit. It was a one-piece black background swimsuit with little earths and moons all around it. With a slight gasp at the graphics she quickly put on the swimsuit.

After it was on she walked over to her bedroom dresser and put her hair up into two `meatballs'. Looking at herself in the mirror,

`I am becoming more and more like my Mother, I hope she is happy with me.'

With that thought in her head she rushed downstairs and flew out the door only to stop four houses down remembering her pink crystal, which she forgot. So running back into the house and upstairs she grasped her crystal and once again flew out the door, forgetting to lock it.

As she neared the woods where the lake was she slowed down to a walk and started to inhale and exhaled to slow down her breathing. She didn't want to look too excited about the surprises.

As her breathing got back to normal she saw the lake in the distance but no one was around it. Coming closer she saw towels, bags, food (already munched upon), but no one was there.

`The Sailor Scouts could handle anything right, I mean they got mommy.'

As that thought crossed her mind a shadow came from the fir trees behind her. The shadow came closer and closer to Rennie yet she did not seem to notice.

Looking around she noticed that everything has gotten quite. The wind was not blowing, the birds were not signing. Even the air had gotten stale. Turning around she saw something right before she felt herself being pushed into the water.


Was all little Rennie was able to get out before she fell into the dark, cold waters of the Lake.

What will happen to little Rennie??? Can anyone please tell me the names of the Outer Scouts?? Well please review.