Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Neo Moon - Sailor Moon R Rewrite ❯ Under the Neo Moon ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Pretty Soldier Sailor Neo Moon
Part One: Under the Neo Moon
Written By Dustin
"It is time that you all knew the entire story of what really happened on
the Moon in the final days," Pluto said. She held back a tear as she
recalled all of the painful memories.
Epi sode 074: Recollections! Fall of the Moon!
"This story begins the day of Princess Serenity's birth. At the exact
moment, Queen Beryl, Queen of the Arctic region of Earth, gave birth to a
daughter, Princess Aurora. Oddly, there was no father. She had a given
birth to a miracle,' Pluto began.
"Serenity grew up with the Sailor Senshi, Sailors Mercury, Mars, Venus, and
Jupiter, as her protectors."
"Beryl eventually fell in love with Prince Endymion, of Earth. Serenity
also fell in love with Endymion...but Serenity won his heart. Metallia
came to Earth in search of a found Beryl's anger towards
Princess Serenity to be a perfect to feed upon and it took over Beryl.
Beryl became the Queen of the Dark Kingdom, and surfaced Aurora's power to
become Sailor Nemesis, making her do all of her dirty work for her. Sailor
Nemesis was the senshi of the rogue moon beyond Pluto. She grew up in the
Dark Kingdom, only knowing hatred, greed, and the strife for power...but
had a feeling that all of this was wrong. She was forced to wreak havoc on
the people of Earth, the planet that she had known to love in all the years
"One day, about two years before the attack on the Moon Kingdom, Sailor
Nemesis went up against Queen Beryl, finally having enough of all the evil
and corruption. Losing against the small army of youma Beryl sent against
her, Sailor Nemesis and Artemis blindly teleported, landing unconcious on
the Moon. Queen Serenity took the two in, claiming Aurora as her own
second child. Aurora and Princess Serenity became as close as sisters
could possibly be."
"Beryl captured the four Generals who worked for Prince Endymion's
army...Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoicite, and Kunzite. She turned them against
the Prince, and finally used them in her attack against the Moon Kingdom.
But let me go back a little before the final battle."
"Queen Beryl started with the Outer planets first, taking out Pluto,
Neptune, and Uranus easily. The senshi for the planets Neptune, Uranus,
and Pluto were nowhere to be found. Queen Beryl completely skipped
Saturn...assuming it was as dead as always....but she was wrong. Sailor
Saturn was awakening."
"A ball had been planned at the Silver Palace in honor of Princess Aurora's
and Princess Serenity's 16th birthday. Queen Beryl had decided this was
the perfect time to attack."
Pluto waved her staff in front of her, creating a large orb which flashed
and began showing images of the Moon, finally stopping on an image of a
Guard and Queen Serenity. Just like a movie, it began playing, showing the
events of the past.
"Queen Serenity. I bring urgent news from Earth," a guard said, bowing to
the Queen. "Atlantis has fallen. Beryl is on her way here."
Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion stood on the balcony outside the
ballroom, gently embracing one another when Beryl arrived. Queen Beryl
appeared in front of the balcony, floating in mid-air. Behind her loomed
the awsome Metallia.
Princess Mercury looked out to check on the two lovers, when she saw Beryl
preparing to attack.
"Minna! Henshin yo!!" she cried into the ballroom.
"Jupiter Power!"
"Venus Power!"
"Mercury Power!"
"Mars Power!"
"MakeUp!" they cried together.
The four Senshi burst through the doors of the balcony, to see Metallia and
hundreds of youma destroying the city that surrounded the Silver Palace.
Aurora walked out onto the balcony and saw her mother floating above
Princess Serenity, who was laying on the ground, her hands held up in
defense. Angered by this scene, she pulled out her transformation pen.
"Nemesis Star Power, MakeUp!" she cried and transformed into Sailor
Nemesis. She ran over to Princess Serenity and helped her to her feet.
"Mother! I will not stand here and let you hurt the only people who ever
cared for me! In the name of the Stars of Nemesis, I'll punish you!" she
finished and posed. The other Senshi ran over and stood behind between
Beryl and Princess Serenity.
"Shabon Spray!"
"Fire Soul!"
"Supreme Thunder!"
"Crescent Beam!"
The four attacks shot towards Queen Beryl, but were deflected by a blast
from her staff. The Great Shadow sent several blasts at the Silver Palace,
blowing it to bits as Queen Serenity rushed out the doors, after evacuating
the people from inside. It then turned its attention to the Sailor Senshi.
They combined their attacks and blasted it, doing no damage. The Shadow
laughed and blasted them...killing them instantly.
The only ones left were the two Princesses and the Prince.
Finally, Metallia sent a vortex at Prince Endymion, lifting him up off the
"No!" cried Princess Serenity. Tears flowed down her face as she ran past
Nemesis and towards Prince Darien. She jumped into the vortex and swam
through the air, reaching for Darien's hand. Just as they touched hands,
the Shadow sent a blast into the vortex, killing the Prince and Princess.
Nemesis watched in awe as the two died. Queen Beryl appeared behind
Nemesis, and rammed the bottom end of her staff deep into the senshi's
"Mother...." Nemesis said crying. "I loved you...." She fell to the
ground, dead.
"No....she's taken them both!" Queen Serenity cried, running out onto the
battlefield. Tears began to stream down her face as she pulled out the
Moon Stick and the Illusion Silver Crystal. "I will not let it end this
way. Beryl, you will pay." She place the Crystal in its place on the
"Queen Serenity...if you use the Crystal now, you'll surely be killed,"
Luna warned crying.
"I know this, but it is the only way. Serenity and Aurora must live on."
Queen Serenity raised the wand above her head. The Crystal flashed a
bright silver light. "Moon Healing Escalation!" she cried, a shockwave of
massive energy bursting out of the Crystal.
Queen Beryl's body began melting. "What is this!?" she cried. All of the
remaining Monsters, the Four Generals, Metallia, and Queen Beryl were
sealed away.
Queen Serenity collapsed onto a shattered of the few remains
of the Silver Palace. She held the Crystal in her hand, explaining to Luna
and Artemis what she had done.
The Crystal floated above her and to the center of the battlefield. With a
pulse of light, the Princess, the Prince, the Senshi, and the rest of the
court were encased in Teleportation bubbles. Stripped of their memories of
the Silver Millenium, they were sent to Earth's future, to live a happy
Luna and Artemis watched in sadness as Queen Serenity died, dropping the
Moon Stick. A second before it hit the ground, the two Lunar cats were
placed in Time Capsules, and sent to Earth as well.
Four figures, each with a distinct object in their hand, stepped out from
the shadows after Luna and Artemis were encased.
"Was this really necessary?" one asked, holding a hand mirror.
"Yes," replied the tallest one, with a very tall staff in her hand. She
looked down at the shortest of the group, also holding a tall staff. "Well
little's up to you now."
The little one giggled. She held her staff in front of her, straight out.
"Death...." she began. She brought the staff above her head as ribbons of
energy gathered into the tip of the Glaive. "Reborn...." she continued.
The blade of the Glaive flashed with energy as she began swiping it towards
the ground. "Revolution!" she cried as the blade struck
the ground. A shockwave blasted outward from her, and everything on the
Moon was reduced to a pile.
The one with the hand mirror collapsed crying into the fourth one, holding
a beautiful sword.
The tall one sighed. "Saturn will once again be reborn...but hopefully as
a normal human...Neptune,'s your turn."
Uranus nodded, putting her sword away into nothing. Neptune did the same
with her mirror and the two stood together, holding hands.
A flash of bright light shot out from the still waiting Silver Crystal
placed Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn into teleportation bubbles. It then
floated off to Earth, the bubbles following closely behind.
"We will meet again, my family," Pluto said, a single tear
falling from her eyes. She looked towards the Silver Crystal and prepared
an attack. "Dead....Scream..." she whispered as a large purple orb flew at
the Crystal, breaking it into seven pieces. Tears fell from her face as
she returned to her post, at the Plains of Time.
Pretty Soldier Sailor Neo Moon
Part One: Under the Neo Moon
Written By Dustin
"It is time that you all knew the entire story of what really happened on
the Moon in the final days," Pluto said. She held back a tear as she
recalled all of the painful memories.
Epi sode 074: Recollections! Fall of the Moon!
"This story begins the day of Princess Serenity's birth. At the exact
moment, Queen Beryl, Queen of the Arctic region of Earth, gave birth to a
daughter, Princess Aurora. Oddly, there was no father. She had a given
birth to a miracle,' Pluto began.
"Serenity grew up with the Sailor Senshi, Sailors Mercury, Mars, Venus, and
Jupiter, as her protectors."
"Beryl eventually fell in love with Prince Endymion, of Earth. Serenity
also fell in love with Endymion...but Serenity won his heart. Metallia
came to Earth in search of a found Beryl's anger towards
Princess Serenity to be a perfect to feed upon and it took over Beryl.
Beryl became the Queen of the Dark Kingdom, and surfaced Aurora's power to
become Sailor Nemesis, making her do all of her dirty work for her. Sailor
Nemesis was the senshi of the rogue moon beyond Pluto. She grew up in the
Dark Kingdom, only knowing hatred, greed, and the strife for power...but
had a feeling that all of this was wrong. She was forced to wreak havoc on
the people of Earth, the planet that she had known to love in all the years
"One day, about two years before the attack on the Moon Kingdom, Sailor
Nemesis went up against Queen Beryl, finally having enough of all the evil
and corruption. Losing against the small army of youma Beryl sent against
her, Sailor Nemesis and Artemis blindly teleported, landing unconcious on
the Moon. Queen Serenity took the two in, claiming Aurora as her own
second child. Aurora and Princess Serenity became as close as sisters
could possibly be."
"Beryl captured the four Generals who worked for Prince Endymion's
army...Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoicite, and Kunzite. She turned them against
the Prince, and finally used them in her attack against the Moon Kingdom.
But let me go back a little before the final battle."
"Queen Beryl started with the Outer planets first, taking out Pluto,
Neptune, and Uranus easily. The senshi for the planets Neptune, Uranus,
and Pluto were nowhere to be found. Queen Beryl completely skipped
Saturn...assuming it was as dead as always....but she was wrong. Sailor
Saturn was awakening."
"A ball had been planned at the Silver Palace in honor of Princess Aurora's
and Princess Serenity's 16th birthday. Queen Beryl had decided this was
the perfect time to attack."
Pluto waved her staff in front of her, creating a large orb which flashed
and began showing images of the Moon, finally stopping on an image of a
Guard and Queen Serenity. Just like a movie, it began playing, showing the
events of the past.
"Queen Serenity. I bring urgent news from Earth," a guard said, bowing to
the Queen. "Atlantis has fallen. Beryl is on her way here."
Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion stood on the balcony outside the
ballroom, gently embracing one another when Beryl arrived. Queen Beryl
appeared in front of the balcony, floating in mid-air. Behind her loomed
the awsome Metallia.
Princess Mercury looked out to check on the two lovers, when she saw Beryl
preparing to attack.
"Minna! Henshin yo!!" she cried into the ballroom.
"Jupiter Power!"
"Venus Power!"
"Mercury Power!"
"Mars Power!"
"MakeUp!" they cried together.
The four Senshi burst through the doors of the balcony, to see Metallia and
hundreds of youma destroying the city that surrounded the Silver Palace.
Aurora walked out onto the balcony and saw her mother floating above
Princess Serenity, who was laying on the ground, her hands held up in
defense. Angered by this scene, she pulled out her transformation pen.
"Nemesis Star Power, MakeUp!" she cried and transformed into Sailor
Nemesis. She ran over to Princess Serenity and helped her to her feet.
"Mother! I will not stand here and let you hurt the only people who ever
cared for me! In the name of the Stars of Nemesis, I'll punish you!" she
finished and posed. The other Senshi ran over and stood behind between
Beryl and Princess Serenity.
"Shabon Spray!"
"Fire Soul!"
"Supreme Thunder!"
"Crescent Beam!"
The four attacks shot towards Queen Beryl, but were deflected by a blast
from her staff. The Great Shadow sent several blasts at the Silver Palace,
blowing it to bits as Queen Serenity rushed out the doors, after evacuating
the people from inside. It then turned its attention to the Sailor Senshi.
They combined their attacks and blasted it, doing no damage. The Shadow
laughed and blasted them...killing them instantly.
The only ones left were the two Princesses and the Prince.
Finally, Metallia sent a vortex at Prince Endymion, lifting him up off the
"No!" cried Princess Serenity. Tears flowed down her face as she ran past
Nemesis and towards Prince Darien. She jumped into the vortex and swam
through the air, reaching for Darien's hand. Just as they touched hands,
the Shadow sent a blast into the vortex, killing the Prince and Princess.
Nemesis watched in awe as the two died. Queen Beryl appeared behind
Nemesis, and rammed the bottom end of her staff deep into the senshi's
"Mother...." Nemesis said crying. "I loved you...." She fell to the
ground, dead.
"No....she's taken them both!" Queen Serenity cried, running out onto the
battlefield. Tears began to stream down her face as she pulled out the
Moon Stick and the Illusion Silver Crystal. "I will not let it end this
way. Beryl, you will pay." She place the Crystal in its place on the
"Queen Serenity...if you use the Crystal now, you'll surely be killed,"
Luna warned crying.
"I know this, but it is the only way. Serenity and Aurora must live on."
Queen Serenity raised the wand above her head. The Crystal flashed a
bright silver light. "Moon Healing Escalation!" she cried, a shockwave of
massive energy bursting out of the Crystal.
Queen Beryl's body began melting. "What is this!?" she cried. All of the
remaining Monsters, the Four Generals, Metallia, and Queen Beryl were
sealed away.
Queen Serenity collapsed onto a shattered of the few remains
of the Silver Palace. She held the Crystal in her hand, explaining to Luna
and Artemis what she had done.
The Crystal floated above her and to the center of the battlefield. With a
pulse of light, the Princess, the Prince, the Senshi, and the rest of the
court were encased in Teleportation bubbles. Stripped of their memories of
the Silver Millenium, they were sent to Earth's future, to live a happy
Luna and Artemis watched in sadness as Queen Serenity died, dropping the
Moon Stick. A second before it hit the ground, the two Lunar cats were
placed in Time Capsules, and sent to Earth as well.
Four figures, each with a distinct object in their hand, stepped out from
the shadows after Luna and Artemis were encased.
"Was this really necessary?" one asked, holding a hand mirror.
"Yes," replied the tallest one, with a very tall staff in her hand. She
looked down at the shortest of the group, also holding a tall staff. "Well
little's up to you now."
The little one giggled. She held her staff in front of her, straight out.
"Death...." she began. She brought the staff above her head as ribbons of
energy gathered into the tip of the Glaive. "Reborn...." she continued.
The blade of the Glaive flashed with energy as she began swiping it towards
the ground. "Revolution!" she cried as the blade struck
the ground. A shockwave blasted outward from her, and everything on the
Moon was reduced to a pile.
The one with the hand mirror collapsed crying into the fourth one, holding
a beautiful sword.
The tall one sighed. "Saturn will once again be reborn...but hopefully as
a normal human...Neptune,'s your turn."
Uranus nodded, putting her sword away into nothing. Neptune did the same
with her mirror and the two stood together, holding hands.
A flash of bright light shot out from the still waiting Silver Crystal
placed Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn into teleportation bubbles. It then
floated off to Earth, the bubbles following closely behind.
"We will meet again, my family," Pluto said, a single tear
falling from her eyes. She looked towards the Silver Crystal and prepared
an attack. "Dead....Scream..." she whispered as a large purple orb flew at
the Crystal, breaking it into seven pieces. Tears fell from her face as
she returned to her post, at the Plains of Time.