Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Body Snatchers ❯ Sailor Mamo-chan?! ( Chapter 3 )
Chapter 3
MamU had given UsaM different clothes and the horrid green jacket to wear. She had changed (minus the boxers) and was prepared to jog to the drug store and back (AN: Yes, it does work that fast, at least the stomach cramps. It's sucks majorly). She put her hand on the doorknob and heard a beeping noise. Thinking she somehow set off an alarm, she carefully stepped back. MamU was staring fixedly at his groin.
"Why is my crotch beeping?" he asked, wide-eyed.
~Damn, damn, and double damn. There just has to be a youma trying to kill people right now!! Grrr!!~
"Uh, Mamoru, There's something I need to tell you."
He stared at her.
"Well, uh, youseeI'mSailorMoonandtheresayoumaouttherewreckinghavoconTokyosoyouhavetogo fightit,butI'lltellyouwhattodo,honest.Youcan'tdoworsethenme.Anddon'ttellthe scoutsaboutthis." (Translation: 'You see, I'm Sailor Moon and there's a youma out there wrecking havoc on Tokyo so you have to go fight it, but I'll tell you what to do, honest. You can't do worse then me. And don't tell the scouts about this.')
*Blink* *Blink*
"Uh…You're Sailor Moon and that's why my crotch is beeping?"
UsaM, who was breathing too heavily to reply, throttled her head back and forth.
"Riiiight…Did you just slip with a beeper or something?"
"Mamoru-baka!! Hentai!!" She threw his own shoe at him. ~I never noticed he had such big feet. That probably hurt. Good!~ "I'm serious. You have to transform, NOW! Hold up the broach and say 'Moon Prism Power!'"
MamU just stared at her, his brain torn in two directions. Both of those directions came to two choices. *Not to do it and possibly destroy Tokyo and not embarrass myself. Or make an ass of myself and possibly see how much of a breeze those skirts give. Plus, it would be interesting to see my body turn into Tuxie and watch her flip.* So, it has a lot of positives and negatives.
"The only reason I'm doing this is to see if those odangos mean something." He suddenly knew the truth. *Either that or Odango Atama just likes to copy the style. I don't think so, she looks exactly the same. Exactly the same...I can't believe I never noticed before. Chiba no baka.*
"Moon Prism Power!"
Nothing happened. He glared at UsaM.
"What? You need to use more feeling in it!"
He tried again. "Moon! Prism! Power!" Jewelry tweaked to life and MamU's skirt shortened a few inches. UsaM stomped over to MamU and yanked the locket out of his hand.
"No. Like this, you idiot!" She yelled the words then struck the Sailor Moon pose. In the magnitude of lights and colors stood a very masculine Sailor Moon.
Sailor Mamo-chan!!! WOO!!! Hehehehehe
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