Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Breaking Free ❯ The Unknown ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Breaking Free
Chapter 4: The Unknown
Usagi lets out a sigh while all of her relatives gather around her and pinch her cheeks, pat her on the head, tell her how much she's grown and much more embarrassing things before she's finally rescued by her Aunt Hotaru who smiles tightly at everyone and apologizes for taking Usa away from them, but she really needed her help with something.
“Thanks,” Usagi whispers while they walk away from what she fondly refers to as the vultures.
Hotaru smiles at her niece before shrugging her shoulders and they make their way through the crowd to where Haruka is holing up at looking for as if her puppy had been kicked by a very cruel kid while she looked on helplessly.
“Hey, Haruka, how are you holding up?” Usagi asks once she's seated by her Aunt who looks over at her with a sorrowful look.
“Their gonna have me engaged to someone else. I just know it, Usa. Their gonna make me give up Michi, just because of some stupid promise. Why do I have to live within this family?” She asks the ceiling that she is now looking up at.
Hotaru and Usagi share a look before they both clamp their hands onto Haruka's shoulders and pull her away from the chair and over towards where the older male of the household stands. Usagi stops Haruka from going over towards him and with Hotaru hot on her heels she walks up to her grandfather and asks him politely if she can speak with him. He nods his head with his eyebrow raised slightly, but bows before the man that he was talking to before going with his daughter and granddaughter towards the other end of the room so that they can't be heard while they talk with him.
“Ojiisan, Haruka is very distraught. Could you please announce who she's going to be married to before she goes to pieces?” Usagi asks while looking up at her grandfather with pleading eyes.
“She's worried that she'll be marrying someone that she doesn't know, isn't she?” The older man asks with a stoic look on his face.
Usagi nods her head and looks over at the hand wringing Haruka off to the side. She's never seen her Aunt like this. Usually she's very together and stronger then this, but with the prospect of losing her love, Usagi guessed that it was doing some very uncharacteristic things to her strong Aunt.
“Alright, though I wish she wouldn't worry so much about this. I only have her best interests at heart, but if that's what she wants then I'll be glad to do so,” he states before moving away from his granddaughter and youngest daughter to stand at the head of the room to make his announcement and to introduce Haruka to her future bride.
Hotaru and Usagi look at each other before moving over towards Haruka and take her by the arms again to move her towards where the older man stands for his announcement. He claps his hands together to get the attention of everyone in the room before clearing his voice before beginning.
“My family, as you know, I have been in negotiations for the arrangement of my second youngest son, Haruka. A couple of weeks ago, the family that's daughter will be marrying Haruka has agreed to the arrangement and I have asked the family to gather here tonight with us so that I might introduce, Haruka's bride to all of you,” he states with a smile on his face before waving towards the door that leads to the hall which the servants open and stand away from it.
Usagi's mouth drops open when she sees who walks through the door and she nudges Haruka who is currently looking down at the floor, still wringing her hands together. The nudge brings her head up and a large smile spreads across her face when she sees who the girl and the family is, before breaking through the crowd towards the girl.
Hotaru and Usagi share a smile before turning back towards Haruka who is currently lifting Michiru up into the air and swinging her around before putting her down on the floor and kiss's her gently.
“Well, he did say that he had her best interests at heart. Guess he wasn't just blowing smoke our butts this time,” Hotaru states while crossing her arms over her chest and watches her sister and soon to be sister in law staring into each other's eyes happily.
Usagi lets out a laugh before nudging her Aunt. “Careful, you're next. You might not be as lucky as Haruka is.”
“Yeah, well, I haven't met anyone that I'm interested in either,” Hotaru states in a scoff before moving off into the gathered crowd.
Usagi leans her head to the side and wonders about that for a moment, before shaking it and walks off after her Aunt while giving an excuse to each person that stops to talk to her.
“Sorry, going to help, Hotaru.”
“No, I can't help with that.”
“What? You want me to put in a good word to my grandfather for what?”
Usagi shakes her head when she finally gets out of the house. “Damn, Vultures,” she mutters to herself before moving towards a tree that they used to climb when they were younger and tosses an apple back and forth that she had grabbed before coming outside.
“I knew I'd find you here,” Usagi states while leaning against the tree trunk and continues to play with the apple.
“What do you want, Usa? I'm moping,” Hotaru responds from her spot up in the tree.
“What do I want? Well, first I want world peace, then I want to be able to enter a real skateboard competition and win it then after all that is done I want to know what's eating you,” Usagi states before taking a bit from her apple.
“Yeah, sure, dad and Han would have a fit if they found out that you have entered a competition. Well any competition for that matter. You know how much they both hate calling attention to yourself,” she states with laugh.
Usagi laughs along with Hotaru before shaking her head. “No, really, what's wrong, Taru?”
“I don't want to get married, Usa. I don't want to get married and I don't want to get involved with the company. I don't have the mentality for that. I'm afraid that if I do get involved I'll end up ruining it,” she states with sigh then shakes her head.
“Yeah, I can see it now, there goes the company,” Usagi states before tossing her apple core towards the pond for fish to pick at. “You'll single handedly be responsible for bringing down the whole company within matters of months.”
Hotaru jumps down for her low perch on a branch and shakes her head at Usagi. “Why do you have to make a joke out of everything?”
“Because you take everything to seriously and worry way to much about the future,” she states with a shrug of her shoulders and a smirk on her face.
“Yeah well, one of has too, because you don't care at all!” Hotaru exclaims before ruffling her nieces hair and smiles back at her.
“Come on, we should get back before they form a search party and come looking for us and I have to endure more cheek pinching,” Usagi states after swatting Hotaru's hand away from her head.
“Lead on, oh fearless leader,” Hotaru states with a mock bow that earns her a slight slap to the shoulder. “OW! You're so abusive to me! You should respect your elders!”
“You're only two months older then me!” Usagi exclaims with a scoff while the two girls walk back towards the mansion.
“Details, details. Spare me!” Hotaru states before ruffling the girls hair again and takes off running when Usagi growls at her.
That Monday finds a droopy eyed Usagi and a cheerful Hotaru walking to school.
“Man, I'm so tired. I didn't get any sleep last night at all,” Usagi states while pushing her bangs away from her eyes while Hotaru giggles softly to herself.
“Aww, did widdle, Usagi, stay up all night. She must've given you a real run for your money to stay up all night last night,” Hotaru states innocently while bringing a hand up to her face to cover the grin that is shaping on her face.
“IT WASN'T MY FAULT SHE CAME TO MY ROOM LAST NIGHT! SHE'S THE ONE THAT WANTED TO DO IT ALL NIGHT!” Usagi screams at her Aunt who's eyes grow wide before sweat dropping.
She had seen Makoto, Rei and Minako walking towards them and they had waved towards Hotaru, but then stopped when they heard Usagi's out burst, their faces ranging from mortified to down right rage filled.
“Umm, Usa, could you do me a favor and turn the dial on your volume to like, one instead of sixty-five?” Hotaru asks before pointing out the girls that are now walking towards them.
Usagi turns blood shot eyes up to see the girls walking towards them and in her sleep induced haze blurts out the first thing that comes to her mind.
“Hey, it's the ban..”
A book to the back of her head by Hotaru stops her from finishing her sentence and she turns around to face her Aunt with a hurt filled look on her face.
“Hentai,” Rei states while the words that Nate had shouted echoes throughout her mind.
True to his word, Chiba Mamoru, stood outside the school with a group of boys, waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting Usagi. He wasn't about to allow that girl to get the better of him, but when he tried to tell the boys that he was actually a she they wouldn't believe him, but they liked his idea of getting back at Nate-san for all of his meddling with their woman.
He would take what he could get though, so he decided that if he couldn't ruin her reputation at the school then he'd ruin her face after all, what was anyone going to do to him? His father was the vice president at the largest company in town and no one was going to take him on or his father for that matter. So he feared nothing and knew that he would come out on top after making Usagi pay for her insolence towards him.
He had searched for years for Usagi's weakness, but so far he had yet to find one. He knew that everyone had one, but with her it was like she didn't have weakness at all. Everything she did was out of strength and confidence, from school to fighting, there was no one and nothing that could bring her down, but he knew that her luck would soon run out, it was just a matter of time and when that time came, he would be the one standing above her laughing.
Now he had a little under half of the boy population within his hand and he knew that he wasn't going to lose this time, that with this much power behind him, he was going to win and put that bitch in her place once and for all.
The boys watched from their place, talking trash about Nate-san and about the girls that go to their school.
“So I asked out, Stephanie-chan, but she said that she didn't want to go out with me and that she wanted someone that looked more like, Nate-sempai,” a boy to Mamoru's left was telling his buddies while rivers of tears fall down his cheeks.
Mamoru reaches over and slaps the boy upside the head. “Shut the hell up. Do you want him to hear you if he walks by, baka?”
“No, Mamoru-sempai,” the boy states while rubbing the side of his head.
“Good, now, shut the hell up before I shut your crying mouth up,” Mamoru hisses out before going back to looking out for Usagi.
Mamoru lets out a sigh and shakes his head. Yeah, he's got a bit of the boy population behind him, but they were just pathetic, but hey it's power.
“Let's move out. I think I see him,” Mamoru states before they leave the alcove they are standing in.
A cellphone ringing pulls Usagi out of her almost catatonic state while she walks with her head leaning against Hotaru's shoulder and she briefly wanders if someone will answer the annoying sounding cellphone for a moment while yawning.
She stops mid yawn when she notices that the other girls were looking at her with raised eyebrows.
“You going to answer that, hentai?” Rei questions with an annoyed look on her face then rolls her eyes at the surprised look on the boys face.
Usagi eeps when she realizes that it's her cellphone that's ringing and pulls the cellphone from her pocket and looks at it for a moment before raising an eyebrow when she sees the number that's on the id then flips it open.
“Moshi, moshi,” she answers then blushes when she hears a deep voice coming through the cellphone.
“Hey, lover boy.”
Her eyes open wide at that and grumbles slightly under her breath.
“Nanami?” she questions in a whisper before turning away from the others while they stare at her with raised eyebrows.
Hotaru rolls her eyes when she over hears the voice coming from the other side of the phone then looks towards the other's and sees their curious faces well everyone except Rei who seems to be seething about something. Hotaru raises an eyebrow and shakes her head.
`If looks could kill, Usa, would be dead by now,' she thinks to herself. `What's up with that?'
“Hai, I've just entered the gate and I'll be over to where you are soon. You've got something of mine.”
“I do?” Usagi questions before raising an eyebrow then takes the phone away from her ear and looks at it. `No, I don't have her cellphone this time. I wonder what it is.'
“Be there in a minute, lover boy.”
`Oh goody,” Usagi thinks before hanging up the phone, not noticing the look that she's getting from Rei at the moment.
`What a good for nothing boy. Always thinking with one thing,' Rei thinks while still staring at the baka of a boy with her arms crossed over her chest and her chin up looking down at the boy in front of her. `Probably making plans with his lover for another romp in the hay tonight.'
Minako and Makoto exchange looks and raise their eyebrow at each other before looking back over at Rei then back off a little.
“Thought she said that she didn't like Nate-san?” Minako asks when they are out of ear shot.
“Your guess is as good as mine. She's having some major bad mood swings right now. Maybe it's her time of the month?” Makoto muses out loud before exchanging shrugs with Minako then walk back over to the majoring mood changing Rei.
“Hey, you BAKA BASTARD!” A familiar voice shouts off from on the other side of them scaring Rei, Makoto and Minako.
Usagi and Hotaru look at each other before exchanging a roll of eyes and slight sigh at the familiar voice shouting towards them.
Usagi puts her cellphone back into her pocket and turns to face Mamoru who is walking towards them with a large amount of boys behind him, but the other boys stop when they see Rei, Minako and Makoto standing in front of Usagi and Hotaru.
Minako, Rei and Makoto blush purfusly when they hear the boys begin to whisper to themselves about how pretty they look and how their hair color brings out their eyes and other nonsense which makes Mamoru turn around with a frown on his face to stare at the boys behind him.
“SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS! THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BE OGGLING GIRLS!” He shouts with his fist raised and shaking it at them while they cower behind each other at the dark cloud that now covers Mamoru.
A motorbike stops them from advancing towards Usagi and they all turn to see a female getting off of her bike and pull her helmet off before shaking out her long blonde hair. She smiles over at Usagi and strides over to the now blushing girl.
“Hey, lover boy, you've got something of mine,” Nanami states when she gets close enough to Usagi and hugs her tightly to her, but with the height difference it's more like she's trying to smother Usagi with her breasts.
Behind Usagi she hears the boys whispering to themselves.
“Who's that?”
“I've never seen her before.”
“Wow, she's beautiful.”
“Damn that, Nate-san. He could have any girl here, but now he's taking girls that are older then him? That bastard!”
“Wow, she looks so hot in that!”
The woman that they are talking about was wearing tight denium blue jeans, with black biker boots and a tight baby t under her leather jacket. She wraps an arm around Usagi's shoulders and leans her breast onto of the girls head and smiles at the boys that are talking about her with a twinkle in her dark brown eyes.
Usagi chuckles nervously, while trying to will her face to remain blush free while Hotaru rolls her eyes at the situation that Usagi is in before looking around at the confused, curious and one rage filled looks that surround her.
Nanami leans down and whispers into Usagi's ear. “You having problems with Mamoru-baka?” She asks her lips scantliy close to the other girls ear.
“Nothing I can't handle,” Usagi whispers back with a roll of her eyes.
“Good, now, give me back my wallet. It fell into the front pocket of your brief case last night and I forgot to grab it before I left this morning. All the bouncing around last night knocked it in there,” Nanami states quietly while reaching a hand out for the wallet.
Usagi reached into the front pocket and retrieved the wallet that laid inside of it and handed it over to Nanami who smiled at her before kissing her on the cheek then reaches over and gives a quick squeeze to Hotaru's shoulder before climbing back onto the motorbike.
Hotaru and Usagi share a relieved smile that Nanami's twisted sense of humor didn't come into play while the other's stood around them because Nanami was known to say and do things to get the two into trouble with other people because she thought it was funny.
“Oh yeah, before I go, did you happen to see a bag in your room? I think I left it in there. It's the one that has the condoms in it that glow in the dark? Oh and I get off work early tonight so I should be back to the mansion before six, be sure that you're rested up for tonight. You might have gotten one up on me last night, but tonight it'll be different. I'll make sure to get plenty of caffeinated drinks so that we can stay up all night and play,” Nanami states before blowing a kiss towards Usagi and speeds off on her bike.
Usagi and Hotaru sweat drop before closing their eyes at Nanami's words vibrate through their minds.
Usagi peeks her eyes open and see a dark cloud surrounding the boys that are gathered and a disgusted look on Mamoru's face. A quick glance towards Rei reveals the same dark cloud which matches the boys.
She gulps hands her brief case to Hotaru before taking off as if the devil himself was on her heels.
“GET THAT BASTARD!” The boys scream and start off after Usagi with Mamoru in the lead.
Hotaru goes pale and watches the gang of boys take off after her niece before looking around. She grabs Makoto's arm who is pale as well over her friends predicament and the two of them run off towards the school.
“We need to get back up. Come with me. I know a couple of boys that don't hate, Nate,” Hotaru gasps out while running towards the school hoping that the two boys are in front of their lockers like usual.
She races through the hallways mumbling to herself while dodging around other students that mill around the area and some open lockers. Much to her relief the two boys stand there with the rest of the kendo club members. She races over to them and skid to a hault.
Motoki-san, Gurio-san!” She cries out to the two boys who turn towards her with raised eyebrows at Taru's unsual look of paniack.
She stands with the other boys surrounding her and Rei and Minako standing off to the side with Makoto standing beside her.
“It's really bad this time, they've got Mamoru with them this time. Nate, needs some help and I can't do it by myself,” Hotaru explains while the others nod their heads knowing about the animosity between Mamoru and Nate.
“Right, lets go. We'll help him if we can,” Motoki states while some other boys nod their heads. “Which way did they go?”
“Towards the other side of the school where the gymnasium is,” Hotaru states with a sight of relief.
“Alright, why don't you go to class and we'll take care of it?” Motoki suggests, but Hotaru shakes her head.
“No, me and Makoto are coming with you. We're just as good as Nate is and there's a lot of them. You're gonna need all the help that you can get this time,” Hotaru states before walking off with Motoki beside her.
“Alright, let's go,” he states before he, Gurio, Makoto, Hotaru and the rest of the kendo club race out of the school towards the place they last saw Usagi running to.
Later in the morning Minako gets a call from Makoto saying that they haven't found, Nate, but neither have Mamoru and their gang so they were coming back to class and wanted to know if they had missed anything.
Minako tells her that she hasn't and to hurry up because it was almost time for them to start class.
A couple of minutes later find Hotaru and Makoto back in class talking to Minako and Rei when Hotaru's phone goes off. She looks at the caller id and sees that it's Usagi calling.
“Hai, good. Are you coming back? When? Alright. I'll meet you then,” Hotaru states before hanging up the phone then looks over towards Makoto who has a worried look on her face.
“That was Nate, he said he'll be back by the end of class and to hold him a seat at lunch time,” she states before the teacher calls them to attention while relief flows through Hotaru.
To Be Continued …
Next part Nate/Usagi comes back to school and more wackiness around.
Please Read and Review.
Those of you that have read Dark Mansion will remember those scenes. Yes, I did use the basic layout for them, but changed some things so that it wouldn't be exactly like the original. I really liked those scenes and wanted to keep them in even if it was done differently. I don't take full credit for those scenes so please don't yell at me.
