Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Bunny's Trinkets ❯ Super Strong Tea ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Oi! Well, I found another story about Darien-kun being a business tycoon and it inspired me. Yay for inspirations! ~Toky Wabbit

Disclaimers: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of thier characters. This is an AU, and I apologize if anyone, especially Naoko-sama, should be offended by the SLIGHT changes in the character's appearances or personalities.

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Bunny's Trinkets

Chapter Two: Super Strong Tea

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With a bewildering smile on her lips, beautifully cruel Fate watched a certain young woman walk with a bounce in her step down the small town streets of Gleenbrooke. It was a beautiful Saturday morning and the wind carried a sense of adventure that sent an exciting rush through single-mom Kou Bunny. Something good was going to happen today, she just knew it.

The small silver bell twinkled as the young woman walked through the front door of a lovely novelty store, Bunny's Trinkets-- her store. It was a popular store among all the people of Glenbrook. They sold handmade novelties of all kinds, sweets and pastries, and tea.

It was a rather large store; in the back was a counter that almost stretched from wall to wall, next to the front door-- in front of the huge window and homey display-- were two round tables with four chairs each so people could drink their tea, and then there were several shelves on the walls and tables to display what they had to sell. But this was only the front; behind the counter was a light green curtain, which matched the light hues of the store, that led to a staircase.

Upstairs was just as vast as downstairs; it needed to be with it's concrete-like floors and wide doorways. It was separated into three rooms, two bigger than one. The first room that you came to had a one window that faced inside-- this was the office and the smallest of all rooms. Then there were the two other rooms with huge windows with black shades. One was filled with various tools and strange supplies; this was where the most of their items were made. The last room was a huge, steel kitchen where their foods and teas were made.

"Good morning, Bunny," one of the women who worked for her said from behind the counter.

For all four years Bunny's Trinkets had been open, there were the same five women who worked there; shy and intelligent Ami Goya kept inventory and usually worked the cash register, and tall, strong Lita Saotome who was the head chef (and who also recently lost her husband). Then there was Bunny's cousin, vivacious and bright Mina Aino who handled publicity. And last but not least, Rei Hino who made most of their items in the shop above.

All the women had known each other for most of their lives. It was a very warm atmosphere between them that people loved about the BT women.

"Morning Ami!" Bunny replied with a warm smile as she walked behind the counter, "Where's everyone else?"

Her attention was pulled to the door as the bell chimed. A tall girl with cerulean blue eyes and golden hair that reached down her back walked in, "Sorry I'm late."

"It's all right Mina, I was a little late myself," Bunny admitted, smiling.

"Is Rei here yet?" Mina asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

Ami just smiled, "That question is nearly rhetorical. Of course she's here. She's up in the shop working on some metal lamps."

Mina bound around the counter and stuck her head through the light green curtain, "REI! COULD YOU COME HERE FOR A SEC?!"

Bunny winced and decided to get ready for the day. She placed her purse under a shelf part of the counter where no one could see it, then turned back to her friends as Rei came downstairs, "What?"

Mina could barely contain her excitement, which meant she had some tidbit of gossip, "It's about Lita!"

The other girls immediately began to ask questions. Was there friend all right?!

"No, no. It's nothing bad!" The blonde calmed down a bit, "Well, you know how she's been swamped with... well, you know...." They nodded and she continued, "She's asked Ken's cousin to come and help her!"

"Oh, the one from Tokyo? He's been here a few times; I think he's head of some huge company," Ami said thoughtfully.

"Really? A business tycoon, how interesting!"

The fiery Rei rolled her eyes at Mina's single-girl antics and went back upstairs. Slightly disappointed by their reactions, Mina followed Rei to see if she needed any help.

Bunny drew a long sigh, "Poor Lita...."

Fate delicately moved the final playing pieces onto the field with a wicked smile upon her lips.


The two young women behind the counter looked up to see a tall woman with auburn hair that fell to her waist and an even taller man with raven hair. Their breath caught in there throats as they saw the apparition of a man.

The woman, who was known as Lita, walked up to the counter with the man following her, "Bunny, Ami, this is Darien Chiba, my cousin by marriage."

So he was real?! He couldn't be! No man could look that handsome and exist, but they nodded and said hello to it any ways.

Lita continued, "Darien, this is Bunny Kou, my boss, and Ami Goya, my co-worker."

Darien shook their hands politely, then Lita directed him to one of the tables that sat in front of the shop. He set down his briefcase and began to go to work with her. She pulled out several papers that she kept in folders, then sat them on the light green table, showing them to her cousin.

"Did you see that?" Ami breathed, putting a hand on Bunny's shoulder.

Snapping out of it, the blonde hastily answered, "Yes, I'm glad he's helping Lita. Now, I have some things to do upstairs." And with that, she quickly departed.

Ami watched after her with a puzzled expression on her face. That was very strange....

* * * * *

Rei quickly plunged the scolding iron into a sink of water, causing it to hiss and sputter, giving off masses of steam.

"So Lita's cousin is here?" She asked, then put the iron back into the coals.

Bunny was now up in the shop, telling of Darien Chiba's arrival, "Yes. It puts me at ease to see that she's getting some help now. I was so afraid for her."

"We all were," the twenty-five-year-old woman with crimson hair agreed.

Running out of reason for staying away from the devilish handsome man, she just smiled and went to her office to do... well, something, anything. Being around men still made her extremely nervous and Mr. Chiba was no exception-- far from it!!

* * * * *

"Lita, how did this get so bad?" Darien asked the tall brunet, slightly amazed at the pile of papers he had gotten through, looking at the even bigger pile he had yet to conquer.

She put her head in her hands and sighed, "I don't know. Before I even buried Ken, I was receiving bills and legal papers."

"Do you have a Lawyer?"

"No, I don't think I can afford one."

"Is there a firm in Glenbrook, or in a near by town? Because some of these things shouldn't be happening to you."

"Yes.... Uh, Montag Hiroshi," she tilted her head up and blinked several times to see if she could fight back the tears, "His firm is on General and River St."

Darien turned his head to see Bunny who had politely coughed to interrupt them, "Uh...."

"Yes?" He said sternly.

"I was wondering if I could get you something, you and Lita, while you're here working," she said sweetly, almost nervously.

"Coffee would be nice."

Lita didn't answer, she was too busy shifting through some papers.

"We don't have... coffee...." Bunny said apologetically.

"You don't?" An ebony eyebrow arched at the poor girl.

"Yes, well.... We have tea. Several different types... we have vanilla, cranberry, cinnamon--"

Darien cut her off in annoyance, he dislike being disturbed during something important, "Tea will be fine."

The blonde was about to say something, but thought it better otherwise. She turned on her heel and marched over to the counter where Ami was shaking her head at the devious looking Mina.

"Well?" Her cousin grinned.

"There was no point in doing that!" She whispered fiercely.

"Really, Mina. You should stay out of poor Bunny's love life," Ami scolded.

"I can't let my dearest relative die old and lonely!" Mina straightened up and put her hands over her heart, looking sincere.

"What about you Mina? I don't see you dating."

Cupid's composure slumped down, putting her elbows on the counter as she rested her head in her hands, "Ami's married. She doesn't understand us single women."

"Happily." The woman with short cerulean blue hair added with a sweet smile.

"As am I in the single life!" Bunny protested and went upstairs to fix Mr. Chiba's drink.

She looked among the dry herbs and leafs to try and pick a tea that would be strong enough to stand up to coffee. That black drink was never her favorite, nor anyone else's at BT, so they only had tea. Only tea, she explained again mentally.

That handsome man made her feel bad for not having coffee. Why should they have coffee any ways? It was atrocious! But she still felt bad; after all, he was helping one of her best friends out.

"Green.... Chamomile.... Hibiscus...! Ha! This stuff is famous for it's strength."

* * *

"With taxes it would be--" Again, a soft cough came, annoying Darien, "Yes?"

"Here," Bunny sat a light blue saucer down on the table, then a tea cup, "I hope you like it."

He watched her walk off to attend to a customer with an almost annoyed look. The way her hips swayed as she walked made her skirt flutter almost magically.... He coughed and turned his attention back to the tea, eyeing it suspiciously.

He was never one for tea.... His lips came to the cup and he took a sip, only to come to a coughing fit! "What-- what the hell is this stuff?!"

Lita smiled and winked at him, "Hibiscus, sour huh?"


TR- Wee! Next chapter I think I'll bring in Montag and someone else who we all know and love. *^_^*

7-29-02 (unedited)