Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Burning ❯ Burning: The Next Chapter ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Burning...
Author: Maetel
Rating: M 15+
Summary:This is slightly different from what I had originally planned as proven by the summary I am giving.This takes place between Sailor Moon SuperS and Sailor Stars. Anyways, Jadeite was never destroyed, but instead he was placed into Eternal sleep by queen Beryl. Well what if his memories returned after Beryl was destroyed, and he remembered his love for the fiery senshi, Sailor Mars. Unfortunately his love doesn't. Instead all she remembers is the enemy the senshi had faced two years before.
The love is manga based as well as the General's past with the Silver Millennium. Otherwise everything is anime.
Couple: Mars/Jadeite
What List?: Mars_and_Jadeite
Series: Yes
Multi-Part: 2/?
One Hour Challenge #26: "Hit him where it hurts!" "In the Balls?" "No, in his ego!"

~~~Rei's temple~~~

"Are you saying what I think you are saying Rei-chan?" questioned Usagi as she pushed one of her long blond pigtails over her shoulder. "The first guy that we ever fought as senshi has returned?"

"Hai, Usa-chan. He came to the temple. The weird thing was, not one of his moves was offensive. He kept acting like he was just trying to talk," said the raven haired Miko.

"It was probably just a trick. From what I heard about this Jadeite guy, he was a pretty good liar," said Minako as she retied the red bow she was wearing in her hair.

"That was Nephlite. He was the one with a whole lie that was pure BS as Sanjouin Masato," said Usagi. "He was the only one who actually tried for redemption for his past crimes. I remembered how much Naru-chan cried after he died. She thought she could be his chance at a real life, but Zoicite got to him first."

"Wow..." muttered Minako softly.

"Anyways, what are we going to do about this you guys? Who knows how much stronger he is. It has been almost two years since we first fought him, and we could barely defeat him then..."

"Actually," interrupted Ami as she looked up from her mini computer in which she was recording all of the information. "We did not defeat Jadeite. The only general defeated by a senshi was Kunzite."

"We knew that each of the other generals had died, but Jadeite was the only one. Nephlite was killed by Zoicite. Zoicite, if I took Kunzite's quest for vengeance correctly, was killed by Beryl because she tried to kill me. Kunzite was killed by Sailor Moon. As for Jadeite, he just disappeared," explained Mamoru as he leaned back on the wall.

"Ok... now that that is settled. What are we going to do about him? How can we destroy him if his powers have grown over these past years?" questioned Rei.

"I have an idea," stated Minako. "Hit him where it hurts!"

"In the balls?" questioned Makoto a little too eagerly.

"No, in his ego!" exclaimed the blonde.

"Mina-chan, Zoicite was the egotistical one," said Ami.

"Oh..." muttered Minako quietly. "But still he is a male therefore he has a big ego. You know the old saying, 'Pride comes before the spring!'"

"Minako-chan, the saying is 'Pride comes before the fall,' not spring," corrected Mamoru.

"You know what I mean," said Minako.

"Mina-chan is right," said Makoto. "He must have some pride that he was never completely defeated by you. And pride, in my experience causes people to get big heads."

"Yeah, but there was one thing that bothered me," said Rei. "He said that he wasn't the man he used to be. I have never heard any of the generals say that, not even Nephlite."

"Are you actually thinking that he may have changed?" said Mamoru questioningly.

"Maybe... I don't know," said Rei. "I mean, he wasn't giving off an evil energy, exactly. He was giving off a sad aura and it just kept getting stronger as I tried to keep him away from me."

"Weird..." said Usagi. "He did seem to have a crush on you while we were fighting. Maybe he still wants you."

"Shut up, odango atama," said Rei. "He was an enemy. One who tried to kill us on several occasions. He tried to kill Mamoru-san if you remember."

"Yes, I remember," said Usagi softly as she reached out for Mamoru's hand, as he moved over to sit behind her . "Even before I knew I loved him, the thought that he was gone scared me half to death. Not to mention I felt I was going to die of heartbreak, until I saw him after Jadeite disappeared."

"He may have changed, but his past remains," said Ami.

"But what is a past but a bunch of mistakes?" said Minako, sounding strangely profound.

"Good point," said Makoto. "He may have changed over the years. Think about it. Demando had changed before he was destroyed. The four sisters are all leading lives and they were once evil. Mamoru was once evil, and he is good once more."

"I guess you guys have a point," said Rei. "But I still don't think we should trust him right off the bat. We should be aware no matter how convincing he is."

"Very well. Now what are we going to tell Luna and Artemis?" questioned Mamoru.

"Auggghhhhh!!!" exclaimed the five girls at the mention of the two feline guardians.

~~~Jadeite's home/base~~~

"What am I going to do?" questioned Jadeite.

"Don't worry old friend," came a soothing voice. In a flash of green light appeared the figure of a man with long auburn hair and dark eyes.

"Nephlite, she tried to kill me. After our promise one thousand years ago, she is trying to kill me," said Jadeite sadly.

"Do not take it so hard," said another voice as a second man, one with long silver hair and pale lavender eyes appeared. "My love participated in my destruction."

"Well, there is that," said the depressed blonde.

"And there is the fact that your love never even went near you," said a third voice before a pale hand was laid on Jadeite's shoulder. He looked up to the owner of the hand and saw a man with a pale face and a long light brown ponytail.

"Ok... so compared to each of you, I have a shot in hell of getting Mars back?" figured Jadeite. "I can live with that. I mean I only had a chance in hell of surviving our first meeting during the Silver Millennium, and I lived on to fall in love with her. I have to say, I think I like my chances."

With the blonde's final comment, the three other generals faded away.

Until next time!