Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Children of Darkness ❯ Truth ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Children of Darkness
Opale stood before her Senshi, pacing before she could come to a rest. They gazed back, expectant to hear her words, all four at attention. Yes, these four girls were the ones she had wanted. They were perfect.
Years of training had brought them here, years of struggling and rising with the tide and the changes that would come for all of them. They had done exactly as well as she had hoped, achieving more than she could have dreamed of doing on her own! They were truly Opale's Senshi.
“As you know, we have never been welcomed to the court of Crystal Tokyo,” Opale began, stopping before them, gazing at each girl in turn, “so we must be on our guard as we enter into the Milky Way. The Senshi of the Moon will be keeping a close eye on us, as will their Queen. Serenity will not hesitate to punish one of you, should you stray from any rules they give us.”
“Why has she called us then?” It was Star who spoke out, her eyes showing the question as well as her tone. It was the question all of them had inside their minds since the news had been delivered to them. Opale had never been very clear on the answers she gave to the girls why things were so bad between them and the Senshi of the Solar System.
Opale gave a small smile to Star. “You guess is as good as mine. I do know that we are going under friendly terms, so, hopefully, nothing will go wrong there. We just have to cross our fingers…” She trailed off, pausing as if she wanted to say more. Star waited, though nothing more came in explanation.
There was another question on Star's mind that she didn't speak aloud. Where is Sirius? But she couldn't ask that, not of her Empress. It might make her look weak in front of the others, though she knew better. The real reason was lost to Star as she stood there, listening to instructions she already knew, her mind drifting off.
The ship was huge! Star couldn't help but stare, her jaw dropped as she swiveled around in a few circles, gazing at what was to be her new home. To the fifteen year old, it seemed huge. Well, maybe not as huge as Bacchus, the capitol of Dionysus, was, but still big.
“Kari, isn't this wonderful?” Star giggled, grasping her sister's hand as she spun the solemn girl around in a circle. “We'll be real Senshi, just as Mother once was!” Mother would have been proud, Star knew she would have. Charis, the late Queen of Dionysus, had once been Sailor Charites before she married King Dion and had the twins. Childbirth had been too much though as the Queen passed on to the next life. The girls had never known their mother, yet they did not lack from that.
“I'm sure it shall be fine,” Kari said with a shrug, little emotion showing in her tone as she gazed dully around her surroundings. Star gave a dramatic sigh, letting go of her twin's hands.
“Can't you be happy, for once in your life Kari?” She asked, placing her hands upon her hips. “Just think! We'll become the best in the system, maybe even the galaxy!” She giggled lightly. “Can't you just imagine, Kari?” She sighed lightly, coming to a stop as she gazed at the starry sky above her. “We'll be written about in the stars, like the Norse Senshi in our skies!”
It had been five years ago that the girls had been drawn into this world; almost six, actually, if Star remembered correctly. She'd be twenty-one soon, as would Kari, once Scorpio lined with the sun. Sirius' birthday wouldn't be long after theirs. Sirius!
It was true to say that their meeting, at first, had not been the easiest of things. The two seemed too different as youths, stubborn to admit the other might be right or that they were wrong in different situations. Star even recalled hating the young Knight in Training, wishing she could go head to head with him just to prove that she could hold her own against the cocky boy.
Those feelings had changed, however.
“Do you hate me, Star-san?” Sirius leaned himself against the stone rail that kept them separated from the balcony they stood upon and the night air around them. His cobalt gaze was on her, fixed, making her feel oddly dizzy and light.
“No, I don't hate you,” Star answered slowly, toying with a wild flower Kari had picked for her that morning, careful of the petals, “Hate is such a strong word to use. I guess we just don't click, do we?”
Sirius was silent for a moment, gazing upwards, as if he were searching for something in the night sky. “I don't think that's true,” He replied in a soft tone, his gaze falling back on her.
“Why do you say that?” Star didn't know where he was going with this, carefully treading through the beginnings of this conversation. Why was her heart beating so wildly when he looked at her? How could she explain to herself why she wanted more than anything to reach out, to have him hold her, maybe even kiss her?
“We are alike, you and I,” He whispered softly. A hand reached out, cupping her cheek lightly, his thumb brushing across her cheek. She took in a hitched breath, unable to keep from turning her cheek towards the light caress. “I think we fit just fine, don't you?”
“Shut up,” She whispered, dark eyes opening to meet his, “and just kiss me already.” He complied with a chuckle, his lips covering hers.
When would he be home? Star brought herself slowly back to the present, watching Opale speak to them. “The heir to the throne on Earth may seem cute and fluffy, but you must watch yourself around the Princess Serenity. She has power beyond what any of you could ever have.”
Power. Star glanced down the line, feeling a shiver run down her spine as her gaze fell on Komeeko. Something felt odd kilter when it came to the Soul Fire Senshi. But, shaking her head, Star forced herself not to think on it. Kari could be the one to suspect people, not Star. It wasn't her place to worry about everyone. Yet, as their leader…
It was Star who led her group of Senshi, following what the Empress told her to do. She was the perfect subject, able to follow orders and yet be able to keep her heart and head in situations when it was needed. The others trusted her and she trusted them all.
“When will we arrive, Empress?” Sanyo asked. Star didn't suppress her smile, not surprised that it was Sanyo who had all the questions; the girl was always teeming to know more about everything.
“Within a few days we will be boarding the pod and being escorted by the Outer Senshi into the atmosphere of Earth,” Opale answered. Only a few days. Star had never been to Earth, though her travels had taken her all over the galaxy. Earth had been a planet that was held at arm's length, a place they were forbidden to go to. Star didn't mind- from the stories she had heard, Earth seemed less than welcoming to them.
“You are all dismissed, if there is nothing else,” Opale added softly, nodding her head to her Senshi. Everyone turned, going off in their own directions. But Star stayed behind. Slowly, she moved closer to the dais where the Empress had seated herself again.
“Empress Opale,” She started, kneeling down on the floor. “I know I shouldn't be asking you this, but I need to know.” Her head raised as dark eyes gazed at her Empress. “Please, I need to know…when is Star Knight Sirius returning to us again?”
There was a long moment of silence as Opale observed her Senshi leader before standing, moving down to stand in front of the woman. Her hand reached out, pressing to the top of Star's rainbow haired head for a moment. “You do not need to kneel before me, Star,” She whispered softly. There was something in her voice that made Star feel panicky.
“What is it Empress?” She asked, swiftly standing as she gazed up at her with worried eyes. “Has he been hurt? Found out? We can change it, can't we?”
“Star, the Sirius you knew…he's dead.”
There was a roaring in her ears. She had to have heard Opale wrong. There was no way that those words were true. “No…” She whispered softly, her expression changing as she gazed at the floor, looking back up with a lost look. “He's coming back. He promised me he'd be home!”
“Star Knight Sirius is no more, Star,” Opale tried to reach out in a comforting gesture, but Star pulled away. There were tears pooling in her eyes, ones she couldn't stop from appearing. Instead of staying, Star turned away, taking in deep breaths as she hurried from the throne room. She heard Kari calling out her name, saw Sanyo following her, but Star didn't stop.
You promised Sirius! You were coming back! We'd live that life we've wanted for years finally. Retire maybe soon, have kids, settle down! Remember!?
She floated among the stars, weightless as she let the tears fall.
The seeds of doubt have been spread. Fate works in our favor, Komeeko.
How can we be sure Kagami? Will things go as planned? I can feel the suspicion in the air. They mistrust me.
All in good time, my darling. All in good time.