Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Children of Earth ❯ Endymion's Story ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Endymion sighed, closing the door after him. finished buttoning his tunic and walked down the cooridors of the castle. The entire place was enormous, consisting of hundreds of servants, five advisors, guests and the royal family. Not to mention the priestess, cousins, aunts and uncles, many of whom he rarely saw but still felt the need to make regular visits, expecially now. He was nineteen, it was past time to find a suiteress. His older brother Damien had managed to escape marriage. Of course Damien wasen't the heir, he was. But he didn't want just any suitoress. There was no one else like the Princess Serenity, she was beautiful, gentle, sweet.


Endymion turned around, walking beneath the archway into the garden. Mother had spent years on the garden, it seemed to stretch for eternity, filled with roses of every color, tulips, fairy lights.
He looked up, a lady standing in the center tending the roses. Beautiful long brown hair layed down her back, braids weaved into the style. She wore an elegant sleeveless gold and green dress and a golden tiara. She turned around, smiling sweetly at her son. "Endymion."


Queen Gaia smiled. "Your father is looking for you."

"More suitoresses right?"

Gaia smiled. "His heart is in the right place. Did you have someone else in mind?"

"I'm not sure. There is someone, I'm not quite sure how they feel."

Gaia smiled. "I'm sure the Princess Serenity enjoys the attention."

Endymion's eyes widened in surprise. "Dow did you.."

She smiled. "Don't be so surprised. It's not hidden so well."

Endymion smiled. "You say father was looking for me?"

Gaia nodded. "Yes, new suitoress."

Endymion smiled, turning around.


He looked back. "Yes?"

She smiled. "If you see Endia, direct her to the garden?"

Endymion nodded, smiling. "Yes mother."


Endymion sighed, pushing the doors open. Five advisors sat at the large rectangular table. At the end King Erun looked up, short black hair and brown eyes, a white tunic with black lining and cape, a golden crown resting on his head. "Endymion. Good you made it, come, sit."

Endymion nodded, approaching the table and taking a seat beside his father.


He wandered through the crowd, searching, before his eyes fell upon her. Long flowing silvery gold hair, she was beautiful. He continued to watch her as she made her way across the room, talking, smiling, until finally she looked his way. She wasn't just looking his was, Serenity was looking at him.
He blinked in wonder, appraching as if it were a dream while she continued to stare. He smiled, offering his hand, bowing. "Princess, May I have this dance?"

Serenity smiled, nodding as he took her into a dance. "Your Prince Endymion."


"I've seen you before. I've been wanting to dance with you."


She nodded, grinning. "Why didn't you ever ask before?"

Endymion smiled, twirling Serenity. "I wasn't sure you would accept."

Sme smiled. "Well I did."