Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Children of Earth ❯ Section 4: Part 1 ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Damien smiled, sitting down on the balcony with Pheobe. "You still haven't told me your name."

"It's Pheobe."

"The Clioshin Princess?"

"Your surprised."

Damien smiled. "Sorry but you don't look Clioshin."

"My father was human. What is your name?"

"Damien. I'm from Earth."

"Prince Damien. I thought you didn't like leaving the planet."

He smiled. "Yea well thats changed now."

"Because of Me?"

"Because of you."

Damien grinned as he reached over and plucked a white rose from the ascending vines. His hand moved slowly towards Pheobe, brushing her delicate purple curls away as he entwined the rose with her hair. Pheobe took the prince's hand in hers as she lowered it from her hair. Her hand brushed against the soft petels. "The white rose, many men would settle upon the red."

"I've seen many red roses in my life put to unworthy intentions. Too often they have lead to the desire for bedding a maiden."

"Am I not worthy to your desires?"

Damien smiled. "You are far more worthy then to be thought of as a nightly infatuation. In my wildest dreams I could have never imagined this possibility. I want to know you, the more I look at you I feel an indescribable elation, an unending joy to be with you."

"Perhaps it is love then."

"Love?" He smiled softly caressing Pheobe's cheek. "So this is what my brother speaks so highly of. Small wonder."

Pheobe smiled and for the moment the pain of her mother's death had left her, it was as if the void in her heart had been filled and Damien, prince of Earth, was the occupant. She raised her hand, gently touching his own cheek, her hand continuing to move upwards to the back of his neck and lowing his head in anticipation of a kiss.


Beryl didn't sleep at all that night, surprisingly she didn't even feel tired. There was just too much to do and determination had consumed her weariness. The greater part of the night was spent pouring over books and archives, searching for an answer to her problem. The stars forgive her love overcame reason as she searched across the forbidden arts. Long ago the forbidden arts had nearly destroyed her people, since then the archives had been burned or sealed away. She didn't care anymore she wanted Endymion, she wanted Serenity gone, out of the way, by any means necessary, and her answers came with one name, Metallia.


"We've been worried princess."

Pheobe looked at Gideon as she decended down the steps and back into the main hall she smilled softly and bowed her head in apology, awknowledging Evonne on the opposite side of her. "Yes. I appoligize for the concern, I had not expected to remain so late."

Evonne smiled in assurance to her princess. "It's alright princess, we just wished to inform you that a carraige has been waiting for you for quite some time."

Pheobe nodded, allowing her two guardians to lead as she was guided to her ride.

As she stepped out of the portal she was immediatly greeted by Elson who had no doubt waited in the chamber half the night in worry. Immediatly she regretted concerning her guardians, her head bowed in sincere apology of her dawdling. Elson himself had other concerns weighing on his mind, undaunted and perhaps eager that his young charge had been so late in arriving home.

"Princess, I trust you had an enjoyable night?"

Pheobe nodded. "Yes Elson, thank you."

"Am I correct to assume this extended stay is the result of a new intrest?"

Pheobe smiled, unable to control her joy for having found her love. "His name is Damien. He's a prince."

She allowed Elson to settle with her news as she stepped out of the building and into the main hall where her guardian immediatly followed. "Princess surely you jest. Prince Damien is known never to have left Earth."

Pheobe smiled. "He left Earth."

"Can it be possible then? Our princess has found a suitor?"

Pheobe nodded. "It's as if a large void has been filled, as if he is the missing piece of a puzzle. I feel happy Elson. For the first time since my mother passed, I am truly happy."


Serenity looked at her lover as he stared past her, behind a pillar. "What is it?"

Endymion shook his head, looking back to the princess. "It's nothing, I just thought I saw something."

"Another guest?"

He smiled. "Yes, thats probably it." Endymion looked into Serenity's eyes, focosing all his attention once more upon her. Her eyes were so enchanting that a man could loose himself in those crystal blue orbs for all eternity and not even care. Her hair was like no other, beautiful long silken locks that draped down her back and touched the floor, an elegant treasure of silver that was interupted by strands of pure gold. Her moonlit white dress fit her figure perfectly, and she was beautiful. By the gods she was beautiful. Endymion smiled again, drifting back into the moment, only realizing that Serenity had been doing the same thing. Together they smiled, meeting in a kiss, their passion begging their lips to linger.

Endymion grinned. "My brother would think this was a waste of time"

Serenity frowned. "You don't think it is, do you?"

"I love poetry. I love you."

The moon princess smiled. "I'm ignoring the other guests, hiding away up here."

"Does it matter?"

"None of them are quite like you."

He smiled as they joined together again in a kiss, holding longer as they drew closer to eachother. Their eyes closed, emersed in the moment and never wanting to leave, wishing to remain together eternally. Finally they broke away, both not wishing to part but yielding to their need for breath.

"I should go, find my brother."

"So soon?"

The prince smiled. "We've been here for hours."

"A millenia wouldn't be enough."

Endymion smiled, kissing Serenity once more before they parted.


Damien was smiling to himself as he descended down the opposite stairway, barely noticing his brother as he passed through the hall. He just grinned at Endymion's face and continued walking. "Brother. I would have thought you and Serenity would still be exchanging poetry."

"You look like the cat that swallowed the canary."

Damien smiled. "Princess Pheobe."

"Princess Pheobe? What about her?"

"She is enchanting."

Endymion frowned. "Terrible brother. Is it not enough you must sleep with every maiden withen reach that now you go for royalty of equal status? Is it now that you feel you must equal every slave and princess to the status of your bed including disgracing the honor of every young princess from here to Clios? When I feel my brother cannot possibly reach a new limit you go to greater lengths to surprise me."

Damien was nearly silenced by his brother and he had come to a full stop so abruptly that his brother did not notice until he had gotten a few steps ahead. "Is that all you think of me Endy? That I am no more then a lecherous prince here to unhorse every young virgin that comes my way? Do you assume that the love between you and Serenity is the only thing pure and true withen all the 10 planets? I am not without my own desires Endy, and I'll admit for a time the greater part of my thinking had been done between the legs. However people can change and I am of no exception to that. Tell me brother, would you not look into the eyes of Serenity and see your entire existence for the mere wish of her soul? Does not every beat of her heart sing a lovesong that would make the nightengale weap? Does each lock of her hair feel equal to silk and every tear shed by her make you wish to die a thousand deaths? If this is love Endymion, then Pheobe princess of Clios has stolen my heart and no amount of begging nor war would bring about it's return."

Endymion grinned. "My brother in love." He shook his head as they began to walk again, proceeding to the portals. "Damien, welcome to the end of life as you know it."

Damien grinned, turning to his brother. "Endy, as far as I'm concerned, tonight my life has only just begun."

Endymion nodded. "You realize in seeing Pheobe this will give you the appearence of a hypocrite to our sister."

"Well then, I suppose she will need to beat me won't she?"

Endymion grinned. "Makes me thank the gods I was not born a woman."

"You forget the bruises I gave you when instructing you how to fight."

Endymion looked at his brother and smiled, stepping through the portal and leaving his brother alone.

Damien smiled himself as he lingered to recall the face of Pheobe, every feature, every curve of the young princess had been engraved into his mind and his smile only grew larger as he again felt the euphoria of true love before following his brother into the portal. His joy was immediatly cut short as he was greeted by the small brown odongo haired girl that was his younger sister.


"I challenge you now brother. I challenge you to fight me."