Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Don't take me home ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Konnichi wa minna san! Well I don't normally write 2 chapters in one day, but due to various threats of violence against me by my best friend and proofreader, out of fear for my life I decided to add a bit more, but the poll I mentioned in Chapter 2 is still going. As mentioned earlier, I am the original Usagi and Mamoru fanatic, and Usagi is my favourite character and I wanted her to be strong for once instead of just a pushover. Things heat up from here on in so you have been warned! Standard disclaimers apply, Sailor Moon and Usagi are not mine, but if Naoko accepts bribes, then perhaps they will be.

Usagi sighed deeply as Minako and Makoto entered her room. Artemis scowled at her as he sat in Luna's traditional spot. "Usagi-chan, thank you for talking to us." Minako blurted. "It was my fault really. I was doing the Goddess of Love thing, and I felt the vibes between them and thought it was love. After talking with Artemis, he made me realize it was only lust. I encouraged it and told the others not to tell you."

"It might have begun with you V-babe, but it didn't end with you." Usagi said coldly. "I'm talking to you three because I actually respect you. Rei can drop dead and Ami can pretty well do the same. If she tells me I'll never be a good queen without a thorough understanding of quantum physics one more time, I'm going to shove my Moon Tier up her ass and not think twice about it."

"Usagi, we are a team, and you can't think about yourself like this. Chibi Usa went to the jinja, and told Rei everything. She told us on the communicators. That was pretty mean." Makoto said.

Usagi arched an eyebrow at her. "I guess from your point of view it would be. Now look at it from my point of view Mako-chan. She dropped on my head a year or so ago, destroyed my relationship the first time with Mamoru, caused him to treat me like a child, has almost gotten me killed on countless occasions, sneaks into my bed and wets it, derides me and treats me with little to no respect at all, and still thinks I won't resent her, despite trying to make my family love her more than me. I won't put up with it any more. I nearly died for that child countless times, with the Wiseman, Zirconia/ Nehelenia and then when I was up against Nehelenia again! She never even thanked me. She once told me that if Mamoru and I weren't together then she could never be, and despite the fact that she didn't like me or want me with Mamoru, she knew it was a necessary evil. She is a conniving and spoiled brat who deserves what she got."

"Usagi I don't think…" Artemis cut in.

"Evidently you don't." Usagi said in a cold voice. "You are nearly as bad as Luna, who I've also banned from this house. I thought you might have an intelligent opinion of your own that you weren't forced into by Luna but I can see you are wrong. One more word Artemis and you'll be a normal cat!"

"Usagi what has happened to you?" Makoto asked, glaring at her. "You are not our normal Usagi!"

"I grew up Makoto." Usagi snapped. "Catching your boyfriend in the act and then discovering that your very best friends lied to you about it, and that the one you thought of as your sister began the whole thing makes one grow up quickly." She hesitated, then struck again. "How would you know what the real me is? You've never asked nor paid attention."

"Well you obviously don't want to listen to reason. Why did you ask me to come Usagi? Is it so I could apologize for trying to make you a better fighter? Is it so I can feel guilty for pushing you, because if you can't fight for yourself you'll be killed and then of no use to anyone?" Makoto snarled back. "Well I won't. I'm not sorry. You take things too personally and to heart too badly. You need to be tougher, stronger." She stood up, towering over Usagi.

"And I don't need a friend like you." Usagi stood, staring at Makoto. "I let you push me because you were the most protective of me, until Haruka. I let you because we were friends and in the beginning I was convinced you truly had the best of intentions on my part. But you changed somewhere along the way, adding little disparaging digs like Ami does, and power tripping, and I won't have it anymore Makoto. I thought perhaps we could rectify here, but evidently you don't want to. So get the hell out of my room and my life."

Makoto opened her mouth to speak. "Usagi…" Artemis growled. "That was uncalled for!"

"And you have been warned for the last time Artemis!" Usagi snarled. "Makoto you have two options, the window or the door. I'm a lot stronger than I look."

"Rei was right. You are a whining wimp." Makoto declared. "I don't know why we were ever friends."

"Because I was the only one not afraid of you." Usagi retorted. "But you killed that."

"Minako come on." Makoto gestured.

Minako shook her head. "No Makoto. You and Artemis go. I want to talk to Usagi."

"If you side with her, then you are against us." Makoto warned.

"My choice will be just that, mine Makoto. It will not be due to any threats on your part, or persuasion on Rei's. I've made a terrible error and now I want to talk to Usagi alone." Minako blinked her huge blue eyes at her. "Please understand. I have to do this."

Makoto shook her head. "Dumb blonde bitch."

"Tramp." Minako replied, then clapped her hand over her mouth, eyes widening.

Makoto stormed out of the house, Artemis on her heels. "That was a very pretty sight V-babe. But tell me, why is the real reason you are staying here?" Usagi asked mildly.

"I told the truth. I want to talk to you." Minako beseeched. "I'm so sorry Usagi. You must believe me. I never should have made such an assumption by myself, and I never should have told them to lie to you. Yours are the sweetest and most trusting eyes I've ever seen. You have no place for deceit in your life, and I forgot that."

Usagi sighed. "I won't lie Minako. I'm hurt. Terribly so in fact. The fact that I know you initiated it makes it worse, but I am willing to forgive, though I may never forget. You have apologized and that means the most to me. We have always been closer than the other Senshi anyway, and we were always close back in the Silver Millenium."

"Usagi, when you feel like jumping, when your heart starts pumping, when you're standing on that ledge, staring over the edge, I'll be there to talk you down, I'll be there before you hit the ground. If that's what it takes, then that's what I'll do." Minako said quietly. "You are my very best friend and I don't want to lose you, and if being with you means I'm against the rest of the Senshi, then so be it. You've done so much for the rest of us, sacrificed yourself, hurt yourself, and a million other things all for us, and we were too caught up in our own petty world to see. Thank you for all you have done, all you will do. Thank you for forgiving me."

Usagi hugged Minako. "Now I'll bring you up to speed on all that is going on." She sighed. "I admit I'm glad I got you back anyway. We share a brain Minako, and today obviously I have it."

"Just as long as I get it tomorrow." Minako giggled.

Mamoru leapt from his place in the tree, having heard enough. 'Well she forgave Minako and almost physically hurled Makoto out the window.' He mused as he stretched his legs and began walking to the jinja. 'I should check on Chibi Usa, but after listening to Usako talk about her and express her feelings about her, I see she's right. I don't know why I never noticed before. She's a real brat.' He stopped as shock coursed through him. 'I never once listened to ANYTHING Usako said. No wonder she hates me. Even when she had something important to say, I ignored her. I guess I deserve this, but I WILL get her back. She belongs to me.' He thought fiercely.

"Mamo-chan!" Rei and Chibi Usa cried out when they caught sight of him.

"Rei, don't call me Mamo-chan. You don't have the right. That is the name for a lover to use, and you are not my lover."

"What do you call what we've been doing?" Rei spat, not liking this turn of events.

"A standard lay I believe. We weren't making love we were having sex. Mediocre sex at that." Mamoru snapped. "You played your little mind games on me, befuddled me long enough to make me hot for you and think that I had to have you, consequences be damned."

"How the hell did you figure that out?" Rei yelled. "The lust charm I cast…shit!" she cursed, realizing he'd trapped her.

"I knew it!" Mamoru bellowed. "You were still jealous from all those years ago!"

"You were mine before you were ever hers!" Rei shrieked back.

"I was never yours. I never belonged to you. I wanted Usako from the first time she clobbered me in the head with a test paper, and now thanks to you, she's running from me, and may never let me back in!"

"Well you deserve what you get Chiba Mamoru!" Rei shouted, her purple eyes flashing. "I swore I'd make her pay, and I did! I'm finished with you now. I've used you and now I'm throwing you away."

"No Rei, because I already tossed you like garbage. I'm an asshole. How could I have acted like such a jackass to her? She'll never forgive me or take me back." Mamoru moaned.

"To hell with her then." Chibi Usa spoke up. "Mamo-chan she threw me out. And she wiped Ikuko-mama and Kenji's memories so they don't remember me at all.

"I know Chibi Usa." Mamoru sighed. "And I've also heard all you've done to her. I never listened before, but today I did. You deserved it. You never thought that Usagi is your future mother, so everything you do affects her memories here, so when you return to the future, how do you think your real mother Neo-Queen Serenity will feel about you?"

Chibi Usa's face paled, remembering her mothers distance when she was last home. "Iie! My mama loves me! Usoski!" she cried.

"She may have loved you once, but do you think she still does? You may have been the one to destroy your own life." Mamoru pointed out. "And you are in love with me," he sighed. "You love me like a boyfriend, not like a father. That's sick and disgusting Chibi Usa and I don't want to see you for awhile. Rei, I don't really care if I ever see you again. Remember when you told Usagi you were holding all the cards? Well your trump card just dropped you."

"Mamoru," Luna cut in. "You have to talk some sense into Usagi. She's acting rashly, stupidly. That odango atama can't even decide what to wear on the weekend, much less make serious decisions like this."

Mamoru laughed. "Me talk sense into HER? Luna I'm one of the last people she wants to see, and I know she won't listen to me because I tried already. If I show up on her doorstep, I'm convinced she blast me halfway to hell."

"She should send you all the way and save me the bother." Rei muttered.

"You go first and tell me how the weather is Rei. After all, with the flames of you and the flames of hell, you and Satan have much in common." He retorted. "I think you even look a little like him." He added an extra dig.

"Get the *uck off my property!" Rei shouted. "And never return."

"Honey that's the most intelligent thing you've ever said. I'll tell all my friends that if they need a sex outlet, for a low low fee, you too will spread your legs and ruin relationships. What was it Usagi said the other day? You are open…for business?" He sneered as he left.

Haruka smiled as she saw Usagi and Minako giggling together and walking down the street. "Ah kitten, just who I wanted to see."

"Hi 'Ruka." Usagi smiled.

"You made up?" Haruka arched an eyebrow.

"Only with Minako, and I told her our plans." Usagi smiled. "I had to try to get her back."

Haruka shook her head. "Just like in the Silver Millenium. You could never be mad at Venus."

"Sounds great! I can't wait. I have GOT to be a part of this!" Minako enthused. "Get me out of here and away from those other irritating Senshi. I know I can be bad, but they are worse!"

"Agreed." Haruka smiled. "Usagi, Michi, Sets and I wanted to know if you wanted to come dancing with us tonight. We are going out to celebrate our glorious plans and our trip. Celebrate our ditching this city and the Inner Senshi and Chibi Brat…I mean Chibi Usa and Chiba bastard." Haruka paused. "Oops, did I say that out loud?" she winked. "Minako, you can come too, now that you are no longer against Odango here."

"Well since it's a long weekend, why not?" Usagi agreed. "What club?"

"The best Usagi," Michiru laughed as she came up and put her arms around Haruka. "The Jive."

"We'll need to use the Disguise Pen." Usagi murmured. "Make ourselves nice and legal."

"Let's do it!" Minako nodded.

"Just remember, you are still only sixteen and you can't have alcohol." Haruka warned. "We'll keep your drinks virginal and pure, just like you two." She winked.

"Not by choice." Usagi muttered resentfully. "If I had my way, Mamoru would never have left his bed. But that's over and done with, and Mamoru can go to the fifth ring of hell and stay there for eternity. I won't return to him." She vowed.

"I hope you keep that promise." Haruka grinned. "We'll pick you up at eight. Be ready." Haruka told them. "Ja ne."

"This is going to be great!" Minako exclaimed. "Come on, let's grab a shake at the Crown and then some shopping! I can't wait for tonight!" she drug Usagi down the street.

Tuxedo Kamen slowly came out from the shadows he had been hiding in, thanking Kami-sama for his link to Usagi. Yes, tonight would be a wonderful night indeed. He looked forward to breaking through Usagi's barriers and breaking her until she begged him to come back. A test of wills with Usagi was something he was looking forward to. Confident in his victory, he de- transformed and began to make plans.

(A.N..and I could stop there for now, but I think I'll add a bit more for your reading pleasure…..^^)

Haruka blew a whistle at the sight of the girls. Minako looked great, dangerously sexy in red leather and garters, but Usagi…Usagi looked drop dead gorgeous. "You know Odango, if I didn't have Michiru, I'd be on you in a second." She commented. Michiru and Setsuna nodded their approval of her outfit.

Usagi blushed. Yes the disguise pen had worked its wonders on her. She wore a short black skirt that spun out when she twirled and had on matching black strappy velvet crisscross 3 ½ inch high heels. Her top was almost lingerie, as it looked like a corset or merry-widow, all black and lacy, with boning that showed off Usagi's incredible figure to the fullest. Her hair fell free and loose, in a silver-blond wave to the ground. She had on the slightest hint of makeup, giving her the big-eyed yet innocent look, and she wore a crescent moon necklace, bracelet and anklet. She had small diamond crescent studs in her ears. "Thank you Haruka." She said in a quiet voice.

There was no talking in the car as the drove to The Jive. Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna were obviously regulars there, as they were greeted and taken to a table. "Michi sometimes plays here." Haruka said by way of explanation.

Usagi was blushing at all the men who stared their way, unused to the attention. Minako leapt up and began dancing with the first cute guy who came into her clutches. Usagi started as she noticed Mamoru walking towards her, desire burning in his dark eyes. "Dance with me." He said, holding out a hand, ignoring Haruka's sneer.

"Is that an order or a request?" Usagi asked, aloof.

"Whatever." Mamoru replied, pulling her into his arms, hoping to ward off the other men who were circling around Usagi like predators moving in for the kill. She was HIS.

The band began a song that had a strong tango beat to it. As Usagi moved against him, he took the words to heart: "First there is desire, then passion…suspicion, jealousy, anger and betrayal! With suspicion there can be no trust, without trust there can be no love, jealousy will drive you mad!"

Usagi left Mamoru and took another partner, a man who had cut in - Usagi never let ANYONE cut in on them before! Mamoru watched in horror as Usagi moved, her skirt swaying around and flaring out as she spun. She expertly gyrated her hips and danced to the tango-themed music and moved from one partner to another. She appeared just what she was…a beautiful and single and sexy woman. Goddess he wanted nothing more than to take her. Now. Get her the hell out here and claim her as his own. But he had destroyed it. The words branded themselves into his mind, seeming to mock him, jealousy overwhelming him. God she looked like the most beautiful thing that ever walked the earth tonight. He had to keep himself from punching another man as he ran his hands down Usagi's body and lifted her in the air. He tried to calm himself, breathing deeply, but the words to the song only inflamed his jealousy more as he realized all he had lost and could not bring himself to look away from her: "His eyes upon your face, his hand upon your hand, his lips caress your skin, it's more than I can stand! Why does my heart cry? Feelings I can't fight. You're free to leave me, but just don't deceive me and please believe me when I say I love you…"

He watched as another man lowered Usagi into a dip as she curled a leg around his back as she bent, opening herself to him as her chest arched towards his lowered face. The dance spoke of pure arousal. "It's killing you isn't it?" Haruka said amiably as she too watched Usagi. "Who would've thought she could dance so well?" she raised an eyebrow as Usagi slid her hands and face down to the man's waist and lingered there a moment before rising and letting herself be lowered, one leg bending as the other stretched out behind her. She stood and circled her partner, a look of determination on her face, desire on her partners as he reached for her waist and pulled her flush to him, lowering his lips to her neck.

"I knew. She loves to dance." Mamoru muttered, clenching his fists. Usagi had never acted so risqué before. He wouldn't have thought her capable of dancing, of moving like that. Her dance spoke of unadulterated desire, of pure sex, and how he wished he was her partner, not that stupid drooling man! Her body moved as though she had been born dancing.

"And because you were a stupid idiot, you've lost her. Look at her man! Every man, and most of the women in here can't stop watching her! They want her! And you threw her away for a romp with Rei!" Haruka paused. "Hell, I want her too, but I have Michiru and I'M faithful to my girlfriend."

Mamoru watched as her hair spun out, as she went through the final steps with a man, sweat coating her body, her chest heaving as she panted for air. In perfect time to the music, she struck the final pose. Applause broke out and she gave a small curtsy before going back to the table where Michiru handed her a drink. "I'm an idiot." He said aloud.

"Agreed. And you know she's leaving here maybe for good in a few weeks. You surely screwed the pooch Mamoru. Honestly, you are a dense man. Didn't you ever think why she couldn't go further with you?"

"She just made a parody of love to countless men on the floor!" Mamoru protested.

"A parody Mamoru. She didn't actually do it with them. Did you ever ask her? Or did you just assume? Baka yaro!" Haruka snarled. "Stay away from her Mamoru!"

"I will do what I will." Mamoru replied resolutely. "I'll follow her to Canada if I have to."

"Stalking is a crime Mamoru! Leave her be! Let her go! She let you go and it nearly killed her. You've cheated on her with Rei and dreamt about Setsuna. Her world, her life has revolved around you! She turned down Seiya for you Mamoru. She turned down a rock star who adored her and would have given her the world. She turned down this Dimando I've heard of who would have worshiped her on a pedestal. What have you EVER done for her? And yet, you are the only one she's ever truly wanted. If you do love her, you won't hold her back. She stood aside for you, and you owe her that much. How many times has she died for you?" Haruka protested. "Think with your brains for once instead of your 'other' head!"

Mamoru was left gaping as Haruka returned to the table and grabbed Michiru's hand for a dance. Usagi was already on the dance floor again. "Time hasn't been damaged beyond all reparation Mamoru." Setsuna said sliding up beside him.

"Oh not you!" he moaned.

"I'm flattered you dream of me Mamoru, really I am." Setsuna said blandly. "I guess I should tell you that I am involved with someone in the gates of time though, so I can't be with you. She really had you two idiots going though when she brought me into it. I was watching through the gates, and I applauded her balls."

"Setsuna, you have to help me!"

"Why?" Setsuna arched an eyebrow. "You caused this mess. You clean it up. You made this bed so to speak; you lay in it, even if it has Rei in it. Goddess! I'd rather lay with a cobra or a viper than Rei...but in the end is there any real difference in the three of them? All venomous creatures with no loyalty or love for others, just things that want to get their own way. If you've dumped Rei, then I'd watch your back." She smiled as Usagi moved to the music, flirting with the man she was dancing with. "You must have been dropped on your head as a child to let her go Mamoru. Truly, you have no brains."

Mamoru narrowed his eyes as he watched Usagi change partners and grind her hips against her partner. "We'll just see Setsuna. I will get her back if it's the last thing I do!" Usagi laughed and clapped her hands together, leaning over to kiss her partners cheek. "You are mine Usako, and I won't let you walk out on our dream, your dreams be damned."

Usagi glanced over to Mamoru, who hadn't moved in the last fifteen minutes. She had heard that thought through their link. She had to break that stupid link! 'My dreams be damned Mamoru?' she thought, amused. 'I don't think so. The most stubborn man on earth is about to learn that his little bunny can be very stubborn and determined in her own right. I will not be a walking mat anymore, and goddess help anyone who gets in my way!' she vowed. 'It's my life!'

Well that's it for chapter three! Please review and let me know what you think! No flames please - still new at this, still my first fanfic!! I'll write more later people! I made this one a bit longer to satisfy you! Lyrics from Bon Jovi's "If that's what it takes" are used in here, along with lyrics from "El Tango de Roxanne" from Moulin Rouge. If you haven't seen Moulin Rouge, then you must if for no other reason than the tango scene!! I had to have Usagi and Minako get back together, because Minako and Usagi are the nicknames my best friend and I use! I'm Usagi, and she's Minako!

Check out my webpages: or

Mata ne!