Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Eclipse ❯ Chapter 3
Travis and Serena's Birthday
Darien dragged himself out of the guest bedroom in Travis's house at the sound of loud banging. "What is going on in here?" Darien asked Travis and Jake as they hung pink and gold streamers all over the living room walls.
"Well Serena and I are having our party here so we do have to decorate. Mind giving us a hand and blow up the balloons?" Travis answer nonchalantly then went back to the streamers pretending not to see the look of shock on Darien's face.
"You didn't tell me you and Serena were having your party here, I have to go before Serena gets here I don't think I could stand seeing here and Sinn together." With that he ran back to his room to get dressed.
"Poor guy is really taking the break up hard isn't he?" Jake asked Travis.
"Hey you would feel like crap too if the one girl you had ever loved broke up with you for some other guy she had known for a day or two." Travis almost snapped back, he could tell that Serena was getting closer to the house ::You had better hurry up or he might leave before you get to the door!:: Travis mentally yelled to his twin, :: I'm already at the door stupid:: Serena yelled back :: Oh ye with such little faith, I will do anything to get Darien back:: Serena said ::Hey you hate that type of speech why are you using it?:: Travis asked ::Oh just to make you mad. See you soon::
"I'm going bye Travis and Happy birthday." Darien said over his shoulder as he headed to the door not looking at who was in front of him. "Hello Darien." A small almost timid voice said in front of him, He stopped dead in his tracks. Serena and Reenie Stood at the door.
"Hi Serena. Umm I have to go." Darien said quickly then started for the door again.
"Darien I really need to talk to you in private, please just let me talk to you in the garden." Serena was using all her will power to stop herself from flinging herself into Darien's arms.
"Alright Serena, Come on." Suddenly the communicators on both their wrists started beeping.
"Everyone there's a Yuma attack down by the park hurry up and get here!" Lita's voice came through.
"We'll be there in a few secs hang on!" Travis yelled, "Come-on you two transform now. Sun Stone power!" In a flash of light Sailor Sol appeared and then bolted out the door.
"Moon Crystal power Duo!" Serena and Reenie shouted and became sailor moon and Sailor Crescent Moon, "Come on Darien we might really need Tuxedo mask to help us."
"Alright." Darien pulled out a rose and changed into tuxedo mask, "Lets go." With that they both followed Sailor Sol to the battle sight.
Sailor moon could hear the battle as she entered the park, a large yuma that looked almost human excluding the large horns coming out of it's head.
"Hey! Up here Sleezeball! I am sailor moon, champion of love and justice, for daring to destroy this beautiful park I shall right wrongs and triumph over evil and that means you." Sailor moon stood in her normal pose when an energy blast almost hit her. "What have I told you about speeches?!" Sailor Sol yelled back. Crescent moon tiara magic and solar flare did some damage to the monster but it still wasn't slowed down enough.
Another Energy blast came from between the horns of the monster this time it hit Sailor moon and her transformation broach was knocked off of her as she hit a tree pain searing through her from the hit then all wet black. Through the eyes of the yuma Renald could see who sailor moon and sailor crescent moon were. "Serena? You are the pesky Sailor moon? Oh how I have misjudged you my dear. Now how can I use this to my advantage?"
"Serena!" All the scouts had arrived in time to see Sailor moon hit the tree and detransform, "Tuxedo Mask! Take Serena somewhere safe and take care of her, we will finish this thing off!" Sailor sol shouted at Tuxedo mask and then returned to the battle. Tuxedo mask swept Serena up and power jumped back to Travis's house and into a spare bedroom. Tuxedo mask lay Serena down and detransformed, "Serena, please be ok." Darien sat beside Serena until she woke up. "Darien? Were am I?" Serena could feel her head pounding as she sat up but ignored it. "I'm going to go now." Darien said quickly jumping up and heading for the door. "Darien wait." Serena said quickly, "I have to talk to you." Darien walked back and sat on the bedside Serena. "Darien I'm sorry for all I have done to you. I was just so confused." Serena started, "I didn't know who or what to believe, on one hand all that Renald said mad perfect sense but then when Travis mad me think about it Renald is wrong I loved you, I still love you." Darien looked up expecting to see a mocking look on Serena's face but all there was, was sincerity and love, "Just like I said to you on the boat I have always loved you and always will loved you." Darien wrapped Serena into a hug and she began to cry, cry for all the pain she had caused to the one person who cared for her more than life itself. Darien lifted up her head and looked into her eyes. "Don't cry Serena, I forgive you, I love you too much not too." The two sat there in the room for over and hour just happy being together.
"Hey Muffin do you mind helping Travis with the decorations? My head really hurts." Serena asked lying back against the pillow.
"Sure thing meatball head." Darien said then left.
The decorations were up, the cake was mad and the guests were arriving, since only close friends and family were attending Serena, Darien, Reenie
and Travis had decided to dress in their Royal forms.
"Oh Serena were did you get that dress?" Molly asked when Serena and Darien walked into the living room hand in hand, Reenie right behind them. "I've had It for a long time." Was the only thing she would say.
"Almost everyone is here." Serena said excitedly. "Who else is coming?" Darien asked, "I thought everyone was here."
"Sinn is coming. Its part of Travis's plan remember?" Serena replied. "Oh yeah, I guess I wasn't paying much attention, I was still kind of in a day dream from you saying you still loved me." Darien said blushing. "And people call me a space case." Serena laughed.
"Oh Hi Serena can I talk to you alone for a bit?" Sinn asked as he walked up to Serena and Darien. "Alright, I'll be back in a few minutes." Serena said to Darien then went out to the garden with Sinn. "Alright Sinn, or should I call you Renald now? What did you want to talk to me about?" Sinn smiled then in a flash of light Renald stood in his place. "My sweet princess, why do you waist your breath on scum like Endymion? He is nothing now to us now." Renald said pulling Serena closer to him. "No Renald, Darien is everything to me, I don't know what I would do without him and I'm sorry to tell you this but he is the only man I have ever loved and will ever love and none of your tricks will work. Travis opened up my eyes to and I see the truth now, I always have loved Endymion and you have always loved me but have always been jealous of what I share with Darien, you tried to win me over with tricks. I forgive you for all you have done but please stop your pursuit for my love and find someone who will truly love you back." Serena said gently lifting Renald's hands off of her.
"I understand princess." Renald said then headed deeper into the garden as Serena headed back to the door were Darien was waiting for her.
"Oh princess, I can never stop loving you, I regret what I shall now have to do if I am ever to have you as my own, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Come forth monster of the elements!" a swirl of what looked like wind, water, fire and earth combined to form a female body, her hair seemed to be made of flames, her body was the colour of the ground and her eyes were as blue as the sea. "Who dares to call me?" The creature asked turning to see Renald, "A prince Renald, it has been a long time. How are you still alive after all these years?"
"That is not important now. Listen closely I want you to go in that house and attack. I want you to grab sailor moon and bring her to 566 Terain Street."
"AHH so the sailor scouts are alive as well, I will enjoy this." The monster said grinning evilly. "What ever you do, do NOT hurt sailor moon!"
"Alright, alright. I'm going now." The monster turned into a mini tornado like thing and left towards the house.
"Come on Serena, Travis blow out the candles so we can all have cake, I'm dieing to try Lita's cake." Reenie and Mina begged looking greedily at the two cakes lying on the tables, on was shaped like a rabbit and the other was shaped like a falcon. "Alright, Alright we'll blow the candles out soon." Travis said as Serena doubled over laughing at the way they were eyeing the cake. A loud bang came from the door mad everyone look over. A large Yuma came into the room and drained the people closest to it.
"Serena we have to transform." Travis hissed at his twin. "But Travis what are we going to tell Molly?" Serena asked she didn't want to put one of her best friends in danger just because she knew who sailor moon was.
"Listen Serena if we don't fight this thing she might not live for us to tell her anything ever again." Travis said harshly but it seemed to break through to Serena.
"Alright but you have to help me explain later." Serena turned to a frightened Molly, "Molly I have to do something that might surprise you but I promise that I will explain later, Reenie come here!"
"What? Serena what are you talking about?" Molly's eyes grew wide as the transformation took over Serena and Reenie.
"Come on Crescent moon lets go kick some monster but!" Sailor moon said then ran off to join the others already fighting outside. Sailor mercury was typing on her mini computer, sailor mars was trying to concentrate enough to make an anti-evil charm and sailor venus and sailor Jupiter were attacking the monster with all they had but the monster seemed to be immune to all the attacks thrown at it and was just absorbing the scout's attacks and throwing them back. Soon enough it was only sailor moon, sailor crescent moon and sailor mercury though she was just barley conscious. "That's it!" Sailor moon screamed at the monster, "You've ruined my birthday and you have hurt my friends and family! You just messed with the wrong birthday girl!" Sailor moon made a weird flicking motion with her wrist and brought the moon septet out from her lunar space pocket, "MOON SEPTER…" The monster dove into the ground, "Huh were did it go?" The ground underneath sailor moon began to shake knocking her to the ground; the monster flew up from the ground right underneath sailor moon and slammed her into a tree knocking her out. "Sailor Moon!" The conscious scouts screamed as their leader went down. "NO MOMMY!" Crescent moon screamed her moonbeam flickered into life around her. Crescent moon shut her eyes, "CRESENT MOON STARLIGHT!" The moonbeam became concentrated in her hands making over a dozen small crackling balls of energy, "EXTINGUISH!" The small balls of energy flew from her hands hitting the distracted monster that was about to pick the unconscious sailor moon up turning it to dust in seconds. Sailor crescent moon fell into sailor sol's arms while sailor mercury and tuxedo mask ran to sailor moon.
"Is she going to be ok Amy?" Crescent moon asked tiredly. "I think so Reenie. That was a pretty strong attack there, good work." Mercury answered looking up from her computer. "Yeah Rabbit, good job." Sailor sol said lifting her up.
"Don't call me Rabbit." Reenie said then fell asleep. "I guess that attack took too much out of her." Jupiter said limping over to sailor sol. "Come on they both need rest and lots of it, and by the looks of it the rest of us could use some sleep." Mercury said detransforming.
"Some strong pain killers would be nice." Mina said quickly then yawning.
The group headed back for the house, Travis carrying Reenie and Darien carrying Serena.
"Oh my god! Serena! Reenie! Amy how are they?" Ellen was frantic at the sight of her daughter and granddaughter.
"Don't worry Mrs. Tsukino they're both fine they just need sleep like the rest of us." Amy explained as Travis and Darien took the two girls upstairs into one of the guest bedrooms.
"Will some one please tell me what the hell is going on?" Molly shouted from the door looking extremely frightened and even more confused. "Luna this is your department, you can explain all of this better than any of us. Raye said to the black cat that was coming down the stairs. Luna bounded up into the living room, plopped herself onto the arm of the sofa, sighed and began, "A thousand years ago…"
A loud bang of thunder rumbled in the distance and a flash of lighting lit Travis's house. "Oh. I hope Serena doesn't wake up while this storm is around she'll have a fit." Molly said from her spot in front of the fire were she and the two cats were huddled up, a thick blanket wrapped around them.
"We would have to put up with two people having a fit, both Serena and Reenie are terrified of thunder." Travis said, "I don't know how they can be near Lita when she attacks." Travis got a slight laugh from the group but it was very weak everyone was worried about the two girls who had been sleeping for hours. "Ha ha! Very funny Travis, Lita's attack doesn't make a big bang but thunder does. So ha!" another clap of thunder made Serena jump then run over to Darien who tried to comfort her. Serena gazed over to molly who was looking at Serena in an odd way then turned just after away to look at the fire again. Serena broke away from Darien's comforting arms, walked over to her oldest friend and put her hand on the girl's shoulder. Molly jerked away as if Serena's tough was deadly, "Molly?" Serena asked a slight quiver in her soft voice. Molly looked up into her friend's eyes. Serena's eyes had always been like windows for others to see what she was feeling they were usually filled with happiness and her usual good humour but right now, to Molly's shock, they were filled with sadness and tears. Molly tore her eyes away from Serena's and looked back at the fire. * All right Molly, calm down, * Molly thought to herself as she felt Serena sit down next to her, * this is the same Serena who has been your friend since you were like three, isn't she? Of course she is stupid! Her past and future life don't matter, so what if she was a princess, so what if she's going to be queen, does that really change who she is? I'm so confused. * "Molly I'm sorry for not telling you about me being sailor moon. I was just trying to protect you from being hurt just because you knew. I know you probably hate me now for lying to you so I'm going to go back to sleep and I wont bother you again I promise." Serena said in almost a whisper tears falling silently down her face, she stood up and began for the stairs.
"Serena, I'm glad you told me, better late than never is what I always say, and I don't want you to go, you are still the same girl I have known and been friends with since I was little and your past and future wont change who you are. My best friend." Serena turned around to find Molly crying as well. The two hugged each other for a very long time. BANG!!!! A loud clap of thunder made everyone in the whole room jump. "MOMMY! DADDY!" A Reenie's voice followed the little girl as she ran from the room and straight into Serena nearly knocking the poor girl off her feet. "I hate thunder!" Reenie said she was absolutely terrified. "I can really see the resemblance between you and Reenie, you two are so much alike." Molly exclaimed for the first time noticing how much Reenie took after Serena. "I'm just surprised I didn't notice before."
"Well no one noticed that me and Travis were twins so I guess it's kinda a natural mistake." Serena replied looking over Reenie's shoulder. Serena picked the shaking girl up into her arms and stood up yawning. "I'm going to put Reenie back to bed, she really needs sleep…" Another yawn broke out, "She's been through a lot today." Serena said then headed for the stairs.
"I think you should go and get some sleep too you can barley get through a sentence properly." Ellen added heading up after the two girls. "Night Serena, Reenie, sleep tight!" Travis called after them.
"Uni! Flair! Get over here NOW!" Renald called. A human looking monster with pure white hair, deep blue eyes and a horn on the top of it's head and another human looking monster that seemed to be made entirely of flames appeared in front of the throne on which Renald sat. "You called sire." Flair asked rising out of her kneeling position. "Of course I called you. You two are my advisers after all and I need help. Princess Serenity still has not come to our side and there are precious hours left. You of all people should know that we only have five days left to change her! I DO NOT plan on waiting another ten years. So hurry up and think up a plan!" Renald was furious, the monster he had sent to capture Serena had been destroyed by the little girl who duoed with sailor moon and there was still the question as to how she duoed with Serena, only those who share the same family blood may duo and he had no recollection of the small child from the moon and he was certain that Serena didn't have a seven year old daughter at the age of fifteen.
"Your majesty I might have a way to get her here." Uni said in a thoughtful tone. "Well, tell me." Renald said impatiently.
"We could try entering her again…" Uni began, "We already tried that and it didn't work." Renald interrupted, "Sire if you would let me speak, as I was saying, if we entered her dreams EXCEPT this time while in her dreams give off dark energy into the crystal that you gave her she still hasn't taken it off. It might just work and I get to mess with her dreams as well." Uni said grinning mischievously. "Well then go, and for once in your miserable life don't mess up or the consequences will hurt." Renald said.
"As you wish my lord." With that Uni disappeared.
Uni appeared in the guest room that Serena and Reenie shared. "So this is the princess, and who is this young child?" Uni whispered to herself as she hovered over the sleeping girls not realizing that the pink haired girl was beginning to wake up, "Well id better get this over with, only five hours left." Uni's whole body started to become a see through cloud of smoke and she began to enter Serena through the sleeping girl's mouth. Reenie opened her eyes. "Mommy?" Reenie looked over at Serena in time to see the monster turn into a smoke like substance and then enter her mother. "No! Stop it! Get away from her!" Reenie yelled grabbing at the last wisp of smoke only to fall over Serena and off the bed.
Amy and Luna were discussing training techniques, Artimis and Diana were cuddled up in front of the fire on Mrs. Tsukino's lap, while Lita, Molly, Raye, Mina, and Darien laughed at another one of Travis's jokes. Raye's head jerked up suddenly. The laughter cut off instantly, "Raye what is it?" Mina asked worriedly. "I feel and evil presence here. I think Serena and Reenie are in danger." Just as Raye finished her last word everyone heard a scream. "No! Stop it! Get away from her!" a large thump followed the sentence. "Reenie!" Darien shouted and began running to the stairs Travis two steps behind him. Darien reached the door and burst through to find Reenie a frightened Reenie on the floor and Serena still sleeping. "Reenie? What's wrong sweetie?" Darien asked calmly picking up the distraught little girl. Reenie squirmed to get out of her father's arms and to her mother but his grip was strong, "Some monster turned into smoke and went in Mommy! We have to get it out! We have to get it out!" Reenie was now frantic and with a small burst of energy she broke free and ran up to Serena. "Mommy wake up!" Reenie screamed again as she reached her mother's side, Travis picked her up this time, "Rabbit, calm down it was just a dream." He said soothingly. "No it wasn't! If you don't believe me go get Amy she can scan her and then it'll show you that I'm right." Travis put Reenie back onto the bed next to Serena while Darien went t go get Amy. Sailor mercury entered the room minutes later, her visor on and her mini computer out and ready. "Reenie you're going to have to move ok?" Mercury said kneeling next to the bed, Reenie nodded and got off the bed. Sailor mercury punched the buttons on her computer scanning Serena for anything unusual. "Reenie there's nothing in her, she's just fast asleep like you should be. Darien and Travis are right you just had a bad dream." Sailor mercury said as she detreansformed back to Amy. "I know it wasn't a dream." Reenie said then yawned. "Come on Rabbit time for you to go back to bed." Travis said putting Reenie, for the third time, onto the bed and pulling the covers over her and Serena. "Don't call me Rabbit." Reenie said then dropped off back to sleep.
Reenie woke up to the smell of pancakes wafting up from the kitchen. Reenie, careful not to wake Serena, got out of the bed and tiptoed out of the room but as soon as she shut the door she ran down the stairs and into the kitchen to find Ellen at the stove. "Morning sweetie, how are you feeling?" Ellen said turning from the pancakes on the frying pan, "I made pancakes just for you, everyone else already had breakfast and went off to the temple. Is Serena up yet?"
"No grandma, she's still asleep. Did you really expect her to be up yet? Its only nine." Reenie asked as Ellen pilled some pancakes onto the plat in front of her. "No I guess not, but you have to admit she has gotten better over the past year, you and Travis really helped her break some of her bad habits but I guess her air-headedness will always be a part of her wont it." Ellen responded sitting down with a cup of tea. "Nope even in the future mommy's is still a of an air-head when she can be but if you could would you really want her to change that much?" Reenie asked looking suspiciously at her grandmother from across the table. Ellen laughed, "No I guess I wouldn't, I don't think anyone who knows Serena would. Hey I just got the best idea, why don't your grandfather and I take you to the park and let Serena sleep?"
"Yeah! That sounds fun, I'll go get dressed." Reenie bolted down her pancakes and ran up stairs to get dressed.
"Grandma, Grandpa look at the duckies! They're sssssooooo cute!" Reenie exclaimed running ahead of Ellen and Ken towards the duck pond.
"Be careful not to fall in!" Ellen shouted after the running girl. "Don't worry Ellen she will be fine don't badger her just enjoy the time we have with her." Ken said putting his arm around his wife's shoulder, "I know, I know," Ellen said sighing, "I really should loosen up and enjoy the time we have with her, I mean common we will be long gone by the time she's born so this time is special." Ken pulled her closer to him with his arm, "Come on she's getting too far ahead and we should head back soon Serena should be up by now its almost four o'clock." Ken said. He and Ellen walked to go get Reenie.
"WE'RE HOME!!" Reenie shout echoed through the house as the three entered it but no answer came. Reenie took off her coat, "I'm gona go check on mommy and see how she's doing." Reenie said to Ellen and Ken then headed for the spare room and poked her head through the crack in the door. "Mommy? You awake?" Reenie asked almost timidly. She opened the door fully and stepped up to Serena's motionless figure, "Mommy?" Reenie asked reaching up and touching Serena's hand. Reenie jerked away Serena's hand was as cold as ice, Reenie could see that Serena was breathing but she was as cold as if she were dead. A see through figure appeared floating about a foot over Serena's head. Reenie screamed, scrambled to her feet and headed for the door. "Oh no you don't." The monster said and with a wave of it's arm the door slammed shut in Reenie's face. Reenie wiped around, "What do you want with my mommy?" Reenie asked, glaring at Uni. "Your mommy?" Uni asked confused, "Oh you mean the princess. So you're the future daughter she keeps dreaming about, so neo princess Serenity you want to know what I'm doing? It's simple I'm going to fill Serenity here with dark energy and in a sense brain wash her, and don't even try to stop us there is no way the get to her." Uni disappeared again; Reenie rushed over to Serena but before she could reach her a dark field of energy surrounded the sleeping girl making it impossible to reach her. The door opened, "Reenie what's all the screa…… Oh no Serena!" Ellen came through the door but the sight of her daughter made her fall back, "Reenie? What's going on?" Ellen asked staring at Serena's still body, which was radiating a black light. "I don't know Grandma, I really don't know." Reenie said.
"Amy what's happening to her?" Darien asked as he cradled Reenie. Amy put her mini computer back into her lunar space pocket, "As far as I can tell something inside of her is putting negative energy into her and the crystal around her neck, its almost like Renald is brainwashing her except in a much more complex way than Queen Byrol or Rubeus used this one will not only erase and change her memories but it is going to change her as well, she will probably become what she would have been if Renald and she had been together instead of you and her." Amy explained.
"Will I disappear?" Reenie asked, pulling her tear stained face away from Darien's shoulder. "No I don't think so, we found out that even if you are born in a different time you are still the Reenie we know. Don't worry we wont let you disappear, we promise." Amy said, the others nodding in agreement. Amy didn't have the heart to tell the little girl what she thought would happen if they didn't stop the flow of dark energy entering Serena, the little girl would act horribly to the news. * This is going to be our hardest battle yet. *
"Hi there Reenie, what are you doing here?" Raye asked when she saw the pink haired girl and the small grey kitten. "I was wondering around and I decided to come wait for you." Reenie said as she placed Diana on her head and began to walk beside Raye, "How's Serena? Has she woken up yet?" Raye asked hopefully. It had been four days since the yuma had entered Serena and started putting dark energy into her and Raye, even though she wouldn't admit it, was scared to death.
Reenie and Raye sat on a near by bench, "Serena's still asleep, she keeps mumbling but no one can understand what she's saying." Reenie's eyes were teary, "I'm scared Raye. I really am, I don't want to lose mommy and if she changes I wont be able to go home, there might not even be a home for me to go back too."
"Don't worry Reenie, We'll get Serena back, I promise." Raye said looking the little girl in the eyes. "Do you really mean it Raye? You and Mommy never have really gotten along, sometimes I wonder if you really do care for Serena or not." Reenie said looking away from Raye. Raye was shocked at Reenie's words, "Reenie." Raye said quietly, "Just because Serena and I fight a lot doesn't mean I don't care for her. She is one of my best friends and I love her, I'm as upset as the rest of the scouts are. I may not show it that often but I have a lot of faith in Serena. So what if she's somewhat of a ditz and a klutz and a cry-baby, I know that she will always be there for me when I need her and she knows that I will always be there for her." Raye was crying, for the first time in all the time Reenie had known Raye, this was the first time she had ever seen her cry. Reenie took Raye's hand, "Don't cry Raye. I know that you and the other scouts will save Mommy, I mean come on you guys risked you necks for her even when you didn't have your powers. Come on lets go to Travis's." Raye wiped her face and the two girls headed off for Travis's house.
Darien was fast asleep in the chair at the end of Serena's bed when, in a small flash of dark light, Renald appeared beside him. Darien woke with a start, when he saw Renald standing next to him he flung himself at the man.
"No, not this time." Renald waved his arm casually, Darien couldn't move. "What the hell did you just do?" Darien asked trying to move. "Don't even bother trying to move it wont work." Renald said getting right up close to Darien, inches from his face, "You know Darien. You and I aren't really that different, we both strive to achieve the same thing."
"And what is that?" Darien spat out at Renald. "Why my dear prince it is the love of the princess, but in this life time my friend it is you who shall suffer, I shall be the one whom the goddess loves not you." With that Renald spun around and walked over to the sleeping Serena. Renald took the necklace of black crystal that was identical to the one around Serena's off and hung it over the sleeping girl's lifeless body, murmuring something Darien could not hear. The dark energy that had surrounded Serena for the past couple of days was sucked back into the crystal around her neck, almost immediately she began to stir. "And now Darien, you shall watch as Serena becomes what she is meant to be." Renald started laughing as Serena started to change slightly. "Serena NO!" Darien cried out to her but she still didn't wake.
The Park
Travis and Crystal were walking through the park. The night was clear and the moon was bright, a few other couples walked along in the park but Travis and Crystal took no notice of them.
"The moon is so beautiful tonight. Don't you think so Travis?" Crystal asked, she was holding onto Travis's arm. "Yeah it really is beautiful." Travis was gazing up into the sky, he was trying to have a good time with Crystal, he really was but his mind kept wandering back to Serena who now, thanks to Renald, was lying in one of the guest rooms at his house alive but not much more. Crystal could feel Travis tense up. "I really wish you would tell me what's wrong. You haven't been the same since Serena got sick. I know that she can't really be sick if you are this worried, so please Travis tell me." Crystal looked up at Travis with pleading eyes. "I can't Crystal, I wish I could but I can't take the risk." Travis said pulling away from her grasp and looking away from her begging eyes. Crystal lay her hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry for pushing Travis, but I worry about you, one second we're on a date having loads of fun, then your watch thingy starts beeping and you have to leave right in the middle of it, no questions asked. It's not fair that you won't tell me what's wrong or why you leave so suddenly." Crystal seemed calm on the outside but inside she was screaming, she was so mad at how Travis blocked her out of his life when it came to certain things, she had been his girlfriend for the past six months and she still didn't know half the thing about him she should and it annoyed her. "Crystal I…." Travis started but stopped, pain flashed his face. "Oh no Serena. Darien they're in trouble!" Travis was leaning against the railing that over looked the small pond. That's when he felt it. An evil energy began to sweep over him, pain burned throughout his entire body, it was like his whole body was filed with fire. Travis began to scream. "Travis? Travis?! What's wrong?" Crystal started screaming, Travis collapsed onto the ground. "Crystal I have to get back to my house.." Travis started but Crystal cut him off, "No I'm not taking you anywhere, you need to go see a doctor right now."
"You don't understand! Darien is in big trouble and something awful is happening to Serena and it's effecting me as well." Travis said this quietly but very, very firmly. "My friends are at my place and only they can help me, no doctor can stop what I think is going to happen to my sister. Now go call a cab and lets get to my house now." Crystal backed up slowly, he eyes flashed with fear, not of Travis but of what horrible things that could possibly be going on, but her wild guesses were nowhere near what was really happening. Crystal bent down, put Travis's arm around her shoulder, helped him hobble over to the street were she flagged down a taxi and they left.
"Hey everyone look, its Crystal and Travis!" Molly shouted as the taxi pulled up and Crystal helped Travis out of it. Jake ran to the window, "Oh my god! I think Travis is hurt, common Amy lets go!" Jake said quickly, "Right, Mercury star power!" Jake ran out the door sailor mercury right behind him.
"Mr. Jacobson theres something wrong with Travis! Sailor Mercury? Mr. Jacobson, what a sailor scout doing here?" Crystal asked really confused to see one of the sailor scouts here at Travis's house.
"Don't ask questions, help Sailor Mercury get Travis inside." Jake almost shouted at the girl. The two girls and Jake got Travis inside and onto a couch. "Uncle Jake…." Travis said and tried to get up but Jake and Mercury cut him of, "Oh no you don't. Don't even try getting up." The two said in unision. "You don't understand! It's Serena and Darien they're in trouble! I have to help them now!" Travis struggled under Jake's force but he couldn't move. "Raye! Lita! Go check on Serena now!" Jake shouted to the two girls across the room, "Right!" Lita and Raye ran up the stairs, Reenie following in hot pursuit. The three girls burst through the door.
"Hey get away from her!" Lita shouted at Renald who was hovering over a still unconscious Serena.
"Oh is that my cue to get down on my knees and beg for you to spare my life?" Renald asked mockingly, "Well I'm sorry to disappoint you my dears but you that can stop me now, soon Serena shall awaken and nothing, not even you pathetic scouts, can do to stop me." Renald started laughing then disappeared. Darien unfroze almost instantly and fell to the floor with a loud bang. Lita and Raye ran over to help Darien up while Reenie ran to the side of the bed. "Mommy?" Reenie asked quietly, she reached out and touched Serena's arm, this time her skin was warm to the touch. Serena began to stir slightly. "Serena!" Darien ran over to the bed, knocking Raye and Lita down on his way. "Lita, go get Amy we need to know what's happening to her."
The door opened before Lita could even take a step, Jake and Ken were carrying Travis Amy close behind, and Amy was transformed and typing away at her computer. Raye was the first to speak, "What happened to him?"
"He became delirious, started saying some really weird, then passed out." Amy said and went back to work moving back and taking readings on both Serena and Travis as Mrs. Tsukino shooed everyone else out.
An hour later, downstairs
Luna, Artimis, Apollo, and Diana had explained to Crystal what was happening to Serena and Travis and why it was happening, Reenie and Darien were both fast asleep on the couch, Reenie because of how much she cried and Darien from all the energy he put in trying to move when Renald held him in the spell. Mina pulled a blanket over the two and sat down and sighed, "Poor Reenie, she's absolutely exhausted."
"Well you almost have to expect that, she did do a lot of crying and that can take out a lot of energy and then there's the fact that the poor kids scared half to death about loosing her mother and her uncle all in on day." Raye said looking over at Reenie, the poor girl was going through so much and who knows what else she will have to stand up against. Everyone was so caught up in their own thoughts that no one noticed Mrs. Tsukino come into the room and sit down. Lita was the first one to notice, "What does Amy say?" Everyone else was startled at first but quickly went silent waiting for an answer. Ellen cleared her througt, "She says that the brain washing isn't only effecting Serena but Travis as well, the are both starting to wake up but we have no way of knowing whether the brainwashing worked or not." At that point Ellen couldn't control her tears anymore she just broke down. Ken ran over to comfort his wife while the scouts moved closer. "Don't worry dear I'm sure Serena and Travis will pull through, they have been through worse and they survived then so they will survive now." Ken said putting a comforting arm around her. Amy came running down the stairs and shouted, "They're waking up!" jerking Darien awake but Reenie slept on, Amy then ran back up the stairs followed closely by everyone else.
Darien, Ken, Ellen and Raye ran to Serena's side while the rest ran over to a waking Travis. "Serena? Hunny?" Mrs. Tukino asked quietly when her daughter opened her eyes. Serena looked confused, "Who are you?" She asked coldly, she sat up and looked at all the faces with looks of pure astonishment on them, "What the hell are you looking at?" Her gaze became icy and vicious when she saw Darien, "Endymion, What have you done to my brother?" Serena ran past the scouts and over to Travis who was just waking. "Hello sister." He said looking around him, "Where are we?"
"I do not know, but Endymion is here so it must be bad, come let us leave and find Renald." Serena helped Travis up and headed for the door. "Serena wait….." Darien started but stopped at the look Serena gave him. "DO NOT, and repeat NOT, try to stop me and my brother, you either sailor scouts, and also Endymion never, ever, call me Serena, that privilege is for my family and loved ones only." Serena's voice was cold and bitter her eyes were filled with hate. Serena reached for the door but it was pulled open before she could reach it. Reenie stood there looking up in shock at her mother, "MOMMY!" Reenie shouted then jumped up into Serena's arms. Serena looked down on the small child strangely, she looked over at Travis, "Who is this child?" Reenie looked up at Serena with a look of hurt, "Do you not know me Mommy?" Reenie asked timidly, her eyes almost begging for an answer.
"Reenie get away from her." Darien said. Reenie looked over at him with a questioning look, "Why Daddy? She's back to normal isn't she?" Reenie looked puzzled. "Daddy? Child you must be mistaken, I have no child and if I did it would not be the child of that thing you call your father. Now let us pass." She put Reenie down and left.