Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Eternal Serenity Series ❯ A Different Light ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Eternal Serenity: A Different Light"
by Lisette
Please send all comments/criticisms to:

Disclaimers: The characters within all belong to Naoko Takeuchi, DIC, Toei Animation and whoever else has rights to them. I own nothing but the story idea found within.

Rated: PG-13

"Eternal Serenity: A Different Light"

As the flash of bright light slowly faded away, Darien stumbled slightly as he tried to take in his bearings... only to fall to his knees as a wave of frightening nausea ripped through his strong physique. Groaning, he quickly curled up into a fetal position as waves of pain wracked his body, his mind gone numb as he hoped either for relief from this torment or the quick end of death.. at least then he would be with his Serena.

And then, just as quickly as the mysterious pain came upon him it was gone like a thief into the night. Shaking his head, Darien slowly blinked his eyes open as he uncurled from his tight position.. and instantly froze as a piercing arctic wind tore at his limbs. How he could not have noticed this immense cold before was beyond him as he slowly fought off the bite that threatened to freeze his delicate membranes closed over his bright blue eyes, so haunted with the pain of the last two years. But on all sides, all he saw was a blinding white that threatened to blind him with its brightness. "What on Earth?" Darien mumbled as he slowly climbed to his feet, his worn shoes crunching over the hard and bitter snow.

Where was he? What had happened? All he remembered was returning from yet another hopeless battle.. a battle that had ended in Sailor Neptune's death.. and the tortured screams of Uranus.. yes, he remembered that all too well. And then.. and then he had returned to Amy, still locked away in his bedroom-turned-study, hiding from the world as she slaved away at a project that she kept hidden from him, pouring night and day over his star locket.. Serena's star locket...

Wincing at the thought of his beloved, Darien quickly closed his eyes once again and slowly knelt down, ignoring the cold bite that inched through his thin pant leg. He would never get over her death.. he didn't know how he could possibly live without her, yet each day passed with a horrid monotony as he waited for his end to come.. so he could be with her once again.

But then something had happened... he had gone to see Amy and she.. she had finally revealed the truth behind the reason that she had disappeared out of the lives of her friends, her scouts... the star locket. He remembered now... Amy had been visited by Sailor Pluto shortly after Sailor Mars' death and had told Amy to construct a dimensional gateway out of the star locket so that he could travel to find his love once again.. so that he could be with his Serena once again.

Gasping, Darien's eyes flew open as he quickly turned, surveying his surroundings once again as he staggered to his feet. Now, the cold was of no consequence as he took in the desolate landscape. His Serena was here.. she was here and alive.. she had to be... but where was here? And then.. he knew. Without even knowing why, Darien quickly closed his eyes and pictured his love in his mind's eye, he pictured Serena in all of her glory -- her golden hair tied back in twin tails of gold that flowed around her slim form, her sparkling blue eyes that always shined with warmth, and her angelic smile... he pictured it all and then in a flash of light she was there, kneeling before him.

Wincing, Darien saw that her beautiful Sailor suit was in a tattered ruin as she knelt before.. as she knelt before Prince Endymion, himself, corrupted by the evil energy that polluted his blood in Beryl's dark cavern. That sight was the only thing that prevented him from running into her arms... it had been so long since he had seen his love.. so very long since he had held her close. He had thought that she was lost to him forever. Closing his eyes, Darien stumbled to his knees at the memory. The scene.. the scene was so familiar that it was as though he was reliving his memory, watching it all happen again. Shaking away the feelings of being forced to act against the one that he loved, Darien watched as the scene played out before him.

"Good-bye Sailor Moon," his other murmured, his eyes dark and cold as they appraised his angel, so broken before him.

"Serena," Darien whispered brokenly, falling to his knees on the hard stone cavern floor as his blue eyes filled with tears. Even though he had been under Beryl's control, even though he watched himself do this now, he remembered it all as if it were yesterday. He remembered how his love had to struggle through the deaths of her friends, of those closest to her heart and was forced to continue on all alone. She was strong, his love, but her friends gave her strength. Without them, she wilted and faltered... she was truly alone and now she was faced with her love... the other was going to try and destroy her.

Shaking her head, Serena blinked back tears as she shook her head, ignoring all of the pain in each and every scrape and abrasion that marked her body, ignoring the tattered ruins of her heart at the death of her friends. "Darien, she may have your mind, but your heart belongs to me," she whispered, speaking the truth from her heart. "You remember.. don't you?" she whispered, her voice taking on a note of pleading.

"You are the enemy," the other answered stonily, his eyes cold and hard like the glacier ice that rested outside the dark caverns.

"No, she is the light," Darien murmured, a single tear streaking down his cheek. He knew what was to happen this night... his love would conquer, but their love would be lost yet again. But... would that happen again? Shaking his head, Darien felt his heart ache as he remembered Amy's words... something in this world would change from his memories, something would happen to make this world take a different path than his own. But the question remained... how would it change? Where would it occur?

"No I'm not," Sailor Moon quickly denied, shaking her head as she quickly withdrew something from the tattered remains of her uniform. "Look Darien, it's our locket..." she whispered, holding the object out for her love to see as the weak light of the cavern glinted off of the shining gold, the crescent moon twinkling. And then, the moon began to rotate as their song twinkled out, the song like music to his ears as the tears sparkled in his angel's eyes.

"The symbol of our love," Darien whispered, reaching within his jacket to finger the cold locket from his own time.

"Don't destroy it," Serena continued, unable to hear Darien's whispered words as her eyes remained fixated on the cold blue eyes of her love, the other. "Remember? It's our locket, the symbol of everything that we shared," she whispered, the tears trailing down her cheeks, "all those happy times on the moon... don't let her take all of that away from us," she begged, trying to keep the locket steady in her shaking hands. "Please Darien! It's me, Darien, Princess Serenity... I've come to set you free again," she murmured as the other, her Prince Endymion, slowly lowered his gleaming sword to the ground beside him. "Just like I promised."

"I remember," the other said slowly, his clear eyes beginning to become hazed.

"Oh, all you have to do is touch it," Serena whispered, barely allowing the hope to touch her voice.

Sighing, Darien watched with baited breath as the other, his self from this other time, slowly reached out his trembling fingers towards the star locket. And then, as his skin brushed across the gleaming gold surface a bright light flared around his body, flying everywhere as the other groaned and slipped to his knees, the sword forgotten by his side.

"Oh Darien..." Serena murmured as she fell forward and wrapped her small arms around him, the tears coursing down her cheeks.

"Thank you," the other groaned as his blue eyes, finally clear of the evil that Beryl had cast, rested on those of the one he would always love.

Darien remembered this moment too well and watched as a single rose fell on the sword, a bitter sweet smile touching his lips. If only this story could have a happy ending.

"I'm free," the other continued, content in having Sailor Moon's arms wrapped so tightly around him. In that instant, he remembered it all... Princess Serenity, the Moon Kingdom, Queen Serenity, the destruction, Darien, and Serena.. he remembered all.

"Oh, I know Darien.. I know.." Serena whispered as she quickly hugged his neck.

"Ugh.. that's so sweet I'm getting cavities!"

Even Darien was surprised at the interruption to the touching moment as he quickly turned and felt his eyes narrow on the witch that caused it all.. and would end it all for his love. She would end his life in a matter of minutes, again, and Serena, his angel, would be left all alone. Why did she always have to be alone?

"This sailor brat isn't going to insult me in my own place!" she roared.

Sighing, Darien knew what would come next.. the thing that would drive them apart once again, the thing that would bring about their memory loss so that they would have to be without one another yet again until Alan and Ann returned them. Why were they always punished so? Pushed apart in ways so that their true love couldn't blossom and flourish in the light? Turning, Darien watched as Queen Beryl, overwhelmed with jealousy, her eyes dark brimming with hatred, formed a large spear of dark crystal that was threaded with nega energy. "Watch out!" he yelled, knowing that it was of no use as she launched the spear at Prince Endymion's turned back.

And like always, his other self turned in the nick of time and launched the rose that would save Serena's life, separating the spear into smaller shards, the shards that would soon pierce his back and end his life... but this time things were different. To Darien's amazement, as his other launched the rose he also dove forward and rolled with Sailor Moon to the side, completely avoiding the shards as his single rose impaled itself into Queen Beryl's chest, stabbing through her black heart.

"Darien!!" Sailor Moon screamed as the witch disappeared in a flash of light, quickly climbing to her feet and out of Prince Endymion's protective hold as she began inspecting him for injury, bright tears shining in her large eyes, so filled with love.

"Shh, it's alright," his other whispered as he quickly pulled Sailor Moon into his strong arms, smiling sadly as she buried her face in his chest.

"Oh Darien, I thought that I had lost you too," Serena murmured, the tears flowing freely as she held onto her love for dear life. "All of the others.. Lita, Amy, Mina, Rae... they're all..." she sobbed brokenly, obviously breaking the young man's heart.

"Oh Serena," Darien murmured as he watched the other comfort his love. So this was how things changed.. The locket will basically bring you to each dimension a little before the change happens that makes that dimension take a different path than our own... Amy knew that this would happen and she had been right.. their own past had been altered and this was the change.. he had survived Beryl's attack upon him. But how did this affect the rest? Turning, he quickly watched as the drama unfolded, all of this new to his senses.

"Come on Serena, I'm getting you out of here," the other said quickly as he climbed to his feet, pulling Serena along with him until she was standing shakily before him.

"What?" Serena gasped as she pulled back slightly and looked at her Darien in surprise. "But Beryl..."

"You're in NO condition to fight.. I'm taking you back to Tokyo..."

"No," Serena interrupted softly, her eyes haunted with so much grief, haunted with the loss of so many that she loved. Yet in her eyes... in her eyes Darien saw the light that would always shine forth, the light that marked her as his love for eternity. "We cannot leave until Beryl is destroyed for once and for all," she murmured with a determination that she hadn't known that she had possessed.

Sighing, Prince Endymion nodded his head slowly as he looked into Sailor Moon's bright eyes. Both Darien and the prince knew the look that shone forth in her eyes. "And you won't do it alone," he vowed as he gripped her gloved hand tightly in his own.

"Together forever?" she whispered, tears shining on her pale face as her love caressed his own.

"Forever," he whispered as together they left the empty cavern, prepared to battle until the death.

Smiling softly, Darien slowly trailed after the couple. That was his Serena all right... he knew how afraid she was.. later, after it was all over, Serena had confessed her fear to him, how after the death of her friends she slowly lost all hope until she wanted nothing more than for it all to just go away. But throughout it all she wouldn't allow herself to give up.. not for the world. It was that very aspect of Serena that he loved so much -- her caring heart. He would always love Serena, and while he wished more than anything that it was his hand that she held, he took comfort in the fact that in a way, it was. He was alive, in this dimension, and Serena wouldn't have to face her worst nightmare alone.

With purposeful strides she crossed the barren wastelands, he and his other walking on each side of her as Darien stared at the golden light that should always warm the Earth... he almost wept at the beauty that he hadn't seen in over two years since her death.

But once more, his thoughts were interrupted as what could only be described as the laughter of the devil rang out into the glacial strip. Turning, Darien's eyes narrowed as they focused on Queen Beryl, now a towering frame over them and fused with the Negaverse.

"Better enjoy that laugh, Beryl," Serena muttered tightly, her hand gripping Darien's in a death-like grip. "It's going to be the last one that you ever have! You're never going to rule the earth as long as I live!!"

Almost laughing at the threat, Beryl smiled down at the child and her love. "We better get this over with," she said caustically, summoning the death that surrounded her.

"Let's get to it," Sailor Moon agreed as she lifted her crescent moon wand.

"You don't know what you're up against," Beryl laughed as she reared back with her power. "Good bye Sailor Moon!" she screamed as the power flew forth from her hands, blinding Darien as he unconsciously stepped away from his love and the other's sides.

When at last Darien's sight had cleared, he found himself faced with a tower of crystal ice. But he wasn't worried.. he knew what was to come and knew that his love would never let them down... she was incapable of such a thing. With a proud smile, Darien stood back, ignoring the biting wind and watched as the crystal tower exploded open in a petal of light... and standing atop in all of her glory was his Princess Serenity, his Serena, with Prince Endymion standing proudly beside her.

"I will defeat you, Beryl, in the name of the moon," the Princess cried out, crystal tears of grief for all that she had lost pouring down her cold cheeks. Turning, she smiled up at her love. "Help me," she whispered, her voice so soft yet carrying to Darien's ears.

Nodding firmly, Prince Endymion placed his gloved hand over her smooth skin and helped her to hold the moon wand, the bright crystal glowing proudly from the tip. And together, they raised the wand and pointed it at the witch.

"You?" Beryl laughed, unafraid at the threat that posed her. "Pitiful little Princess Serenity?"

Ignoring the witch, Princess Serenity slowly closed her eyes, obviously willing for her body to relax.

"I hear you Luna..." she whispered, her words carrying to Darien as he watched it all unfold before him. "I'm not afraid any more."

"You should be!" Beryl growled, drawing back her energy even as the Princess did the same.

"Cosmic Moon Power!" she commanded as a wave of powerful white light poured forth from the tip, mixing with the energy of Prince Endymion that he gave so willingly. Instantly, her power of light met with that of Beryl's, startling the princess and causing a gasp of surprise to leave her lips. "Fight this evil!" she whispered, unaware of the pair of bright blue eyes that watched her from below.

"You can do this, Serena," Darien murmured, watching the strain line her beautiful face as Prince Endymion's forehead glistened with sweat. "You both can do this."

"Do not give up Serena," Endymion whispered into his love's ear, his arms wrapped tightly around her small waist. "You can do this!"

Nodding her head slowly, Princess Serenity glared up at the evil woman. "I am not letting you win this one you witch!" she hissed through gritted teeth. "My friends are counting on me!" she gasped, fighting back her tears.

In that moment, Darien knew that his angel thought of all those that she had lost in this battle, a frown of determination pulling at her face. And then, Darien had the eerie feeling that he and his princess were no longer the only ones on the battle field. As the flesh at the back of his neck began to prickle, Darien's eyes widened in amazement. Standing beside his princess and Endymion, the wispy silhouettes of the four soldiers, the dear friends that she had lost along the way, appeared around them, all offering their support.

"I do need all of you," Serena murmured, feeling their presence surround her. "Please help me!"

And then, Darien took another step back as the four voices echoed hollowly amongst the frozen wasteland:

"Mercury Power!"
"Mars Power!"
"Jupiter Power!"
"Venus Power!"

"Cosmic Moon Power Unite!!" Serena screamed, drawing on the strength that her friends offered to her, building it around her as it poured forth and into the evil that they faced.

"This can't be!" Beryl gasped, shaking her head in denial as her nega-energy began to be absorbed and changed by the powerful white light. "Nooooo!!!" she screamed as she slowly melted away, leaving the light shining in the barren wasteland. "Noooooooooooooo!!"

Shaking his head, Darien watched all of this with wide eyes before he slowly turned back towards the tower of ice and snow. There, he felt his heart catch in his throat as his angel slumped against Prince Endymion, the young man quickly lowering her to the cold ground. "Serena!" Darien gasped, moving without thought until he was kneeling on the other side of his love.

"Serena!" the other echoed as he cradled Serenity's golden crown of hair in his lap, her face pale and unmoving as he gently clasped her hand within his own. Darien didn't think that he could handle losing her again... even if she wasn't his to lose, Darien knew that he just couldn't see her die again.

And then, to both of their relief, her eyes slowly fluttered open, crystal blue staring up weakly. "Darien?" she murmured as a small hand slowly lifted to brush against the other's face before falling limply back to her side.

"Oh Serena!" the other gasped, quickly pulling her close to his heart. "I had thought that I'd lost you..."

"Never," Serena whispered, a small smile touching her lips.

And in that moment, Darien knew that his time in this dimension was over. This world was indeed now different than the one that he remembered, then the one that he lived within. Just by the act of rolling with his love away from the spear that Beryl had thrown, the path of this world had changed. With himself there to support his love in her fight against Beryl, enough power had been built so that the attack had not cost the life of his love... both Serena and Darien remembered everything, and he would imagine, only the scouts, now back in their homes, suffered from the loss of memory. But his other had his angel's love.

"Beryl is gone," Serena whispered, "blasted back to the Negaverse... the universe is safe again..... thanks to you and my friends," she murmured, tears freezing to her eyes lashes as she stared wistfully up at her one and true love. This time, they were tears of joy.

Nodding his head, the other cradled his love closer, the love shining in his eyes. "Finally we have a chance for peace -- real peace..."

Turning away from the couple, Darien slowly walked back along the wasteland, his hand reaching into his blazer and removing the small star locket. "I found you, my love," he whispered as he lifted the locket to his lips, kissing the smooth surface gently, "but it wasn't our time yet." And even though he knew that his search would have to continue and that he would not yet know the love of the one that he held so dear, he knew that his time was coming. And in the meantime, true happiness was found by this Serena and his other. Here, they were together and soon he would know Serena's love once again. "I'll find you again, my love... of that I promise," he whispered as he clicked the locket open, their melody wrapping around him like the soft blankets of love as the arctic world disappeared around him, forever playing their tune.

The End... for now