Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Fate ❯ New Hope ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Darien started laughing, "You still haven't changed have you meatball head?"

~*About 10 minutes later*~
"Ok, since we're obviously stuck together for a while, and also because I don't know anyone else here, we might as well try to make the best of it right?" Serena asked Darien as they walked down the hallway towards the elevator.
"Sure thing meatball head."
"And by the way, just don't call me meatball head- the name's Serena."
Darien chuckled, "Don't worry, besides it's probably best if we don't bicker like teenagers."
They walked into the hotel restaurant, and took a seat at the corner table. The room was extremely nice, soft candle lighting, and flowers on each table. The carpet was a deep burgundy, complemented by the soft brown-cushioned chairs and wood tables with a pure white tablecloth hanging over them. Serena and Darien gave their orders to the short brown-haired waiter named John that had just approached them. Serena, getting tired of the silent awkwardness tried to start a conversation...
"So Darien how's life been going for you?"
"Busy, you?"
'Well there goes that attempt' thought Serena. She started playing with the napkin in front of her, and suddenly the light floral imprint on the table became quite amusing to her. Darien, noticing her discomfort, started talking.
"I hope your husband won't get too upset that you had to share a room with another guy."
"Oh well you don't have to worry, I'm not married, single. Hope your wife won't give you any trouble."
"Don't worry. I'm single still. Besides I don't have time for girls."
"And why is that? Are we all so much trouble for the 'great Mr. Shields who just happens to have all the money in the world' to handle?"
Laughing he said, "No it's not that, just haven't found anyone worth spending time with. And for your information I don't own all the money in the world...just a good portion of it." That got a laugh out of both of them. From that point, the conversation took a turn. They talked about what they had done the last few years, Serena talked about her family and friends.... Darien told her about his past.
"No wonder you seemed so closed up, gosh Darien I'm so sorry. Why don't you ever tell me they died? You know I would've been there for you."
"Well I only told my best friend Andrew about it. Besides I didn't need people's pity, I was fine on my own. And anyways, if I remember correctly, you were always a bit busy yelling your head off at me," Darien chuckled.
"Hey that should tell you something, it's not like you didn't deserve me yelling at you after all that teasing!"
Darien started laughing, "Well I'm sorry, but I've never met anyone in my life who's failed so many tests!"
"Oh shut up." Serena said as she threw her napkin at him. Then she started laughing too.
In Darien's mind the sound of her laughter was melodious. 'Gosh I sure do wish I'd run into her everyday like before.'
"Darien?" Serena asked him, "Why'd you suddenly go off to college in America?"
"Um...because something here was threatening my plans. Besides I had gotten the scholarship a few weeks before I left, just something held me back. Yet I finally got the will power to leave, and so I did."
"What was it that held you back?"
"Uh someone extremely special."
"Oh...." Serena's eyes were suddenly cast down. And was that a hint of disappointment in there? 'Nah it couldn't be,' Darien thought.
"Besides I'm sure you didn't miss me too much," said Darien. It was a sorry attempt to hear he laugh again. 'Good lord I'm flirting with her!'
"You'd be surprised." Was her simple reply, which caught him totally unawares.
"Serena I wanted to say sorry for all the teasing and everything, it was all sort of a joke I guess, but I never meant any of it to hurt you."
Serena's head jerked up, and her eyes went wide. " just called me Serena?! I thought I'd never live to see the day!" Darien started laughing, "Well there's a first time for everything right?"
Just then, the waiter appeared again with two trays of food, and two drinks. After he had left, the two started eating.
"Woo, I'm starved...." Serena said as she dug into her Alfredo chicken dish.
"Well that's nothing new," Darien commented dryly.
"Oh shub ub!" Serena said with a mouthful of food.
Darien realized exactly why he had left for a college in America at that precise moment. Serena has everything he's missing. She's so full of life and love, something he hasn't has the privilege of.
" if you won't mind that is, I was wondering if maybe, and I know I don't have a right to ask this of you seeing as how I acted like a total jerk around with all the teasing and everything, but um.... perhaps we could....could start over, ya know? And be friends...?" Well he thought to sound confident, but when he started talking, nothing was held back.
"Of course Darien! Besides I already forgave for the biggy. And I think we got off on the wrong foot anyway."
"Haha, you can say that one again."
'Phew, well that wasn't so hard,' thought Darien. 'Gosh, I'm so lucky to have someone like her in my life. Why didn't I ever let her see that?'

'Well this is turning out for the better,' thought Serena. 'Wow he wants to be friends, maybe by some miracle, in the future, he'll want us to be more. At least he trusts me enough to tell me so much about him. I wonder who that special person he was talking about is?'