Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Fumbling Towards Esctasy ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fumbling Towards Ecstasy

By Devon Masterson-Bond

Chapter 2

Mina smiled as she looked around at all the wonders of the electronics show. There were so many gadgets that she could play with...research for her club. Naturally, she brought an expert along with her so that her purchases would not be foolhardy. "There is much to see," she said excitedly.

"There is a lot of potential," Ami commented smiling. She could not help it; the blonde's smile was contagious. Plus this was a break from destiny and a chance to do something close to her heart. "Audiovox Japan has some of the finest equipment made. I see a few purchases that could…"

"Ooh what's over here?" Mina asked walking up to a booth displaying the latest in LCD technology.

A middle-aged woman smiled. "This is our latest in plasma screen monitors and television," she answered starting a demo trailer. Mina awed at the picturesque sunset. "They are quite life like and because of the crystal matrix they can be made into a compact flat mode, unlike the bulky televisions of today."

"Do you have any literature that we can look through?" Ami asked. "There are quite a few exhibits that we have to visit."
The woman nodded and handed them a brochure with a business card attached. "Feel free to call or e-mail me if you have any questions."

"Thank you," Mina answered reading the card, "Urara." Ami pulled her off to the next booth. "No so fast, we're going to miss everything."

"I suggest a compromise," Ami replied letting go of Mina's hand. "We'll both look around and collect literature, but you won't buy anything until we meet back." The blonde opened her mouth to protest. "Remember you asked me to help you."

"Okay then," she sighed. "But I think those plasma screen monitors would be good on the dance floor."

Ami's eyebrow raised in agreement. That would be a good idea actually. "We'll go back there after we see everything else."

Mina smiled. "I'll see you in a hour," she said before blending into the crowd.

"Now to go off in search of my adventure," Ami said to herself. She turned in the opposite direction and worked her way to the crowd.


"So what do you think?" Jadeite asked.

Zoicite stared intently at the listeners while a man in a booth made a presentation. He fiddled with a lock of strawberry gold as he watched the responses of the audience. "They are interested but not sure of it uses in the common household. You need to express the need for your product to…" His sentence trailed.

"To what?" Jadeite prompted. He prodded his friend. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he answered turning his attention back to his task. "You need to express the need for your product to be in everyone's hands."

Jadeite smiled. "I'll modify the presentation for the next group." He thumped Zoicite on the shoulder playfully and went over towards the booth. He already knew what changes that he would make to sway the buyers.

Zoicite turned his attention to the crowd looking for sapphire orbs that had mesmerized him earlier. They were so familiar. He could have sworn that he had seen them before, but could not remember where. He had to meet the owner. Zoicite turned on his heel quickly and crashed into someone. "Are you okay, Miss?" he asked offering his hand.

Mina shook off the shock. She was prepared to be rude and tell the guy to watch where he was going when she looked up into magnificent emerald eyes. "I…I'm fine. Thank you." She took his hand and stood. "You just surprised me that's all."

"Well I do have that effect," Zoicite replied turning up the charm.

"You are very confident," Mina observed sliding her hand away slowly.

"Of course, I..."

"There you are, Mina," Ami called as she walked in their direction.

"Your name's Mina?" he asked watching her response. "That's a lovely name." He smiled at the goddess in front of him. He was finding it hard to take his eyes off of her when emerald locked with sapphire. The impulse to drop his jaw was hard to resist as he observed the vision in azure in front of him.

The world slowed down as she came closer to him. Magnificent blue eyes and black, blue shoulder length hair framed her face. His breath matched each of her long strides as her graceful figure glided across the floor. It was type of scene that would happen in movies minus the over dramatic fog and fake wind, but timeless nevertheless. Of course Zoicite was beside himself, but managed to school an expression of only slight intrigue. "I remember you," he said surprising even himself with his boldness. It was not his usual suave icebreaker.

Dark eyebrows furrowed slightly. "Excuse me?" she asked innocently. There was no way that he could have remembered her from last night. She gave him a suggestion with the voice. It was irresistible to someone like him. How could he…impossible! It was not possible for a human to withstand the voice. "He's just trying to pick me up," she thought. "It was not me."

"No, I'm sure," he pressed stepping past Mina.

Ami glared at Mina casually. Her supposed friend was beaming and making 'go get it gestures' behind his back. This was not how she planned to spend her day. "Destiny has away of finding you." She and Serena were going to have a long talk about this. "I'm sorry you, must be confusing me with someone else," she replied stepping around him.

Zoicite grabbed her arm quickly. An even greater feeling of déjà vu washed over him as he held her arm. "Last night at the club. I remember you."

"Do you make it a habit of grabbing strange women?" Ami asked pulling her arm away from him. This whole situation was starting to disturb her.

Crimson brushed his cheeks. "I… you looked familiar. Are you sure, we didn't meet last night? I would never forget a beautiful face," he commented stepping closer.

"Quite," she replied stepping back. He had beautiful eyes. The kind of eyes that made it easy to stare at them for hours and never grow tired. She turned her head. It had to be hormones; it was the only explanation for her behavior.

"You have beautiful eyes, you shouldn't hide them," he said softly lifting her chin.

Ami flushed deeply as she opened her eyes. She hadn't realized that she was squeezing them shut. Now this was embarrassing. She was acting like teen crushing on the popular boy. This had to stop! If Mina were not in the room, she would set off the sprinkler system and used the distraction to get away. There was only one way out of situations such as these. "I need to use the bathroom," she said pulling away from him and speeding off.

Mina nearly doubled over in laughter as Ami pulled her arm and yanked her through crowd in pace that was barely human. "I think this going to take a lot of work."


8:00am that morning…

Serena yawned just before bringing a mug to her lips. She was nothing until she had nice hot cup and no one could brew it like her assistant. Luna always got it the right temperature. She liked it exactly ninety-eight point six degrees when she was going to start her day. "What's on my schedule for today?" she asked stifling yet another yawn.

"Really, Serena," Luna reproached as she handed Serena a napkin to wipe her mouth. "Well let's see... You have a meeting with Malachite Ikari, then your have your…"

"Malachite Ikari," Serena interrupted.

"Yes," Luna nodded.

"He's one of the four," Serena commented leaning back in her chair. "Mina said she thought he was handsome. I would have had her here if I had known I was going to meet him today. Of course as my assistant, you should have warned me sooner."

A dark purple eyebrow raised. "I do recall that when I was telling you about today's schedule, you said 'we'll do it later, Luna, I'm tired'"

"I said that huh? Well when did you start listening to me?" Serena asked.

Luna narrowed her eyes hatefully. She knew the blonde was only teasing her, but the young CEO could really push her buttons. "I give up," she replied throwing her hands up.

"I love you too," Serena replied hugging the young woman.

"Thanks," she sighed. She straightened her suit and shook her head. "You are something."

"I know," Serena smiled then changed the subject. "Let him in. I want to check him out. Mina would never forgive me if I didn't give her all the details."

Luna shook her head and left the room within minutes she returned. "Mrs. Chiba this is Mr. Malachite Ikari head of the Dominion Corporation," she introduced.

Serena stood and shook hands debonair man. He was every positive adjective that Mina could think of to describe fine specimen of man. "Luna could you bring Mr. Ikari a cup of coffee and the usual for me."

"Please," he smiled, "call me Malachite."

"Call me Serena," she replied as they both sat down. A few moments later Luna brought a tray with mugs cream and sugar.

"How do you take your coffee, Mr. Ikari?" she asked after setting a new mug down for Serena and taking the old one.

"A cream and two sugars," he answered.

Luna poured a little cream and stirred in the sugar. Malachite took a swallow and smiled. "I think this might be your second calling, Miss Luna."
The dark haired woman smiled. "Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Ikari." She turned her eyes towards her supervisor then nodded in agreement. "Please let me know if you require anything," she said before leaving the room.

"I will," Malachite replied returning her smile.

"Malachite," Serena began casually once the door to her office closed. "You wanted to see me? For what?"

"You're right to the point, Serena, I like that," he smiled. This was going faster than he planned but he could keep up. Improvisation was what he prided himself on most. "My company is one of the upcoming new companies in Japan today. In one year, we have already…"

"I already know all about your company," Serena sighed. She slid a glossy dossier over to him. "Luna is the best isn't she? She had made this up for me this morning." She stood and walked over to a tinted window. Outside tiny dots and streaks made their way to various destinations oblivious to her and her kind. It would always be that way. "The Serenity Foundation is silent partner to hundreds of companies larger than yours. My hands are literally in everything. You could say that I rule the world…that sounded too serious didn't it?"

Malachite nearly choked at the change in demeanor. "Not at all."

Serena smiled. "Could see someone like me controlling the world? My best friend still has to program my VCR for me." She walked away from the window and sat down again.

The platinum blonde smirked. This woman before him could not be serious. She was nothing like he imagined. He had strategic sucking up planned laced with a list of his company's accomplishments. This had to be a joke. "You are not like I imagined," he said boldly.

"I like to surprise people," Serena laughed.

"And where does this leave my proposal?" he asked.

"I want to get to know the real you," Serena replied.

"What would like to know?"

Cobalt eyes started to dance in delight at an opportunity to get the complete skinny right that moment, but she held back. Mina had to move the tides, she was only guide the direction. It was all up to her from there. "I have to leave some mystery," she smiled. "It's more dramatic this way."

"Ohhkay," he said suddenly unsure of himself. This woman was extremely eccentric, but a woman nonetheless, it was only a matter of time. Malachite stood to his feet. "Then I assume the meeting is concluded for today." He offered his hand to her.

"I would like you to meet with my council," Serena smiled as she took his hand. It was strong, aggressive grip. Mina was going to have hands full. "I will let you know when they can meet with you."

"Thank you," he said. It was not the definite answer he wanted but there was still time. He needed to do his homework he was obviously ill prepared for the type of woman Serena turned out to be.

Serena held her breath as she watched Malachite leave. She just could not stand it. He seemed just perfect for her friend. Even when Luna entered the room signifying that it was safe to scream out in glee, she held her composure. "You're about to burst, what happened?"

"Let's just save love is going to be in the air. Love. Love. Lovve," she sang.

Luna smiled and shook her head. "You seemed pleased with yourself, whatever you did."

"I just made him curious," she commented, "and you know what they say…"

"As Sigma I find that phrase offensive," Luna said frostily. "Cats are wonderful creatures and I'm proud that it is form."

The blonde nodded her head thoughtfully. "Then how about this curiosity will catch the cat."

Luna smiled for the sake of compromise. Serena was too idealistic. There was no way that love would happen so quickly. She was rooting for Mina along with the other members of the Sigma Clan, but she still found it hard see a love match when he never even saw bubbly princess. He seemed so cold and manipulative. He was handsome though.

"Trust me," Serena said reading Luna's expression. "I know destiny when I see it." She touched Luna's shoulder then smiled. "Have you told Artemis yet?"

A crimson flush covered Luna's cheeks as she opened her mouth in shock. No one knew she was pregnant. She was going to surprise her husband tonight with the news. "How did you…" Serena put her finger to her lip mysteriously and smiled.

Perhaps something could happen after all.

To be continued…

© 2004 Devon Masterson-Bond

Sailor Moon and all affiliated characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi and a whole bunch people who bought the licensure and what not. I only own the concept and characters that do not appear in the manga and/or series.