Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Fumbling Towards Esctasy ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
By Devon Masterson-Bond
Chapter 10
Jadeite sighed as he threw another glance towards the building they had been parked across the street from for the hours. This stakeout was getting boring. It was not like him to give up on an endeavor, but going to such great lengths to chase a woman…. Well he had his pride. Plus it was no fun if Miss Cinnamon was not around to antagonize. He was not entirely sure that he had seen her going into the building with Malachite blond. Silly, that's what this was. He and Malachite camped out in his car waiting for them to come out of the building like some sort of stalker. “I never thought it would come to this.”
Malachite threw Jadeite a look in agreement. Chasing a woman that he spent the night with was not only out of character but was desperate. He did not do desperate…at least not until today. The whole situation irked him…deeply. Not only could he not get Mina out of his mind, but he was starting to wonder if Malachite was right. Something felt like it was happening. “There's something not right.”
“I would say so. We have been staring at the building for three hours looking like stalkers that have never been laid before. I didn't even get any one on one time with Miss Cinnamon for this trouble.”
“I am talking about what Malachite said the other night.”
Jadeite frowned. “Don't you turn mystic monk on me too!”
“Stop being melodramatic, I am merely working this out and Nephrite has never been wrong.”
“So are you saying that there some bad juju about to come get us and Nephrite has the inside information?” Jadeite shook his head. “I'll give you that he is cautious, but there are no such things as vampires, fortunetelling, and all that.”
“I have seen some unexplainable things. Sometimes I feel like I have had a past life.”
“So have I but I don't see the ghost and freak everybody out with it either. It's normal to have aspirations and they creep into our dreams sometimes. I read it in one of Zoi's books.”
“This is beyond that and those two women are to key to it. I feel it.”

“They why are you still here?” Malachite asked coldly.
Jadeite's face faltered for a moment before smiling. “To watch the show and get a better look at the philly that tamed mustang.”
“Why do I…” Malachite's sentence trailed as their waiting finally paid off. A cherry red mustang with tinted windows flew out of the parking garage with the license plate:
“That's her,” he replied pulling into traffic behind them.
“Vain much?” Jadeite asked.
“No more than you HOT STUD,” Malachite smirked. Jadeite flushed slightly and closed his mouth. Thank God for small favors.
`This better be worth it...”
“I can believe they did this,” Rei thought as she pulled her red hood over head for more protection. The tinted windows made her nervous even with concealer. Just how careful could Mina really be when she did not have to worry about being incinerated by the sunlight? If the slightest bit of sunlight got onto her skin she would be toast inside a few minutes. It was one of the first lessons she learned about her new body upon awakening. As a group they got over their change and moved on to make a place for themselves and now this! “It's not worth the aggravation.”
“So are you going to tell me what happened…? Miss Cinnamon?” Mina smirked.
“Say it again and you'll be sorry.” Rei crossed her arms and peered out from her hood brooding then sighed a few moments later. “Lita and Ami marked them.”
Blue eyes widened. “Were you able to see why?” she asked calmly.
“No, but they are in the heart of Iota territory. I saw Lita and Ami in a green garden talking. I am hoping that if we check the known safe houses…”
“I know where they are,” Mina interrupted. “There is a spa in Shinjuku that is I like and I brought Lita and Serena to it a couple of times.”
“Why haven't I heard anything about this?” Rei asked turning towards Mina.
“Because you are always busy and Ami's always doing research. The both of you to cut loose more.”
“I see,” Rei turned back into her seat. “Maybe I do need to get out a little more, but not with Jadeite the man whore.”
Mina laughed at Rei's comment and nearly ran someone off the road. “I think you are being way too hard on him, Rei. I admit he is not a virgin but he isn't exactly the come one come all type. He's more of a flirt than anything. I think I have more to worry about than you do.”
“And yet you are still entertaining this whole thing?” Rei shook her head.
“That's because I can see past the things he is doing. He thinks a relationship will tame him and it does not have to, but I still want his dedication.”
“You're being over optimistic. No I am trusting myself and my friend, besides, I haven't been Miss Morality myself these days. I can hardly throw rocks living in a glass house.”
Rei sighed. “Just be careful.”
Mina smiled, “Always. Now brace yourself because we are being followed and I am going to try and lose them.”
Nephrite stared at the eerie forest in front of him. It was a petrified forest of green stone. He had heard that some centuries back that a disaster happened causing the moss in the area to grow at virulent pace. To keep it from taking over the terrain completely an herbicide was used that made the moss harden. Now it was a foliage grave yard forever green with no life and was apparently the final destination of their journey.
It had been weeks since he saw Zoicite last, but he imagined that he was questing with his counter part similar to the way he was. On their journey so far Quitachi had not been attacked outright but encounter several pitfalls left by the hunters. He had been so sure that they would have had a direct encounter by now and therefore assumed the Jade Forest would be the point of confrontation. It was the perfect place for a trap completely out in the open to sunlight and would have to happen in order to snap the trap is being delayed until the sun rose. “What are you up to now?” he asked curiously as he watched Quitachi close her eyes.
“Llyanos and Yelsha are gone,” she muttered dropping to her knees mourning her comrades for a moment. “This better be worth it.” She stood to her feet and started into the forest cautiously while Nephrite followed her. She did not have a lot of time.
“This is entirely too easy,” Nephrite muttered looking around as well. He knew he had nothing to fear from any enemies since he was here as observer, but after spending so much time with his host he could not help but a feel a sense of companionship. He was stuck with her. He went where she went whether he wanted to or not and he could hear all of her thoughts as though she spoke out loud.
Quitachi paused feeling a prickly sensation on her skin then stuck her hand out slowly. A bolt of lighting ripped through the ground where she had been standing before throwing herself out of the way. Fear etched across her face for a moment. “The gauntlet I was warned about.” She took a deep breath.
“If you are planning on running that you are ridiculous,” Nephrite commented. “There has to be a way to disable the ward.”
Quitachi dropped to her knees and folded her hands as she began to make warding gestures to unravel the wards. She did not want to try an outrun the gauntlet if she did not have to especially being hungry. It had been nearly a week since she fed and daylight was a few hours. “Unravel,” she murmured.
“Look out!”
Quitachi's eyes opened as she felt energy surging towards her and crossed her chest to fend off some of the attack. A pain filled scream scorched Nephrite's ears as a bolt of energy hit Quitachi. Light flooded the area and then quickly dissipated and Quitachi laid on the ground her skin smoking and blistering. Nephrite ran over to her thinking that she was dead when she sat up quickly and assessed her condition. There was no way she would survive if this continued.
“You have to go back,” Nephrite said to her as she moved through him to stand. He sighed from his kneeled position again remembering that he could not affect the situation. “This is unwise. You can not achieve your goals in this manner.” Quitachi looked intently into the forest then shot off in the direction of the center. Bolts of lighting formed under her feet and she changed direction each time in order to dodge the hits. After the last one she could not afford another injury. It was taking all that she could maintain this pace.
“I refuse to witness this further,” Nephrite growled. He was never one to watch pointless death. “Release me from this…” His vision blurred as he felt his body moving along in the direction of Quitachi. “This is pointless…” His vision went black and his ears started to buzz as he started to float upwards.
“With my life I make a pact with you. Know what I know. See what I have seen. Wield my power and add to your own. Take it with my blessing.”
Nephrite turned towards the voice. “Still pointless even if she did make it. Foolish woman.” Light flooded over him and a pair of green eyes looked at him curiously; the same eyes that haunted him the past few months.
“Welcome back,” Lita greeted. “Now let's talk.”
To be continued…
© 2007 Devon Masterson-Bond
Sailor Moon and all affiliated characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi and a whole bunch people who bought the licensure and what not. I only own the concept and characters that do not appear in the manga and/or series.