Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Gaijin ❯ Chapter 12

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Part 12

The abduction.


"I'm all right, no body worry bout
me! Why ya gotta give me a fight? Can't
ya just let it be?" Carrot sang to
himself as he strolled down the street
with a package under his arm. It was a
rather pleasant day, and he was doing
his job with an unusually cheerful gait
about him. He "I'm all right! Don't
nobody worry bout me! You got ta give me
a fight! Why don't ya just let me be!"

People were giving him odd looks as
he strolled down the street and entered
an office building. He dodged around and
passed around office workers in his
search for his drop off.

"Do what ya like! Doin it naturally!
If it's to busy, we're gonna disagree!
It's your life! Isn't it a mystery! It's
nobody's business, it's everybody's
game! I'm all right! Nobody worry bout
me! Why ya gotta give me a fight? Can't
ya just let it be? I'm all right, don't
nobody worry bout me! You got ta give me
a fight! Why don't ya just let me be?"
He strolled into the room and found a
small salaryman staring at him oddly. He
dropped off the package and smirked at
him as he turned and left.

It was his last delivery and he
walked into the street with a familiar
air of freedom about him. He stretched
his arms wide and grinned. He glanced
down the street and walked off, going
nowhere in particular at the moment. It
actually felt good to be alive, mostly
because Usagi Tsukino was finally going
home from the hospital. He was finally
in the last stretch of his superhero

He'd been 'Spiderman' for about a
week now. With only one run in with the
senshi, and a robbery under his belt, it
looked as if he was going to go out with
a whimper rather than a bang. Of course,
his mind never even ventured onto the
fact that this was when things usually
took a turn for the worst.


In a dark and empty room, somewhere
in Tokyo, another meeting between mother
and daughter was taking place.

"You failed again," said Mitsuki as
she glared down at her daughter.

"I've come so close. He's almost
mine!" growled Kei in retort.

"Close isn't good enough," responded
the woman coldly. "You must defeat him
to regain your lost honor."

"I know that," said the girl as she
bowed her head slightly. "I will kill

"Not if one of my brothers finds him
first," said Mitsuki with a calm tone.

"They can't even find him," snorted

"Your luck will not last. Sooner or
later, one of them will stumble across
him. Then your chance will be gone."

Kei had nothing to say to that and
hung her head a bit more.

"You must defeat him. The Oyabun is
losing faith in you daughter. I've
worked hard to place us where we are in
the clan. Do not make my efforts

Kei growled under her breath at
this. The only thing her mother had done
to ensure her place in the clan was
whore herself and her daughter out to
the perverted old man. She said nothing
and turned away to leave. "I will kill

"I know you will," replied her
mother without a hint of emotion in her


Usagi sat at home in front of the
television. She had a glass of lemonade
sitting next to her, and a big bowl of
ice-cream in her lap. She was in heaven,
well, she would have been if the
lemonade didn't make the ice-cream taste
bad. Still, she endured and continued to
eat and drink to her heart's content.

At the moment she was alone. The
refrigerator was full, and her parents
had little fear of her emptying it out
in their absence. She still couldn't
handle solid food very well. Cold foods
helped the pain a lot, so they kept her
well supplied with ice-cream.
Unfortunately, she had to avoid the kind
with little bits of nuts or other small
solid bits.

One thing was starting to get on her
nerves though. Luna was sitting nearby,
staring at her as she had been from the
moment she'd come home. The cat hadn't
spoken to her yet, but simply watched
her. She wanted to ask what was wrong,
she even tried to a few times.
Unfortunately, she couldn't speak at
all. She could make a few sounds, but
nothing that really resembled speech.
Giving the animal an annoyed and
questioning glare she picked up the
remote control and started to flip
through the channels.

Luna sighed and shook her head
before hopping away. "There has to be a
way...I know there is! I can't remember
though..." she muttered to herself.

Usagi blinked in confusion at this
and shrugged as she found a show that
looked interesting. After a few moments
of watching a really romantic looking
man gaze lovingly into his beloved's
eyes and slowly lean into her, moving
his lips closer and closer to her as she
closed her eyes and waited...

The doorbell rang.

Usagi jumped and made a surprised
gasp. It had been an attempt at a
frightened squeak, but it came out
rather pitiful. She glanced at the
television and furrowed her brow in
annoyance as the credits rolled down the
screen after a moment of trying to
figure out what the sound she had made
was. The bell rang again and she stood
up and put her bowl on the coffee table
as she went to see who it was.

"Hey," said the familiar looking boy
standing in front of her. He smirked at
her and stared her down with one eye.
There was a scar running over his other
eye and it was closed. He grinned at her
and shoved the door open. "I see you
survived. That's too bad."

Usagi stumbled back falling on the
ground with her eyes wide with shock.

The boy laughed coldly as he
strolled into the home and glanced
around. "Nice place you got here."

She struggled to scream, but her
breath was short as she simply stared at
him in horror.

"I sure hate to mess up the place,
but..." He turned his eyes on her again,
his cold smile never wavering. Slowly he
pulled a knife from behind is back and
played with it for a moment, letting
some of the light reflect off the blade
for a moment.

Usagi tried to stand, she tried to
struggle, but terror had frozen her in

The boy merely strolled forward and
lifted her up by her hair. He reared
back the blade and swung it full force.


Usagi was gasping for breath. Her
entire body covered in sweat as she
awoke from her nightmare. She was in
bed, alone. She slowly sat up and put
her hand against her forehead as she
stared at the wall with wide eyes.
Shifting her feet over the side of the
bed she sat there for a moment.

The dream was new. She'd never had
anything even remotely like it before.
Not even in the hospital. It was her
first real nightmare. She slowly
regained her normal breathing and
squeezed her eyes shut.

When the darkness in the dream had
come, she hadn't woken up immediately.
Something seemed to hold her for a split
second, and she remembered two red eyes
and nothing more. A voice spoke to her
quietly, almost in a whisper.

"This is a lie."

She wasn't sure what it meant, but
it was quickly lost as the memory of the
terrible dream surfaced again. She
shuddered and looked out her window. She
had returned from the hospital earlier
that day, and now she was home. She
hadn't been home an hour when she'd
decided to take a nap.

The sky was dark, stars could be
seen through the billowing curtains as
she gazed at the rooftops of the
neighborhood for a moment. She sighed
and clutched her chest for a moment.

She hadn't seen Luna for some time.
She had been there briefly when she had
arrived home, but she had seemed
distressed about something. The animal
had quickly vanished after she had
settled in a bit. It worried her
slightly, but she pushed it aside in
favor of brushing her hair. She had
fallen asleep with it still put up, and
it was a rather nasty mess of tangles.
She started to brush it out, making it
look much better in a short time.

"You had a bad dream?" said a gentle

Usagi gasped again, but relief
quickly replaced her features.

Tuxedo Mask was standing there,
looking at her gently from the
windowsill. She nodded slowly and gave
him a questioning frown.

"I couldn't just leave you alone.
He's still out there, and he knows who
you are," said the boy as he blushed

The girl smiled and nodded. There
was so much she wanted to say to him.
That had been taken away from her
though. Her face fell slightly and she
rubbed at her throat gently.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you,"
said Mamoru as he smiled at her.

Usagi smiled again, blushing deeply
as she nodded her head.

He walked up to her, taking her into
his arms. "I promise, he will not hurt
you again! Not while I live!"


"Gross," grumbled Carrot as he squat
down on top of the roof of the home and
watched the scene play out from a short
distance away. "Perverted bastard. I've
got half a mind to wake up Mrs. Tsukino
and set her loose on that jerk."

He smirked to himself at the
thought. It would be a sight to see, but
he needed Usagi to keep her secret. If
he did it, it would no doubt lead to
some interesting questions. He stood
upright, having seen what he'd wanted.
"She's home then. Good, that means I can
stop making an ass out of myself in

He turned to walk off, but fate had
other plans. The stupid bitch.

"You!" said an alarmingly loud voice
from nearby.

"Huh?" muttered Carrot as he turned
to face the voice. "Crap."

Luna was staring at him from the
other side of the roof. "What are you
doing here? Oh no! Usagi! You've come to
kill her!" She backed away slightly, but
found herself cornered on the edge of
the roof. The cat glanced back nervously
over her shoulder.

"I just came to make sure she was
recovering," said Carrot calmly as he
glared at her. That was when he realized
that he was wearing his 'Spiderman'

"How does she..." He narrowed his
eyes as he stared at her for a moment.
She was a cat, she could probably tell
it was him just by his scent. "Shit." He
slowly stalked forward, carefully
approaching her and cutting off her
escape. "You and I need to have a long
talk kitty."

"No! I have to warn Usagi!" cried
the animal as she tensed herself to
jump. "Look out!" she cried in vain
towards the window.

Carrot dove and managed to tackle
her. He quickly grabbed her around her
muzzle, and was promptly clawed
viciously by the struggling cat. "Quit
squirming!" he growled angrily as he
wrestled the animal for a moment. In the
end he managed to hold her down.
Glancing around he growled in
frustration and tucked her under his

Luna spit and hissed as she
continued to claw him. His costume
protected him pretty well, and the armor
on his chest prevented any real injury.
His arms would be sore as hell though.
Without another word he jumped off the
roof and shot out one of his wires onto
the side of a nearby building. Within
moments he was several blocks away.

Landing lightly on the top of a five
story apartment building, he squat down
and grabbed the cat by the scruff of its
neck. It was shaking in terror and
staring at him pitifully.

"No! Please!" muttered Luna in
horror as he stared at her for a moment.
He pulled his mask off and frowned at
her. "Shut up. I'm not going to hurt you
this time. I need to have a discussion
with you though."

This did nothing to help the cat's
nerves. She continued to shake in his
grip and he frowned. "You're going to
keep quiet about who I really am."

"Monster! The senshi will hunt you
down and..."

"Do you think you'll land on your
feet from this height?" he asked her

That shut her up rather quickly.

"All right," said Carrot as he
smirked at her. "I'm not going to try
and squirm my way out of what I did. I
cut the damn brat's throat wide open.
However, I wasn't trying to kill her."

Luna stared at him for a long time.

"Okay, that sounded stupid," said
Carrot with a small sigh. "Look. I don't
like you, or your friends. I've never
been shy about that. That doesn't mean I
want them dead."

"What do you mean? You almost killed
Usagi! If I hadn't found you tonight..."

"Please, If I'd have wanted her dead
I'd have killed her in the hospital.
That isn't what this is about. All I
wanted was to be left alone!" he
snorted. "You kept bothering me though."

"That's no excuse!" snapped Luna.

"Damn it. I was delirious! My face
had just gotten sliced open, and those
damn brats tried to attack me earlier
that day! She should have known better
to try and approach someone in my

"How dare you!" snapped Luna in
shock. "This was not her fault!"

"She was careless," said Carrot with
a snort. "I'm not trying to blame her
for this. All I want to know, is if
she's ready to become Sailor Moon

"What?" said the cat dumbly as it
stared at him again.

"I can't fight Beryl and her loons
off! I don't have that kind of power.
Sailor Moon is the only one who can beat
him!" snapped Carrot irritably. "I hate
playing the hero, but until Usagi is
back in the battle. I've got to help
pick up the slack!"

"Beryl?" asked Luna. The name
definitely sounded familiar.

"The one you call 'The Enemy'," he
replied calmly. "She's the one leading
the dark forces here. She's trying to
bring Metallia back."

This got Luna's hackles bristling.

"I can't stop her. I'm not strong
enough, and neither are any of those
other girls. We need Usagi."

"Why are you telling me this?" asked

"Because I need you to understand
that we can fight later. After Beryl is
gone I'll kick your brats around all you
want. Until then, you need to realize
that you're just going to have to settle
for the lesser evil."

Luna blinked and looked somewhat
angry with him. "How do you know all

"Now a secret," he replied
with a rather smug grin. "I'm willing to
help you. Maybe we can get to those
stupid rainbow crystals first or
something. She's going to be looking for
them soon."

"Rainbow Crystals?" asked the cat

"They'll help Beryl find the Silver
Imperium Crystal," said Carrot with a
rough sounding snort.

"What?" said Luna as her eyes went

"Are you really this stupid?" he
grumbled. "How can you know..."

"I've been paying attention,"
replied Carrot irritably. "Having the
both of you after my ass has its
advantages, like being around you both
enough to overhear a few things. I don't
always leave when you think I do."

"If you're not with them..." said
Luna as she turned her head away.

"Those crazy gay bastards are trying
to kill me too ya know!" he snapped.
"Plus all those little under dressed
brats of yours!"

"Why would they want you dead?" said
Luna as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"I haven't figured that out yet," he
said honestly. "In any case, the fact is
I need you around. Especially Usagi."

"I see..." said the cat as she hung
her head. "You seem to know a lot,
maybe that can..."

"Oh no you don't! I'm not about to
announce my identity to those brats! The
first thing they'll do is try to burn my
head off!"

"I will tell them," said Luna

"I only need Usagi. The others are
expendable," said Carrot coldly. "So are
you for that matter."

Luna looked at him for a moment and
seemed to remember her position.

Carrot smirked. "She might be upset
when I kill all her friends, but I have
to wonder if she'll try to avenge them,
or move on for the greater good? Beryl
is a threat to the entire world.
Whereas, I am not."

Luna was shaking in terror again.
"You'll never succeed!"

"I know where they all live, and I'm
not above surprising them one at a time
cat," said Carrot as he hardened his
face and frowned at her. "I'll wait
until they let their guard down, and get
them when they aren't transformed. I'm
quite skilled at striking from the
shadows, unnoticed."

"No!" muttered Luna in horror.

"We're going to play a game cat.
It's called keep your mouth shut, or all
your 'pretty soldiers' die."

"We will not lose!" snapped Luna

"Do you really think they can find
me before I can find them?"

Luna growled animalistically at this,
but finally relented and hung her head.

"If Sailor Moon is back, I won't
have to worry about it. She can handle
Beryl," said Carrot with a small sigh.

Luna looked slightly surprised at
this, but didn't say anything.

"Usagi should be able to go back
after a week or so right?"

"Um...there's a slight problem with
that," said the animal nervously. She
looked like she wasn't quite sure if she
should be telling him about it or not.

Carrot narrowed his eyes. "Problem?"

"Usagi can't become Sailor Moon
right now," said the cat.

"What the hell do you mean 'Usagi
can't become Sailor Moon right now'?"
said Carrot as his eye twitched.

"The transformation is voice's rather complicated..."
said the animal as it looked at him.

Carrot's jaw dropped.
"You''re shitting me!?"

"This is your fault!" snapped the
cat angrily.

"There's gotta be a way around it!"
cried Carrot in horror. "Usagi just has
to be Sailor Moon! We'll all die if she

Once again, Luna looked surprised at
his reaction. "There may be another

"But what? I don't care what we have
to do! Without Sailor Moon, the Senshi
will fail!"

Luna coughed nervously. "There is a
secondary measure for emergencies like

"Stop with the damn buts! What the
hell is it?"

"I can't remember," said Luna rather

Carrot almost let her go just out of
spite. "You had better be joking."

"I don't have all of my memories!"
said the cat indignantly. "It will come
to me in time!"

"Well, exactly how long will this
'time' take?" growled Carrot.

"It's not something I can predict!
I'll just have to try my best to
remember!" snapped Luna angrily.


"Now you'll die."

Carrot's head whipped around and his
eyes went wide. His entire body started
to tingle and he cursed. "Oh shit."

A small round ball rolled across
the rooftop and stopped as it impacted
on his heel gently. Around ten more
quickly followed it from the shadows.

The boy jumped off the edge of the
roof, but it was too late. The rooftop
he had been standing on rocked with
explosion after explosion, sending
debris flying through the air. He was
thrown forward and higher into the air
by the force of the blasts.

He jerked violently as he struggled
to regain his senses in the space of a
half second. His wrist shot out and a
wire line shot forward and into a nearby
wall. He swung down and twisted
violently as he struggled with his
balance until he slammed into the wall
of the opposite building. Pain exploded
across his entire body.

He hung there for a long moment, his
eyes were squeezed shut and he groaned
painfully. Slowly he shook his head and
looked down at his hand. There was
nothing there but a few strands of black
hair. "Shit. Luna!" He glanced around in
frustration and anger, searching for the

His search was quickly halted when
his body started to tingle again. A
volley of the small explosive devices
could be seen hurtling towards him and
he released his wire, plummeting to the
street. It was only a one story drop
from where he was hanging, but it still
hurt. Debris rained down on him from
above as the small grenades exploded
over his head. The wall above him was
shattered and bricks rained down onto
the street around him. One glanced
across his shoulder and sent him to his

"Damn it!" he growled as he stood up
and searched the shadows around him.
"Who the hell?"

The street was silent at the moment.
Slowly it started to come to life, the
screams of the frightened homeowner
above him floated down to him.

"Well, I can see that your
reputation exceeds your skills
somewhat," said a male voice from the
darkness behind him.

Carrot spun around and stepped back.

"I am Hikyu, brother of Kasumi the
White Spider. I have come to avenge his
death at your hands," said the voice.
Carrot still couldn't see him.

The boy growled in frustration.
"That guy was sick, he needed killing!
The damn pervert!"

"That may be true, but he was my
brother," said Hikyu from the darkness.

"Stow it! You were after me long
before I killed that gay bastard!"
growled Carrot.

"True enough, but now it is
personal," said Hikyu calmly.

The boy still couldn't place the
voice. It was as if it was coming from
everywhere at once. "Damn." He looked
down at the street and noticed several
more of the tiny explosives were moving
towards him. That was when he saw his
escape. He rushed towards the deadly
balls and dove forward into them.


Hikyu remained in the shadows. He
was standing directly in front of the
boy. "This is too easy," he thought to
himself cheerfully. He rolled several
more of his grenades across the ground
and chuckled. His laugh was short lived
though, rather than drive the boy into
the alley as he had intended, the boy
actually ran straight at them. "What

The explosion lit up the street,
flames littered the ground after it had
passed. Chunks of asphalt clattered to
the ground all over, but the boy was
nowhere to be seen. "What? How?!" said
the ninja as he stepped out into the
light. He was a tall skinny man with a
lithe figure. His mask covered his face
and he wore a black cowl over his head.
His eyes searched for the answer and he
found no trace of the boy.

Sirens started to sound in the
distance and he cursed under his breath
as he stepped back into the shadows.
"Another time boy. I knew this wouldn't
be an easy fight, you do not


Carrot was wet, cold , and shaking
with terror in the darkness. He was
sitting in complete darkness and staring
up at the manhole cover above him. He
had somehow managed to beat the grenades
and lift the heavy metal disk before
diving underground during the explosion.
"How the hell did I do that?" he
muttered shakily. He tried to push
himself up to his feet and climb back
up, but his arm gave out and sent him
flat on his back in the water. It almost
went into his mouth, but he managed to
avoid that even in his surprise.

"Shit!" he grumbled as he realized
that his arm was broken. He hadn't had
time to climb down the ladder into the
hole, he'd just dived straight in
headfirst. It was not a pleasant
experience. He struggled to his feet
rather quickly and gripped one of the
ladder rungs. He had considered moving
underground to escape, but the sounds of
sirens in the distance had probably
scared his attacker away. He had no
intention of getting lost underground

After a little trial and error, he
managed to climb back up with one arm
and move the lid enough for him to climb
onto the street. There were still a few
small flames burning on the ground from
whatever had been inside the grenades.
The ones that his attacker had used on
the street appeared to be a little
different than the ones that had blown
him off the roof. Rather than just an
explosion, they sprayed something
similar to napalm over a wide area.

He didn't have much time to think
about at, as the sirens were becoming
ever closer. He growled and staggered
into the shadows of the building he'd
originally fallen from.

He sat in silence for a moment in a
heap of garbage and growled in
frustration as he clutched his arm. He
grit his teeth in pain and suppressed a
scream as he reset his arm. Scavenging a
broken piece of plywood, he tore up a
few plastic bags and managed to create a
makeshift splint.

After sitting for a moment and
watching the fire truck and ambulance
arrive, he staggered to his feet and
moved further into the darkness.

He didn't get very far when he
noticed a small wet blob of black fuzz
sitting on the ground in front of him.
His eyes went wide and he gasped as he
knelt down beside it. "Luna?"

He touched her gently, rolling her
over slightly to reveal that it was
indeed the Moon Cat. He looked her over
for a moment and closed his eyes. "Damn
it. What the hell else can go wrong?" He
gently picked up the animal and cradled
it in his good arm. She was still alive,
but in terrible shape. He growled in
frustration and started walking.


The trek home was slow and painful.
The animal in his arms was limp and
silent thus far and he struggled up the
stairs to the door. He didn't care about
the fact that he was wearing his costume
and walking through the hallway. He was
in too much pain, and he'd just learned
that he'd probably be wearing it for a
while longer.

He staggered into his room and
gently set Luna on the ground. She was
breathing relatively normally and hadn't
woken up yet. She didn't appear to be in
any immediate danger.

Mei Lin stared at him in silence for
a long time as he sat down and glared at
the cat. He smelled bad, he was
obviously beaten pretty badly, and he
didn't appear to be in anywhere near the
mood to speak.

"Um..." she said as she started to
rise to her feet.

"Not right now," he replied as he
stood up calmly. He walked over too the
closet and started to peel off his
clothes, taking extra care when he
reached his broken arm. It was busted
pretty good, and he knew he was going to
have to lay low again, more so than

The girl watched in a sort of
mortified shock as he dressed himself in
front of her. She had been planning on
being angry with him for going out to
fight evil without her again. After all,
he had waited until he thought she was
asleep to leave. She'd been watching him
closely lately though, and had almost
followed him. She was feeling oddly
relieved that she hadn't.

"What happened to you?" she finally
managed as he sat down to look at the
cat again.

"I got bitten, scratched, blown up,
and I fell down a manhole," he replied
as if he was giving her the time.


"I'm tired, don't know if I'll get
any sleep with this damned arm though,"
he muttered irritably. He grit his teeth
as he almost leaned on it and caused
another surge of pain. He reapplied his
makeshift splint and moved over to the
corner to rest his back against the

"Um. Is there anything I can do?"
she muttered nervously.

"No. Just go to sleep. Gia will
torture me enough in the morning," he
said as he gave her a sidelong glance.

The girl finally seemed to notice
the animal that was sleeping on the
floor. "Is that a cat?"

"No, it's a pigeon," he snorted.
"Yes, it's a cat."

"What's wrong with it?" she asked
him as she moved over to the animal's

"Fell off a building," he said as he
glanced at the wet fur ball. "Her name
is Luna. I don't like her much, but I
guess I couldn't just leave her there."

Mei Lin frowned at this in confusion
and knelt down beside the animal. She
stroked it's fur gently and it simply
lay there. "She's hurt!"

"Falling off a building will do that
to you," said Carrot as he closed his
eyes and rolled his head back against
the wall. Despite everything, he fell
asleep rather quickly.


Morning came and he opened his eyes
slowly. He wasn't sure what caused him
to wake up, but quickly figured it out.
The dull throbbing pain in his arm. He
looked down and cursed at the swollen
mass of flesh that his right arm had
become. "Son of a..." He sighed and sat
there for a moment. "This sucks."

Mei Lin wasn't in the room and he
glanced around for a moment. The place
was empty, so he could at least suffer
in peace for a time. He felt a little
better at the thought.

Naturally, someone had to ruin his
tiny bit of joy.

Luna was sitting in the middle of
the room, looking at him.

"What the hell do you want?" he

She cocked her head slightly and
simply stared at him.

"Sorry about throwing you of f the
building," he muttered as she continued
to stare. "Quit lookin at me that way!
It really wasn't my fault this time!"

The cat blinked and licked her paw
for a moment before settling down again
to stare at him.

"Look, you seem fine now. You can go
back to Usagi. So scram!" he was
starting to become angry.

Luna didn't move.

"Cut that out!" he snarled angrily.

Luna stood up and stepped towards

He frowned at her in confusion.

"All right! Where the hell is he?"
said Gia as she burst into the room and
looked around. The woman took no more
than a second to zero in on him in the
corner with a cold glare.

Luna's head jerked around and her
ears flattened against the back of her
head. She bolted over to another corner
and searched frantically for an escape.
Not finding one, she squat down and
pressed her ears against the back of her
head as she stared at the strange woman.

"Oh shit!" said Carrot as he stared
at Gia fearfully.

The woman smirked as she looked down
at him and noticed his arm. "Thought
you'd just sit here and wait for it to
get better?"

"Um... Yeah. Kinda," he said

"You should have told me about
this!" she snapped as she moved up to
him and lifted him up by his ear. "Look
at that swelling! You idiot!"

"Ouch! You were sleeping!" cried the
boy as he was pulled towards the door.

"You should have woken me up then!"
she snapped. "That's broken you idiot!"

"I was tired!" he cried indignantly.

Gia opened her door and pointed
inside. "Get in there!"

"Gah!" cried Carrot as she forcibly
pushed him into her room "Be careful! My
arm is broken!" he snapped at her.

Gia shook her head in disgust. Mei
Lin was sitting at the table in the room
and she smiled at her. "Well, I'm
certainly glad you're around."

"You did this!? Traitor!" cried
Carrot angrily.

Gia pulled out her black medical bag
and set it on the table with firm

"Oh god! The bag of a thousand
hells!" said Carrot as he eyed it

Luna walked into the room and sat
down, having gone through the open door.

"Don't just sit there you ungrateful
fur ball! Help me!" he snapped.

Mei Lin giggled at this, but quickly
straightened her face up when he glared
at her.

"You got a cat?" said Gia in
confusion as she stared at it.

"What of it?" snorted Carrot as he
calmed a bit.

Gia looked at it and then back at
the boy. "Your cat is bald."

"Yeah. I'd noticed that," said
Carrot as he smirked at Luna. He was
somewhat surprised when this got no
reaction from her. She simply sat down
to watch him again.


Carrot was feeling rather stupid. He
had his arm in a cast and a scowl on his
face as he glared at Luna. He was once
again sitting in his own room with the
cat staring at him.

"I bet you think this is real funny
don't you?" he snorted as he watched
her. It was sort of an unofficial
staring contest.

Luna said nothing and lay down,
never taking her eyes off him.

"Okay. I guess I can take you back
later. I mean, I did drag you off I
suppose," he was feeling worse and worse
as she stared at him. It was

Luna stood up again and walked over
to him. She meowed at him and poked his
leg with her paw. Carrot blinked and
lowered his leg a little.

The cat purred cheerfully as she
hopped into his lap and settled down.

"What the hell?" he muttered as she
simply lay there and purred in
contentment. His guilt was starting to
fade and was quickly replaced by
confusion. Luna looked up at him and
meowed again, rubbing her face in his
hand. Unsure of what else to do he
started petting her. It seemed to be
what she wanted and she settled down
again. "What's with you? Say something
will ya?"

The cat remained silent, and simply
enjoyed the petting.

Now he was starting to get nervous.
Carrot swallowed and looked at the
animal fearfully. "Luna?"

She rolled over in his lap and
practically forced him to rub her neck
and chin.

"Oh shit! I did it again!" he
muttered in horror as he continued to
pet the cat. "Oh man! How the hell am I
gonna get Sailor Moon back now?!"

