Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ghost Rider Rei ❯ Noble Kale-Ghost Rider's past ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Part 4

Passers by on the street had dismissed the tales in the paper about the phantom rider. But now they simply stare as the Ghost Rider shoots past them, the lights and sounds of the police soon followed.
"Foolish mortals..don't they know nothing will stop me?" she said to herself as she pulled the blazing bike over the line of police cars, landing perfectly on the other side and riding off with bemused officers staring after her.

Tonight the blood of innocents being spilled had again awoken the sleeping spirit and the stench of blood lead the Ghost Rider to a park. A bunch of boys, no older then 17 were mowing down everyone in sight. Where they got the machine guns would never be found but the reasoning behind the massacre would prove stranger. They were in fact from the Einstein School, where Ami went. Good honest nerds…who were now acting like crazed animals..that's is until….

"I am Ghost Rider, Spirit of Vengeance!" the biker yelled as she emerged from the bushes. This flashy entrance was enough to turn the boys attention and allowed three bleeding innocents to escape...the single mother on the ground wasn't so lucky. The Ghost Rider was hailed on by hot lead but no mortal weapon forged could stop vengeance.

Chain in hand she whirled it around to blurring speeds until the links glowed yellow. The links then broke off, and like magic guided missiles hit the gunners with incredible force. Some links smashing their weapons or even their own ribs. The links returned to chain form in their master's hand.

The leather wearing biker dismounted and walked through the pile of broken and groaning bodies. The distant wail of sirens were already heard but the Ghost Rider couldn't let tonight's horror go unpunished. Creating a small Hellfire in her palm, she summoned spirit charms, but each charm had symbols from a demonic language known only to other worlders. She cast these charms onto the boys and they clung to the foreheads.
"Feel the pain of your crimes, taste the bitterness of remorse and guilt. Feel the burnings of your sins" as she spoke the words the charms set light..the light of Hellfire and as the ashes blew away all the unfortunate boys had the Rider's yellow eyes burning into their minds forever. Their blank eyes would not entertain the biker for long as she mounted her bike and rode out the park, police giving chase.

So now an even larger blockade was set up using vans. While she could have again rode over the top the Ghost Rider knew she would have to make a point. With a simple mental command, the dragons head at the front of the bike lowered to its ramming position. Then she drove faster. The police wisely realised she wasn't going to stop and so they took cover just in time.

The vans were sent flying like tin cans as they caught on fire from the impact. The Ghost Rider meanwhile had gotten clean away thanks to the distraction.

Once again Rei found herself in the forest with her bike, but this time the memory transfer was near instant and she cringed at the events. She would have to find out about the motives behind killings and also a way to keep the Ghost Rider from attracting so much attention. She lowered her head as she thought of Usagi. How was she going to fix that??
"Why worry over trivial things my child, when greater dangers lurk just ahead?"

Rei spun round to face the voice only to come face to face with…something. He, or at least from what she thought was inhumanly tall and was bathed in a white glow. She wasn't even sure how to describe his face but she could sense incredible power and goodness from him. He was no threat to her.

"Who-who are you!?" she demanded.
"I am the archangel Uriel and I could be considered the co creator of the Ghost Rider"
"WHY!?!" she screamed, angry to be face to face with a Kami who saw fit to curse her. But Uriel stayed calm and spoke softer.
"It all began during the 18th century, let me take you there," he said, and with a wave of his cloak Rei suddenly found herself in an old town with small wooden European houses. A horse and carriage travelling on the dirt road went straight though her. As she stared open mouthed at her surroundings she realized she was just looking into the past, like she would see images in the Sacred Fire. Uriel cut short her thoughts with his dramatic tale. He gestured to a man with long brown hair in a ponytail walk along side a stunning woman in a long purple gypsy style dress. The two looked very happy together, Rei wished she had that sort of luck with Usagi. Her heart contracted.

"Your ancestor, Noble Kale fell in love with a beautiful black woman named Magdelena. But it was not to be, for you see Magdelena was a powerful witch and Noble's father, Pastor had her burned at the stake," The image changed to that of a mob on angry towns people gathered around the burning stake, shouting curses and demanding she burn faster. The poor woman was still alive, screaming as the fire burnt her flesh to black. Rei could almost taste the burning flesh in the air as she sadly looked at Noble who was being restrained by two men as he shouted and pleaded they set her free, tears streaming down his face. He watched as his love was burned to death.

"How awful!" Rei managed to choke out from her dry throat.
"But before she died, she cast a curse onto the town and it's people, The Furies!" he explained and Rei gasped as she saw beings she had only read about, three ghostly, gastly woman in torn clothing, flying around the city and randomly slaughtering the same people who cheered at Magdelena's burning. They were relentless and cruel.

"Pastor feared for his own life and struck a deal with my evil brother Mephisto to turn his own son Noble into a demon, into the being that would one day be called Ghost Rider,"
Again the scene turned to Pastor and a figure similar to the angel of light beside Rei, only wearing black and purple and an air of evil that Rei could sense even through watching him. She was then shown her poor ancestor as the mysterious Mystic fumes covered his body and turned to Hellfire, transforming him into the flaming skull demon know as Ghost Rider. Rei shuddered, wondering if she looked as horrible when she transformed, and also understanding why the people of Tokyo feared the Ghost Rider.

The fight was bloody and violent, Noble as the demon on horse back fighting the Furies, beating them to death with his bare hands while also using a Hellfire sword to cut through their magic attacks. Indeed the lord of devils had created a mighty weapon and soon the Furies were no more, but Noble had had been seriously injured.
"After the Furies were destroyed Pastor offered Noble his own son as a meal, Noble refused and killed himself, exactly to my brothers plan. But I wouldn't allow him to claim his soul so we compromised and trapped the Ghost Rider in the void to sleep until his bloodline called upon him. I made him into the Spirit of Vengeance, the Ghost Rider," as he mentioned the void Rei remembered something, floating aimlessly in a dark emptiness, neither hot or cold, in silence. The place almost drove her mad but then she would find herself awake, in the woods. So that was the void.

"My blood line.." she muttered, as if finally understanding the vast history of it all.
"The last time the Ghost Rider was called into battle was in World War 1 to fight another demon and since then has passed down to your aunt, Naomi Kale,"
An image of a beautiful black haired woman on the same bike, if Rei had looked closer she would have seen the symbol on the gas tap was not present in this point of time.
"She struggled to free herself and her son from the curse and finally she did at the cost of her own life...but since she and her son weren't able, her brother, your father was now cursed since he was younger...he wasn't able to control the Ghost flames and so he left you here"

"And then the flames consumed him, leaving the curse to me" she muttered, finishing the story, her father didn't abandon her. He saved her for a time at least, he must have thought becoming a shrine maiden would save her from her destiny. Rei was vauguly aware they were back in the woods.

"Child, the Ghost Rider is a dark being who does good...and considering your other destiny as Sailor Mars you hold the greatest power in the mortal realm. Already you have given the transformation new powers from your training as a miko" Uriel explained, trying the best an immortal being could to a lower mortal. Indeed the Penance Charms were a new addiction to Ghost Rider's arsenal. But Rei was consumed by a cloud of loathing and depression.

"Everyone hates me"
Uriel didn't deny it, but then again honesty was all he knew. Rei turned away from him and held herself, wishing she had a certain princess to comfort her.
"Mortals are short sighted and easily must learn to see past that and face a greater foe" he spoke, before fading away back to his realm.
"Who is this greater foe?..Wha?? Uriel??!" Rei had turned around to see no sign of the angel. This new enemy had intrigued her, to take her mind of her own troubles at least.

With a last dejected sigh, and tears brimming in her eyes she ran back home, leaving the bike knowing full well it would make its way back to the shed by morning like it had done that first night. Tonight she had learned of her families past and legacy, how she felt terrible for Noble for losing his soul and the woman he loved. Rei had also lost the tenshi she loved and she could feel her soul would soon be consumed by the Hellfire, by the spirit known as....Ghost Rider.