Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Golden Darkness ❯ Old Friend, New Enemy part one. Deaths of the Inners ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Old Friend, New Enemy Part One

The Deaths of the Inners

"This Galaxia is relentless." Serena said, sitting on the couch. Chibi Chibi was eating a whole box of doughnuts. Goku was trying to get one from this child, but she kept slapping his hand away. She was strong. She kept eating away happily. It looked almost as if she were torturing Goku on purpose. Vegeta found this amusing and was watching. Terra glanced at him.

"Aren't you going to stop her?" She asked.


"You're letting her torment poor Kakarot for your own sick amusement aren't you?"

"Yes." He responded. Terra groaned and leaned back into her seat, with Copper in her lap. He was as stubborn as ever. Just then Bulma walked in followed by the Three Lights. Serena had hearts for eyes, as did Terra. Seiya was holding a large bouqet of flowers. Tiger Lilies. He held them out to Terra. She lost color to her face.

"How'd you...?" She began. Seiya grinned.

"I asked your old roommates." He said. She took the flowers. Seiya looked to Serena so she wouldn't get mad.

"We...know her old roommates and they asked us to give these to her." He explained. She seemed convinced. Terra held them and looked to the singer.

"Why are you here?" She asked. Seiya thumbed his nose and Terra nodded. She knew now. Ushering everyone out she explained Seiya had asked for homework help at school. A lie. She couldn't let anyone know the truth. Not...yet anyway. Seeing as she wasn't going to leave, Vegeta lifted Chibi Chibi under his arm and carried her out, with her still eating doughnuts. The four left behind began to talk.

"We got the information that YOU'RE the guardian." Taiki said. Terra nodded and leaned back, crossing her arms.

"What's it to ya?" She demanded. Seiya smirked much like Vegeta, oddly enough.

"Do you know where her sister is?" He asked. Terra shook her head. She too had been looking. Ever since her meeting with her 'family' on the Mugen Delta. She had been 10 years old.

"We smell Lilacs around you and your buddy." Yaten pointed out. The others nodded. Terra realised that she had never noticed it often.

"You know that she wore Lilacs in her hair...and her guardians carry that scent." She pointed out. Since they had arrived, she had begun to emit the scent as well. That ment...she was close. They all stood to go after the others, when Taiki looked to her.

"Tell me. Do you...still play the Piano?" He asked. Terra nodded. She had been since the age 15. Around 30 years or so.

"Yes. When I transferred to Mugen I was thinking of dropping but then I met Amara and Michelle. Michelle inspired me to start the Violin as well." She explained. Taiki opened the door for her.

"I'd like to hear a piano piece, if you don't mind." He said. Terra nodded. They walked out the door and to the back to meet with the others.

"I'll catch up later." Copper said, running off...


Chibi Chibi was playing tag with Goten and Goku. Her little tail waved happily behind her as she chased after the two. Serena watched and then turned to Gohan, who was studying.

"Don't you ever get tired of hitting the books all the time?" She asked. He didn't respond. Serena looked frustraited and threw a napkin at him. He glared at her.

"I hate you." He said. Serena only grinned slightly and leaned against him.

"So hey, does Artemis ever do that thing where he claws your nose to wake you up?" She asked. Both Luna and Artemis were still with them even though the Inners were back. Gohan shook his head.

"No, but He did tell me he taught that to Luna." He explained. Seiya snuck up behind them, not fully hearing all they had been saying.

"Great idea Odango! We can try that next time you use your math book as a pillow!" He said, patting her back. Serena groaned.

"Why won't you people leave me be?" She whined. Seiya was grinning madly. Gohan looked at the singer. Yaten and Taiki were groaning, finding their brother's actions foolish. Gohan realised that Seiya reminded him of Goku. They had childish, upbeat personalities.

"Can't catch me!" Goten shouted to Chibi Chibi. She laughed and went after him. Yaten watched her for a moment.

"Cute kid..." He said. Terra nodded in agreement. In a way...Chibi Chibi was not unlike herself. Life was perfect. Nothing could possibly go wrong. Luna watched on as the child chased after Goku this time.

"Something's just not right..." She said. Trunks looked at her.


"Other than Goku, Terra, and your father there are no other Saiyans...that girl's blood...It's hard to tell, but it's at least half." Luna informed him. Trunks blinked at looked to the child, the back to the concerned feline in his lap.

"Well, maybe she's the other Terra." He said, remembering the troublesome little girl from the party they had before everyone lost their memories...

***Flash Back***

Mirai Trunks was exhausted and plopped into his chair. Just then, Terra walked up and grabbed the table cloth, and tugged. Noticing this, Mirai Trunks dove for her, but it was to late. The punch bowl landed on her head, staining her dress. She began to cry loudly. Mirai Trunks held out a teddy bear, nervously smiling, trying to get her to stop crying. He shook a rattle she liked to play with. It didn't work. Everyone sweat dropped...

***End of Flash Back***

"How about when she got Amara covered in Oil?" He asked. Luna giggled a bit. That WAS funny.

"No." She said after a minuet.

"This girl is too mature for that. She couldn't possibly be Terra." She said. Chibi Chibi suddenly stopped and ran towards Taiki, jumping and latching onto the tall boy's lower leg. He lifted his leg up and shook it, trying to dislodge the little girl. She wouldn't budge.

"Chibi Chibi." She said. Taiki then tried pulling her off. No such luck. Did this kid smear super glue on her front, or what? He shook her again.

"Get her off! Get her off!" He yelled. Serena looked over to her. She was gripping Taiki's leg pretty hard. She giggled.

"Chibi Chibi. No no. Musn't attach to other people." She scolded. Chibi Chibi let go, and slid down, ending up on her butt.

"Taiki." She said. Looking at the child who had just said his name, Taiki lifted her up. He decided to try something to see just how smart she was. He pointed at Yaten.

"Who's that?" He asked. Chibi Chibi looked confused for a moment. Like she was thinking. Then she giggled.

"Yaten." She said with a little difficulty. Then Taiki pointed to Seiya, who was still tormenting Serena and Terra by using his nicknames for them. Serena was trying to not huit this guy.

"And he's...?" Taiki finally asked. Chibi Chibi smiled brightly, in her very cute way.

"Cute!" She said. Seiya heard the small conversation and blushed heavily. Serena was blushing deeply as well her face now matching Raye's Scout uniform. She knew Chibi Chibi had picked that up from her. Gohan smacked the blonde girl in the head.

"Serena, if you spent a TENTH of the energy you use to chase boys with on your school work, you'd be doing better than me." He scolded. Serena fumed and exploded.

"GET OFF MY BACK MOM!" She screeched about 6 inches from his ears. This caused the Saiyans to cover their own ears. If they didn't have their eyes shut, they would have noticed a reaction from the three singers...

"Serena! Quit yelling! Please!" Goku shouted over the screaming.

"Damnit woman, shut up!" Vegeta yelled, louder.

"If you don't shut up in the next 5 seconds, I'll make your life a living Hell!" Terra called out. The screaming stopped. Terra popped her ears. The fact her right ear acted up a lot didn't give her confidence in detirmining if she was deaf or not. Finally the ringing stopped. She hadn't gone deaf yet. Chibi Chibi squirmed away, and jumped into Goku's arms, squealing happily. However, when she did, it caused him to fall to his back. Everyone looked over to them, shocked at what had just happened. She had pushed him down. The toddler crawled off, and backed away, her face pale with terror. As if she thought something was going to happen to her. Not even Vegeta could find the words to discribe what had just happened. The girl had knocked him down. It wasn't balance. She KNOCKED HIM DOWN! The child hid behind one of the chairs as Gohan helped his father stand. The child began to cower as Bulma went to pick her up. Serena looked over.

"Chibi Chibi...what are you?" She asked. At that time, her wrist communicator went off. She pulled it from her bag and looked to see if the Three Lights were still around. Terra must've led them out. Sighing, she flipped the lid up to see the face of a beat up Sailor Mars.

"Raye?!" Serena demanded in fright. The Scout of Fire didn't look so good.

"Serena, get to the temple! Phobos and Deimos...hurry!" She yelled, the connection breaking up. Serena nodded and flew off in the direction of the Hikawa Shrine, followed by the Saiyans. Gohan caught up to her.

"Serena, who're Phobos and Deimos?" He asked. Serena never looked to him.

"Sailor Scouts. From the Planet Coronis. Raye's guardians. They took the forms of crows, like Luna and Artemis took the forms of cats." She explained, continuing on her way.

"Some Sailor Scouts, like Amy and Lita, the outers and Terra, don't have real guardians of their own. Copper is a guardian, but she isn't really Terra's. They rely on their Sailor Power guardians. In Terra's case she doesn't even have that. She has herself from the alternate future." She continued. Gohan blinked. Terra existed in the other future as well? He didn't aske questions and continued flying...

***The Hikawa Shrine***

"Come out, come out, where ever you are." The scout dressed like a crow called. Phobos dragged Mars from the battle, while Deimos kept an eye out for Serena.

"You can't hide forever." The Animate taunted. Standing on the shrine roof was the childish scout. She held a long staff with two Star Seeds in it and looked around for the inners. The Animate spotted Deimos and fired at her, knocking her from the tree. Phobos ran to her twin, throwing the black feather in her hand at the Animate like a dart. The Animate held her arms up and her bracelets began to shine, when a massive Ki blast struck her down.

"I don't think so!" Sailor Moon shouted. The Animate growled and stood. Trunks ran to the Inners to protect them, and Goku helped the twins stand up.

"I am Sailor Lead Crow. I won't be as easy to defeat as that fool, Sailor Omega!" The woman yelled, a massive burst of dark energy emitting from her body. Serena pulled out her weapon.

"Starlight, Protect us!" She shouted, a blast of light overtaking the darkness. The childish scout watched, amused.

"Mars Flame Sniper!" Mars called out. The animate kicked the blast away, and into Phobos and Deimos. The two disentigrated, their star seeds floating to the one of the roof. Raye tried to go after the seeds, when someone held her back. She looked behind her and saw Sailor Star Healer.

"If you go after them, you'll be killed as well." Fighter calmly said. Through the pain and anger, she slapped Healers face and stumbled back.

"Who are you?! Are you a fake Sailor Scout too?!" She screeched. Healer grinned and stepped back to Maker.

"What if...we're all fake?" She asked. Raye got angrier at that.

"Then you're an enemy! And Enemies WILL be defeated!" She shireked, pulling her flaming weapon out. Mercury tried running over, seeing Lead Crow right behind her friend, but Trunks held her back.

"Let go! Mars! Behind you!" She shouted. Raye turned and as she did, she crumbled into dust, her Star seed the only thing left. The bow of fire fell to the ground and burned out. Everyone just looked, unable to move. Serena tried to run over, but Goku and Vegeta held her back.

"Mars!" Serena called. Goku kept holding her back.

"Let go of me Goku! Mars, no!" She kept shouting.

"Oak Evolution!"

"Aqua Rhapsody!"

"Love and beauty shock!" The Inners shouted. Their attacks hit the bracelets on Lead Crow's wrists, and the Animate crumbled into dust. Sailor Phi jumped down, swinging her staff into the four Inners. Her own bracelets lit up and their bodies crumbled. The Mercury harp shattered into ice fragments, the Jupiter Oak leaf crow scattered, and the Venus heart faded. The star seeds were the only thing left, their shine matching the aura's of the Inners. Serena's eyes went wide. Once again she tried to break free, but this time Vegeta held both arms behind her back and knocked her feet out from under her. The five seeds entered Phi's staff and she smiled brightly. Turning to the three warriors, she raised the staff and her bracelets began to shine. Trunks ran over and knocked the weapon out of the Star Gardener's hands.

"Forget it!" He told her. A meow was heard. Everyone ignored it, and focused on the enemy. Only Serena looked. Standing behind a tree, licking her lips, was another Animate! She looked like a cat, complete with ears and a long furry tail. Wait. Was her Serena blinked, but in that instant the fake scout was gone. Fighter had lifted Serena up over her shoulder and wasn't letting go. Trunks and Phi had begun to fight hand-to-hand. There was something familiar about her. Like Trunks knew her. He knew he should have known her name but he just couldn't remember. It was on the tip of his tounge...

"Ha!" He shouted, knocking her onto her butt. She looked up, glaring at him, her long hair falling from her face. Those eyes...Trunks was shocked. This was...!

"Next time..." She said in her childish voice. The voice, the couldn't be, but it was! Phi grabbed her staff and vanished. Sailor Earth finally showed up, looking around. Fighter sat Serena down and went to her companions.

"Where's the fight?" Terra asked. Serena began to sob hystericly, bringing her knees to her chest. Earth walked over and kneeled down next to her, and called her something in english again. Moon didn't respond.

"The Inners...died." Gohan informed her. Terra sighed and hugged Moon. The girl hugged back still sobbing. Earth grinned a little.

" know my shoulder isn't a tissue right?" She asked. No response. Sighing again, the Saiyan stood, lifting her friend up like a baby. Goku turned to the Starlights, but they had vanished. Blinking, he shrugged and looked to Serena who had fallen asleep. Terra pulled the locket off and tossed it to Trunks for safe keeping, powering down herself.

"Guess we need to get her through this." Terra said...

***Two Days Later, the Control Room***

Trunks was waiting by the computer with Luna holding something in his hands. He had called the others for an emergancy meeting. He didn't know how to tell anyone this. So with Luna's help, he'd just say it, not knowing the reaction his friend would have. Everyone arrived eventualy and Trunks gulped. Luna spoke up.

"You're all probably wondering what this is about." She said. Goten nodded. Luna cleared her throat and typed at the computer, and image beginning to form.

"Well, based on past observations and the sighting Trunks made, THIS is what Sailor Phi looks like..." Luna said, an all to familiar face forming on the screen. Trunks sat a strange flute on the table, and Goten had to force himself to not cry. Serena gasped.

"It can't be. No, it isn' can't be...V?!"

To be continued...