Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Good Bye Serena ❯ Good Bye Serena ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Good-bye Serena
By Blackwolf

Prologue: Hello Sailor Moon, Good-bye Serena.

Luna looked at the young woman in front of her, It has been two years since she first meet her. Sailor Moon never looked so strong, but something was wrong, no Sailor moon was not hurt but it was something in her young eyes, like she had lost something imported to her.

"Why?" Luna looked at her friend, no tears, but from what Luna could tell from looking into her eyes was emptiness.
" It's who you are Sailor Moon, and you cant run away this time." The Small black cat told her. Sailor Moon powered down to her normal self. " We destroyed the Negaverse warriors, and Beryle. Why Luna why did you being me into this once again?"
Luna never wanted this but it had to happen. " Why couldn't you just go away?" That's when Secera ran, ran as fast as her legs would take her, into the depth of a near by forest, once there she feel to her knees and looked at the moon. " Why?"

Serena looked around her, it was so beautiful here, and why has she never been here before? Knowing now that her life is once again destroyed no thanks to Sailor Moon she has to make a chose she can't be both Usagi Serena Tsukino and Sailor Moon. This choice would change how she is and her whole being but whom will she choose?

Chapter One: A New Live

It was a full moon on this night. And of course all was quiet, and pair of blue eyes kept a watch, these last few nights haven't been so bad, even her grades was doing allot better then they had in the last two years, but it was hard. She grew up too fast, and even though she wasn't the same person Luna was still proud of her. Then again she secretly was. Sailor Moon was just confused and what about the other scouts?

They still don't know who they really are, Sailor moon has forbidden both Luna and Artemis from waking up the other scouts.
Unlike her they can have a normal life. The saddest thing to see was Ami leaving to go to a really good medical college. Lita and Mina goes to her school too but they hardly talk to her, and Raye, well Serena hasn't seen her in two years, and as for Darien
She still loves him but not as she used to.

When asked if everything was okay by her friends or her parents she would just nod and walk away not saying anything.
Luna and Artemis are worried that all this fighting would kill her someday and begged Sailor Moon to call the others for help.
No good Sailor Moon was not the same it's been three months since that night and everything was calm. As almost nothing ever happen. With a Sigh and a one last look she decided it was time to head for home.

Suddenly a blast warned her of danger, quietly moving as fast as she could Sailor Moon came to the scene of the crime, A monster with spikes on his shoulder and head and long nails like claw warned Sailor Moon to stay away as he feed on the innocent people.
" Stop right there!" Sailor Moon yelled. " Well will you people learn that I will always stop you?" Sailor Moon got ready as she could as the Monster ran at her. Sailor Moon jumped out of the way but not without jumping over the monster and slamming his head into the wall. " I stand for justice, I am Sailor Moon and you will be punished on behave of the moon." Sailor Moon called out as she drew her Lunar Sword. She didn't get this weapon from Luna she got it from the moon itself, and even though she wasn't strong back then she just as strong as ever.

" LUNA! DEATH CRY!!" Running at the Monster Sailor Moon swiped her sword down slicing the monster, As Sailor Moon stood up and put her sword away the monster started to turn to dust. " You have been punished. " Sailor Moon said as she walked away.
As Serena walked Home she thought she saw a strange light coming from Alan and Ann Granger's apartment, shaking her head she arrived home just in time to finish her homework, after all Serena was now a straight A student and have to keep it up that way.

As ten o'clock rolled in Serena was already in bed sleeping and dreaming of a normal life.
In the night if you look very closely you can see two cats blinking at her. " What have we done?" Luna asked. Artemis
looked at her. " We have no choice, I know she has forbidden us to do so but she needs the help. We call in the Sailor Scouts the next time a monster attacks." With that said the two cats jumps off the roof and run into the night hopping that another monster will not attack.

Chapter Two: The Scouts return.

Ami Mizuno stepped off the plane and looked around every thing some the same, after a long time Ami decided the medical college was not for her and decided to go back here and to reassign to once again go to Crossroads junior high.

She was looking forward to seeing all of her friends again. Even though she was gone for a month she still missed them. Even Serena, when Ami first left she seemed so sad, like she was lost on who she is, However Serena's grades did go up real well. Walking to her mom they got ready to leave, only if they looked closer they would have seem a Monster about to attack the airport.

It went off just as she was getting dressed for school. Serena looked at the monster alarm Looking at the watch Serena find were the monster was. " Great how am I surepose to get all the way out there?" Serena said out loud then it dawned on her. " Well I have been wanting to try it out." Getting ready she grabbed her school stuff and ran down stairs, Giving her parents a kiss good bye she ran out the door and to the storage shed, there she pushed in some buttons and she was in a secret room in no time.

" Serena what are you still doing here?" Luna asked. " The attack is at the airport I can't just take a cab, I came for the cycle." Serena said. " But we have yet to test it." Luna cried. " I have no choice in the matter." The blonde said before pulling out her brooch. " You know what to do if I don't come back Luna." Then raising the brooch in the air she cry out " MOON CRYSTAL POWER MAKE UP!"

The attack was happing so fast no one knew what was going on, People falling left and right, planes crashing into planes. The monster was moving so fast, if not draining energy he sure took joy in killing. The cops couldn't stop the attack they to either ended up dead or with their energy being drained.

She had to hurry even though the Airport is big she felt people hurting. But when she averred it was too late. The airport was a massacre no sign of life anywhere and those who was drained didn't lived every long. This was sad. Sailor Moon failing to get here fast enough to help these poor people how could they do this? Snapping out of her shock Sailor Moon looked around. The Monster had to be here somewhere. Sure enough she fond it.

Horrified she wasted No time in attacking the beast. " Your degusting, Killing poor innocent people so you can feed yourself, I am Sailor Moon and I will avenge those people on Behave of the moon I will punish you!" Sailor moon watched as the Monster looked at her. " You think you can stop me your welcome to try." The monster bought out his claws, and ran at Sailor moon who in turn slide on the ground and foot sweep the monster, then as fast as she did bought out her Sword. " LUNAR DEATH CRY!" Slicing down words, The Monster turned to dust, and to Sailor Moon surprise all of the People started to move again. Not wanting to be late for school Sailor moon ran to her Luna Cycle and took off.

Luna looked at the young woman. " Raye, Sailor moon will need your help in the future, Please allow us to use your dojo for meeting." Raye looked at the cat. " Sure Luna it'll be great to have the whole gang here again. Even if Meet Ball head is late as always." Luna just smiled and ran off.

Two down and with only two to go, Luna ran as fast as she could to Mina's house hopefully Artermis gave her back her memories. A pond getting there however Ami was talk to her, Artermis was talking to both what luck. That was all the Scouts and all they had to do was get Tuxedo Mask and that would be all of them.

Later that night Sailor Moon was back in action. This time fight against Five monsters, and was losing, she could hold up much more then she could then something that looking like a five ball hit one of the monsters. ' No it can't be.' Sailor moon thought to herself. " Getting into trouble as always huh Sailor moon. Surprised by the voice Sailor moon turned around only to see four other scouts. Luna was going to get an ear full form her, but first, Sailor moon bought out her sword. " Well what we waiting for Christmas let's take these guys down." Sailor moon ran at one of the monsters with the scouts behind her all the way.