Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Goodbye is Not Forever ❯ Goodbye is Not Forever ( One-Shot )

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by: Kyra Briefs

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I cannot bare it, the pain is getting to me now, crippling and destroying my body. But I have to stay tough, and I have to stay strong… for her.

Rini, or as she liked to be called, Chibi Usa. She is my only true friend. When the world turned it's back on me, she was there welcoming me back into it. When people taunted me and called me a freak, she called me her best friend. She would be someone I would never forget…

"Hotaru, are you all right?"

I smile up at the young girl who so graciously gave me reason for living. I want to tell her that I'm all right, that we'll play together tomorrow like we used to… but I know better than that. After being sick for so long, this is how it finally ends. It's funny, too, I never even got a chance to see my teen years. I never had the chance to dance at the prom, get a boy friend, fall in love…

"Hotaru, are you ok?"

I blink now, out of my daze, and realize that Chibi Usa is sitting by my bedside. Her hand gently cups over mine. I hold her tight. "I…" but I don't know what to say. What is there to say at a time like this? I know I can't lie to her.

Chibi Usa sniffs, and I can see a tear fall from her face. My eyes sadden to see her like this. "Oh Chibi Usa, please don't cry," I tell her, my voice now raspy and tired.

"But… I want you to be better," the girl cries. "You're my best friend… I just want you to be ok."

I sigh deep. `Oh, but I will be ok Chibi Usa,' I think as my eyes grow heavy. `I was always ok knowing I had a friend like you. I'll miss you, Chibi Usa… I will.' I turn my head to the sky, and my world is getting thinner. I can hear my friend crying, and I can feel her hands still held onto mine. "Goodbye Chibi Usa," I tell her, my world turning black.

"No Hotaru please," she begs, grasping my hand even tighter. "You can't go! I'll miss you…"

I turn to her, my vision almost gone, but my smile still stuck on my face. Tears begin to fall from my eyes, and I know something is happening. "Goodbye is not forever, Chibi Usa," I tell her with my last breath. "Goodbye is not forever."

My body falls limp then, and I can see or hear no more. It becomes hard to breathe, and the dark overtakes me. Before I know it, I can feel my spirit, dark like my sign of Death, yet filled with hope with the dreams of my one true friend.

Chibi Usa.

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