Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Guardian of Love: The Origins ❯ The Arrival of Power ( Chapter 4 )
Guardian of Love
The Origins
Chapter 4 - The Arrival of Power
By Angel Love
Standard disclaimers apply. I don't own Sailor Moon, the Greek Gods or any of the characters I have used to fashion them after.
As the three of us stepped out into a large room, I was surprised to see that it was relatively dark compared to every other room we had seen. The center was lit up to reveal a circle completely surrounded by purple and white candles, obviously in preparation with a ceremony. The ceremony that would grant us our powers we would need to become Guardians.
I felt Rose grip my hand slightly and I turned my eyes to look up at her. She was glancing around her with a look that was a mixture of awe and wariness.
I turned to look around the room and noticed for the first time that it was filled with people. I looked over at Chesna and whispered, "Who are all of these people?"
Chesna smiled up at me softly. "These are the other Guardians and the Olympian Gods and Goddesses." At my bewildered look, she chuckled softly. "Don't worry, you get used to it after awhile."
Aphrodite appeared in front of us and giggled softly, the sound like small tinkling bells. "You guys look so scared. Relax!"
Rose forced a smile through thin lips and I couldn't help the smile that past through my own. Aphrodite seemed to have a very contagious smile.
"Well, now is the time," a voice said from behind us.
We turned around to see the three fates standing behind us. I noticed that Chesna gasped softly and quickly excused herself, fading into the shadows.
Lachesis smiled slightly, her eyes following the path of the retreating Sailor Peace. "It seems that we still scare the Guardians."
"It is of no concern of ours," Atropos sneered. "We have other matters to attend to."
"Yes, it is time for you two to receive your powers," Aphrodite jumped in. "Which one of you would like to go first?"
"I will," Rose said, squeezing my hand making me look at her. Her eyes held mine as she whispered, "I want to make sure that you aren't going to get hurt because of this."
I smiled through slightly teary eyes as Rose turned away to follow the Fates to the center of the room. I saw everyone stop what he or she was doing to watch the ceremony. I suddenly feared what was about to happen. I was afraid of what Rose was doing. She was always so protective of me and now she may pay the price for it. I hated myself for getting us involved in this. I hated myself more for wanting to do this.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to meet the emerald green eyes of Eros. "Relax, Tenshi. She will be fine."
I breathed a sigh as I felt his arms encircle me, trying to sooth away the sudden fear and self-hate. I leaned into him as I watched the three Fates take their places around the circle and Rose turned to face me in the middle. She smiled slightly, also trying to calm the fears that were evident on my face. I was amazed at how calm and serene she looked. I wondered if I would ever be able to do that.
Clotho held up her arms and cried, "åãþ åßìáé ìïßñá! Ï åîïõóßá ðÜíù óå áðü êëùóôÞ ðáñáôçñþ ï åáõôüò ìïõ."(Translation: I am Clotho. (Fate) The power of thread observes myself.)
Lachesis held up her own hands and said calmly, "åãþ åßìáé ìïßñá! Ï åîïõóßá ðÜíù óå áðü áðüöáóç ï åáõôüò ìïõ." (Translation: I am Lachesis. (Fate) The power of decision observes myself.)
Atropos held up her own old and weary hands and whispered, "åãþ åßìáé ìïßñá! Ï åîïõóßá ðÜíù óå áðü ï êüâù óå öÝôåò, öÝôá ï åáõôüò ìïõ." (Translation: I am Atropos. (Fate) The power of the slice belongs to me.)
The three Fates glowed brightly, but somehow still managed to remain dark and desolate looking. Clotho looked up at Rose, "Child repeat after us."
Rose nodded her head, her eyes still locked with mine. I could see that she was trembling slightly, giving away the fear that she felt inside. I gave her a bright smile, hoping that I could offer her a little comfort like she had done for me so many times.
Clotho began, "åãþ åßìáé ôñéáíôÜöõëëï, ðáéäß áðü ãç!"
Rose repeated her (In Greek but I thought this would be a good way to let everyone know what they were saying.) "I am Rosetta, child of Earth!"
Lachesis took it up, "åãþ åý÷ïìáé êÜôé ï åîïõóßá ðÜíù óå ìïßñá!"
Rose whispered, "I wish for the power of Destiny!"
As the words left her mouth her body began to glow lightly a bright symbol of a pair of wings appeared on her forehead and her eyes drifted shut on their own accord.
Atropos continued, "õðïôñïößá ìå ï åîïõóßá ðÜíù óå èÜíáôïò..."
"Grant me the power of death..."
The clothes disappeared from her body and her black eyes opened wide as if she could feel a new power invade her body. But from the expression of wonder on her face I could tell that it was not painful for her.
Clotho spoke, "õðïôñïößá ìå ï åîïõóßá ðÜíù óå Üíåìïò..."
"Grant me the power of wind..."
The words were soft as the air surrounding her began to rush around her causing her hair to swirl wildly around her form for a moment and then calming, disappearing as if it had never been there.
Lachesis continued, "õðïôñïößá ìå ï åîïõóßá ðÜíù óå íåñü..."
"Grant me the power of water..."
Water spun itself up from around the circle of candles and completely surrounding Rose's body in a circular style to fade away into nothing. My mouth dropped open when I saw that she was dry.
Atropos continued in her shaky voice, "êáé õðïôñïößá ìå ï åîïõóßá ðÜíù óå êáéñüò!"
"And grant me the power of time!"
The air around her seemed to slow for a second and my sister's black eyes meet mine for a brief second before closing. I was astonished to see her hair suddenly grow from her waist to her feet in the matter of seconds.
In English the three Fates whispered together, "Hands of Destiny, I seek your Power."
A small stone appeared in front of Rose and she reached out to clasp it while she whispered the words too low for us to hear. I watched in amazement as the colors of purple, gold, aquamarine, black and pink seemed to engulf her. She rose slightly in the air as white leather shorts appeared, followed by a red cropped cotton top that had blue sailor flaps and a big blue bow in front with a small red heart adorning it. A red choker appeared around her neck and a silver heart appeared to dangle from it. She stretched her arms out and I felt my mouth drop open as black wings flared out at her back and then disappeared as if they never been there. Her legs tucked up in front of her and black boots with silver trim appeared on her legs, they went all the way up to her mid-thigh. Her head tilted back slightly as a silver tiara with a red heart in the center appeared on her forehead. Her legs dropped down and she stood on her feet as she folded her hands in front of her and a silver staff that resembled something like a key with small red hearts in the center appeared in front of her. She reached out with her left hand and the staff somehow moved its own way into her hand. She twirled it as she placed her right hand on her hip and she opened her eyes, instantly finding mine.
"I am Sailor Destiny," she said softly, a newfound confidence showed in her eyes.
The three Fates held out their hands for Rose to take. As she did they chanted together, "Behold the Guardian of Destiny, Child of Earth."
I noticed that everyone bowed their heads slightly, but I was too awed by my sister's appearance to do the same. I had always known that she was a strong person, but now her strength seemed to shine brightly like a beacon. Her long black hair brushing her ankles as she walked towards me, her black eyes shined with a mysterious light. She gave me a small smile as she stopped in front of me.
"It is time, little sister," she whispered low.
I looked back at Eros who dropped a kiss on my forehead, while squeezing me a little tighter before releasing me. He nodded his head towards his mother, who was waiting patiently in front of the circle.
I reluctantly moved away from my two protectors to step in the circle made by candles. The second I did, it seemed as if the air around me changed slightly. I had to mentally calm myself, trying to appear calm as Rose did. My eyes sought out Rose who gave me an encouraging smile, then Chesna, who found her way next to Rose. She gave me a small thumbs up sign, followed quickly by the peace symbol. Then I found Eros' eyes. He winked at me and held my eyes even as his mother prepared for the ceremony that would change my life forever.
Aphrodite stood directly behind me as Eros was in front of me, flanked by my sister and Chesna. I was vaguely aware of the other Guardians and the Olympian Gods surrounding the circle. But my eyes were focused only on Eros and Rose, knowing that somehow they would give me the strength to continue with what I had started.
As my movements stilled Aphrodite began the ritual. "åãþ åßìáé áöñïäßóéïò, èåüò áðü Ýñùôáò!" (Translation: "I am Aphrodite, Goddess of Love!")
The air around me went completely still as she spoke her next words, "áðáíôþ ìïõ ðåñíþ áðü ï ïíïìáóßá áðü ï éåñüò åîïõóßá." (Translation: Answer my call in the name of the sacred powers.")
Each candle flared around me as she spoke her next words that were as quiet as a whisper, "õðïôñïößá äéêüò óáò åîïõóßá óå áõôüò ðáéäß ðïõ ìïõ õéüò Ý÷åé åðéëïãÞ óå Ýñùôáò." (Translation: Grant thy powers to this child that my son has chosen to love.")
I didn't have time to reflect on what Aphrodite has meant by that because as soon as those words were out of her mouth she told me to repeat after her. "åãþ åßìáé Üããåëïò, ðáéäß áðü Ýñùôáò."
As I repeated the words it felt as if there were everyone on every planet in every solar system had stopped to listen. "I am Angelita, child of Love." (Again the words are repeated in Greek.)
"åãþ ìáêÜñé éó÷õñßæïìáé äéêüò óáò åîïõóßá ðÜíù óå ðáèéáóìÝíïò."
"I wish to claim thy powers over passion," I whispered.
My eyes drifted shut as I could hear faint whispers caress my body, intoxicating me slightly. I felt a heat begin in the middle of my forehead and I was sure that it was the symbol of love appearing there, searing its mark upon my body for the rest of time.
"õðïôñïößá ìå ï åîïõóßá ðÜíù óå ï öëüãa..."
"Grant me the power over the flame..." I whispered.
I could feel the heat rising from the candles, as my clothing seemed to melt away from my form, leaving me bare for all to see. I could feel my body being consumed by the fire, but strangely I didn't feel burned. It felt like a gentle lover's caress over my bare skin, filling me with an intense heat.
"õðïôñïößá ìå ï åîïõóßá ðÜíù óå ðÜãïò..."
"Grant me the power over ice..."
I noticed my voice sounded strangely sensual, almost like a woman talking to her lover. Just as the fire consumed my body I felt the ice do the same. I could feel it freeze my veins as it gently took over. Unlike with the fire I didn't feel comfortable, but I wasn't like I was in pain either, it was very different than any feeling that I ever had. But just as quickly as the ice had come the ice left, leaving my body feeling tingly, anticipated the next new feeling that it would experience.
"õðïôñïößá ìå ï åîïõóßá ðÜíù óå áóôñáðÝò..."
"Grant me the power of lightening..."
As the words left my mouth I could feel the currents run up my naked body, lifting me from the ground, causing my hair to fly around me as the feeling consumed me. And just as the others it was gone with a flash, but I was still slightly elevated from the ground. My whole body felt alive within its wake.
"õðïôñïößá ìå ï åîïõóßá ðÜíù óå Ýñùôáò."
"Grant me the power over love," I whispered.
Once again my body began to feel tingly, I felt light all over and extremely happy. I could feel my hair grow just as it did with Rose. Its wavy length surrounded my naked form completely down to my ankles, but I was sure that if it were pulled straight that it would fall several inches past my feet.
I opened my eyes and met those of Eros and I knew the words that were needed without Aphrodite saying them. I heard her gasp of slight surprise when I held up one hand and my own rose quartz appeared there hovering above my hand. I continued to hold Eros' gaze as I whispered the words that would complete my transformation.
"Cupid's love, grant my your strength."
I saw the colors of orange, blue, red, green and pink swirl around me, completely surrounding me. I felt the short black leather shorts form snuggly around my bottom and the red cotton top exactly like Rose's form around my bust. My feet crossed together slightly as boots, white with gold trim, formed on my legs going all the way up to my thighs. I felt the gentle weight of my tiara appear on my forehead, later I found out that it was gold with a red heart in the center. The red choker appeared at my neck and I could feel the gold heart dangling from it as it tickled my skin slightly. I crossed my arms in front of me as I felt the white wings appear at my back for a moment and then they were gone. I stretched my arms out wide as my feet touched the ground. A gold staff that was shaped like a key with a red heart in its center and two more along the top appeared in front of me. I reached out with my right hand and it moved to my unspoken command. I pulled it close to my body tucking it into me as I moved my hair back gently with my left hand.
"I am Sailor Love."
I looked up and saw the shining eyes of Rose. I could tell that she was proud of me. I couldn't help the wide smile that crossed my face. My eyes shifted to Eros as he moved forward and reached out a hand for mine. As my hand fell in his, he smiled and said, "I present Angel, the Guardian of Love, Child of Earth."
I saw that just as everyone had done with Rose every head bowed slightly. I looked over my shoulder to see Aphrodite grinning broadly. She was obviously proud of the choice her son had made in choosing a successor for her powers.
I turned back to Eros and smiled shyly at him. He moved my hair back away from my face and kissed my cheek, and then he turned slightly to reveal Rose, now Sailor Destiny, waiting for me.
I slowly walked towards her my hand reaching out for hers. The moment our hands connected a bright light enveloped the room and I could feel our powers mingling together.
We watched in amazement as a red locket appeared in front of us. It broke in half as two threads appeared on both sides, one silver and one gold. The silver one wrapped itself around my waist as the gold one wrapped around hers. Each strand secured the half-lockets to our stomachs, covering our belly buttons.
As the light faded away, everyone stared at us slightly awed. Well, every one but the three Fates, nothing ever seemed to shock them.
Lachesis motherly voice cut through the silence. "Their bond is complete."
Eros turned a wide-eyed look towards the Fates. "You knew that was going to happen?"
"We know everything, boy," Atropos hissed.
Then the three fates disappeared into the darkness almost as if they were never there. The talking amongst everyone started up almost as soon as they were gone.
I turned a slightly scared look to my sister, and she squeezed my hand back. She looked so calm and collected, but I could tell that she was just as scared as I was.
"Well, I guess we should meet the others," I whispered, not really knowing just where our lives where going to take us beyond this point. .
To be continued...