Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Happy Birthday to Me ❯ Princess Serenity of the Moon- June ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
TR- Wee! Today's my birthday. Feel the unbridled power of another year!
Muwhahahahaha! Ahem. But for the occasion, I thought of giving you guys something.
Also, did you know that June 7th is the day of the star Prince? Something like that. ~
Tokyo Rabbit II
Disclaimers- I do not own Sailor Moon, but today IS my birthday. Hee. And any names
that I give the royalty who normally have names (i.e. Mercury, Mars, etc) are MY names
for them.
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Happy Birthday to Me
By Tok yo Ra bbit-Sa ma
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*Princess Serenity of the Moon- June*

"Today I'm seventeen! Watch out universe!" I joked as I stood before the full
length mirror in my room.

It was only minutes away until I had to make my appearance to the Silver Court
and here I was, kidding around before my mirror. Hmm, kid. No, I was no longer a kid. A
young woman on the brink of making her mark in the stars! No matter how hard the elders
might try to push me down-- back down to that degrading status of child-- I WAS a
young woman now!

"But it was fun being a kid...." Things such as long naps in the plush, green grass,
moments of ice cream, dreams of candy, and the license to wear informal attire had all
began to slip away from my grasp as soon as I had turned fifteen. But such things were
slowly replaced by long walks in the gardens, moments of wonder, dreams of true love,
and the license of diplomatic power. It was not that bad of a trade off.

But here I stand in front of my reflection making faces. Champion face maker!

"Serenity, it is time," a soft, familiar voice broke my concentration.

It was Princess Talaria, Sailor Mercury. She was wearing a light blue dress of soft
silk in contrast to my white dress of heavy satin. Talaria stepped in quietly and shut the
door behind her, "You look wonderful."

"Thank you, and you look heavenly," I smiled at my life-long friend.

"Here, I wanted to give this to you before you stepped out into the masses," she

smiled and handed me a small parcel, "It is from the girls and I."

Surprised and moved I carefully pulled at the silver ribbon and watched as the
silver and blue cloth unfolded, "Oh, Talaria!"

She took it from my hand and fixed it in my hair, "There."

The sterling silver rose pendent twinkled in the light as it set in front of one of my
buns of hair. In the small, metal petals there were small, beautiful stones of different
colors. Each of the eight stones were colored to represent each of my Soldiers who
guarded me from each planet. All but Earth....

"Thank you! It is so beautiful!" With a genuine smile on my face, I turned and
hugged her.

"Now," she said as she embraced me in return, "the rest of the Silver Court is
waiting to see you, Moon Princess."

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"Ambassadors, Ladies, and Gentlemen of the Silver Court, your princess, Princess
Serenity of the Moon," I heard someone announce regally.

Inhaling and exhaling deeply in a state of nervousness, I nearly popped out of my
dress. That was also another aspect of adulthood that I had began to reap the benefits of--
an adult body. Of course my mother and mentors wished that my necklines would become
actual necklines, but was I not suppose to wed soon and provide and heir to my throne?
Men, as I was finding, loved this sort of thing and also, in my findings, I loved making
them squirm.

Gracefully I began to take my slow, angelic flight down the long stairs of white
marble and ivy. The whole room was at a standstill, or maybe that was just the butterflies
in my stomach creating illusions. Perhaps more or less my fuming mind. Never had I
gotten used to making these unimportant, dramatic appearances.

An age seemed to drip as I finally made it to the bottom and to my throne which
sat next to my mother's much larger chair of nobility. And so, the ball in my honor began.

"Happy Birthday Serenity, Darling," my mother leaned over to me.

"Thank you, Mother," I smiled happily.

Soon the ball began to bore me as my young and adventurous mind began to take
over my imagination and curiosity. Dancing and more dancing. Finally, I gently and
politely excused myself from my current dancing partner and stepped out into the cool

"Much better," I whispered to myself as my fleeing feet carried me to the ice that
resided in the rose gardens.

As soon as my feet touched the wonderful, heavenly ice, my silvery, glass slippers
donned blades. This was my sport, ice skating. Nothing in the universe could calm me so
and make me feel so free. And no one was better at it than I.

The minutes slipped by and became half hours. Time had run away from me and
had not come back into my consciousness until I felt two eye upon me. Not wanting to
become too paranoid over something I am sure was trifle, I slowed my pace and quit with
the twirls and expert moves.

Slowly I glided around the circle of heaven, looking cautiously around. I saw
nothing. Perhaps it was time that I rejoined my guests. When I became Queen, I would not
have such a luxury as sneaking out in the middle of a party just to be by my own.

I stepped into the starlit rose gardens again and my shoes reverted back into shoes.
Another luxury I will not have when I am Queen, I stooped down and removed my painful
shoes. I would walk barefooted everywhere if I could, but it is not lady-like. Ug.
Adulthood did have it's disadvantages.

So caught up in my pondering was I that I did but barely notice the figure in front
of me. I came to an abrupt halt and a small, princessly gasp escaped my rosy lips. There
was a man, in the shade of night, peering into the distance. Apparently balls were not his
thing either.

"Excuse me--" I broke off in surprise as his startling blue eyes quickly met my
crystal ones, "I, uh...."

"Did I startle you?" His voice sounded like a far away storm, rolling in over the
hills ever so gently.

Caught off guard again by his purr, I lied, "No."

His handsome face lightened into a slow, smile which looked more and more like a
smirk, "I did."

Caught again! Goodness! He was so handsome! "I say you did not."

His towering, strong figure moved in front of me, only a few feet away from me, "I
would say that you are lying to me."

Would he ever stop! "I-- uh... er..." I fumbled with my words most unprincessly

The handsome stranger chuckled, "Now I have caught you."

"So it seems," I could not help but smile, "What are you doing out here?"

"I was about to ask the Moon Princess the same, missing her own ball." Again I
was rewarded with his knee-weakening smile, but he sighed and turned back to the roses,
"I dislike such events."

A quick side glance at me, he added, "No offense of course, you Majesty."

"None taken, kind Sir," I smiled once again and stood next to him, gazing at the
roses, "And so I will reward you with my confession: I detest dancing."

And again came his heart-throbbing chuckle, so near to me, I blushed, "A princess
detest dancing? Never had I heard of such an offense."

"Offense?" I turned to look at him, surprised once again by his strange and out
remarks, "Offense to whom?"

"To your title," he met my surprised gaze with his own cool, sure expression.

"I must say that not all princesses are-- are...." Confounded! My words left me
under his piercing gaze.

"Dancers?" He laughed.

He was mocking me! Now I was angry, "Sir! I must ask you, who are you?!"

"King Endymion, Ambassador of Earth and Keeper of the Imperium Golden
Crystal," he stooped to the cobblestone ground in a sweeping, mock bow, "My Lady."

So, I got my answer and was shocked for the countless time that night, slightly
displeased with it. In certain ways this man was my superior, as I was his.

"Well, Your Majesty," I returned his mockery of a bow in my own curtsey, "Let
me inform you that being a princess, is only a title from which people respect you as."

"And is it not a title in which one must live up to?"

"And how must one do that exactly?" I nearly snapped back at him.

"By acting appropriately and setting duty of blood and nobility before," his eyes
sent unwanted chills through my body as they looked me over, "Ice skating and walking
around barefooted."

I looked down at my now, slightly dirty feet and then back at Endymion in spite.
He was smiling?! He was enjoying himself! And instead of retorting back or lashing out in
any way, I began to laugh. It was just such an awkward and strange situation.

I watched him carefully with a fresh smile on my face, "It was you... watching as I

"Guilty," Endymion smiled and his face, I could have sworn, turned a slight shade
of pink.

Trying to save ourselves from an acquired and personal situation, I turned my
attention to the roses before us, "They are such a beautiful variety of flower."

"Yes, beautiful indeed," I still felt his eyes on me and his statement seemed to hold
some secret meaning. He turned his gaze to them as well, "Beautiful and ever so frail
looking, but dangerous if one does not know how to handle them."

He bend down and grasped one, and I was about to protest in fear of the thorns
pricking him, but he pulled back with one single rose in his hand. I saw no abrasions or
blood, good.

"For you," the young king offered to me.

Flattered, I accepted it and looked up at him with a slight tint to my cheek, "Some
how I think that there is more to your statement...."

Another smirk played across his lips, "Perhaps."

I liked him, King Endymion. There was something about him that made me feel
safe and warm, rather than overprotected and brash.

"I have decided, Ambassador of Earth, that I like you after all." A lot, I added

"I like you too, Moon Princess."

A thought crossed my mind and I took his hand in mine, "Have you ever been ice

"Uh... no... I do not believe I have...." Now it was his turn to be surprised, as I
dragged him off to the ice.
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TR- Wee! Who's birthday will you like to see next? And did you see that the title was a
6.7.02 (unedited)