Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of Kindness ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 5

I look over at the empty desk. Tears fill my eyes as I turn my attention back toward the teacher's lecture. I can hear her voice in my mind telling me how smart I am. She always wanted to be smart like me, but what she failed to realize is that I wanted to be more carefree like her.

She was my first true friend. She cared about me for me. She always told me I studied too hard. She was the one that finally taught me how to have fun. She also gave me a purpose the day she came into my life and I became Sailor Mercury.

My attention is brought back to her desk as the tears begin to fall harder. I feel two pairs of hands helping me to my feet. I look to my left and see Naru's sad face. She glances toward the empty desk and then back toward me. I glance toward my right and see Gurio standing there. He also glances toward the empty desk before they get me to my feet.

They help me out of the classroom. I whisper my apologies to the teacher as we walk past. When we get out into the school grounds, Naru and Gurio help me to sit on a bench.

Naru pulls me close. She tries to comfort me as her own tears begin to fall. I can hear her own sobs as I rest my head on her shoulder.

My life slowly changes and my world slowly crumbles and dies along with Usagi. I, the once straight A student, struggle to keep pace with the other students. I, the one with almost perfect attendance, am turning into a person who hates to come.

Usagi was the person who could teach the staunchest person how to have fun. She could teach anyone how to enjoy life. She showed me both of these things, and now she lies in a hospital bed barely fighting for her own life.

"How do you expect me to go on, Usagi?" I whisper as I weep for my friend.

Naru pulls me close and whispers into my ear. "Usagi is the most loving and caring person this world has known, Ami. She would want us to go on and always to remember her."

"I know, Naru." I whisper. "I have to go to her."

"I am sure the teacher will understand." Gurio tells me.

"Thank you." I say as I stand and run toward the hospital.