Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of Kindness ❯ Chapter 13

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 13

I lead Mamoru out the door. The loss of Usagi is greater then anyone will ever know. Sadness fills my heart as I look at Mamoru.

He'll probably never be the same again. She was his life, his family. I pull him close and try to comfort him, but the pain will not be comforted.

As I hold him, a strange feeling comes over me. I look down the hall and see Queen Serenity standing there. She smiles at me then disappears.

I see Usagi's doctor running down the hall where Queen Serenity had been standing. Behind him run two other doctors and two nurses. A puzzled look crosses my face as I watch them enter Usagi's room. I look toward the other Senshi. Puzzled looks are on their faces as well.

Mamoru stares at the door as we sit and wait for an explanation. We watch as the two nurses walk from the room. Both wear smiles on their faces. They glance over at Mamoru and I, but neither stops nor says anything. Their smiles just get bigger.

My curiosity gets the better of me. I stand and walk toward the room.