Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Her Battle ❯ Only the Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Hi all, this my very first attempt at writing a fanfic, so I hope it will at least turn out descent. This will be a sailor moon shoujo-ai/yuri story (that means girl-girl relationships and if you don't like it don't read it that simple) with the following pairs Rei/Usagi, Ami/Makato, and Haruka/Michiru. I don't know if there will be others yet. The main focus of this story will be on Rei and Usagi (they are my fav couple that never happened). This story will take place after SuperS when a new enemy surfaces. Finally I will make this very violent, but it has its purpose and it will not be meaningless violence. Also, if anyone is wondering I honestly don't know how long this will be and how it will all turn out save for a few things, so that being said it is likely there will be a lemon scene or two, but I am not sure.

Oh and just to state the obvious I defiantly don't own Sailor Moon or any of the characters, but this story plot is mine and in the name of the moon I will punish any of you would use it without the author's(my) consent. (JK ^_^ about the punishing) So one with the story…


Chapter 1 - Only the beginning

"Crap" Mars stated as she was just thrown back by a deceptively strong youma. `Maybe it would have been a good idea to call the other senshi to help her with this one', she thought.

"You can't beat me alone" declared the yellow youma that was almost child sized.

"I am all that is needed to kill a youma like you!" Mars shot back, but really she hoped that it was true. "Burning Mandala!"

With that rings of fire were sent flying at the youma catching it slightly off guard, but it seemed to recover just as quickly. The youma dodges left and right and finally jumped high into the air to avoid the last ring of fire. Only to be caught by a roundhouse kick when the youma landed on the ground, sending the youma flying right into a near by light post.

"Still think I can't win alone" mocked Sailor Mars. With that the youma let out a freighting growl. "RRRRRRROOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRRRR!" Sailor Mars was shocked and took a step back instinctively, but the youma moved with great speed and she wasn't able to get far enough away and was caught by a quick punch to her stomach that knocked the wind out of her, but before she could recover, the punch was followed up by a hard elbow to the back of her neck that propelled her to the ground. When Mars hit the ground she was kicked in her ribs until they made a sickening cracking sound on the fifth kick, which let Mars know she got some broken ribs from that blow. The assault stopped for brief moment which allowed her to get up into an almost sitting position. The youma then leaned down to Mars' ear and said, "If you are this easy I can't wait to meet friends, senshi of fire." The youma then swiftly kicked Mars on the side of her head sending her hard into the concrete making a gash on that side of her head.

The youma start to take a few steps away from the downed senshi only to be grabbed by its' leg. "You *will* not harm any of my friends as long as there is strength in my body!" Mars remarked. "Oh, good I'm glad that you still have some fight left in you, I thought it was over already." The youma replied. "Damn right! I'm not done with you yet!" Mars yelled as she got back to her feet spitting blood on the ground along the way. Mars was already back into her fighting stance when the youma exclaimed, "I didn't realize you were so eager to die!" He began charging at Sailor Mars as he finished the last word of his comment, but this time she knew of his speed and would not be surprised this time so she charged up an attack that she knew would not fail her and that even this youma will not be able to avoid at close range. A part of her mind said, `don't do it you will be caught in the blast too', but she ignored it and instead thought, `if this will keep this monster away from my friends, especially a certain odango atama princess then it would be worth any harm that may come to herself in the process.'

Once the youma was mere feet away she drew her hands back mentally forming a bow and arrow of fire and called out, "Mars flame sniper!" The youma's eyes widened with shock and then became small slits full of anger once it realized there was no avoiding this attack.

The youma fruitlessly rose its' hands to try and block it, but there was no way of blocking this fire arrow it had too much power behind it. The arrow pierced its chest slowly and when the head of the arrow was fully inside of the monster it exploded in huge flash of fire that blew the youma apart in a mess of black blood and youma parts. The force of the blast affected Mars as well, even though she protected her face with her arms, it didn't do much for the rest of herself as she was sent through the wall of a near by building and her arms pretty badly burnt to protect her face from the blast.

`Well, on the plus side at least I'm still alive' Mars thought, `but I certainly think I've felt better.' Mars continued her thoughts. At that time she detransformed into her normal self, Hino Rei. "Ugh…" Rei groaned loudly when she tried to get up, only to clutch her side and grimace in pain and it was then that she remembered it was very likely that she had some broken ribs.

`I guess I could try to contact one of the senshi, but it's 2:30 in the morning, would anyone be awake to answer her? I have to try though, I don't think I would get far in my condition by myself' she thought. She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard two people talking to each other outside the building she was in. She struggled and bit down on her lower lip so she wouldn't be able to ever whimper in pain incase they were youma that were out there talking, she in no condition for another fight right now.

When she was satisfied with her new hiding place where she would be able to look outside, but who ever was out there would not be able to see her. She decided to listen and take a look at who would be at the scene of where she had just battle a youma this early in the morning, people didn't usually go out so early unless they were out to cause trouble. So Rei turned and looked outside only to be taken aback by what she saw. And it was then that she realized this battle was only the beginning.


R&R if you want to, I would just like to know the opinions of people, but do try to be kind this is my first fanfic. I am writing the next chapter now and expect it to be done tonight if I'm lucky and don't get writer's block ^_^. Thank you to any one who took the time to read this I hope it wasn't a waste of time : P. Any way till next time.