Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Her Battle ❯ Lies and Deception ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome back for another chapter of `Her Battle'. I hope everyone enjoys it after the wait…
Chapter 25 - Lies and Deception
Kei stared down the now untransformed girl, her transformation faded a few moments after she fell to the ground. “You could have made this easier on yourself. She's not worth your devotion and thankfully now that won't be a problem.”
Ryuji stepped out from behind Kei and looked at Mars lying on the ground. His eyes shift over to his leader, “What kind of technique did you use on her?” He asked curiously.
“An old spell…a very old spell, one that dates back further than I care to remember. At one time, it was to be used by soldiers operating in secret to maintain their secrecy from anyone who discovered something that could compromise their mission. Of course, the level of this spell used back then was much lower for fear of erasing too much.”
“What do you mean?” Ryuji found himself asking.
“Come now, I thought you were bright enough to know where I'm going with this.” Kei said and looked at her companion.
Ryuji stared at Kei for a moment; `She doesn't seem to have a limit to…' he thought and saw her smile. He lowered his head and looked at the unconscious girl on the ground, realizing that train of thought would only likely cause trouble for himself, he turn his thoughts back to the Sailor Senshi. “Is she worth all this trouble?”
“You said it yourself she has a strong will and like this, things won't be as difficult. Besides, she left me with no other choice, and after some thought I think this will be more advantageous to us anyway.” Kei said and looked down at Rei with a smile. Kei turned back to Ryuji after a couple seconds and said, “I want you to take her up to that room I showed you when we first came here, the one just down the hall from mine.” She waved her hand over Rei and the shackles around her limbs opened.
Ryuji crouched down, picked Rei, and threw her over his shoulder, “Are you sure? What if she…”
“I don't believe that is a problem anymore. When she wakes up, she won't be the same person she was down here. Besides, we must play our parts. I can't allow her to wake up down here if she is to believe what I want her to.” Kei said.
“So, what's the plan from here on then?” Ryuji asked.
“First, bring her to her new room. Then I will remain with her until she wakes, I must be the first one she sees. After I decipher how deeply I erased and what remains, I'll decide what I need to tell her.” Kei instructed and Ryuji nodded before heading towards the door with Rei, but paused and looked back at Kei. “I'll join you shortly. She won't wake up for awhile.” Ryuji grunted in response before exiting the room with Rei.
Kei smiled broadly and started to laugh, “I can't wait to see the expression on your face, Princess, once you see your loyal solider again. Just thinking about that moment gives me great pleasure.” She said and walked out of the room.
Luna looked at Usagi weeping on the floor; she didn't know what to do to comfort the girl. She was aware that Usagi had a mental connection to her senshi, but she didn't think it could be so strong. `I believe her when she said she could sense Rei was in trouble, but I didn't think the connection could be so strong at such a distance. Because there's no telling how far away Rei is currently.'
“I'm sure she's ok Usagi.” Luna said comfortingly, though she knew her words must have sounded hollow.
Usagi shook her head, “No.” she cried through her tears. “It's like a part of me, a part I didn't even know about just died. It hurts Luna, it hurts…” Usagi cried as her body started to shake from the tears. She coughed a little a hugged her stomach, as though she was going to be sick.
“Usagi, you have to calm down. You can't do anything for her in this state.” Luna said.
“I-I didn't d-do anything f-for her! That's the problem!”
“Usagi, you have to calm down.” Luna said firmly.
“My mo-mother t-told me would k-know if…if something ha-happened to h-her. Luna, I…”
“Usagi!” Luna yelled, cutting the young girl off. Usagi's tears slowed as she looked at Luna, “You need to calm down or you're going to wake everyone up and I don't think you want to explain why you're in the state you're in at one thirty in the morning.”
Usagi looked at Luna for a moment before wiping her eyes and standing up on unsteady legs. “You're right.” Usagi said quietly.
Luna nodded, “Now, come lie back down and tell me about what caused you to wake up like you did.” She said and when she finished she saw Usagi walk the opposite direction of her bed, she was walking to the door to her room. “Usagi, what are you doing?”
“I'm sorry Luna, but I can't just lie down in bed right now. I'm going to go out for a walk.” Usagi said and grabbed her coat from its hook on the door.
“Usagi, I don't think…”
“Luna, I need to do this. I need to figure out what I just felt; I need to figure out what happened to Rei.” Usagi said firmly.
Luna stared at the blond girl for a moment, `She's serious.' She realized. Usagi had already put her coat on and was headed to her room's window by the time Luna found her voice again, “Do you want me to come with you? Or to call someone else?” Luna asked.
Usagi shook her head, “I don't want to burden them and I think I have to think about this on my own.”
“Are you sure you don't even want me to come along?” Luna asked.
Usagi nodded, “Yeah, I'm sure.” The blonde haired girl then quietly opened her window; she'd had a lot of practice due to many late night youma fights, and eased herself outside, onto the roof before nimbly jumping to the ground from the low roof. She frowned, as her feet got wet immediately after making contact with the grass, she'd forgotten to put on a pair of shoes. Usagi sighed, `It must have rained while I was sleeping…' she thought idly and started to walk away from her house, not entirely sure where she intended to go, but her thoughts were solely on her raven-haired friend.
Mamoru wandered through a dense fog, not entirely sure where he was going. The fog was too thick to see too far, ahead of where he already was, so he found himself walking with is hand extended in front of him, so as not to walk into anything or anyone. After a short time, he believed he could make out a light in the distance and decided that was the point he would head toward. As Mamoru got closer to the light, he noticed someone was standing in it, but couldn't tell who it was; he could only make out the silhouette of the person. The person had to be young because he or she wasn't very tall, but the person's hairstyle was one he was familiar with, but he couldn't be sure it was who it looked like.
“Umm…are you…?”
“Do you hate me Mamo-chan?”
As soon as he heard the voice, he knew exactly who was standing in front of him, “I could never…”
“Then why don't you want me to exist?”
Mamoru sat up in his bed in a cold sweat. He slipped out of bed, walked over to the bathroom in his apartment, and turned on the light of the small room. He turned on the water in the sink and cupped his hands underneath the faucet until he accumulated a fair amount of water and splashed the liquid on his face. That was the second dream he'd had like that, `Am I doing the right thing? I pushed her away once before and it wasn't the right thing to do.' He asked himself as he looked into the mirror above the sink.
Mamoru turned off the water and stared down at the sick thoughtfully, `Of course, this is different than that time though. I'm not having dreams that tell me to let go of Usagi, the opposite in fact. No, I felt this from Usagi herself, when we were together with the other senshi and even when we were alone together.' Mamoru turned off the light
`I don't know if she doesn't release it, or rather she won't admit it to herself. Maybe she doesn't want to hurt me or maybe she doesn't want to jeopardize the future.' He thought as he walked back into his bedroom. `The future…'
“It could be that I'm risking too much. It's not so much Crystal Tokyo, but…' Mamoru stopped and looked a framed photograph of Usagi and him in an embrace with Chibi-Usa in the middle. He found he couldn't look at the picture for very long and turned the frame facedown onto the dresser. `If I continue in the current direction I'm heading, what will become of Chibi-Usa? It's not right to gamble her life, but shouldn't Usagi's happiness, who is here right now, be more important?'
Mamoru didn't have an answer to his own question, but at such times, he almost wished he didn't have any knowledge of the future. `I guess this is why Setsuna is so protective of knowledge of the future.' Mamoru sat on his bed and sighed, he certainly didn't want to forget Chibi-Usa now that he does know her, and yet he felt like he should proceed. `I don't want Usagi to have regrets later. I want her to be with me because she truly wants to be with me and not because she feels obligated to because of a future that under normal circumstances, we won't know.'
Mamoru knew though, that their situation was not normal, it was far from it. Normal people didn't fight evil beings that threatened Earth, normal people didn't have such storied past lives as they did, and normal people age and die in their 80s or 90s or even if they're lucky their 100s, not in their 1000s. No, they were far from normal, but that didn't mean they shouldn't have a say in deciding their own fate.
Mamoru laid back down in his bed and silently wished that everything would work out for everyone, especially the one person who had the least certain future, Chibi-Usa.
`What am I doing here, it's not like she's even here?' Minako thought as she looked up the long stairs to Hikawa Jinja. In the back of her mind, she realized it was late and she should be at home sleeping but `how can I sleep peacefully in my bed at home when Rei's out there somewhere?' Every day that passes only seems to heighten her worry. `At least here, I feel closer to her'
Minako pulled her jacket closer to her body as a sudden gust of wind blew by; it was chillier than she expected it to be. She couldn't understand why she felt the need to do this to herself, `It's not like Rei is going to just magically appear here or anything.' She thought and leaned against the large wooden sign that read `Hikawa Jinja Entrance'.
The blonde haired girl's thoughts traveled back to her conversation with Usagi at the Outers' house. She talked to Ami and Makoto a little about what she learned from talking to Usagi, but not everything. Minako looked at the starry sky, and searched for the bright red planet that only looked like a distant star from Earth. It didn't take her long find her desired planet and she smiled sadly at the far away world, `I realize why I lose to Usagi and why you love her so much, Rei. She's so much better and stronger than I'll ever be. It's all right if I can't stop feeling how I do, right? I want what's best for you and I want you to be with the person who can make you happiest. Usagi is the one who can do that, I know she is. If there's any chance of that happening, you need to be here, so you can fight for that chance. I wish to God that I knew where you are now, I would…' Minako's thoughts were halted when she heard someone coming towards her. She quickly wiped her eyes and prepared herself in case it was some lecherous drunk person or something, it was late and most bars were started to close about this time after all.
Minako slowly turned towards where person was coming from, when she saw the person; she was more then a little surprised to realize that she knew the person. Not only that, this person was one of her best friends, the one she was in charge of protecting, Tsukino Usagi. She was too surprised to move at first, so she merely stared at Usagi and wondered what she was doing out so late at night. Minako pushed away from the sign and started to make her way across the street to where Usagi was walking. Minako crossed the street and had nearly reached the other blonde when a thought entered her mind, `What will Usagi think when she sees me out here this late? My house isn't exactly close to Rei's…' Minako brushed that thought aside and hurried over to Usagi.
“Usagi!” She called and getting no response, she reached out and tapped Usagi's shoulder.
“Oh Minako-chan, you scared me.” Usagi said and held her hand over her chest.
“Usagi, what's wrong?” Minako asked when she saw Usagi's wet cheeks and red eyes. `She didn't even notice me until I touched her shoulder. Her hair is down and she's in her pajamas, something's wrong…' Minako waited for any answer, but the only response she received was Usagi turning away from her and looking to the ground. “Usagi…” Minako said, putting her hands on the other girl's shoulders again.
Minako was surprised a few seconds later to find Usagi hugging her tightly. Minako responded in kind and held Usagi. She could feel Usagi's body shaking, so she rubbed her back comfortingly, trying to calm down the other girl. “Come on Usagi, tell me what's wrong.”
“I couldn't help her.” Usagi said quietly, almost too quiet for Minako to hear, but she barely did catch it.
“Usagi, what do you mean?” Minako asked. She could feel a cold pit form in her stomach as she waited for Usagi to give her response. She didn't know what happened, but she knew it wasn't good.
“I know something happened…something happened to Rei tonight and I don't know what to do.”
“What are you saying?”
Usagi was silent for a short time, as if thinking how to explain what she felt. After what felt like forever to Minako, Usagi finally spoke, “Minako do-do you remember when all of you…died for me on our way to fight Beryl?” Usagi asked and Minako nodded her head slowly, not like where Usagi was going. “I-It hurt every time…every time one of you died.” Usagi pause for moment before adding, “Earlier tonight I felt that same pain again.” Usagi said, but shook her head and stared down at the sidewalk and corrected herself, “No, it hurt even worse than it did back then.”
“Are you saying Rei's…that she's…?” Minako couldn't say the word as her eyes filled with tears and she would herself unable to speak.
Usagi looked up at Minako with tear-filled eyes, “I don't know and I don't know what to do.”
Minako's eyes stared down at Usagi's own, she saw the same fear she felt reflected back at her, but also she saw hope there as well. `Usagi…'
“I want to go out and look for her and I know could have found her at that time, but now…now I can't even…” Usagi stopped when she felt a pain in her chest; similar to the pain she felt a short time ago in her room. She didn't realize until it was gone that she could always faintly sense her and possibly all the other senshi as well. Now that she was aware of it, she felt as though a part of her was missing, as though she wasn't whole anymore.
“You can't what?” Minako asked and pulled away from when she looked uncomfortable. “Usagi, what is it? What's wrong?” She asked and looked at Usagi worriedly.
Usagi shook her head, “It's nothing, I'm better now.”
Minako didn't look convinced, so she asked again, “Usagi, please tell me if something's wrong.”
Usagi turned away from Minako and frowned, she didn't know how to say it without it sounding weird. She looked at Minako again and said, “It's like…I don't feel…complete…whole…with how things are now. Does that make any sense?”
Minako looked at Usagi for a moment before nodded slowly. Yeah, she understood what she meant. In fact, hearing Usagi explain it she had a better understanding about why she felt so lost this night. Minako wondered if the other girls felt the same thing or if it was just Usagi and her.
Minako's silence started to worry Usagi so she spoke again, “Minako?”
“Usagi, you haven't give up on finding Rei safe, have you?”
“Never. I was a little discouraged earlier, when I woke up, but I refuse to believe Rei isn't still alive. I don't fully understand what happened earlier, but it still feels like she's out there somewhere, it's just much harder sense her now.” Usagi said and looked at Minako, hoping she understood what she meant.
“You can sense her?” Minako asked and Usagi nodded. The taller blonde thought for moment before saying, “And you can still sense her?”
Usagi nodded, “Yeah, it's just not as easy.”
“Magic!” Minako blurted out after a little more thought.
Usagi stared at Minako confusedly, “Umm…what?”
“Usagi, I think our enemy may have done something to cause this. That's the only explanation. Our enemy was at least at one time a Sailor Senshi, so it's reasonable to think she'd try to cut off all means we have to find Rei.” Minako said and waited to see what Usagi thought about her hypothesis. `If Usagi still believes she's safe, I won't give up either.'
Usagi looked thoughtful about what Minako suggested and it seemed like a good conclusion, “I never thought about anything like that.” Usagi said, but she felt there was still more to what happened. Usagi remembered that Rei seemed to be in a lot of distress and that couldn't be accounted for in Minako's theory. She was sure hadn't imagined it, she'd heard the distress from Rei.
“Usagi, was there something else?” Minako asked, becoming considered by the other girl's lack of speech.
Usagi shook her head, “No, I was just thinking you're probably right. I don't know what I'd do without you Minako.”
Minako smiled a little and said, “I think we both know you'd be just fine.”
“I'm serious.” Usagi protested.
“So am I.” Minako said and put her arm around Usagi's shoulder, “Now come on, I'll walk you home. There will be plenty of time to talk about everything after we've gotten a good night's sleep, since tomorrow…err…today's Sunday. I'm sure the other girls will have some more thoughts about what you felt. Besides, you're going to catch a cold dressed like that.”
Usagi nodded and started to walk back to her house with Minako. Perhaps sleep could clear her mind and help her understand what happened to Rei.
Amethyst eyes opened slowly, and blinked a few times to improve her vision. They began to explore the room as best they could from her position on the bed and after a few seconds of examination, her eyes widened. She sat up quickly and her hands immediately went to her head. She felt her stomach lurch and only her will stopped her from losing whatever food she had in her stomach.
“Thank god you're awake!” She heard a voice call from the opposite end of the room. Her eyes focused in on where voice originated from, she found that she couldn't see who was talking to her, but she could strangely still sense where the person was.
“Just who in the heavens are you and where am I?” The dark haired girl demanded.
“You don't remember?” the voice asked, growing louder.
“Should I?”
Kei's lips curled into a sly smile, “Of course. Are you saying you don't?”
“Perhaps if you step into the light, where I can see you, I will.” She responded.
“I'm sorry, what was I thinking.” Kei replied sheepishly as she walked closer to lamp's light.
The girl in the bed gave her an irritated looked once her companion stepped in to the light fully, “Remove your hood as well.”
“Of course.” She said and reached up to the hood covering her face and pulled it back.
She simply stared at the woman standing before her, `She does look some what familiar.' She thought. She could tell the woman had long black hair, despite much of it being hidden beneath her hooded cloak. Her skin was very light, `She can't go out in the sun much.' She thought idly. The woman's eyes were a dark lifeless black. How someone's eyes could look like that she didn't know and nor did she want to know. She was far from ugly, but she wasn't appealing in the least to her either. Finally, she decided she'd scrutinized the woman enough to speak, “I don't know who you are.”
“I see. What exactly can you remember then? Do you even remember your own name?”
“My name…my name is…it's…” She struggled to answer such a simple question and just thinking about it seemed to bring on a headache. A thought struck her, she couldn't even remember her own name, “I…don't know.”
“Allow me to help you…” Kei said and stepped closer to the bed.
“I don't need…!” The young girl started to say, but stopped when her head started pounding again. Her hands immediately held her head and her eyes narrowed in pain.
“Are you alright? I can get medicine if you are having headaches.” Kei said sounding concerned.
The girl again scrutinized the woman stand before her asking, “Why do you care? What am I to you?”
“You've never been one to mix words, I'm a friend and I want to help you. Why else would I be here with you right now? I'm here to help you in any way I can.” Kei explained.
“Even though you say that, I still don't remember you.” She responded quietly.
“They must have done real number on you…” Kei remarked off-handedly.
They?” The other girl parroted.
“The Sailor Senshi.”
The girl in the bed looked away from her companion and shook her head, “No, that can't be. The Sailor Senshi are good. I might not remember much, but I know that to be true.”
“What do you know about the Sailor Senshi?” Kei asked.
“I-I know…I know they guard Queen Serenity and uphold justice.”
Queen Serenity? Exactly what year do you think it is?”
“Year 4016 of the Silver Millennium.” She said without a shard of doubt.
Kei looked at her for a moment, she had to use all her self-control to keep herself from smiling, `This is better then I hoped for…' Kei noticed the other girl was giving her an irritated look, likely due to her silence. “I'm sorry; it's just that if that were indeed the year, you would be three. If you look at yourself you'll see it's apparent that you are not three.”
“How can this be? Why can't I remember growing up? Why can't I remember anything!?” She exclaimed, but already she could feel her head start to pound again. Her hand soon found itself where seemed to be frequently since she awoke, holding her head.
“Don't over-exert yourself. If you'll allow it, I'll try to fill in the gaps in you memory as best I can.” Kei said as she sat down on the edge of the bed. After a moment, she hesitantly nodded her head, giving Kei the ok to do what ever she was planning on doing. “Close your eyes.” Kei instructed before she reached over and touched the side of her face and almost instantly, images flooded her mind. In reality, it was only a few seconds, but it felt like years passed within her mind.
Kei removed her hand and the other girl opened her eyes to look at Kei. She smiled inwardly at the anger that filled the young girl's eyes. “Where are they?” she asked dangerously.
“Don't get ahead of yourself.” Kei reprimanded. “First, do you know who you are now?”
“My name is Diana. I was princess of Mars and heir to the Martian Empire until that was taken away from me.” She replied.
“What else can you tell me Diana?” Kei asked urging her to continue.
“I was taken away from my home and forced to become the successor of the warrior Sailor Mars; thereby, guardian of the child of Queen Serenity, the spoiled Princess Serenity.” Diana explained.
Even though she tried to hide it, a small smile appeared on Kei's face as she listened to her companion. “How do you feel about the other Sailor Senshi?”
“They are nothing to me. Now, tell me where they are!” She demanded.
“They presently reside on Earth. Well Tokyo of the country of Japan to be precise.” Kei replied.
“What would they be doing on that planet?” Diana found herself asking.
“I guess I wasn't able to help you with all your memories. Many things have changed since I'm sure you last remember. The first and most important thing I should tell you is that the Sailor Senshi live double lives to keep their identities hidden, even the public is unaware of their existence. They are not easy to find unless something calls them out of hiding, but I expect you would be able to find them easily.” Kei explained.
“Don't they have any pride in the powers given to them by their home planets?”
“They are more Earthling now than anything.” Kei said and was silent; expecting a reaction or even another question from her companion but neither came. Kei decided see exactly what her intentions are, “What do you plan on doing once you encounter them again?”
“I will see to each of their demises for their betrayal.”
Kei smiled without restraint, “I'm pleased to hear that.”
“I appreciate what you've done for me, but I must know what your ambition is here.” Diana inquired.
“I simply wish to give every kingdom the power they deserve back, instead of the Moon Kingdom having it all and the other Sailor Senshi stand in my way. We have a common enemy, my friend. So, will you follow me, if I assist you?” Kei asked as she stood up and extended her hand to Diana. She saw her reluctance to take her hand so she added, “Following me is the only way to confront them and be successful. I can give you what you need to ensure your victory.”
Diana looked at Kei and then looked at her hand, she wasn't entirely sure this was the correct path to take, but for now, it seemed like the only path. “I'm my own person and I won't be under anyone's command, yours included.”
“Fair enough.” Kei said causally. “Then we have an agreement?”
“Yes. If I am to work with you, I would like to know your name.” Diana said and took Kei's hand.
“My name? You can call me, Kei.”
Usagi shot up into a sitting position, forcing Luna off her, and looked around her room. She could feel her heart pounding her chest, “It was only a dream.” She whispered. She could hear her mother calling to her in the distance, announcing that breakfast was ready. Usagi took a deep breath to calm her rapidly beating heart.
Luna looked at Usagi from the ground, worriedly. “Usagi, what was only dream?”
The blonde haired girl looked to the ground for the black cat and smiled weakly, “It's nothing. It was only a dream.”
“A dream about what?” The dark cat asked and jumped back onto the bed and sat beside Usagi.
“It's not important; it was only a dream after all.” Usagi said and pulled the covers off of herself. She then slide out of bed and stretched.
“Are you sure?” Luna asked as she watched Usagi. She was still worried about her after what happened earlier. She was relieved when she returned with Minako. Even though they encountered each other by chance, it put the small cat's heart at ease knowing that her charge wasn't alone.
“I'm sure.” Usagi said and turned to Luna smiled reassuringly. She looked away from Luna and thought, `There's no way that would happen.' Usagi walked to her bedroom door and look back at Luna, “I'm going downstairs to have a little breakfast, could you contact everyone and ask them be at the Crown around one.”
“I can do that. What do you want me to tell them the reason is?” The black cat asked.
“Tell them it's about Rei and if they have any other questions, they can ask Minako before all of us get together. Thanks Luna.” Usagi said and left the cat alone in the room.
“I should inform you that we are not the only ones residing here. Under my command is a good number of youma.” Kei said
Diana stopped at stared at Kei, “Youma?!” she exclaimed in a mixture of shock and disgust.
“Yes, is that a problem?”
“Youma are disgusting creatures and I do not wish to be allied with such abominations.” Diana said.
“They are simply a means to an end. I needed a force that could fight on fairly even ground with the Sailor Senshi and they were the only ones capable of doing that. Besides, I very well couldn't do all the work myself.” Kei stated.
“Well they aren't needed any longer; I can handle all of them well enough.” Diana said.
“I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you. Sure, you may be able to hold your ground against one or two of them at a time, but all of them at once is impossible for you right now.”
Diana stopped at looked at Kei, “Are you saying I'm weak?”
“Heaven's no.” Kei said with a laugh. “I'm simply saying at your current strength you would not be able to handle all of the Sailor Senshi at once, but perhaps I can give you an extra boost in that.”
“What do you mean?” Diana asked curiously.
Kei held up her hand and started to walk once again, “In due time. At the moment however, I want you to meet the two youma you will be working with.” Diana was visibly disgusted when she learned exactly where Kei was taking her, but followed silently. After only a little more walking, they reached two large double doors. Kei paused and looked at her companion, “This is it.”
Diana nodded and Kei pushed the doors open. Diana stepped inside the dark room along side of Kei, who shut the door as they entered, eliminating much of the light that filled the room with the doors open. As they walked into the room, Diana could sense two others in the room, and they weren't human. When they got towards the rear of the, she saw two large figures, seemingly waiting for them.
“Gentlemen, allow me to present…Sailor Mars.” Kei said and stepped to the away for her a little.
The two youma stepped up, finally giving Diana a good look at them, `Repulsive creatures.' She thought as she looked at them.
“This here is Ryuji. He's my right hand man, so to speak.” Kei said and pointed to the smaller of the two youma. Diana watched as Ryuji lowered his head respectfully, but didn't make any movement herself. “And this is Ichiro. He does most of the legwork I need done.” Kei said pointing to the other youma.
Ichiro looked at the girl beside Kei, “So, you're the pathetic human I've heard so much about. You've built up quite the reputation; I only hope you can live up to it…”
“Mind your tongue, you filthy youma, before you find yourself in death's embrace.” Diana said dangerously and glared at the youma.
Kei sighed audibly, “Ichiro, that's no way to act in front of our new ally. I would be mindful your manners, lest you want to end up like your brothers.”
“I'm not afraid of her.” Ichiro said and turned to Diana.
“But you know better than to disobey me, don't you?” Kei asked, her voice growing sharper as she spoke.
Ichiro's gaze fell unto Kei; he visibly flinched at her angered expression. He looked down and bit his lip, “Very well.”
Kei smiled at Ichiro's change in attitude and Diana gave her a curious look. “Good, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, we can get down to business.”
Usagi looked at the group and awaited their reactions. She'd just finished explaining what prompted her to ask all of them to an impromptu senshi meeting, carefully leaving out exactly how upset she had been. They were at Makoto's, at her suggestion. Makoto thought it would be better to meet in a place more private than the Crown and everyone agreed.
Usagi was happy that everyone made it, bus she was still surprised that Setsuna was even present. She was usually only present at the very important, `the world is coming to an end' meetings.
“Usagi, I wasn't aware you had that kind of ability.” Ami said.
“Well, I've only noticed it myself in extreme situations, like when we fought at the D-Point.” Usagi explained.
“What do you think this means then?” Makoto asked.
“I'm sure she's fine, but I'm worried about her.” Usagi said and dropped her gaze her lap.
Mamoru, who was sitting next to her on the sofa, reached over and squeezed her hand. Usagi looked over to him and gave him thankful smile. She faced everyone again and said, “Minako thinks it might be out enemy's doing, to prevent us from being able to find Rei. She obviously possesses strong magic, so it's possible.” Usagi said. Usagi looked to Setsuna for her opinion, but she remained silent, although her expression seemed solemn to Usagi's eyes.
“Is something like that even possible, Setsuna?” Haruka asked.
Setsuna was silent for a long time after the question, but everyone waited patiently for her response, especially Usagi. The blonde Princess didn't want to think some thing worse could have happened. “It is…possible.” She finally responded and the room let out a collective sigh of relief, except for Setsuna's fellow outer senshi, they knew there was more than what she was saying.
“See, even Setsuna says that could have happened.” Minako chirped, happy the sage-like senshi didn't completely rule out her idea.
“All we need to do now is find Rei, before anything more can happen.” Makoto said to the group.
Usagi nodded, she couldn't agree with that idea more, but she couldn't bring herself to get too lively; her dream was still weighing on her mind. Mamoru glanced at Usagi and sighed quietly, he could tell she was even more worried than she was letting on. He only hoped her fears don't come true.
“Are we clear then Ichiro? I want to raise such hell it forces every Sailor Senshi to take action. Do what ever it takes.” Kei said and looked at the youma, who nodded.
“Yes, I understand.” He said and started to walk away.
“I wish for you to accompany him, Diana.” Kei said, causing Ichiro to stop for second, before continuing his departure.
“I told you, I do not wish to be associated with any youma.” She said abruptly turned away from Kei.
“That's a pity, because where he goes the other Sailor Senshi are sure to be…” Kei trailed and smiled as she saw Diana consider the idea after hearing that.
“Fine, but don't blame me if I kill him.” Diana said
“If you feel he is useless, do as you please to him. I don't need inept youma.” Kei said and Diana nodded before starting to leave herself.
“Wait, there's one more thing…”
“What is it?” Diana questioned.
“Before you leave, I have a present to give you, Diana.” Kei said and gestured for her companion to kneel down, she reluctantly complied. After a moment Kei closed her eyes and concentrated, she'd never done this before, but she knew it would be essential if she wished to succeed. Kei placed her hand on her companion's head and when she did, Diana closed her eyes as well. When her hand started to glow in a black light, she muttered some indiscernible words. Within a few moments, her companion was cover in the black light that once only surrounded Kei's hand. Kei removed her hand and when she did, she dropped down to one knee and watched, as her companion remained surrounded by the black energy and slowly it seemed to be absorbed by Diana's body.
Once the dark energy was no longer visible, Diana stood up opened her eyes, which were no longer amethyst in color, but rather a dark black. She balled up her right hand into a fist and punched the air; she could feel energy flowing through her body, “Incredible. What was that?”
“I've given you some of the energy that has made me as strong as I am. This will make you strong enough to defeat any Sailor Senshi.”
Diana could feel her lips curl into a smile unconsciously, but she shook her head to clear her mind again. “I will do my best.” She said and started to walk towards the door, but stopped and turned back to Kei, “Are you not coming?”
“Regretfully, no. I need to remain here for the time being, as there are other things I must do.” Kei said and stood slowly.
“If that's what you need to do, I will return shortly.” Diana said and started to walk away.
“Diana, I would like you to have Ichiro do all the physical work, while you observe.”
“Why?” Diana asked, sounding a little angry.
“I want you to observe their battle tactics before engaging them.” Kei explained.
“I already know how they fight!”
“It's better this way because now you can look for any weaknesses you can exploit and watching Ichiro fight with them will give you the opportunity to do that.” Kei said, but saw her companion still wasn't pleased with the idea. “I'm simply trying to give you the best chance you can have. You don't want to be unprepared do you?”
“I won't make any promises.” Diana said and walked out the door.
Kei smiled as she watched Diana leave, “What do you think, Ryuji?”
“Was that wise? You told me that energy is dangerous and difficult to control.” Ryuji said as he stepped out of the shadows in the dimly lit room.
“I believe we have enough time before it becomes a problem. Besides, there was no other choice, at her previous level; she wouldn't be able to stand on par with all the other senshi when they're together. Now she can and then some. Just to be safe though, I want you to follow her. I want to know what her reaction is to seeing her former friends again, especially the Princess.”
“As you wish.” Ryuji said and bowed slightly.
“Ryuji, this is meant to be strictly recon for her, but should she see fit to step in don't stop her. Her reaction to meeting the other Sailor Senshi will give us a good indication of how good a job we can expect from her.”
“You don't think it's a little soon to allow her such freedom?” Ryuji asked.
Freedom? No, this is more for our benefit than it is hers. As I said, I want to know her reaction to the other Sailor Senshi. They aren't likely to give up on her easily. I planted images in her mind, but ensuring that they remain firmly set in her mind is the trickier part. I even used the best method possible in build fake memories, mixing factual images and events with false one. There are factors, however that I can't account for until she encounters them and if more steps must be taken, they will be. Of course, if things get too unfavorable for us, I expect you to intervene. I've spent a lot of time on this and I don't want to see it all go to hell before it barely starts. I would go myself to ensure things go smoothly, but I'm more drained then I thought I'd be.” Kei said and started to walk back to her in the rear of the room.
“I understand and I will do as you wish.” Ryuji said and bowed slightly.
“Good.” She said and sat down. “Get going before they get too far ahead and you are unable to follow.”
“Hai!” Ryuji said and abruptly turned around, towards the door.
“I look forward to hearing good things upon your return, Ryuji.” Kei called, causing Ryuji to pause for a moment.
He turned around and said, “As do I.” He quickly continued making his way to the door, `This should be an interesting show…'
It was almost an hour since they set out and Diana found herself getting impatient, “Why do you insist upon waiting for the cover of darkness?”
“Foolish human, you understand nothing.” Ichiro said disgustedly.
Diana glared at the youma, but turned to the setting sun rather than say anything, `I'll kill this youma before this night is done.' She thought and smiled as the sun finally disappeared over the horizon after what seemed like hours of waiting with the youma beside her.
“Now this is where the fun begins.” Ichiro said and walked away from Diana.
“Whatever. Just make sure you get all of them come.” Sailor Mars said, having transformed as soon as Ichiro left her side.
“I plan on it.” Ichiro said and looked around for best place to get started. He smiled and focused in on a group of kids play basketball, none could have been older then fourteen, `I'm afraid, they'll all be dead before you have a chance to get involved.'
“What are you doing?” Mars asked when she saw where the youma was headed.
“I'm going to call them out, just like you want.” Ichiro said smiled at Mars.
“There's no reason to involve innocent kids!” Mars called at Ichiro.
“And that's why you're weak!” Ichiro yelled and sped towards the basketball court.
Mars cursed under her breath and ran after the youma. She quickly found herself even with the youma as he reached the basketball court. She heard the frightened kids screaming about a monster. She looked around for an idea about what to do; she thought of only one, so she hastily brought her hands above her head and called upon her element. The words escaped her mouth without any thought…
“Hell Fire!”
A wave of flames shot out from her hand and sailed right into the gap between the kids and Ichiro. The youma stopped just before he could make contact with the flames and glared at Mars.
“Get out of here!” Mars yelled at the shocked kids. When they didn't move for moment, Mars shouted again, “NOW!” Finally, they reacted and ran away as fast as their legs would carry them. She sighed in relief and look back over to Ichiro; you was still glaring at her.
“What the hell did you do that for?!” He yelled angrily.
“I told you there's no reason to involve kids.” She repeated and stared at the youma contemptuously.
“You'll pay for getting in my way!” Ichiro yelled approached Mars.
“Please…feel free to try.” Mars said and entered her battle stance.
Setsuna suggested everyone remain together and when anyone asked why, she gave the same answer, she had a strong feeling something was going to happen today and it would be easier if they remained together. So here they were, walking down the street, near Makoto's apartment, since they remained there most of the day.
The group noticed there was a lot of commotion up ahead, fearing the worst; they sped up to see exactly what was going. As they got closer, they could hear one of the people talking
“There was like some huge monster and I thought I was done for, but then some girl in red shot fire from her hands and stopped that thing.”
“Girl who throws fire…” Usagi repeated.
The young boy turned around to see another group had gathered to hear his story again. He opened his mouth to retell his survival story, but was cut off by a member of the newly arrived group.
“Where? Where did this happen?” Minako asked.
“N-Not too far from here…by the basketball court in Tokyo Central Park.” He answered.
Before another word could be said, the group ran in the direction of the park. `It's got to be…it just has to be…Rei.' Usagi thought as she and her friends to the park, hoping they weren't too late.
Ichiro charged at Mars and she looked more then willing to oblige the youma, but raised her hand and motioned for the youma to stop when she felt something. “They're almost here.”
Ichiro looked at her with a puzzled expression, “What are you talking about?”
An irritated look cross her face and an odd feeling washed over her, but she ignored it and simply said, “The Sailor Senshi are nearly here, prepare yourself!” Mars positioned herself so she could get good feel as to where they were coming from when she remembered what agreed earlier, “They're yours for now, but if you screw up, they're mine.” She said ran the cover of trees that lined the edges of the park. She leap on a branch of one of the larger tree, so she'd have go view of everything.
“Coward.” Ichiro mumbled under his breath and waited boldly for the Sailor Senshi to arrive.
Mars watched anxiously from her position in the tree for their arrival. A whirlwind of emotions filled her being as she waited to see her former partners again, and it felt as though anger was becoming the dominate one. She'd felt different ever since she received Kei's `present', but what she noticed the most was that it seemed to put her negative emotions into overdrive. Her head shot up when she felt the Sailor Senshi were upon them.
At the front of the group, were Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen, followed by the inner senshi, and with them followed by the outer senshi. Mars's cold eyes traveled over all of them. She felt something inside her tell her to attack them, but she forced herself to ignore the urge. However, she couldn't stop herself from focusing in on the two at the head of the group.
The Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Kamen entered the park and hurried to where the kid spotted the youma. The park seemed oddly quiet and in the sky, no moon was visible, a bad omen. With their superhuman speed, they soon found themselves at their desired location and it didn't take much searching to find the youma that caused the problem earlier, since he did not attempt to hide himself, but Sailor Mars was nowhere to be found.
“Where is she?” Sailor Moon asked.
“I don't know who you're talking about.” Ichiro stated calmly.
“You're a liar!” Sailor Moon yelled and started towards the youma, but Tuxedo Kamen blocked her path.
“We know that she was here. So, make it easier on yourself and tell us where she is.”
“There's nothing to tell…” The youma paused held his arms out to his sides, “…to a pile of corpses!” Ichiro yelled and prepared to fire off an attack that he hoped would kill off all the sailor senshi in one fell swoop. Just as he prepared to fire off the attack an inferno engulfed the unsuspecting youma, “Nani?!” he called out and looked in the direction the flames had come from, “You! I knew you could never be trusted!” Ichiro shouted before screaming in pain as the flames consumed him and turned him into a pile of dust.
As Ichiro was consumed by the flames, the one responsible for them whispered, “You're an eyesore, be gone.” All the senshi and Tuxedo Kamen looked on with looks of shock, `What just happened?' was the common thought of all the members in the group of warriors.
Suddenly someone dressed in a familiar, yet still different, red fuku jumped down from a nearby tree. The raven hair girl landed in a crouch with her face looking down at the ground and very slowly, she stood and lifted her head to face the sailor senshi, finally revealing herself fully to them.
“REI!” Sailor Moon yelled and stood up to run over to the previously missing Sailor Senshi, but Tuxedo Kamen put his cane in front her stopping her from moving with the black object. Sailor Moon turned away from Mars and gave Mamoru a curious look that asked him what he what he was doing.
“Look at her first.” Tuxedo Kamen instructed.
Sailor Moon turned back to Sailor Mars and saw why Mamoru had stopped her. Standing before Sailor Moon was not the Sailor Mars that she knew; it was someone different, someone dark. Mars' fuku had changed; it was more like body armor. She was covered in a metallic red armor that shined as any light touched its surface. Her eyes were no longer the amethyst Sailor Moon remembered them as, but rather an intimidating dark tanzanite, almost pure black in color.
Mars smiled down at the rest of the Sailor Senshi, but her smile held no warmth, no cheer, and no joy. Rather her expression only held malice and a coldness none of the senshi had even seen Mars show. “Sayonara, my friends!” Mars yelled and raised her right hand into the air.
The senshi and Tuxedo Kamen watched in shock as a large ball of flames formed just above her hand.
A shadowy figure watched apprehensively from a wooded area close to the battleground. The figure held a long pole-type weapon with a blade at the top. The figure gripped the pole tighter as the unimaginable transpired before their very eyes.
`Damn it! This is the worst-case scenario; I didn't want it to come to this, but I can't sit back any longer…' the figure thought as the individual heard Mars' attack being called out.
“Hell Fire!”
End Ch. 25
I got idea to use the name Diana from `Of Demons and Love' by Byakko Rei. Since I honestly like that name for Rei's past self, I'm using it here. Rei's new Sailor Senshi appearance came from Galaxia's fuku in Stars and while I'm aware Byakko Rei also used a similar appearance for Rei when she transformed into Diana, the idea to use this appearance came to me before I read `Of Demons and Love'. I've been thinking about this moment in my story for a long, long time.
I am anxious to read what people have to say about the events in this chapter, but I'm also a bit nervous, which is unusual for me, when it comes to my writing ;) I just hope this chapter goes over well. *sits nervously at her computer* Umm…sorry, I've been nervous and excited about this chapter and the next since I started writing this, over two years ago.
As with the previous chapter and all in the future, if you want me to answer any thing from your reviews and you are not a member at, leave your e-mail so I can respond, because other wise, my hands are tied. Thanks for taking the time to read the newest installment in ever-growing story, and if you've got a chance, leave me a review and let me know what you think.