Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Her Wish ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Authors Notes: Yet another... FLIP SIDE STORY! Yay! ::applause:: Thank you! Thank you! Oh! You're too kind! ::She wipes away a tear and flips the switch off and the ovation ceases:: Did you ever stop to think about what it would be like if Mamoru was the one who regained his memories after the fight with Metallia/Beryl rather than Usagi? It's a mixture of the anime and manga(despite the fact that the aliens did not show up in the manga). Read on Readers!~ Tokyo Rabbit

Disclaimer: I DO NOT, CANNOT, WILL NOT ever own Sailor Moon. Only if I win tons of yen or something. ^^; But that's unlikely, so, on with the show!

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Flip Side Series: Her Wish ~ By Tokyo Rabbit

Prologue- The Battle of Destiny

Her love, her only, true love, withered in her arms. The cackling of that damned woman rang in her ears. Heart broken and mind confused, she looked down upon his lifeless body. As his strong, fatally wounded figure began to disappear, a single, blood red, rose fell; landing in front of her, in place of his body.

Sailor Moon, the princess of the Moon, the sole survivor of Beryl stood, holding the rose tightly in one gloved hand. Serenity and determination replaced the pain and anguish in her heart. She knew what she had to do; save the world and banish Beryl and her master, Metallia.


The bitter, freezing ice fell against the areas of uncovered skin as she walked defiantly towards point D. Each flake like a needle, stinging, the blizzard raged around the last standing Senshi, but could not match her burning desire to make things right in the world.

"Beryl! Metallia!" Sailor Moon screamed at the top of her lungs and all at once, the furry of the storm stopped.

"Ah ha ha ha ha!" Boomed two, cruel voices.

The icy, snow covered ground shook and slowly, out of the depths of the Earth it seemed, rose a hideous monster. There towering, in front of Sailor Moon, was Beryl and Metallia, merged into one. The monstrosity sneered down at the Senshi.

"You die now, thorn in my side!" The woman, shrouded in her own darkness, sent a wave of energy, roughly the size of a small moon, towards Sailor Moon.

"No." She said calmly and firmly.

On impact, the wave of energy exploded with intensity. Snow and earth flew in all directions. Beryl/Metallia laughed wickedly as most of the icy dust cleared and all that seemed to be left was an arch of ice.

"I can never forgive you." A voice that emitted from top of the misty covered arch spoke and echoed all around the monstrosity, "In the name of the Moon...."

"No.... It can not be!" The witch gasped as the rest of the mist cleared away.

There, on top of the ice arch stood an angel in a sliver dress, spreading her wings wide. Her, now turned silver, hair flowed gently behind her. Determination was set deep in her crystal blue eyes. In one silky hand she held the Crescent Wand, joined with the long searched for Ginzuishou. The angel's other hand slowly moved down and the wand's handle extended down to her slipper covered feet, "I will punish you."

"Princess Serenity. Let me have that crystal!" The two, merged, eerie voices beckoned.

"Come and get it!" Princess Serenity said coldly.

The unearthly, alien, purple hand reached down, threatening to smash the princess under it's thumb. Serenity looked at the heathen of a woman in disgust and cried out in determination. A powerful light emitted from the Crescent Wand and flowering Ginzuishou.

"Argg!" The enemy cringed and pulled back as the light hit it.

"I will never forgive you for what you've done!" Tears threatened to pour down the princess' face.

Beryl/Metallia lashed about and finally cupped her hands and sent a wave of their own dark energy towards the princess. The two powers collided. Good against Evil. Hope against Despair. Love against Hatred.

The dark energy inched forward towards Serenity. She looked determinedly at the evil before her. With extra effort she held the struggle at bay, only a couple hundred feet from herself. A single, silvery tear ran down her cheek as her mind was finally able to reflect.

The Senshi died protecting her. Beryl wanted to face her alone, in hopes to squash her. When she was on the brink of giving up, the spirits of her dead friends visited her and urged her on. They told her that even though they were defeated, that she should carry on and defeat this evil.

When she caught up with Beryl, there by the witch's side was Endymion, Serenity's only love. The two battled, or rather Endymion attacked her and Sailor Moon dodged, refusing to return the attacks. Finally, she unlocked his memories with his watch. A beautiful, silver pocket watch with a moon on it.

It had been broken when Endymion died, but when Metalia revived him, making him her zombie, it began to slowly tick again.

The moon on the face ticked around in circles and Sailor Moon told the evil prince about their promise. Chiba Mamoru made Tsukino Usagi keep his watch until they saw each other again for he had dropped it in a battle while she dropped her handkerchief at the masquerade. They would switch in the park the next day. Unfortunately, that night, they were attacked and Tuxedo Kamen's corpse was captured.

With Prince Endymion's memories returned to him, they embraced. Beryl, seething in jealousy, sent a huge crystal dagger at them. The prince sent a razor sharp rose at the crystal to counter the attack. It hit it's target and shattered it to pieces but the newly made knifes soared through the air at Sailor Moon. With love in his heart, he made the ultimate sacrifice for his only love. He died in her arms, telling her how much he loved her, and not to give up.

Princess Serenity's vision went fuzzy for a second and she was brought back from her thoughts. Not concentrating on the task at hand, gave Beryl/Metallia the upper hand. Their dark energy came quickly at the princess, nearly overcoming her light.

"Ah!" Serenity gasped and put her whole, broken heart into it. 'I don't think I can do this! I need help!' she thought frantically.

The single tear that had frozen on her check turned into a bright light. It transformed into a silver star....

Serenity's heart was filled with the star's warm light and she felt her lover, Endymion, and her Senshi giving her all of their might.

`I can feel their hearts beating in sync with mine.... Our wish is the same....' The silver energy wave from Serenity grew 100-fold stronger and rapidly soared towards the evil force of Metallia and Beryl.

"AAHHHH!!" The pure, silver energy engulfed them and only one agonizing scream was able to escape their cold, dead lips.

The energy of the Silver Moon was so intense it threw back the angel in the silver dress. It did not destroy her as it had the witches combined. It was her own light. It slowly lulled her into her mind's eye. She saw herself floating in a silver sky with the star that had helped her in front of her.

Serenity slowly looked up and saw her tear. The Ginzuishou had been formed from her tear of pure love for Mamoru, but what was this?

It twinkled and pulsed and Serenity answered, "All of our wishes were the same...."

Again the small star `spoke.'

"Our wish was to protect one another and protect the Earth. It's changed now...." Tears flowed freely down the angel's face, "They all died protecting me! Once, just once I want to be the one protecting them. The one to suffer."

The pearl sized star came closer, listening intently.

"I don't care what I have to do. Even if I have to loose everything. My life, my memories, my everything. I don't want it if it means I have to see them die again.... I wish...."

The star urged her to go on.

"I wish to be the one to protect the ones I love...."

The silver star grew bright, blinding Serenity. At first she was scared but the star's warm light put her at ease and she fainted. Her wish was granted....

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Yay! Yet another beginning come and gone! And yet another adventure to live! Did you like it so far? Hate it so far? And suggestions for the future events to come? All flames, ideas, and compliments welcome and encouraged! ::runs around panicking:: E-mail me! ~Tokyo Rabbit