Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Imaginary ❯ Imaginary ( Chapter 1 )

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Well, this is sudden.
Not the story, that's been done for six months now. But it's strange really. All the sudden the internet works again.
So, I'm posting while I have the chance.I'm also posting on under the name Naeemah Kamilah. Wanna read? Then look under that name.
There is one note to people who are currently waiting for more chapters to Eclipse - It's going to be awhile. I'm currently trying to get my older stories out of my hair before I finish that one. Sorry.
DISCLAIMER: Don't own anything except the story plot. Sorry.

One-Shot Song-Fic
By: Ceris Malfoy

I linger in the doorway
of alarm clock screaming monsters calling my name

As she stared into the gloomy silence, Usagi couldn't help but feel empty. Everyone was gone, and no one remembered, except for herself. Pluto refused to let her give up on Crystal Tokyo. And Serenity -both the queen and the princess- refused to set her free.
'DAMN THE SILVER MILLENIUM!' came the rebellious thought. And so, she decided to do what none before her had had the power -or the audacity- to do. She created a soul-room. The door to this soul-room could only be found in her sub-space pocket; the one thing no one but herself could enter.

let me stay

Laboriously she worked, devoting so much on her little world that she hardly realized that she was fading -and that Serenity was taking over. She hardly cared. The joy in creating and the knowledge that she would soon be free -completely free- kept her going.

where the wind will whisper to me
where the raindrops as their falling tell a story

The incessant noise and pain of harsh reality chilled her to the very core and so she worked even harder, using more of her energy than was neither wise nor healthy.
But it was all worth it. The beauty and natural serenity of her new world -her soul-room- filled her with such a joy and a longing of such rapture that she left the shell of her body -immediately forcing Serenity to live her life- and calmly fell asleep in a field of golden flowers surrounded by ivory trees with silver colored leaves.

in my field of paper flowers
and candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
and watch my purple sky fly over me

At times she was forced to take control over her body, as Serenity wasn't quite strong enough to be in control full time. But still, every time she was brought back, Usagi couldn't help but feel a surge of despondency and soon realized that she no longer cared for -and in fact had given up on- her old life.
Serenity's puzzled voice interrupted her train of thoughts. "You are steadily forcing me out. Why?"
Usagi whirled about. "Wha- Serenity? What are you doing? I thought I was back because you needed to rest again?"
Serenity did indeed look in need of a rest; she was worn and faded and her crescent moon glimmered dully. "I do, but I need to understand. Why? How could you give up a life that most would kill for?"
Usagi could feel the scathingly hot tendrils of anger grip her. "What life? A life filled with more pain and suffering than happiness? A life where the chance of actually finding true love is perhaps a million-to-one if you're lucky? A life of being forced to be a warrior/princess when all I wanted to be in the first place was ordinary? A life of being forced into training to be a Queen when I never agreed to become one? A life where my fiancé ignores me for you? A life where my child extorts and taunts me? Where she tries to take Mamoru for herself? A life where I have died at least 6 times and have never been allowed to rest? If I had had a choice, I would have just said 'fuck it' and left. But, no. I'm tied down to this type of life in such a way that disgusts me. So I give it to you. YOU are the one they want. YOU are the one they respect. I am just the courier. So, guess what? Fuck all of you, I'm leaving. You can rest like us mortals do -sleep and food. Good day!"
And just like that, Serenity found herself back in control of her body, with no way to get Usagi back.

don't say I'm out of touch
with this rampant chaos- your reality
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
the nightmare I built my own world to escape

Usagi stared. Her world, it had changed. Although it was still beautiful and serene, there was a touch of malice and seclusion underneath that hadn't been there before.
But why?

in my field of paper flowers
and candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
and watch my purple sky fly over me

NO! It couldn't be! It just couldn't! She couldn't get back
For the first time in Usagi's life, she experienced a silence so complete, it hurt. The silence of the soul. And for the first time, she felt no pull of the moon -none of it's comforting warmth and delightful magic. And without that pull, she was no longer part of the moon -no longer herself.
And her soul-room, built to only recognize Usagi, could not recognize her without her magic. Because of this, her soul-room thought that she was an intruder and decided to punish her.
Usagi screamed.

swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
cannot cease for the fear of silent nights
oh, how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
the goddess of imaginary light

Tears ran down the faces of mortals and senshi alike as, without warning, Usagi Tsukino collapsed -dying instantly. Only Pluto was privy to the knowledge that Serenity alone could not keep the Terran body going. Serenity was Lunarian, Usagi was not.
And somewhere deep in the inner recesses of an unusable sub-space pocket, Usagi Tsukino screamed for all eternity.

in my field of paper flowers
and candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
and watch my purple sky fly over me

So what you think? R/r please!