Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ In The Realm of Things ❯ Cauldron ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feb. 19, 2002

In The Realm of Things
Author: Quintyss

Prelude to 'Of Demons and Love'

Author's Notes - This is a Sailor Moon fan fiction piece that recounts Naoko Takeuchi's manga version of Sailor Stars volume three. I find the thought processes of Usagi's character in this Manga's final moments at the Cauldron most profound. It not only reveals who she truly is but *why* she is. This is one author who thinks Usagi is awesome.

I have taken some liberties by adopting Kunihiko Ikuhara's, (director of the Japanese TV series, 'Sailor Moon') portrayal of Usagi and Rei in a closer relationship as well as his vision of the other senshi's personalities... plus a few of my own. The dream sequences are as I saw them on the television series.

The Cauldron

-I've tried to tell myself that you're gone, and though you're still with me, I've been alone all along - Evanescence, 'My Immortal'


"Reiiii... you promised me! You promised that we would always be together!" Super Sailor Moon's voice was small and thick with tears as she clasped her arms more tightly about her fire senshi, "Please don't leave me..."

"You will make everything all right again, Sailor Moon, we believe in you," Super Sailor Mars soothed. "Your senshi will always be close to your heart... and lend you... our power..." Sailor Moon brought her ear closer to Mars' lips to catch the last of the fading, whispery words.

"Will love... you... always..."

Then Moon was left only with an empty embrace to wrap around her own midriff as her last, most beloved, senshi faded from the tangible realm with a trusting smile upon her ruby lips and an encouraging look in her eyes. Her heart wrenched painfully in her chest, the sorrow and loneliness she felt almost palpable. Super Sailor Moon slowly turned wet, smoldering eyes towards the disappearing form of Galaxia and gritted out determinedly, "I will find you, Galaxia, and when I do, my friends will be restored to me!"

Sweat beaded Usagi's brow and she twisted her body another time under the quilt as her senshi's deaths pervaded her sleep once again. She flipped onto her stomach to try and rid herself of the nightmare but was held tenaciously within its grasp to relive her recent encounter with Sailor Galaxia in every morbidly vivid detail...

I really don't know how I lived through the 'Galactica Planet Attack' issued by the reanimated puppets of my late chaos-controlled senshi. My scepter was shattered when the blast hit and I was surrounded by white feathers as the wings were shorn painfully from my back. I was airborne for several seconds, then landed on my side in agony and barely conscious. I knew that I would soon die from the extensive bleeding wounds I had sustained both externally and internally. I knew, too, that as long as I drew breath I would give my all to preserve the sanctity of my world's existence...

The Star Lights, and lastly their Princess Kakyu, had all fought Galaxia and 'perished'. Their sailor star crystals were collected into an enormous crystalline structure where they would exist amongst the countless other senshi entrapped there without a body or soul. It was Galaxia's own sapphire crystal of destruction that gave the living graveyard its current form and power. She lovingly referred to it as 'The Crystal Garden' and kept it at her palace in Shadow Galactica. It was there that Galaxia wanted to meet me for a final showdown. So the last remnant of surviving senshi consisting of Chibi-Chibi, Small Lady, The Amazoness Quartet, and I, went towards Sagittarius A, or 'Zero Star', which existed in the center of the Milky Way... to face Sailor Galaxia.

The warrior stood poised in front of the immense crystalline structure resting upon beveled crystal struts several meters high, waiting for me to advance unaccompanied. She was clad in something that sort of reminded me of a Roman gladiator, except the armor was gold. She wore a gold circlet with a large gold topaz centered in the front and six faceted round diamonds rimming it on either side of the topaz. A series of shoulder-length golden blades with diamond-shaped tips hung from the rest of the circlet, framing her fine facial features. Her long, titian hair was bundled above the gold circlet in rows of loose loops. Resting on top of Galaxia's radiant hair was a small, cylinder-like, golden crown that was scalloped around the upper ridge and came to a point at the top. She was backlit by the sheer brightness of the crystalline structure, making her appear almost as a silhouette.

As I slowly approach the warrior alone with my newly formed scepter, she comments on my pathetic condition with a sadistic twist to her lips. She marvels that I still shine with such intensity. She thinks it is with hate for her... but I don't hate her. Any light I might possess comes from the faith I have in my guardian senshi's powers and the belief that we will all be together with our future intact once more. She first taunts me for my idealism, then flaunts her power to control star seeds by summoning my bonded Mamoru... who kisses her lips, her chest, and her feet. She tells me that she owns him *and* the galaxy. If I want them; I must fight her for them.

So, unaided, I begin to battle the most powerful human enemy I had ever encountered in this universe to date. The energy emanating from our beings collide with a resounding crash. I swing my scepter at her first and using all of the strength that I could muster, I activate my most devastating attack with a loud cry.


Galaxia counters by screaming, "GALACTICA INFLATION!" and unleashes a gravitational attack designed to tear flesh apart at the molecular level. It brought a whole new meaning to 'atomize'.

A heavy smell of ozone precedes a blinding flash that explodes from the impact of our collective powers and engulfs the entire area. Curiously, my staff diverts Galaxia's destructive force away from me... mostly... but my assailant survives as well.

Galaxia lunges first and, seizing my scepter, attempts to wrest it from me. I hear Chibi Moon gasp somewhere to the left of me and I lose my balance, tumbling backward. I land hard under the weight of my larger opponent and the breath is knocked from me. I catch a glimpse of Chibi Chibi out of the corner of my eye. She is erecting an energy dome with her wand around herself, Chibi Moon, and the Amazoness Quartet; it appears my battle is not to be interfered with.

Galaxia falls on top of me and grips my fuku collar. Her face is so close to my own, I can feel her hot, quick breaths against my nose. I brace myself for what was sure to be a pummelling and gaze into a pair of compelling, golden brown topaz eyes, brilliant with passion and determination. They were the second most unusual eyes I had ever seen... Rei's being the first. I swallow the sudden lump that threatens to choke me...

Instead of striking me, though, Galaxia grates out how she had come from a star system in the Orion arm of the galaxy, fifteen light-years away from Sol. She says I would perhaps know it as 'Star Nu 2 Lupi', but in their reality, it was system 'Belenus'. Born a pathetic nobody named Tenmei Gingano of House Arawn, she had lived miserably on the fifth planet of Taranis. That is, until her powers as a senshi awakened. But being an ordinary scout was meaningless, she informs me; she wants, no... *needs* to be the strongest of stars. When she set out to find whoever possessed the most powerful star... she succeeded. However, she presses her nose to my own, she needed the Galaxy's most powerful crystal to attract, and destroy, the possessor. She then smiles malevolently at me.

My right fist connects with her jaw, sending her several feet away from me. I yell that Sailor Scout powers were meant for protecting peace, justice, and our loved ones; they were *not* to be used for personal gain!

Galaxia stands, nonplussed, and walks purposefully up the stairs that lead to where the 'Crystal Garden' rests on its towering supports. She then summons *her* Mamoru and sneers that 'they' only believe in the real origin of their own power... the Sailor crystal. She points out, demonstratively, that what I believe in is a mere illusion.

I grit my teeth at the temporary appearance of my betrothed again. Galaxia will never understand that senshi were so much more than fragile bodies and immortal sailor crystals... our bodies, our touches, our conversations... our *lives* meant something. Life was something sacred and worth fighting for...

Trembling with weakness and pain, I struggle determinedly to my knees... resting was not an option. Pushing the shaft of my scepter against the ground just in front of where I knelt, I use it to help me stand. My senshi were always there for me, and now, I must be there for them. Saving my friends was of paramount importance and, for me, what being a Sailor Senshi was all about.

I ignore my light-headedness from blood loss and prepare to level another blast at my foe. My eyes blur for an instant as I feel the moon's power surge through my shattered body once more. When they clear, Galaxia is no longer in front of me.

Then I catch a glimpse of her faint form passing under the glowing Crystal Garden and a chill of fear sweeps over me. Though I feel the life ebbing from me, I manage to find enough strength to stumble towards the enormous structure to follow. I find her, at last, standing proudly upon the precipice of Zero Point, just beyond the gate of eternity itself. A slight smile graces her lips and her amber orbs glitter triumphantly.

I gasp in awe, but it is not at the panoramic vision of a glorious, golden warrior standing stalwart against the vast backdrop of eternity; it is because I have arrived at the holiest of places in the galaxy. True zero point. It is, at once, the most breathtakingly beautiful sight I have ever witnessed.

Galaxia speaks to me then, her voice cold and impersonal. She points down and informs me that this is the Galaxy Cauldron, the place where stars are born and where she, the chosen one, will be victorious. She, too, had a destiny. Legend had it in her star system that Lord Arawn had once guarded the cauldron of birth and regeneration in the Otherworld of Annwyn. But 'Arawn' was only the name of a clan, or house, in her world and she thought nothing of it until Chaos approached her.

Chaos' incarnate form had been attracted to her enormous power, understood what drove her, and claimed that he was the one who possessed the strongest star... the star she sought. He also told her that 'Annwyn' was real and she, as an Arawn, could indeed rule its cauldron of everlasting life... with him. Between their two powers, they could rule the Universe. But she, Galaxia, had other plans. Chaos was to be defeated so she alone could be sovereign. For that, she needed Sailor Moon's power.

Then Galaxia summons the crystalline structure made up of all the galaxy's present-day sailor crystals but her own and... mine. She grins sadistically, then wills the crystal garden's bright form towards the cauldron.

I watch helplessly in horror as millions of 'senshi souls' plunge, then disappear, into the oblivion that was the birthplace of stars. I could scarcely breathe. I had always believed that if I could save my senshi's sailor crystals, they could be restored, but now...

I feel my heartbreak... and something else. Rage. I will not let her get away with this atrocity! I activate my scepter once more and Galaxia, unprepared for my attack, raises her arms in a puny attempt to fend off the sure mortal blow. But my power is deflected away by... Mamoru.

Galaxia cackles maniacally at the sheer irony, then encourages me to find my true power; in anger, hatred, and... loneliness. She then pushes Mamoru over the ledge and into the Cauldron to his final demise.

Torn between the small whispered voice in my head telling me that my ultimate destiny was to protect the world, and my heart which shouted for me to save the man destined to protect me, I choose. I can only manage to scream his name as I watch Mamoru topple into the starry abyss. But he is no longer responsive to me; I had already lost him. Then I hear the quick 'beat, beat' of small feet running towards me... then past me. In a blur of blue, white, and pink, I catch a glimpse of Small Lady as she flings her body into the Cauldron to rescue her father's golden crystal. Her bright star flashes once with a loud *CRACK*!, causing me to cover my ears. Chibi Moon's existence then winks out as she joins the rest of the countless dots of light.

Why hadn't I tried harder to stop Galaxia? Why were my senses so dulled and my motions so slow? Why was it so hard to think? Why couldn't I move to save them... to save them all... what more must I do... Falling weakly to my knees in despair, an unearthly groan penetrates through the haze of dull pounding in my head. It seems to be emanating from the Cauldron. I hear Galaxia's glee heighten when a shapeless dark cloud begins to rumble into existence.

The Golden Senshi fixes a dark amber gaze upon me, then entreats me to follow Chibi Moon's excellent example. I should sacrifice myself, and my powers, to Chaos, too... and then die with him. Not waiting for me to comply on my own, she launches a lethal 'Galactica Super String' attack to expedite matters. But her attempt is cut off when, surprisingly, Chibi Chibi steps in to deflect it away from me.

Chaos, attracted by the phenomenal amounts of power generated by the small scout, Galaxia, and myself, he then roars into existence.

Galaxia shrieks joyfully that Chaos, the strongest star, will now have the strongest sailor crystal at his disposal. Mine. Now *she* will have the power to rule over the universe when Chaos and I cancel each other out!

As Chaos rises from the eternal abyss Galaxia, being closest to the ledge, is thrown high into the air by the sheer force, then drawn helplessly into the resulting vacuum towards the cauldron. I could not allow another Senshi to be lost. Not this time. I surge forward, grasping her wrist in desperation as her body swings like a pendulum over the Cauldron. When I manage to haul Galaxia up, she is bleeding profusely from multiple lacerations. I lie the limp, unresponsive body gently down near the gate we had entered earlier, shielding it away from Chaos's fury all the while. I feel Chibi Chibi's arms wrap tightly around me, her body trembling in fear, and I hold her protectively close.

Chaos' form continues to grow and he begins to speak in a voice that seems to be everywhere at once. Contrary to what Galaxia believed, or was told, Chaos was never a star himself. Yet he was the ruler of all the dark stars... each of whom I had destroyed. All of my arch enemies had been replicas of himself; spawned by the very cauldron that gave birth to both good and evil stars alike. I, however, possessed the brightest light in the Universe, and darkness was destined to be eternally attracted to light. And it was time, now, for them to be as one.

Roaring mightily, Chaos' strengthening force threatens to overwhelm the precipice and seems to rock the very core of the galaxy. He then boldly demands my power so that he might realize his dream to rule space itself.

From my crouched position over Galaxia's prone body, I clutch Chibi Chibi tighter and decline. I hear a low moan escape the golden warrior's throat as she stirs, then watches as she slowly props herself up onto her elbows.

Angrily, Galaxia wants to know why I saved her. She demands that I kill her since she could not destroy Chaos and possess his star seed for herself. Her 'mission' was over.

But the desire to kill Galaxia just didn't seem appropriate any longer, for I had felt her loneliness. I guess it was then that I had determined the Golden warrior should live. But there was something more. Somehow, for some unknown reason, it seemed right... almost like part of my destiny... to reach into the Cauldron and save her. I could not bear to lose another soul... not even hers.

I admitted to her, then, that I had no more 'fight' left in me. All of my friends had been taken from me and, with them, an important part of why I fought. She was no longer my enemy and could consider me a friend.

Galaxia spat that she was *not* my friend. This was war and she was, indeed, my enemy. Only when Sailor Moon and Chaos ceased to live, could there be no more war or suffering. And her desires would be realized in the end after all.

Chibi-Chibi interrupts and hastens to disagree. She insists that Chaos has become one with the cauldron and that the fighting would never end as long as the Cauldron of Rebirth and Chaos continued to exist. She entreats me to destroy the cauldron with the last of my strength. To end it all.

I stare at her in both shock and horror. Without the Cauldron, there would be no future for the Galaxy and no hope of the Senshi's rebirth! Was this why I had truly been born? Why my mother had preserved me? Was I to ensure peace by the destruction of all life in the end? No. Surely, there must be another way. She was not Hotaru... she was Princess Serenity. She was the defender of mankind's hope, love, and... balance.

I tearfully turn to face the future's small envoy as hope begins to take hold in my ever dulling mind, it then slowly sharpens upon a single thought. I then convey to Chibi Chibi that I believed there would always be light and darkness, life and death, hope, and despair. Even if *this* Cauldron should perish, another shall be born in its place somewhere... and with it, a new future.

Galaxia nods thoughtfully in agreement. Sailor Moon was right... a new future *would* always be created. The dying golden warrior affixes her incredulous gaze upon me and asks if I believe in the future of this new galaxy... if I was a Senshi who truly loves all.

I smile at Galaxia with all of the love I have in my heart and she reaches for me. I can see a new warmth fill her eyes and I know then that she had finally come to a peace within herself. Aloud the fallen warrior expresses that *I* am the one who truly possesses the brightest star she sought and acknowledges, at last, that it is something that she was never meant to have. That beautiful star belongs with Sailor Moon to shine forever in this galaxy.

I watch in alarm as Galaxia breaks free of Chaos' control over her, his bracelets of bondage shattering in pieces off of her wrists. I scream her name and lunge for her. But, like my own Senshi, Galaxia's corporeal body disintegrates, releasing its senshi star seed into the Cauldron. Only her broach remained. I collapse onto the broach and sob as I sorrowfully cradle it to my chest. Tenmei... you believed in me...

I weakly force my heavy head up to gaze into Chibi Chibi's barely comprehending face. My voice quavers a bit as I convey to her that everybody... all of my friends... believed that I could make a new future. For them, I would not give up and she mustn't either. For as long as there are stars that shine, there will always be a future and I cannot lose. I smile winningly at her and ask her to please trust in Sailor Moon.

Chibi-Chibi acquiesces then, miraculously, her wings begin to lengthen and her form begins to meld into that of a stunning adult. She spreads her wings and floats towards me. Cradling my chin, she looks deeply into my eyes and bends to kiss my cheek gently. The woman's voice, when she speaks, is melodious and surprisingly deep. She reiterates that we indeed won't lose... because we are the Sailor Scouts...

Chaos chose that moment to begin materializing into his newest dark form. His laughter is like the crack of lightning, his monstrous voice as the boom of thunder as he roars that the Cauldron shall my final grave and wants me to behold the birth of the ultimate Chaos 'Star'. All of the evil stars then condense into an enormous white light, leaving total darkness in their place.

I spread my wings and arms in a protective manner before the mysterious woman Chibi Chibi had become, then address Chaos. I understood him... his loneliness. It was as though he longed for me the way I longed for my Senshi. To be as it was from the very beginning. Together as one. I would give my life to trap him in the Cauldron for all eternity. To be one with Chaos... to save everyone.

Poised momentarily upon the precipice above the Galaxy Cauldron, I focus on the memories of my Senshi, then launch myself into the starry abyss to join them. For hope and rebirth. Closing my eyes, I make my final plea to all senshi who sleep in the Galaxy Cauldron of birth and regeneration for the use of their power.

The Amazoness Quartet, who were still collapsed in Galactica Castle's court where my Chaos controlled senshi had struck them down, awake to heed the call of Eternal Sailor Moon and approach the Cauldron to join Chibi Chibi in lending their power. Ceres, Palus, Juno, and Vestus witness Eternal Sailor Moon plummet headfirst into the Cauldron of Rebirth and shout:


Chaos screams in agony as my power begins to tear him asunder. He begs for me to stop, but I can't... it is the only way to make things right.

As my body is touched by the power from all the sailor senshi crystals in the cauldron, I feel the unique crystals belonging to my own senshi. I then concentrate on using the power suffusing my body to draw their precious star seeds to me. I can save them!

"Sailor Moon!" Ceres shrieks. There is a collective gasp in amazement as an enormous flash of light emanates from the Cauldron. Palus asks Chibi Chibi what the light is.

Chibi-Chibi explains that the dots of light they see in the cauldron are all newly born star seeds. By the time they reach their respective planets they will be back to their original forms and become Sailor Scouts. The brightest gems were the Sailor Crystals recently melted into Cauldron.

Ceres wants to know if the awesome power Sailor Moon was using was that of the Ginzuishou and if she was sacrificing herself with its use.

Chibi-Chibi smiles and hastens to assure her that the power being used as the ultimate lambda power generated by the countless Sailor Crystals belonging to the Cosmos.

Shocked, Vesta demands to know who Chibi Chibi really is. Chibi-Chibi transforms and becomes a likeness of Sailor Moon. When the regal woman calmly introduces herself as Sailor Cosmos, Ceres asks if she is the future's ultimate Sailor Moon.

Sailor Cosmos sadly reveals that she is indeed from the future, but one who could never match the final show of courage and power Eternal Sailor Moon had.

Final... ! Small Lady's Court are alarmed and Ceres demands, "Did our princess..."

Sailor Cosmos comforts them, "Do not worry. Sailor Moon tried to hold Chaos down and melted into the cauldron with Chaos. Thanks to Eternal Sailor Moon's Power, the cauldron was able to restore its true form. Your princess has been regenerated like all of the other scouts. Eventually, they will all arrive in the 30th century."

Cosmos goes on to explain that Chaos had become so big and powerful in her time, she had begun to wonder if Sailor Moon had made the right decision by not destroying the Cauldron entirely. So she, Sailor Cosmos, became Chibi Chibi and abandoned her responsibilities to come to the past in the hope that she could persuade Sailor Moon to destroy the Cauldron.

"Now, I realize, that the right path had already been taken. Eternal Sailor Moon understood that, if the senshi were to exist, no one could ever completely destroy the place where stars were born. Peace can only exist because the cauldron exists. Everything can be done over." She pauses, "I will not run any longer, I can go forward. I have received great powers from Eternal Sailor Moon. The power to lose everything... and the power to save everything. I had forgotten that ultimate power. When I use the ultimate power to lose and save everything is when I become Sailor Cosmos." Cosmos smiles at Small Lady and The Amazoness Quartet. "Go back to your home, all of you, where you are supposed to be."

Meanwhile, inside the Galaxy Cauldron...

Warm. How warm... and it smells so familiar. Am I alive? I remember I tried to stop Chaos and at the last moment... my body felt like it was being pulled apart. Where am I? Did everyone disappear? Chaos and the Cauldron... was everything gone now?


I hear the voices of my beloved... my senshi. I see them.

"We are all right, thanks to you! We wanted to be by your side and help you, Hime, but couldn't. For that we are sorry. Thank you for calling and giving us our powers back, Usagi!" The senshi drifted away.

"Usagi..." Another familiar voice that sounded like Small Lady. I can see her radiant face come into focus. "I'll be waiting for you in the thirtieth century!" Then, shining like a bright shooting star, she travels speedily away from me. Now I know we will all meet to be together once more and joy fills my heart.

"Such a bright shining power being able to retain its true form inside this Cauldron." The new voice is very tiny and I don't see its origin right away.

The Cauldron? "I'm inside the Cauldron?" I see her tiny form now.


"Who are you," I ask. "Are you my mother?"

"No. I am Guardian Cosmos. Cosmos Seed's guardian fairy."

A fairy...? She is speaking again.

"Long ago, a shining star came here, she was carrying a small star's shell. That star had a shine similar to yours, Sailor Moon." I wonder idly if my mother was the star, and the shell me. But she is asking me something now. Something important. I refocus on Guardian Cosmos.

"Did you come here and throw your life into the cauldron to start a new star's history? Or do you wish to live here in the present as you are?"

I know what is in my heart and what is in the hearts of my senshi. "We would like to live as who we are now and forge our future together. No matter how tough it may be, I want to live this life!"

There is a bright flash of light that blinds me. What have I done? "Guardian Cosmos!" I shout. It seems like the Cauldron itself is ripping apart with an ear-splitting roar. I yell over the noise of the implosion. "What about Chaos!?"

Cosmos Guardian smiles. "Both the seed of Chaos' core, and Guardian Chaos melted into the Galaxy Cauldron sea. They will be reborn here in time, for this is the birthplace of stars... and hopes.
