Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Justine's Memiors ❯ Justine's Memoirs Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 2: Nephlyte-part 1

Before I get too deep into this subject
I want to make one thing absolutely totally clear: Nephlyte
is not evil he is just misunderstood a whole bunch of the time.

Okay, I had been Justine the Sun Aide for about a week
when I met the Princess of Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus.
I had already met Princess Serena of the moon, who didn't trust
me very much but I understood why she didn't.
That same day, after talking over weapons that you could use
in battle with the princes of Earth, I met the hottest, and, in my
opinion, sexiest man who would ever make a difference in my whole
entire life. I was in love at the first sight of him. He was
also one of Prince Darien and Hiro's generals.
I was walking around the courtyard, looking at the beautiful
roses that had been planted when Prince Hiro of Earth had been there.
All of a sudden I bumped into a young man in his mid-twenties,
brown hair, deep blue eyes, and the deepest, sexiest voice around.
I knew exactly who he was. Nephlyte. My future love and my
latest crush.
"Excuse me, miss," he said. "I am so sorry to have bumped
into you. Hey, do you work here? Because you look familiar to me.
Have we ever met?"
"No, sir," I said kinda nervously. "I don't think we have.
I do work here now, but I never did before last week."
"Oh," he said. "Do you have any idea of who I am?"
"Your Lord Nephlyte," I blurted out, "general to the
twin princes of Earth."
"You are well informed, for a gardener," he said with his
"I AM NOT THE GARDENER!!!" I exclaimed not noticing that
Lea, Hiro, Darien, and Serena were all looking at me with
"I see," he said not phased at all by my outburst.
"Then who are you?"
"I am Lady Justine of the Sun Kingdom and Aide to
the Sun Princess," I said starting to calm down.
"Well, Justine," he said laughing in amusement, "I see
the princess over there."
"Yea," I said, "so what? She is always here in the rose
"Well," he said, "from the way she is standing-"
"Um," I said, "I have got go now. Gotta finish duties,
and stuff like that. You know all those things an aide has to do. Well bye now!"
Before he could say "bye" I was outta there. Lea is
gonna kill me for yelling at Nephlyte like I did, I thought
to myself. Thank god I have my mental blockers up or
I would be toasted, roasted and eaten at tonight's dinner.
"Hey, Justine," said a royal voice I was happy to hear.
"Darien," I said in a surprised, but equally happy voice,
"what are you doing here? I mean I know what you're doing here
but why are you talking to me?"
"Need a hiding place?" he asked very politely.
"Sure do," I said. Man, I thought, he can really be a
prince sometimes.
"Hey, Space out," I heard, "over here. In this bush."
"Huh?" I asked. "Are you trying to kill me?"
"Exactly!" exclaimed a young man behind the Prince
Darien disguise. "Queen Beryl wants you to be out of her way
so she can get the Silver Emperium Crystal from your mistress the
Princess of the Sun."
I had my sword out and I was ready to kill this guy,
when a pair of arms wrapped around me and carried me to safety.
"What?" I turned my head up to see Nephlyte, oddly enough,
saving my life. "Why are you saving me? I mean I thank you,
but why? I am supposed to protect the princess from any harm
that may come to her. I am supposed to die for her."
"Well, Justine they weren't after her this time," he
said after we were in the clear, "they were after you.
I don't really think they would kill you, but just to be
safe I wanted to make sure you were okay."
I could not believe what I had just heard. He wanted
to see if I was alright. It was totally amazing to hear. What
I heard next, if Darien had said this to Serena, it would have
put her in the hospital.
"Justine," I heard, "there is something about you.
I can tell you are very special. Why would you be one of
Princess Lea's aides? You have really got to be special
to her. I wish I wasn't going out with Lita. You really
seem more comfortable around me. Lately Lita has been so
skittish around me. I think she may be seeing someone else.
I actually think we should break up. Justine, what do you think?"
I felt really sick at that moment. What did I think?
I can't believe what I said next. It was so stupid to say I
felt like dying right after the words came out of my mouth.
"Nephlyte," I began, "you are going out with Princess Lita of
Jupiter? Well, I don't really give out love advise because I
am not that good at it, but I think you should ask her if she
still likes you and if she does she will tell you."
"Thanks Justine," he said with a great smile on his face,
"you are a lot of help. I am sure Lea always appreciates your
advice." As he left he kissed my cheek. All of a sudden three
people, including the real Darien, ran up to me to see if I was
"Justine," Lea said worriedly, "are you okay?"
"Yea," said the real Darien, "that monster tried to
kill you. And it looked just like me."
"Justine you don't look so good," said Hiro, "is everything
okay? You look a little pale."
"Oh, Hiro I am fine," I said in a sad tone, "just a little
tired and scared after that attack the Negaverse pulled on me."
I fell into Hiro's arms when I, I guess, fainted. I had
every right to. At least that's what Lea had said.

Now a few weeks later....

Okay, Lita and Nephlyte broke up. Lita admitted she
had cheating on Nephlyte with another guy. Prince Ken of
Jupiter was her new love interest. I was both sad and happy
at the same time. I was happy because I had Nephlyte all to
myself now, but I was sad because he was sad. Lea finally
asked me what was going on, but it wasn't really Lea.
"Justine, what is wrong?" Lea asked while we were
working out.
"What do you mean?" I said nervously.
"Don't play that with me. You have been acting really
weird lately," she said, "I mean one minute your really happy,
and then the next your totally down. And you have been acting
like that ever since Nephlyte and Lita broke up with each other.
What is going on here?"
It took me a while to answer her question. I didn't know
how to tell her how I felt about Nephlyte. I was scared she
would want me dead for some reason.
"Lea," I finally blurted out, "I want you to promise not
to be angry with me."
"I promise, but why do you think I would be mad at
you?" She asked.
"Okay here goes everything, I love Nephlyte. Strange
as it may seem, I love him. Remember when you saw me almost
get killed by that negamonster in the Darien disguise? Well,
I had also just met Nephlyte in the garden. I just happened to
walk right into his path and we got to talking and then he
insulted me. But right when he apologized, I was far away
in love land. I mean when he said you were really pissed and
you were about to come and pound me, I was about to lose control.
I just wanted to kiss him. But instead I ran away and right into
a Negaverse trap."
"So that's why you are always down when you see Lita.
You feel you stole Nephlyte from her. But you were there when
Lita admitted to cheating on Nephlyte with Prince Ken. Why do
you still feel guilty?" she asked in a confused voice.
"I feel guilty," I said, "because I think I gave Nephlyte
the idea to break up with her."
"Oh," Lea said chuckling.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"You are!" said a very unfamiliar voice and I was
knocked unconscious.
When I finally woke up, I was in a dark room and I was
laying on a table. Where am I? I asked myself. What's going on here?
Why do I have a splitting headache?
"When? What? Why? Is that all you stupid humans think about?"
a voice I thought I knew but didn't really recognize said from
behind me.
"Huh? Who are you? Where am I?" I asked in a scared yet
strangely excited voice.
"Lady Justine of the Sun Kingdom, your supposed to be great
and mighty and all knowing," said the voice now becoming more familiar
to my aching head.
"She is, Queen Beryl!" said Nephlyte's thundering voice.
"Nephlyte!" I yelled before I fell unconscious again.
"Justine, wake up, it's me Lea," said a much more royal
voice I knew. I woke up to see myself lying in the Sun Princess'
"Huh? What's going on here?" I asked as I rubbed my very sore
"Lord Nephlyte brought you to safety," said an actually
worried Moon Princess, "you were taken by that ruthless Queen Beryl.
She would have killed you if Nephlyte hadn't been there. Nephlyte
saved you!"
"Justine," I heard Nephlyte say, "are you okay? You took
a couple of good hits to the head. In fact, you were bleeding
when I took you out of the Negaverse."
"I am fine," I said, "just a little sore in my head."
"Good," said Lea, "then you can help me."
"With what?" I asked a little confused.
"A spy mission I put together," Lea continued, "here try
this on," she added with a smile. I tried on my "spy suit" as it
was called, and made my way into the warp hole with Lea.
"Lea?" I asked.
"What?" she replied.
"Why did you choose me? I mean I am flattered and all that,
but it seems to me to be a really bad plan just to go to the
Negaverse to find out what their next move is," I said.
"I chose you because you're one of only ones I can trust in
Justine," she said in a soft almost sad voice, "you and Hiro are the
only two I can trust."
At first I was really apprehensive that this was another one
of Beryl's traps. She could be very sneaky. You never knew what
she would throw at you next. Once we had reached the secret hiding
place that Lea loved to perch on, I was less apprehensive but still
on my guard.
"Justine," Lea said quietly.
"What?" I whispered back. I was getting somewhat nervous
"I want you to stay here while I get a better look," she
"Are you crazy??!" I whispered loudly. "You could get hurt,
or worse."
"Justine," said Lea, "calm down. You are going hysterical.
I am not so sure you should be here now that I think of it."
"No," I said, "I want to know what is being planned by that
lying snake of a witch."
Lea looked at me as if I were a bizarre person trying to get
away from an insane asylum on Earth. "What?" I asked. She shook
her head and we both looked down on Beryl's courtroom. All of a
sudden I felt the presence of two people behind me and Lea. Before
we knew it, Hiro and Nephlyte were lip-to-lip with the both of us.
Nephlyte totally took me by surprise, but I would be lying if I said
I didn't like it.
"Nephlyte! What the hell did you scare us like that for?"
I yelled when we got out of the Negaverse.
"Just wanted to surprise you," he said, "Lea, is her head
still bothering her? She is going ballistic!" he finished.
"Sorry," I said, "I was just really surprised by that kiss,
I lost control."
"It's okay," said Nephlyte, "so did that kiss mean anything
to you?"
"Sure did," I said with a bunch of zealous.
"Good," he said as he lightly touched my lips with his
fingers. "You will have much more of that tonight," he whispered
in my ear.
I shivered at the thought of me and Nephlyte together for a
whole night. That's right, I thought, tonight is our first 'date'. I
hope I don't disappoint him. I would really be sorry then.
That night I went to Earth with Lea and Serena. It would be my
first time there in a few years. When we arrived, Lea and Serena rushed
to their loves and I watched and waited for Nephlyte.
10 minutes after I had arrived with the princesses, Nephlyte
walked straight up to me with 3 lavender roses, a golden dagger,
and a beautiful gold chained necklace with an amethyst stone for
a charm.
"Nephlyte," I said, "they're beautiful gifts. I love them.
Thank you." I kissed him softly on the lips.
"How long have you been waiting to do that?" he asked,
knowing what the answer would be.
"Ever since I first laid eyes on you," I said in a tone that
Nephlyte said was totally sexy, and I found not so bad myself,
but I wasn't about to tell him that.
We went through the rose gardens and then we went straight
to the palace. We were just about to have dinner when we saw Darien
and Serena starting to make out. We pretty much lost our appetites
after that, so we went outside and when we knew the coast was clear
we went back inside.
"This has been quite an evening," I said.
"And it has only just begun," he said as he picked me up
and kissed me passionately.
"What was that for?" I asked in an innocent voice.
"For looking so stunning in that dress, and for being my
girlfriend," he answered.
Oh my gods, I thought, is this what happened to Lita on
her first date with him? I am still a virgin.
"Justine," he said, "I want you to know I do love you.
Always remember that. I won't ever stop loving you. Not in this
life time or any other."
"Oh, Nephlyte," I responded, "that's so sweet. Can I ask
you a question though?"
"Other than the one you just asked me?" he asked chuckling.
"Yes," I said with my eyes in a sad look.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"Well," I said, "how far did you get with Jupiter your
first date?"
"Well," he said, "if you are asking if we [Lita and I] got
as far as this, I would have to say no. She wouldn't go this far.
Justine, if you want to know, I am a virgin also."
"What?" I asked in a very surprised voice. "You are a
virgin? You never did it with Lita?" Just as I was about to
ask one more question, Nephlyte brought his lips to mine in a hot
kiss that probably only Lita had felt.
I can't believe this guy will be my first lover, I thought
as we finished our kiss and he started to carry me to his room.
He laid me on his bed and sat down beside me. He bent over and
kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I love him, I thought,
I must because I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't.
"Justine," he said, "after we do this does this mean we are
meant to be?"
"I sure hope so," I replied.
"Good," he said. I rolled over onto him, and laid on him
for a while. He is just so comfortable, I thought. All of a
sudden I heard a pounding on his door, and I woke up. When I
looked around and saw I was alone, I got off of the bed and
then told the knocker to come in. They came in alright, but
it wasn't who I wanted to see. Lord Jedite, Lady Zoicyte and
Lord Malachite rushed in to see if Nephlyte and I were okay.
"Why would you want to know if he was okay?" I asked.
I had no idea about what had just happened to Earth.
"Lady Justine, you are looking beautiful tonight," said
Lord Jedite looking at me as if I were some sort of new girl that
had just walked into his life.
"Oh, Jed," I said in an annoyed tone that snapped him right
back into reality, "Zoicyte? Malachite? What has happened to Nephlyte?"
"Oh, nothing Lady Justine," said Malachite in a nervous tone,
"nothing at all. We were just making sure he was keeping you safe."
"Oh," I said in an unsure voice, "but why are you so frantic?"
"Justine," said Zoicyte, "the Earth was just attacked.
Prince Darien and Hiro are going to need Nephlyte's help and
we can't find him."
"Get out of here Zoicyte," said a gruff voice behind me.
"Nephlyte," I said in a soft scared voice, "I want to know
what is going on here, and I want to know now!"
"We'll leave you two alone," said Malachite, "Come on, sweet
Zoey. These two have quite a bit of talking to do. You too Jedite."
After they had left, I asked Nephlyte what was going on.
"Well," I said, obviously totally annoyed with him, "WHAT THE HELL
"Justine," he said quietly, "sit down. I have a feeling in
the pit of my stomach you aren't gonna like this."
"What Nephlyte?" I asked as I sat down next to him.
He stood and said, "Justine, I love you. You must know that
by now. I mean you would not have kissed me like that if you didn't
know how much I cared for you."
"Well," I said, "in the pit of my stomach I knew I felt something
for you because you were always there to save me and help me.
And tonight I knew you loved me when you picked me up and brought me
here, to your room. But Nephlyte, why are you reminding me that
you love me when I have known it since the day we met."
"Well, Justine," he said kneeling down and holding my hand
to his heart, "I have a very unpleasing thing that you will probably
say you hate me for and will want to kill me. I know it. The reason
I told you that I still loved you is I am now working for Queen Beryl
of the Negaverse."
I sat there dumbfounded. "What?" I finally said. I couldn't
believe what was said next.
"I am working for the Negaverse," he said in a small
scared voice.
"For how long?" I asked.
"Ever since I met you," he said.
"So the fake Darien was your doing?" I asked now more
in controlled manner.
"No," he said in a not-so-serious tone, "that was Jed's idea."
I gave him a look that got him scared for his life. I had
that affect on most guys including the twins. "So if we had made
out," I asked, "I would be on your side right."
"Yes, Justine," he sad looking at the moon, "you would be."
I looked down at the floor. How could Nephlyte do this to
me? How was I to be his girl when our sides were enemies? I was
not about to pull a Romeo and Juliet. That would be to traumatic
for everyone, especially for Lea and Nephlyte. What were we gonna
do? How were we gonna make this work? And why was I starting to
sound like a soap opera.
Well, we ended up not telling anyone that I had gone to the
Negaverse and become the princess. Well, at least I didn't have to
worry much longer about telling Lea about what had happened.
Within two more weeks, she would be gone.

[author's notation: well this may have been a slight bit worse than the first but they will get better than this. I assure you. Please don't stop sending me those letters. I really love reading them. I would love if you even made a link for to my stories. Thank you for reading.]