Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Crystal ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kingdom Crystal

By: Veggie Briefs

I do not own Sailor Moon or Kingdom Hearts

Veggie: Hi people looky a new fic…with a bad title >.<

Miko: *singing* When you walk away you don't hear me say…*stops* sorry

Veggie: -_-* no singing

Miko: *sniff*…=( ok

Remy: Aww…just let M-chan sing

Veggie: How the did you get here?!

Ginger: You left the front door open

Veggie: Oh…

Veggie: *grins* I know….one more thing I must tell you the ages of everyone


Usagi, Inners, Sora, Kairi - 14

Riku, Outers - 15

Veggie: Also this takes place when the Silver Millennium in the Sailor Moon world and when Riku, Sora and Kairi are making that raft.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"Mommy? Where are you?" A 14 year old girl was running through darkness. She had long shiny golden hair that swayed behind her as she ran. Her hair was in pigtails and at the top of her head, he hair was wrapped into balls (Veggie: I wonder who that is…hmmm??). The girl had bright crystal blue eyes.

"Mommy?! Minako, Ami, Rei, Makato….anybody?!" The girl fell to her knees crying. She was all alone. 'Why….why did I have to go in that door…' Before she was in this darkness she want through a door. The door was all alone hidden in the shadows. Like it was meant to be there so no one would find it….and it meant to find to find no one.

The 14 year old got back up and started to run as fast as her legs could carry her hoping she would find that door again that led her into this darkness. She tripped over something landing flat on her face.

"Ow…What did I trip over?" The blond sat up rubbing her nose. She turned around and picked up the object, it was a key. The key was gold and silver. (Veggie: I'll try to describe it the best that I can) The gold and silver swirled around each other going put the metal part of the key (Veggie: It looks like the blade of the glided sword from Majora's Mask). The handle was gold and had silver moons on it, in the middle of the handle it had some type of holder it put something in it. Hanging from the end of the handle was a silver star.

"Wow, this key is beautiful…" The girl ran her finger up the key. "Oww" She got cut by the key somehow. The girl began to get tears in her eyes from the sting of the cut on her finger.

"…Princess Serenity, you've been chosen to have that weapon, so you will learn and master it with help of a dimension travler" A voice said out of nowhere.

"W-Who said that?" Usagi bend down slightly she held the key in her hands tightly ready to attack if the owner of the voice was going to jump out of the darkness and strike.

"Don't be afraid little Serenity, I'm only here to help you….the weapon you have in your hands is calls a Key Blade. That Key Blade in your hands is called Silver Moon. The holder on the handle is where you put the Silver Imperium Crystal (Veggie: Can't spell the other way for my life >.<)

"But that's my mommy's, I can't take it." Usagi wined.

"In time child you will get it" The voice told her. All Usagi was nodded. Then all of a sudden the ground started to crack like glass and Usagi screamed and fell through into a dark lonely black bottom-less pit.

Veggie: I think I'll stop here

Miko: Your evil Veggie!

Veggie: I know….HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Remy: You poop

Veggie: -_-*…review people….if you give me 10 reviews I'll post the next chapter…so now you know every chapter I'll ask for 10 reviews and sorry if the chapter was short….Ja ne!!