Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Crystal ❯ Note ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]




 On looky, a note for the not so dead author, I just haven't been updating any of these stories because plainly I just lost interest in the stories. In the STORIES not anime and fanfics I'm still writing but a different style now, CYOAs ^^ you the choose-you-own-adventures, there kick ass because hello you usually get a hot anime male most of the time. And also why write fanfics with OCs  most people don't like then because they think every OC is a mary sue or really the author which is just stupid the way close-minded people work. So the next best thing up from a OC is…you. I mean who wouldn't complain or flame about being in a fanfic? Unless you're a moron and don't like the person your being paired with in the story and if that's the case then stop reading it! Plain and simple. So basically what I'm saying is goodbye, and I'm never coming back…to post fanfics up anyway. Sure I'll review and read some stuff…sooner or later, but probably…well I dunno. And to all you readers out there, I give you permission to continue my fanfics if you wish, just don't total them, (ex. Everyone dies…the end) Just give me credit for the chapters I have written, if not you'll be in trouble…big trouble. So have fun with my fics and I'll see you at any fan fiction site that allows cyoas. Ja ne!




PS: In case your clueless about the fics I'm not continuing here are the names.


~ Love at First Sight (I tried so much to finish it, but I just couldn't keep my attention span on it >.<)


~ Kingdom Crystal


~ Finding the Dragonballs