Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kishikata no Eos ❯ Entrances ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kishikata no Eos

Chapter One -- Entrances

The seatbelt light went off, and Dawn took the opportunity to retrieve one of the manga that Mina had sent her over the summer break. She'd spent the winter holidays in Tokyo, giving her friends a taste of what a real Thanksgiving dinner was like... and then spending Christmas morning by herself in her apartment, watching /It's a Wonderful Life/ and bawling before calling home to get some old fashioned Daddy reassurance. After that incident, she'd decided that she wasn't going to spend the summer in Japan. Three weeks after arriving back home in Kentucky, she'd wondered if it had really been worth it... the constant nagging from her mother, the part-time job at the grocery store bakery, and the lack of friends on this side of the globe.

/Eh, it's always good to be able to go back home/, she thought as she relaxed in one of Delta's not-too-uncomfortable business class seats. Even though home wasn't always perfect, it had a strange kind of comfort to it. Then again, so did her apartment in Tokyo. Now, it remained to be seen whether or not Mina and Lita had kept an eye on the place these past three months. She didn't exactly worry about the apartment not being "looked after;" on the contrary, she wondered if she might have permanent room-mates this next fall as she began her junior year at the University of Tokyo.

Dawn loved the pair of girls as if they were her own sisters. She liked Serena and Raye well enough, but she could never talk to them the same way she could talk to the others. Of course, there as Rini... that little carnation pixie she'd met years ago in her backyard, Since then, she'd encountered Rini as a teenager, threatened by those in the future who would like nothing more than to orchestrate her death. The first time, that had led to Xan.

And Xan was no more. Over the summer, Dawn had found it far too difficult to return to the Arboretum where she's seen Xan nearly die at the hands of Terrak. While it had been more than a few years since that day, Dawn still endured the never-ending "what-ifs" what went there her head every time she passed the strangely tranquil spot. Part of it was guilt... and past of it was the fact that he had been that first love, the one that's never forgotten.

/This is NOT the time for sappy stuff/, she reprimanded herself silently. The flight from Atlanta to Tokyo was a long one, and she didn't want to spend hours in melancholy reflection miles above the Pacific Ocean. Instead, she opened the manga she'd saved for this very situation.

Leave it to Mina to supply her with issues of /Codename wa Sailor V/.


Dawn emerged from her flight, eyes dry and puffy from fitful attempts at sleep in the less-than-comfortable window seat. She smoothed her hair away from her face and struggled with her carry-on back as she separated herself from the mass of people hurrying to baggage claim. She'd get there when her luggage did, and it didn't matter if it took a while. It wasn't as if Mina would be there on time to pick her up, anyway...

"Did you have a nice summer, Dawn?"

The auburn-haired American girl performed the most classic of double takes in the middle of the gate area. To her left, holding a newspaper and wearing a smart black business suit sat the Guardian of time. Jet lag, sleep deprivation, and sheer surprise resulted in a simple yet effective reply in her native barely-Southern English. "Holy shit."

Pluto stood up, tucking the newspaper under her arm. "Now, that's hardly the proper way to greet your Auntie Setsuna, is it?"

/Auntie?/ "Sorry," she apologized, stifling a yawn. "It's just, well... I thought Mina was going to pick me up."

"Not yet, she isn't." Pluto motioned for Dawn to follow her. "I'm going to have to borrow you for a few months or so, until some other things are straightened out."

Dawn stopped in her tracks, now completely lucid. "Borrow?"

"For lack of a better word, yes." Pluto glanced about the airport terminal, seemingly disgusted with the mass amount of people. She needed some place secluded... simply disappearing into thin air was not going to work out here.

"But why? What's so..." She trailed off as worry replaced annoyance. "Is Rini okay? Did something happen?" If it had something to do with Rini, Dawn's level of panic generally sky-rocketed.

Pluto started walking again, this time towards a set of high-speed computing kiosks, designed for busy business travellers and geeks who couldn't stand to be separated from their computers for extended periods of time. A bathroom would have been a last resort; as the Guardian of Time, she had to keep /some/ dignity. "She's fine, but she's currently without a Guardian at the moment..."

"What's wrong?" She hurried to keep up with her long-legged companion.

"Nothing's 'wrong' per se," she answered, looking for a spare booth. "Eos is out of commission for now, and we need you as a backup."

"Why? Is she hurt?"

"She's eight months pregnant." Pluto ducked into an empty booth next to a teenager checking his email and watching music videos. "We need you to fill in for a little while."

"Fill in? But what about school? I've gotta be back in time for the beginning of the fall semester and..." She stopped as the elegant woman arched an equally elegant eyebrow at her.

"Time is hardly a problem, Dawn Therese Connolly."

She managed to look somewhat chagrined.

"Now, if you're quite finished, we have business to attend to..."

"But, what about my clothes?" Her voice louder than she'd intended, Dawn glanced about guiltily, hoping she hadn't attracted too much attention. "I mean, all I have are a few bare necessities," she continued, gesturing to her bag. "What am I supposed to wear, the Senshi uniform?"

Pluto rolled her eyes. /Nothing /was ever easy with this child. "I'll make Rini go shopping with you, and you're probably the same size as Eos used to be." She flipped her hunter green hair over her shoulder and did a find check of the area. "Ready?"

"Ready for what?"

The guy at the computer stood up and blinked, rubbing his eyes in disbelief. He could have sworn two women had sat down in the booth across from him. A slight flash of light had broken his concentration, and he'd leaned back to see what they were doing. Shaking his head, he sat back down and returned to his work. Perhaps this was a sign he needed another vacation... people didn't just vanish into thin air.


"Oh. My. God."

"Impressive, isn't it?"

"Hell, yeah." Dawn gazed in awe at the sheer opulence of the Moon Kingdom palace in New Crystal Tokyo. The structure literally glittered in the fading daylight as the setting sun cast long shadows. She and Pluto had arrived not too far from an overgrown rosebush in the Palace Gardens. Now, they stood just inside the gates, Dawn gawking at the architecture while Pluto hung back, chuckling softly.

"Pluto?" A handsome middle-aged gentleman descended the marble stairs, a warm smile on his face. Guards bowed deeply as he passed. "Did everything go smoothly? Rini hasn't stopped bothering us about..." Endymion paused, finally seen the young woman who had begun to examine the carvings on the railing. "Is this the Guardian?"

The word /Guardian/ snapped Dawn to attention. She turned, noticing the gentleman clad in midnight blue and black standing next to Pluto. She smiled broadly in recognition before managing a somewhat elegant curtsy despite her book bag. "Your Majesty."

He laughed, motioning to one of the guards. "Miss Connolly, if you'll follow this young man, he'll take you inside to see Small Lady. I'd take you myself, but Pluto and I have some issues to discuss."

"Works for me." Formality dismissed, she waved to Pluto as she followed her escort into the Palace. "See ya later."

"Damn." Everything seemed to become more and more opulent as she walked towards the Royal Family's private living quarters. "This is just weird."

"Weird, ma'am?"

"Dawn," she automatically corrected. "And just, all of the sparkle here. It's weird."

Her escort, a young man with ebony skin and dazzling blue eyes, stifled a snicker. "Only if you're not used to it, ma'am."

"Dawn, please. Don't call me ma'am, I'm not old enough." She stopped in from of a massive painting of someone she assumed to be Serenity, hands clasped behind her back. The last time she'd been here, it had been an emergency that had taken her directly to the spaceport. She'd never even seen the palace as more than a silhouette. "And I don't know how anyone could get used to this. I'd go crazy. " She continued to examine the picture for at least another minute before the guard gave a slight cough.

"The Princess is waiting for you," he offered. "We may want to continue."

Dawn nodded, setting off down the hallway again. /That's right, can't keep her Highness waiting/, she thought with a smile. Further down the corridor, a door hissed open and a young woman rushed out. Pink hair streamed behind her as her bare feet slapped against the cool marble floor.

"DAWN! Dawn, you're finally here!" Rini threw her arms around Dawn's neck and hugged her tightly. "Omigosh, it's sooooo good to see you!"

The denim bag hit the floor as Dawn was thrown back a few feet, courtesy of the Princess' exuberance. She hugged Rini back, catching her breath. "Yeah, same here," she managed. "How old are you now, anyway?"

"Nineteen. You?"

"Twenty." That was odd... it had been two years since she'd seen her, and she'd aged a single year. This travel really did mess with your head. Still it was good to see the kid. "Still older than you, though."

"Only a little." Rini looked at the single bag that Dawn retrieved, then glanced at the empty-handed guard. "Um, where's the rest of your stuff?"

"This is it," she answered, holding up her bag with a half-smile. "Pluto kinda caught me before I could get the rest of my stuff." She stifled a yawn, wondering what time it was and when she'd be able to catch a nap. "She'd said something about shopping, but I dunno if that was something to do now, or..."

Rini's eyes lit up as if it had been Christmas morning. "Shopping? That's great, just lemme get my shoes and call for a transport." She motioned for Dawn to follow her. "C'mon, I'll show you around while we wait."

The suite was nothing short of impressive. Plush carpet, mirrored walls, and massive windows... it was all Dawn could do not to stare. She brushed a hand over a sofa, pulling away once she realized it was white suede. Ye gods, it was ritzy. "This is your room?"

"It's more of an apartment, but yeah. Better than having to live with my parents twenty-four-seven," she replied. "You want something to drink?"


"Diet Coke, with lemon," Rini declared, the request summoning a tall frosty glass from the tiny replicator on the wall. "I guess you'll get Eos' old quarters," she said as she pressed a button on the intercom.

"Yes, your Highness?" An official-sounding voice crackled through the speakers.

"I need a transport to the shopping plaza," she said in a professional tone. "Myself and the Guardian."

"Yes, your Highness." The intercom clicked off, leaving Dawn staring in awe as she sipped her drink.

"That's how you get some place?" Her tone couldn't hide her surprise. "You can't just walk out?"

"I could," she admitted, "but I'm not supposed to. It makes Mom and Eos nervous. Besides, the big dinners the host always means some crazy person's gonna show up and try to kill me."

Dawn choked on her drink, more due to Rini's nonchalant delivery than the actual statement. "And you're okay with this?"

Rini shrugged, going to her closet and pulling out a white windbreaker. "I'm used to it... it sounds horrible, I know, but you can either dwell on it and never leave your bed or go on and live your life."

"I guess," she answered after a moment's consideration. Gulping the remainder of her drink, she reached for her bag. "Now, I have no idea what currency is like these days, but if we can get anything exchanged..."

"You're covered. Don't worry about it."

Dawn involuntarily bristled. "Rini, I can pay for my own clothes," she objected. She wasn't one for handouts, especially when her wallet was in her hands.

"Don't be ridiculous," Rini answered with a wave of her hand. "You're working, you need clothes, we get you clothes. Simple as that."


Exhausted didn't begin to describe the complete and utter lack of energy and want for sleep that possessed Dawn. The overall experience of shopping with the Princess of the Moon Kingdom had been nothing like she'd ever witnessed. Stores were literally emptied so that they could go inside, and store managers followed them everywhere, offering suggestions on everything from shirts to shoes. After only a handful of hours, Dawn had acquired a new wardrobe, with at least two outfits for every day of the week. Formal, casual, work, play, daytime, night time... it was all there in eight hanging bags and three boxes. Of course, Rini hadn't come away empty-handed, either.

"These should give me at least two inches," she said, admiring the strappy-heeled sandals she'd just bought.

Dawn nodded, stifling a yawn. She needed sleep... maybe food first and a shower, but sleep would be best. Closing her eyes, she rested her head against the back of the seat. Just a quick nap, that's all she really wanted at this point...

"Oh, we've gotta stop here!"

Shit. There goes the nap.

Rini scrambled out of the transport, pulling Dawn with her. "If anything, you'll wanna come here to hang out. It's safe, it's fun, the food's good..."

"And where is 'here' exactly?" Her patience was running thin.

"Greynn's." Rini gestured to the sign above the door. "Now c'mon. I wanna introduce you to someone."

Dawn allowed Rini to drag her inside, not bothering to look up until she saw the row of barstools. Maybe she could rest here...

"Dawn, this is Vince. Vince, Dawn Connolly. She's filling in for Eos for a while," Rini chirped.

She looked up, forcing a pleasant expression on her face for the introduction. As she caught sight of the bartender, her jaw dropped in amazement.

Well over six feet tall and covered in a soft black fur, Vince beamed at her, showing a feline grin. "Not from these parts, are ya?"

She blinked, regaining her composure. "Not exactly, no." This time, the smile was genuine, and she extended her hand. "Dawn Connolly. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." He grip was firm, but hardly overwhelming. "So, anything to drink? Milk, your Highness?"

Rini stuck her tongue out as Vince laughed. "Coffee, if you've got it," Dawn yawned. "I'm about to fall asleep right here."

In a darker corner of the bar, a figure sat with an empty shot glass and a nearly full bottle of Scotch. The sketchpad in front of him blank, Breandon Rainault had run out of inspiration. The last dress he'd designed had been worn by the wife of the Ceyolan consulate during the Queen's celebration of the newly signed trade agreement days before. The ungrateful bitch had taken HIS gown, HIS creation, and had had her own seamstresses and dressmakers duplicate it in an atrocious shade of tangerine. Livid, he'd demanded reimbursement or destruction of the offensive article. Instead, they'd thrown him out of the Embassy and cancelled his after-dinner engagement with the consulate's very single and very alluring twenty-three year old daughter. Plans ruined, he turned to the Scotch.

"Well, if it isn't the amazing Breandon Rainault." Rini's voice dripped with sarcasm, her expression a smirk as she leaned against the booth. "Sleeping alone tonight, huh?"

"Not unlike yourself, your Highness," he answered acidly. "What brings you here to walk among the peasants?"

She glared at him, at a loss for words. "None of your business," she managed after a moment.

"Where's your shadow?" Breandon had frequented Greynn's long enough to know that Rini rarely came without Eos ... and that when she did, it was to sneak out.

Rini sniffed, folding her arms across her chest. "None of your damn business."

"And Ashe? Or have you broken off your little puppy-love romance since we last spoke?"

Tears welled up in Rini's eyes. After the whole Star Hunter ordeal, Malik and Jupiter had given up their second home on the palace ground. Rini hadn't seen Ashe for months now... but it still hurt. "That's ALSO none of your damn business," she answered angrily. "Go on, drink yourself into oblivion."

"No, thanks. If I did that, how would you dazzle your Court without me?" he shot back, eyes narrowing.

"Hey!" Dawn walked up to the booth, coffee in hand. "What the hell is going on here?"

Rini's eyes narrowed at the man in the booth. "Nothing, just catching up with a court acquaintance."

Dawn arched an eyebrow at the snooty reply. "Court acquaintance?" She eyed the man in the booth warily. "And you are?"

"At your service, any time you like," he managed, after a barely perceptible pause.

Dawn blinked, unaccustomed to such a response. "Well, I guess that's good to know," she said slowly. She caught sight of the sketchpad in front of him. "Are you an artist or something?"

Breandon glanced back down at the sketchpad as if just now remembering its existence. "Or something," he echoed.

Dawn's gaze flickered back and forth between the guy in the booth and Rini. "I'm guessing that the two of you aren't all that fond of each other, for some reason." She sipped her coffee, relishing the caffeine that had begun to enervate her system.

"You could say that." His tone was wry, and he splashed the little glass full and tossed it down.

"You could say more, but it wouldn't be ladylike," Rini answered in a similar tone. "Or, he might be too drunk to comprehend the words."

Breandon arched a brow at Rini. "I'll have you know, young lady, that I am nowhere near my capacity." He refilled the glass again, as if to emphasize. "Yet." He held the glass, but didn't drink. "So what brings Your most gracious Royal Highness and her well-dressed shadow out tonight? Breaking in a new Guardian?"

"Breaking in? You make her sound like a horse rather than a person," Rini snickered.

Meanwhile, Dawn was looking down at her jeans and black t-shirt, wondering what part of her was well-dressed. "Guardian's right, though," she replied, shifting the coffee to her left hand and extending the right. "Dawn Connolly."

Breandon grasped her hand firmly and shook it once before turning it to place a light kiss on the wrist. "Breandon Autumn Rainault, at your service."

Dawn couldn't help but smile and blush, while Rini gave a snort of disgust. "Well, if you're a 'court acquaintance' like she says you are, then I'll most likely see you around, right?" She pulled her hand back slowly, tucking strands of hair behind her ear.

He shrugged, looking away. "I don't mingle much at Court."

"He designs dresses," Rini said with a shrug that was supposed to show she didn't care. "He likes to show up to make sure all of his 'creations' are worn correctly. That reminds me," she said, her attitude warming up. "Why haven't you made one for me yet?"

His expression changed completely upon Rini's words. "I haven't created anything that suits your delicate perfection yet, Princess." To Dawn's surprise, his attitude, too, had changed: a gentle respect, plus a tone of regret, showed in his words.

Rini actually managed to smile at the response. "Eh, well, perfection takes time," she answered.

Dawn tilted her head slightly, now curious. "So, you do custom design, then?"

Breandon looked up at her, a bit startled. "You really mean to say you didn't know?"

She blinked, hoping that she hadn't offended him. "Um, no. Sorry... I'm kinda new around here." Dawn glanced over at Rini, who gave her the 'don't look at me' expression.

A look of surprise came across his face. "My deepest apologies. I mistakenly assumed that as Rini's Guardian you would be well-acquainted with Court personae."

/Well, you don't have to rub it in/, she thought. "I'm new," she answered curtly. "Let's just say I've had more field experience compared to my time amongst the posh and elite of the Court."

"I seem to be quite good at offending you. Rini is right, I am drunk," he muttered, looking with sightless eyes at the far side of the booth and avoiding both gazes.

"Liar. You just thought that your reputation would precede you," Rini countered. "In this case, you don't have that advantage."

"Usually, it does," he snapped back. "This is a refreshing change, dealing with someone who lacks inaccurate preconceptions about me. You apparently lack that advantage also, Princess."

Dawn set her coffee on the table, lack of sleep giving her a boldness that she normally wouldn't have used in such a social situation with someone she barely knew. "Will the two of you quit it with the catty remarks? You," she said, pointing at Rini, "can be the most spoiled brat on the face of either planet that I've ever come across, when you want to be. As for you," she said, pointing at Breandon, "you're right, I know nothing about you, with the exception that you seem to have a penchant for scotch and enjoy brooding over blank pieces of paper." She stopped, realizing that she'd shot off her mouth a bit more than she'd intended. "Sorry. Jet lag," she mumbled into her coffee

Breandon sighed. "Nobody said I enjoyed it."

Dawn swallowed, trying to think of a way to redeem herself. Ugh, what an impression to make on her first day here. "Well, is that book all blank pages, or could I maybe see one of your designs?"

He rubbed a hand over his face, the other hand moving to cover the book protectively. "This really isn't a good time, Dawn-san."

"Please?" She turned on the brightest of smiles she could muster. Meanwhile, Rini turned her head to hide the look of sheer amusement that was tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"The sketches aren't worth anything," he pointed out. "To appreciate the beauty of the work you need to see the finished piece."

"And to appreciate the creative mind of the artist, you need to see the concept from which the finished piece is obtained," she countered slyly.

He threw up his hands. "Ah, fine! I can't argue in this state." Shoving the book at her, he downed another shot of scotch.

Rini burst into giggles as Dawn slid into the booth across from Breandon, setting her coffee aside. "Thank you," she answered, taking the sketchbook and opening it. She stopped on the very first page, stunned.

"Wow," she whispered. "You make, like, serious formal stuff. Like... wow." She turned the page to another design. "Who did you make this one for?"

Breandon closed his eyes and tipped his head back against the back of the booth. "The first? Her mother."

Dawn remembered the picture hanging in the hallway she'd seen upon entering the palace. So /that's/ where the dress had come from. "And this one with the... well, I guess it's supposed to be embroidered ivy or something. Who was that for?"

"The Duchess of Tomnahara ... she's famous for her public pleasure gardens." He paused. "Lady Rini remembers more about who wore what when where and why than I do, right now. Why don't you girls take that off somewhere, and return it to me later?"

Dawn shook her head, closing the book and pushing it back towards her. "No, I couldn't do that. This is yours... and I just wanted to know what you did. Now I know, and I can tell Rini to stop giving such a talented artist a hard time." She winked at him and got up. "Maybe I can convince you to show me another drawing some other time, huh?"

He opened his green eyes to gaze at her. "Only if you promise to leave your charge behind." A slow smile curved his mouth. "Then, we could consider it."

Rini opened her mouth to protest, but Dawn's tendency towards innocent flirtation kept her from responding. "We could. I guess we'll run into each other again."

He inclined his head. "As you will."

Rini rolled her eyes and grabbed Dawn by the crook of her arm. "Well, we've all had a long day, so we'd better be off. Say 'good night,' Dawn."

"Good night, Dawn." She winked again at Breandon, sleep deprivation now making her simply slap-happy.

"Smart-ass," Rini mumbled, dragging Dawn away. "Drink well, my dear Rainault," she called over her shoulder.

Behind them, Breandon filled the shot glass again.


It had only been three days since she'd arrived, but Dawn felt as if she'd been living in New Crystal Tokyo for years. Everyone at the palace knew her by name, from the Planetaries who remembered her from their respective pasts to the guards who frequented the corridors. And her apartment... she was thankful that Eos has such simple tastes. Opening the door to her temporary residence had been a refreshing change of pace from the opulence of the rest of the Palace living quarters. Muted blues and yellows, white linens, and very little furniture gave the suite of rooms a distinctively homey feel.

The wardrobe was another story altogether. As far as size went, she was nearly two inches taller and maybe fifteen pounds lighter than Eos had been when the clothing had been purchased. The fit of the clothing didn't present a real problem; however, style was an entirely different issue. Dawn's love of denim and casual dress didn't fit with the formal activities of the Moon Kingdom. Accompanying the Princess to royal appearances, speeches, courtesy inspections, and luncheons with other dignitary offspring meant that she had to look the part of a no-nonsense, well-trained, and highly intelligent personal bodyguard.

The first day, a breakfast meeting with a handful of daughters of various representatives, Dawn came to the abrupt conclusion that she wasn't supposed to talk to anyone but Rini, and when she did, it was to be in a slight whisper. A friendly 'good morning' she'd directed at one of the younger girls brought stares and a number of rude sounds from the rest of the attendees. From that point on, Dawn kept her mouth shut, not wanting to embarrass herself or Rini any more than she already had.

And the clothes... professional suits, black with a tiny upturned crescent moon, the closet was filled with them. All black... some with skirts, some with blouses of pale blue or pale pink, and a few formal dresses. Dawn assumed it was due to the need to be inconspicuous, and it certainly made her look like hell on heels. Adding a pair of black sunglasses just gave her a more ominous appearance, but didn't keep Rini from telling her that she needed to wear a bit of make-up, or another piece of jewellery, or a better hairstyle than a ponytail.

"Why? Why does it matter what I look like?" Dawn had finally asked, exasperated after having endured the disapproving stares of a roomful of diplomats when she'd fixed her flyaway hair by twisting it up with a pen. "I'm supposed to be a shadow. They shouldn't /care/."

A pair of white pants flew onto the bed, followed by a white tunic as Rini slipped into a bathrobe. "And you're supposed to be sophisticated and well-kept," she answered from behind the bathroom door. "You represent me and my parents by being there, and your appearance makes an impression upon every single person in whatever room you enter. Look good, and they'll assume that you're intelligent and capable. Let one thing slip, and they'll assume that you're inexperienced and an easy target." She stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in pink. "Image is everything around here."

"The upper crust of Lunarian society, shallow? I never would have guessed." Sarcasm oozed as she kicked off her black heels, flopping onto the sofa.

"You're now part of it," Rini replied flippantly. "Get used to it. And if you ever walk into a meeting with wet hair again, I'll personally beat you with your own shoes."

"I'd like to see you try, munchkin."

"I'll take out your knees, then. Learn to use a hair dryer... and don't wear those sunglasses inside. You looked like a member of the Corellian Mafia when you do that."

Dawn "hmphed" and looked out the window. The spaceport, which had been relatively calm that morning, was now a bustling mass of transports and escort vehicles. "Is there something happening tomorrow? There's an awful lot of traffic over there this afternoon."

"No one TOLD you?" Rini shrieked, her face now covered with cold cream. "I swear, if this is a joke, I'm going to kill you."

"Then I suppose I'll live," Dawn answered, amused. "Told me what?"

Rini glanced at the clock, then at Dawn's appearance, then back to the clock. "We have to be at my parents' suite in two hours to go downstairs for the post-dedication celebration for the new ship of the Lunar Navy. I can't BELIEVE they didn't tell you," she said frantically.

She sat up, annoyed more by Rini's lament than the fact that she'd have to endure royalty for the rest of the evening, when all she really wanted was to try to go back to Greynn's. She hadn't had a minute to herself the entire time, and it was beginning to get to her. "Fine, so I have to look nice. Contrary to popular belief, I /do/ know how to make myself presentable for the most elegant of soirées... and I can do it in under two hours." Stretching her hands above her head, she decided to flex the semi-royal status she had. "Is there a way someone can find me a set of curlers, a clean pair of pantihose, and... what are you doing?"

"That's right, one person for a manicure, another to do hair, and she's going to need a full facial and make-up. Five minutes, please." Rini let go of the intercom button and whirled around. "Did you remember seeing a dress in Eos' closet? A nice one?"

"A black one, with..."

"That'll work fine." She began to pace, hands behind her back. Dawn did her best not to laugh at the petite figure; if it hadn't been for the bathrobe, she'd have been ready to brief the troops before battle. "You've got about twenty minutes to shower and get clean. Don't worry about your eyebrows, we'll get them fixed."

"What the hell is wrong with my..."

"Don't let them put any really bright colours on you when it comes to make-up," Rini hurried on. "French manicure, your hair has to be up, and they'll bring jewellery for you. Don't wear a watch."

"But how will I..."

"And eat something," she finished. "You probably won't eat during the dinner, as you'll have to stand behind me." Rini walked away as if to finish her facial, but stopped and jabbed a finger in Dawn's direction. "And if you even THINK of chewing gum during that time, you're dead meat."


Strings accompanied a soothing piano melody as polite social conversation took place over dinner. The Princess chatted merrily with the mother of some obscure mining colony heir as he made eyes at Rini every chance he could. Serenity and Endymion were being introduced to the commander of the newly christened SLS Euripides who had the appearance of one about to burst from sheer pleasure and pride. Attendants cleared tables of nearly empty platters, half-drunk glasses, and empty bottles of champagne, and some people had begun to take to the floor to dance. Through it all, Dawn had remained perfectly still, completely attentive, and fairly calm throughout the entire ordeal.

Well, that wasn't entirely true. She discovered immediately that all of the other personal guards and similarly trusted people were male, and in their respective full military uniforms. Clad in a tasteful black floor-length gown that showed off her shoulders without displaying enough cleavage to warrant a stare, Dawn had come to the conclusion that she was the best-dressed bodyguard at the dinner. This epiphany, however small, had brought a serene smile to her face. The one lascivious glance she'd gotten from one of the dignitaries had been met with the nastiest expression she could muster on such short notice.

"Sorry," she apologized under her breath to Rini after she'd turned around. "I probably shouldn't have done that."

"No, that's allowed and even encouraged," she answered in a playful whisper. "No matter what, you should keep them guessing as to how dangerous you could be if provoked."

"Hell, yeah."

Rini suppressed the urge to laugh at Dawn's obvious snub of formality and instead motioned for her to step closer. "Follow me," she whispered out of the side of her mouth. "It's customary for me and my parents to lead the first dance of the evening." She glided alongside Serenity and Endymion while Dawn strode confidently behind them, all business as her eyes swept the crowd for anything suspicious. Dawn stopped at the edge of the ballroom floor, giving the Princess a small bow as she'd been instructed. Rini returned the bow with a sly wink before stepping in front of the /Euripides/ captain. The young man grinned wildly as he took her hand, leading her out into the centre of the floor. Dawn allowed herself a deep breath as she deftly extracted a wrapped butterscotch from the sleeve of her gown. Faking a yawn, she popped the candy into her mouth and relished the sugary sweetness. She'd have to find some real food later.

At the opposite side of the hall, a trio of overly perfumed and primped middle-aged women crowded around one man who was impeccably attired in sapphire blue. Eyes of peridot sparkled as he indulged them in polite yet charming conversation.

"As I've said, my dear Lady Vartouhi, your delicate frame demands a lighter fabric, something in a blush rose perhaps?" Breandon gestured to the hunter green brocade that the woman wore. "Lovely, to be sure, but far too sombre for such a light-hearted woman as yourself."

She laughed, the embarrassed titter hidden behind a jewel-encrusted hand. "Ah, but I'm not young enough for such things," she replied. "My daughter, however..." She beamed at a fourteen-year-old girl whose overbite was merely enhanced by the vibrant magenta lipstick she wore. "Perhaps she could benefit from one of your renowned designs."

He stood, bowing to the teenager as she let out a whinnying laugh. "One day, perhaps. If you'll pardon me, I must see to something." Feminine coos of protest met his ears, and he bestowed a final dazzling smile on the group. "A pleasure as always, my ladies." He left them to gossip over what could possibly pull him away from them, melting into the well-dressed crowd that had paused to observe the first dance of the evening.

Dawn secretly envied the soft leather slippers that Rini wore on her feet, currently hidden by the hem of her gown. Stuck in a pair of none too comfortable heeled sandals, she made a mental note to remind her charge that she required adequate footwear to protect her royal Pinkness from the threats of the century. Shifting her weight, she gave one sore heel a bit of relief... she was pretty certain that going barefoot could hardly be considered proper.

"You'll pardon the observation, but your choice of attire for this evening hardly does you justice."

Dawn turned to her left as the handsome figure of the man she'd met days ago at Greynn's bowed in greeting. Worried about Rini's demand that she remain inconspicuous, she gave him the smallest of smiles. "And a lovely evening to you as well," she replied softly. "You're looking pretty spiffy yourself."

'Spiffy' was hardly the adjective one would have used to describe Breandon's evening attire. It evoked images of medieval European nobility, the crisp white of a ruffled shirt an elegant contrast to the rich blue of a doublet and short pants. Trimmed in gold and complemented by a matching short cape and handsomely crafted slippers, the outfit caught the eye of nearly everyone in the room. With his long hair caught back such that it hung in a single queue down his back, Breandon was the very image of the refined gentleman at Court, punctuated by the way he bowed and took Dawn's hand.

"I don't mean to be rude or anything," she whispered, tensing at his touch. "I'm supposed to kind of be in the background."

"Being a bodyguard hardly means that you should be ignored," he replied, lifting her hand to his lips and kissing the inside of her wrist lightly. "On the contrary, one should show you the proper respect that should be afforded to a Guardian."

The stark contrast between Dawn's pale skin and the sombre blackness of her gown made her blushing only more apparent. "Well, um, thank you," she managed to reply, mind racing for some kind of response. "But you're saying that you don't like the dress they've made me wear."

He stepped back a pace and eyed her speculatively. "While I'm sure it is appropriate to what you perceive your place to be, it is --ahem -- highly unflattering." An amused smile lit his eyes. "I think, my dear, that did you wish to divert attention from yourself, you could hardly have failed more spectacularly."

"That bad, huh?" She found her reflection in a nearby window and cringed inwardly. Now that she thought about it, the gown gave her a far too severe appearance. "What's wrong, specifically?"

He frowned, one hand behind his back as he critiqued the gown. "You should never be in black," Breandon began. "That would be the first mistake. And this," he went on, nodding at the front of the dress. "It's far too high. I believe one could take better advantage of your figure with a lower cut, combined with a less severe overall design."

/So I need more colour and more cleavage/, she thought to herself with a giggle. "I'll keep that in mind the next time I start picking out dresses for these sorts of things, then. Anything else?"

A smile played on his lips. "You would do best to be more conspicuous in a different manner. Rather than hide as you are, you should attend such functions as someone else."

Dawn tilted her head to the side, considering the strategy that he had proposed. In a way, it made sense. Maybe she could bring that up with Rini tomorrow, once this whole thing was over. For now, she could only curse her footwear and watch the couples dancing. She glanced sideways at Breandon, wondering just how odd she'd look towering over him during an intricate waltz. Maybe if she got rid of the sandals...

"I gotta get out of here." Rini glided up to Dawn, interrupting her reverie. "If I have to fake a smile at another simpering male who would like nothing better than to get his hands under my corset, I'm gonna -" She stopped, noticing Breandon standing there. "Good evening, my dear Rainault," she began with a dazzling display of white teeth. "You look marvellous."

He bowed slightly, the corner of his mouth in a smirk as he spoke. "You can save your salutations for someone else, your Highness. I don't believe I fall in that category." Turning to Dawn, he bowed once more. "Always a pleasure."

"Likewise," she laughed, attempting a slight curtsy that made one foot scream in pain. "And thank you for the advice."

He nodded again in reply as the pair slipped out of the ballroom, Dawn's longer legs easily keeping step with Rini's quickening pace. "And why were you talking with him?" Rini hissed, turning the corner.

"He said he didn't like my dress," she answered casually. "Granted, he said it politely, but he was awfully critical." Dawn followed Rini into the lift, waiting until the doors shut to remove her sandals. "And these are the most uncomfortable shoes I've ever worn," she exclaimed, holding one up for emphasis. "If we have to do this again, I'm going barefoot unless there's a better option."

Rini's face showed a look of horror at Dawn's suggestion. "We'll get you better shoes, then. The alternative would be more embarrassing than... well, I don't know at the moment." Arriving at the floor that contained the private suites, the two of them exited the elevator. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get a hot bath and collapse."

"Just take your dress off, first," Dawn laughed. "So, am I off duty for the night?"

Rini nodded. "Yeah. I'm not going anywhere. Why?"

"Just curious," she said, thinking of a decent excuse to get out. "I mean, you said that Greynn's was a good place to go... and I'm starved," Dawn finished pointedly, hoping that would work for her. "I need a change of scenery."

"Just stay out of trouble, and don't do anything to embarrass me," she warned, shaking a finger at her. "If I hear anything..."

"Yes, mother. I'll behave." Dawn waited as Rini went inside and the security code was enabled. Finally with the chance to be alone, she raced back to her room to change into something far more comfortable. The black dress banished to the back of the closet, Dawn emerged in denim and lavender minutes later. Unable to contain her excitement at the prospect of a few hours of freedom, she raced down the corridor, much to the amusement of the few guards on duty. They couldn't blame her... they'd seen her predecessor do the exact same thing.