Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kishikata no Eos ❯ Truth ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kishikata no Eos

Chapter Six -- Truth

Somehow, between the two of them, they managed to get him all the way back to his small, plush apartment.

"Will you be pleased to enter, lady?" Breandon asked, standing in the doorway and looking about three steps from collapse.

"I'll be more pleased when you sit down and take it easy." Worry evident in her voice, she helped him inside. "Now, where are you going to sit and take it easy?"

"Right here," he said, suiting action to words and dropping with an ungraceful thud into a papasan chair near the huge picture windows. "Ow."

Dawn tossed her jacket on the floor and stood over Breandon's figure now sprawled in the chair. "Look at me," she instructed, gently lifting his chin so she could check his eyes as she held up a finger. "Follow this, okay?" Rather than follow the finger, he lunged forward and kissed it.

"That's not what I meant." She tried to keep a straight face. "How's your head feeling? Still dizzy?"

"Dizzied only by your beauty." He made a face. "I am fine, Dawn, quite fine. You needn't stay of concern for me."

"You need someone to keep an eye on you," she protested. "Getting knocked unconscious is nothing to brush off... you were out cold for about five minutes."

"It wouldn't be the first time."

"You're impossible," she declared, turning to the window. "Absolutely impossible."

"I have never denied it."

"Perhaps." Dawn stuck both hands in the back pockets of her jeans as she gazed at the Earth on the horizon. "Is there anything you need? Water, ibuprofen, food, etcetera?"

"Rest. Or, perhaps, a distraction from my thoughts." His eyes were closed, and he looked smaller slumped down in the embrace of the papasan. Brunette hair poured everywhere.

She pulled herself away from the window, lest homesickness set in. "Then rest," she said tenderly. A thought occurred to her, one that made her cheeks flush and her skin tingle. She could argue that it was a perfectly legitimate thing to do, considering her earlier promise. Still... it was the actual phrasing... /and what if something happens?/ She chewed her lip, wondering if this was the right thing to do...

"I can hear you thinking all the way over here."

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you," she teased, working up her courage. "I was wondering... I mean, if you don't mind..."

"I am unlikely to mind anything you choose to do, provided you do it to me." His eyes were still closed, but a hand clenched in the edge of the cushion.

"Actually, I was going to ask if you minded my using your shower. I've gotta get this purple stuff out of my hair." Surprised at her boldness, she held her breath for the response.

The hand relaxed. "Be my guest. Towels in the top cupboard. Will you require any other help?"

/Nah, I can undress myself/, /thanks for the offer/. She stifled an embarrassed giggle at the thought. "No, but yell if you need anything.... and you're sure you don't mind?"

"Go on, I'm fine."

Heart pounding, Dawn found her way to the master bathroom and pulled a fluffy black towel from the aforementioned cupboard. Discarded clothing was folded neatly in a pile on the sink, and the towel thrown over a nearby bar. Hesitantly, she turned on the water and stepped into the warm spray. Purple dye pooled at her feet and slipped down the drain as steam fogged mirrors and cast a damp film over the shower door. Relaxing somewhat, she reached for what appeared to be shampoo and lathered her hair to rid it of the rest of the dye.

Humming to herself, she watched as the water finally ran clear around her feet. The entire process had taken about five minutes, and while it was tempting to stay in the shower for ten times as long, she felt that wouldn't be appropriate at the moment. Meanwhile, the thought, however impossible it might be, that he'd walk in, or at least be standing there when she opened the door to get the towel gave her a strangely wild thrill. With a deep breath, she pushed the shower door open a few inches and peeked out.

The shower room was empty of everything but steam. Slight snores could be discerned, now that the water was off.

Relief and disappointment were evident in a funny expression on her face. Squeezing the excess water from her hair, she wrapped herself in the towel and crept out to the living room. Sure enough, Breandon lay asleep in the papasan chair, hair everywhere. Dawn came up next to him, smoothing the hair away from his face as she checked the bruise. /Ugh, that's going to be nasty by tomorrow morning.../

He sighed and snuggled down farther into the chair.

/Almost looks innocent/, she thought to herself. Leaning over, she kissed him gently on his lips before another snore could escape.

He responded almost immediately, kissing back and reaching out a hand for her. "Ahhh, Dawn ... "

"Right here, doll," she whispered soothingly. "I'm not going anywhere."

His eyes, green as newborn leaves, opened to look into hers. "You confuse me."

"I could say the same about you."

"I am perfectly understandable!" he exclaimed.

"Shhh, you're supposed to take it easy," she said, putting a finger to his lips. "Now, why do I confuse you?"

"First you are beautiful and kindly, even in the face of the Princess' scorn ... then you flaunt yourself before me but take offence at my natural reaction. You are constantly teasing me but if I should come close you flee like deer from the hunter. It's unfair!" His tone was petulant, childishly whining.

"I don't mean to tease you all the time," she answered playfully.

He turned away. "I don't believe you."

All seriousness returned to her voice. "I'm not kidding... I think the only time I did anything on purpose was with that window and the sunset during the Pavori dinner."

"I'm sure those kisses you initiated were accidents; you just happened to fall against me." The tone was slightly acidic.

"And what about the ones you initiated?" she countered, floundering verbally.

"Contrary to popular opinion, I do prefer to begin a relationship with some slowness rather than diving in midstream." He stared out the window.

"You're saying that... that I'm exhibiting aggressive behaviour?"

"I'm saying that you are extremely attractive, and you are sending a great many mixed signals. And I can't figure out why I'm not giving up on you."

"Because I don't want you to?" Dawn clutched the towel about her, unable to believe that she'd said that out loud.

"Is that a question, or an answer?"

"It's..." Her grip relaxed. "It's the truth." Chocolate brown eyes fixed on the figure in the chair, she fought to speak coherently. "Please don't."

Breandon turned the force of his gaze on her. "Shall I take that to mean I have your permission to court you? Think carefully before you answer."

She took an involuntary half-step back, stopping herself before lifting the other foot. /Stop running... what are you running from? Him? Stupid... stand still/. "What do you mean by court, exactly?"

"Attempt to win your heart and hand," he clarified. "Outrageous flattery, duels on your behalf, favours and expensive gifts. Usually the woman permits her paramour some leeway in the matter of the physical."

Dawn's lips curled in a bemused frown. "Haven't you already done much of that already? Or am I just reading into things more than I should?"

"You seemed to object, before." Stiffly, he said, "I do not wish to burden you with my attentions."

"I didn't know if you were serious or not," she replied gently. Clearing her throat, Dawn made an attempt at a more eloquent response to Breandon's solemn request. "But I would be most flattered and honoured if you did bestow such attention on me."

"The honour is mine. Now, come here. Didn't I tell you never to wear black?" He dragged himself to a more upright position and began to pull at the towel. Dawn gave him a very flat stare. He sighed. "Very well. Help me up, then."

"And where do you plan on going?"

"To get you something to wear, obviously."

Dawn opened her mouth to object on the grounds that she had clothes, and he needed to rest. A second glance at Breandon made her think better, and she held her towel with one hand while extending the other to him. "All right..."

With a slow groan, he pulled himself up and paced towards the bedrooms. He stood in front of an open closet for long moments before pulling down a light, airy-looking short dress in a sunflower-patterned fabric. "This will fit."

"I hope so. It's lovely." Dawn put out a hand for the dress. "I'll be back in a minute."

With some reluctance, he handed it to her. "Hurry, my dove, I find myself growing weak."

She skidded into the bathroom, closing the door most of the way and snatching up her undergarments. An odd giddiness causing fumbling fingers, she managed to get them on and checked her reflection in the mirror. Beaming at herself, she slipped on the dress and ran her fingers through her wet hair. Dawn scurried back to where she'd left Breandon. "Well?"

His jaw dropped. He closed his mouth hastily, but Dawn had already seen the reaction. "You are, as ever, stunning." The yellow-gold and blue of the dress made her skin look like pale cream and turned her hair into dim flame. He came to her and placed both hands around her waist, drawing them close together.

"I distinctly remember you saying something about being weak," she teased gently.

"It passed when I laid eyes on your beauty."

For once, she kept sarcasm and protest in check, merely bowing her head in response.

He wrapped his arms around her and tucked his head under her chin. "I could wish you were shorter, but, no matter." He swayed slightly.

/I'd wish the same thing, but.../ Dawn tightened her embraced. "You shouldn't be standing," she murmured, worried.

He grinned up at her. "What, you will not catch me if I should fall? But I take your point. Come, then." He led her back to the main room, but selected a deep futon piled with pillows to sit on instead of the papasan.

She sat, tucking her feet under her and allowing the dress to drape over the cushions. Patting the spot next to her, she winked. "Now, sit. You're not supposed to be standing, remember?"

He sat obediently. "Your wish is my command, my lady. What will you have of me? Compliments? Music? Romance?" A twitch at the corner of his mouth told her he was subtly teasing her.

"You're mocking me," she laughed. "And after having been so serious before."

He flung his head back and laughed also. "I mock everyone. Seriousness in romance has its place, but I believe that place is in the bedroom, not in a casual setting such as this. Does my lady wish me to be serious?" Green eyes twinkled at her. "As an accepted suitor, I must obey my lady's slightest wish, lest she choose another man in my place."

"Just be as you are. Mischievous eyes and all."

Another rumble of a laugh escaped him. /Strange that such a small man should have such a deep voice,/ Dawn thought idly. He swept up one of her hands and began to kiss each fingertip with meticulous attention. "Will you stop running from my desire now?" he inquired, between fingertips.

"Mmm-hmm," she breathed, watching him intently. Funny how something so simple could be so sensual at the same time... Dawn closed her eyes as she lay back against the pillows. "No running."

He kissed her palm, then leaned forward, attempting to kiss her mouth, but a wave of dizziness swept up and he fell on her breasts instead.

She sat up with a squeak, then began laughing hysterically. "Oh dear," she began, cradling his head gently. "Whatever happened to taking things slowly?"

"I believe that intention vanished with the lovely crack to the head I've gotten," he said, voice muffled. The bassness of it made Dawn's spine vibrate. He fumbled around, feeling for a place to put his hands and push himself upright. Injudiciously, he shook his head, then moaned ferociously, "I am going to /kill/ that blue bitch."

"Shhhh. Not tonight, you won't." She kissed him on the forehead.

Anger sparked in his eyes, then died out. "Did you have other plans?" he inquired, threading fingers through her still-damp hair.

Dawn shook her head. "I was more or less kicked out and told not to return until I was in a better mood. I had intended to sit and sulk, but something better presented itself. You?"

"I had a project," he replied, "but with this headache, I should have to put it off anyway. I shall have to cancel the next game with Kieran at this rate." He paused. "What is thy wish, o star of the sunrise?"

"I came back here to take care of you, remember?" Dawn sat up, shaking her head. "You should be lying down, not me."

Breandon settled back against the pillows. "I honestly don't need you to take care of me." He drew her to lean against him. "Just having you here with me finally is care enough," he whispered into her hair.

She reached up to stroke his cheek, carefully avoiding the injury. "Well, I want to take care of you," Dawn whispered as her cheek rested against his chest. A steady heartbeat provided a soothing rhythm, and her eyes slowly closed. "You'll just have to accept that."

"Yes, my lady," he murmured, closing his own eyes. His breathing slowed down, easing into rhythms of sleep.

Hours passed, night slowly creeping away to reveal the rosy-tipped fingers of Dawn's namesake. As light peeked into the room, a frantic pounding on the door brought Dawn out of a deep sleep and nearly sent her tumbling to the floor.

More pounding jerked Breandon out of soothing dreams. He clutched at Dawn, attempting to keep her from the floor. "May I kill this person, Dawn?"

"Depends on the time," she yawned, pushing herself up to a sitting position. "It's far too late for anyone..." The slow realization that morning had arrived drained all colour from Dawn's face. "Oh, shit, Oh, shit... I should have been back at the palace hours ago... oh, shit..."

Breandon released Dawn and rolled gracefully to his feet. Striding over, he yanked the door open. "May I /help/ y--"

Winter scowled at her cousin, while Pluto cast an equally displeased glance at the dishevelled designer. "That all depends upon your definition of 'help,' doesn't it?" Her hair pulled into a severe bun at the nape of her neck, she placed a hand on the door. "May we? That is, if you're not /busy./"

"Oh, damn," he sighed. Standing aside, he gestured them in. "Winter, this is Dawn Connolly, the Guardian. Dawn, this is my cousin, Winter Rainault, Lt. Comm. of LISA. Will it please you all to be seated?" He flung himself back down on the futon without waiting for a reply, deliberately pushing his hair back so the bruise was visible.

"Gods, Breandon!" Winter exclaimed, shock clear in her alto tones. "Theo wasn't kidding ... "

Dawn smoothed her hair, all loose curls after having been damp and slept upon. Pluto remained standing, openly glaring at Breandon. "How does it feel to be the target of a kidnapping, Breandon," she queried, fury barely kept in check. She glanced at Dawn, who met her gaze with a remarkably even one of her own. Surprised, Pluto turned back to the young man.

"Fairly obnoxious, if you wish the truth," he shot back. "I've been targeted a number of times before and you didn't interfere, so I fail to see why you would do so now."

"Extenuating circumstances," she answered tartly while nodding in Dawn's general direction. "I explicitly warned you, as I recall."

He looked the picture of relaxation as he lounged against the cushions. He took Dawn's hand pointedly in his own before replying with a snap of anger, "Mind your own damned business, Pluto. You too, fair cousin. I fail to understand why I should require your advice in choosing to whom I would give my heart."

"Breandon, what are you saying?" Winter leaned forward, a lock of black hair falling in her eyes.

"Exactly what you think."


He regarded the intruding pair from underneath lazy lashes. "No more games, o guardian of the gates of time. No further parades of fair ladies through my rooms, save what my work requires." He brought Dawn's hand to his lips and kissed it.

Dawn's hand trembled before being enclosed in the steady warmth of Breandon's grasp. As he engaged in a witty exchange of words with Winter, she found herself looking up at Pluto. Something about Pluto's disapproval stirred a deep resentment within her. That woman had taken advantage of her abilities and temperament on one too many occasions... pulling her away from school, pulling her away from family and friends, and now demanding that she pull herself away from him... it was too much. As his lips met her hand, she found herself giving Pluto the smuggest look of sheer content she could muster.

/They were both too defiant,/ Pluto found herself thinking. Didn't they realise what was at stake here?

"Pu," Dawn began, interested. "Exactly what did you warn him about?"

"I told him," she began, "not to be a distraction. You have a duty here, young lady, and cavorting with this fickle young man is not part of it."

"Now I resent that. I have gone to some length to impress upon you that I am turning over a new leaf." Breandon frowned.

"Cavorting?" Dawn sat up, indignant. "And don't lecture me about duty. I've willingly devoted myself to every task and request that you've asked of me over the past two years. Disrupted high school, disrupted college... and I'll mention Xanik only because it's taken me a year to forget about the last time you brought me here." Keeping her temper in check, she brought her voice back to a normal tone. "I've kept to duty, and I'm the last person to accuse of abandoning duty, especially when it comes to Rini."

Breandon wrapped his arm around her shoulder, radiating support and agreement. "You people owe her some happiness."

Pluto bit her tongue, holding back her diatribe for Dawn's sake. In all actuality, the girl probably didn't know any better. "You need to be back at the palace within the hour," she said woodenly. "I'll speak to /you /later."


Silence fell. Everybody looked at Breandon. Pluto's tone was dangerous. "What do you mean, no?"

"Just what I said. No. If she goes back to the palace, it will be on her own wishes. Duty or not, she is owed far more than she gets out of you people." His hands closed tightly around Dawn's hand and shoulder. "I won't let you abuse her goodwill any more."

Pluto's eyes narrowed at the pair. "Then I would hope for her sake that she comes back to the palace in a timely fashion. As for abusing one's goodwill, you are pushing your luck when it comes to my patience." The Guardian of Time spun on her heel and walked towards the door. "Winter?"

Winter looked thoughtful. "I hope, for your sake, cousin, that this is what you hope it to be." She followed Pluto to the door, cast a last, unreadable glance back, and was gone.

All the tension ran out of Breandon, and he fell back against the cushions. "Oh, gods," he muttered.

Dawn slumped next to him, a hand to her forehead massaging what could prove to be a massive headache. "That wasn't good. She's pissed about something..."

"My interest in you," he replied. "At least Winter is on our side now. And Theo, it would seem."

"Theo, I could understand," she mused. "But Winter? Where do you get that?"

"She wished us well." /What a way to ruin a morning/, he thought. "I suppose I should take you back before she removes me from time altogether."

Dawn stifled a yawn. "I don't think she'd go that far, but we should probably get me back to the palace. I don't think Rini had this length of time in mind when she told me to leave yesterday."

Breandon wrapped both arms around her. "Can you go back by yourself?"

"I can. I'd rather stay for a while longer," she admitted, "but I can get back. Let me get my clothes from the bathroom. Where should I leave the dress?"

He released her as abruptly. "Keep it. In case of ... in case."

She nodded. "I'll just wear it today and make everyone jealous, then." Dawn tucked an errant curl behind her ear. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He reclined on the futon, watching her collect her things and prepare to return to the Palace. "When may I see you again?"

"When may..." Dawn stopped and lifted her head to stare at him. "Any time you'd like, doll. I unfortunately don't know when the next 'night off' is going to be."

He nodded. "Come here, please."

Clothes in hand, Dawn approached the barely-dishevelled figure. "Yes?"

He pulled her downward to kneel beside the futon, tilted his head sideways, and took his time giving her a passionate kiss. "Until we may meet again."

Dawn's eyes fluttered open. "Definitely."


On her way back to the palace, Dawn's impromptu dancing and humming brought confused stares and knowing smiles from onlookers. She alternated walking, skipping, and a graceful balance on the curb with a merrily whistled accompaniment. The morning air crisp and the sunlight warm, both lent an ideal backdrop to her blissful mood. Her cheeks ached from her smile, but she didn't care... it only cause her to widen the smile and emit a delighted giggle as she skipped up the stairs to the palace.

/In love. Hopelessly in love. With Breandon. Hopelessly in love with Breandon./ The phrase sang out in her head, the inner voice finally put to good use as a herald of all things wonderful. Dawn turned a corner as more happiness bubbled over into laughter. With wings on her feet, she skipped to her suite. Once inside, the Guardian kicked off her shoes and flung herself on the bed, giggling in delight.

"You realize this isn't supposed to happen."

Dawn sat up, chills replacing warmth as Pluto's figure appeared in the doorway. "What? I'm not supposed to be happy?"

"You're not supposed to be involved with anyone in this time," Pluto elaborated. "This could cause... problems."

"And whose fault is that?" She folded her arms across her chest. "I just came on your request. You never said anything else."

"Don't you have any common sense? Any idea of the greater picture?" She scowled at Dawn, who now resumed the same smug expression she'd worn earlier next to Breandon. "Obviously not. Maybe I should spell things out for you..."

"Maybe you could just let me be happy for once," Dawn shot back nastily. "Or is that not allowed either?"

"You don't understand! This could disrupt the entire Guardian line, causing serious problems once you leave." She noticed Dawn's smugness falter, the smallest bit of concern evident in her brown eyes. "Yes, leave. You'll have to return to school at some point."

The young woman's eyes narrowed, sheer obstinacy showing in her clenched fists and clipped words. "Well, you're the amazing Senshi of Time. Isn't that your job to fix?"

"I am NOT about to sacrifice the Guardian line for the arrogant whims of one Dawn Connolly," Pluto retorted. "The preservation of the timeline into which you entered and from which you came is just as much your responsibility as it is mine."

"So what are you going to tell me to do about it?"

/I hate doing this/... "Concentrate on your duty here, and leave Breandon to be the legendary playboy designer of New Crystal Tokyo," she answered. "What's transpired between the two of you was never intended to happen."

Dawn drew her knees to her chest, wrapping bare arms about her legs. Looking downwards, she spoke softly yet with a bitterness that none had ever heard. "So blame Palace security."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." Her tone now venomous, Dawn responded with a fury Pluto had never experienced. "Security failed to keep Eos safe, prompting you to use me in her stead. Or maybe you could blame her attacker's parents, or Rini for leaving the party early. You can't convince me that THAT was supposed to happen."

"Dawn, this is..."

"Not fair to me in the least," she finished angrily. "Or Breandon, for that matter." She raised her head, voice hoarse and fists balled at her sides. "Leave me alone, Pluto. At least, let me have some bit of happiness in my horribly fucked up life."

The Guardian of Time bit her lip, Dawn's words stinging. "Then go on. Be my guest, follow your whim if you choose. Keep in mind that no matter what," she said, jabbing a finger at the young woman, "you don't belong here. You are a fix, a temporary replacement. I hold you responsible for anything that may result."

"FINE!" Dawn yelled at the closed door as Pluto left, throwing a pillow in that general direction before falling back onto her bed, furious and sobbing. It wasn't fair. Had she asked for any of this? Would it have been better if she'd never gone out to the shed that one night to read? Or maybe it had all started when she'd first met Mina her first year in Tokyo. Maybe it had been agreeing to come back to serve as a liaison between them and Xanik when... it didn't matter when, she thought despondently. Fate simply said that she was screwed, no matter the beginning event. She wanted to pin the blame on someone, something, some event that she could rationalize...

And that was simply futile. She rolled to her side, hugging a pillow to her chest. While she had never been one to wallow in self pity, this seemed like the time to indulge herself for a bit. At this point, there wasn't much else she could do.

Rini opened the door, hair still wet from the morning's shower. "Dawn? Dawn, are you in here? I saw Pu leave, and I thought you might..."

"Leave me alone." Still muffled, Dawn's voice seemed to come from the bedroom. "I HATE this. Stupid Senshi. Stupid Moon Kingdom. Stupid Crystal Key..."

Rini appeared in the doorway, immediately worried. A mountain of tissues adorned one side do the bed, Dawn's face concealed in a very large and very tearstained blue pillow. Finding a spare corner of the double bed, she gingerly sat and placed a hand on Dawn's upper back. "Stupid Pluto," she added, trying to help.

"Especially Pluto," she echoed angrily. "Why can't she let me be happy, just for once? I mean, does she really think that I'm THAT irresponsible? I know I'm in the future, I know that there's a timestream thing that I'm not supposed to mess with. Have I told anyone that I was born in 1978? No... I've kept my happy twenty-first century existence a pretty good secret." Dawn turned to face Rini, her eyes reddened and face splotched from crying. "SHE goes and tells Breandon that I'm from the past, not me. So he knows, and does he care? No... he doesn't care that I've got this Guardian thing to do, or that I'm not some tiny size six waif-like thing, or that I'm on a perpetual sarcasm kick..." Speaking rapidly, Dawn reached for yet another tissue to wipe her nose. "No, he just seems to be genuinely interested for who knows why, and hey, I'm not about to knock that, but according to her, it's not supposed to happen." She held her composure for a few seconds before her lower lip quivered and a fresh bout of tears washed over her. "It's all HER FAULT."

The Princess continued to pat Dawn, unsure of how to respond to the outburst. She knew the girl was being honest; Dawn could lie about anything except herself. It was object of her affection that made her uneasy. "Look, there's something you should know about Breandon..."

"And why in the world does everyone see the need to warn me about him?" Dawn demanded this of the ceiling rather than Rini. "It's as if no one thinks I can take care of myself."

"Well..." Rini searched for a way to delicately bring up the subject of Breandon's amorous escapades. "Let's say that it's not you we're worried about, it's him."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Rini got up, fiddling with the drawstring on her pink sweatpants. "Well, he's got this reputation..."

"I know about the reputation," Dawn replied in a caustic fashion. "It's been explained to me by several people, including Breandon himself."


"And what?"

"And you're not bothered by that?" She ran her fingers through her wet hair. "That list covers more than a hundred people, just in the space of a year."

"I'm aware of that." The same obstinacy crept back into her voice. "He's some amazing sensual demigod of the boudoir, and poor little virginal me isn't supposed to get wrapped up in his charm and prowess."

"You mean to say that you've never had..." Rini trailed off as Dawn levelled a gaze that clearly indicated that such intimate details were not for discussion at this point in time. "Right. So, what I'm trying to say is..."

"That you don't want my dear sweet reputation sullied by some inconstant playboy?"

"Maybe in not so many big words, but that's the general idea." Arms folded across her chest, she began a slow pace about the room. It helped her think, and also avoided the chance, however slim, that Dawn might haul off and whomp her with a pillow. "Look, despite everything you've seen between me and Breandon, I respect the man as an artist. He has no equal when it comes to his designs or craftsmanship. He's immensely proud of his Senshi heritage, which also helps."

"I noticed," Dawn muttered.

"And you'd be hard pressed to find someone other than a LISA agent or full Senshi so immediately willing to defend the honour of the Moon Kingdom." She paused, idly playing with the petals of a pot of blue violets on the bureau.

"But?" Dawn prompted.

"But it's the reputation that bothers me... that, and the fact that he didn't do anything to keep Ashe from that Star Hunter crap," she added, tearing a leaf from the violets.

"That Star Hunter... you mean this goes back how many years?" Sitting up, Dawn finally noticed the pile of tissues and began to throw them into the small trashcan next to the bed.

She sat at the vanity, back to the mirror as she let her hair fall about the sides of her face. Rini fixed her eyes on her bare feet. "Five or so, I think... I don't know any more. Breandon knew Ashe because Ashe was forever sneaking into bars late at night, and Breandon would be the only one around who could carry on an intelligent conversation. Since this was right after he designed that dress for Mom, she and Jupiter didn't see any problem with Ashe hanging out with him. They actually thought that Breandon might be a good influence on him." She laughed ruefully from behind her hair before continuing. "Instead, he told Ashe to consider all of the possibilities, whereupon Ashe decided that being a Star Hunter was the way to go."

"So you blame Breandon for Ashe becoming a Star Hunter?"

"No... but I do blame him for not doing a better job of talking him out of it." Rini lifted her head and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "That's all in the past, though. Now, I'm more worried about you and what's happened between the two of you."

"Nothing I regret." She paused, considering the words. "Nope, nothing. For the first time in quite a while, everything just feels... right, I dunno." Dawn concentrated on the tissues, shooting a fadeaway from her perch. It kept her from crying, at least. "Just what are you worried about?"

"That he's going to break your heart and break your trust." She used her fingers to illustrate the dual point. "I've been through both, and take it from me, neither is a good thing."

"I've been through the first already." Another tissue banked off the side of the wall into the trash. "You see how well you fare after someone asks you to help negotiate with someone you cared for, only to find out that he's dead fifteen minutes later."

Rini bit her lip, trying to figure out how to respond. Less than two years ago, when she and Ashe had been kidnapped by Xanik and that renegade LISA agent, it had been Dawn whose face had appeared on the vidscreen to try and talk him out of using the Crystal Key. The entire ordeal had ended with Xanik dead, courtesy of Rini's, Ili's, and Eos' combined efforts. Dawn had only been able to watch and listen... and the worst part, in Rini's opinion, was that he hadn't seemed to care about Dawn one bit. "I guess so," she answered, unsure of how else to respond.

"Let's just say that it's taken a while to get over it. It's not as if I could talk about it with anyone." Tissues now gone, Dawn's voice sounded far older than her almost twenty-one years. "And it's not like I've been looking for a replacement," she sighed. "I've generally believed that boys are more trouble than they're worth."

"So why Breandon?" Rini's question hung in the air for a while, as the Guardian ran her fingers over the sunflower pattern of the dress. "He's the very definition of trouble."

Dawn opened her mouth to reply, but couldn't figure out what to say. "He's... different."

"Oh, for the love of..."

"No, not that whole sighing, doe-eyed ‘different' that you're thinking," she answered. "Like, he's literally different from any other guy I've ever met, or entertained a thought about. Let's just say he's the antithesis of many Dawn Connolly fantasies of the past."


"And..." She wondered just how much of last evening's discussion she should divulge to Rini. While she felt the need to confide in someone, Dawn wondered if Rini was really the right person for that task. "And I genuinely like him," she finished. "For lots of reasons."

"Such as?" Sceptical, the Princess frowned at her. "C'mon, gimme a reason."

"He said he liked my hair." A slow smile crept across her face and she winked at Rini. "Among other things."

"That's it?"

"No, that's all I'm going to tell you," Dawn said, getting up from the bed. "Maybe if you're nice to me later, I'll tell you more."

"Such as, where you got that dress?" The tone wavered between disapproval and girlish interest.

"I might be inclined to say something about that." She disappeared into the bathroom, humming the same melody from her walk home. Even Pluto with all of her warnings couldn't shake her good humour, she decided.

Frowning, Rini turned to her reflection, detangling her wet hair. A couple millennia, and no one could come up with a decent conditioner to prevent such self-torture...

"Dawn?" A vidscreen in the room blinked to life, Serenity visible in what appeared to be an opulent study of sorts.

"Just me, Mom. She's in the bathroom." Fighting with a snarl, she spoke to her hair instead of her mother. "What's going on?".

"Trials for the _Prometheus_," she answered with a smile. "Thought you might want to go."

That got her attention. "Trials? We get to go on ship trials?" Ecstatic, Rini bounced in her seat like a six year old.

"Thought you and Dawn might enjoy that. It's either that, or back to the Pavori with me."

"Ship trials. Definitely ship trials." The response was immediate and adamant. "I don't want to have to go back and deal with the Arronnés."

"Me either." Dawn's voice rang from the bathroom before she emerged, toothbrush hanging out of the side of her mouth. "What's this ship trial thing? Sounds interesting."

"They take the ship out, run some speed and propulsion tests, do weapons checks, and then send her home to fix the little things that go wrong during the trials." Rini turned to her mother's image on the vidscreen. "And I get to be in charge, don't I?"

"Technically." Serenity's voice held a tone of warning. "I wouldn't push your luck with this crew, though."

"That bad?" The Guardian resumed her dental hygiene activity.

"That good," the Queen corrected. "I wouldn't send you two out with anyone less than the very best, and this is it. Now, hurry up... you'll have to be on board in the next three hours."

Rini's face lit up despite her tangled hair situation. "Thanks, Mom."

"Of course, dear. See you in a week or so." The image blinked out, leaving Rini jumping from one foot to the other in childish glee while Dawn stared in shock.

"A week?" Only after she spoke did Dawn realize how whiny she sounded.

Getting up, the Princess stole a white scrunchie from the vanity and pulled her hair back. "Well, of course... we have to test everything, have time to make repairs, and actually take her out for a while. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing." In truth, Dawn had spent the time brushing her teeth figuring out how she could get back to see Breandon in the next day or two. A few days were one thing... but a week? Already she was wondering how she'd be able to sleep alone after spending the night in his arms, warm and secure. "Just a lot of clothes to pack, that's all."

"You've got a point." Rini mused. "All right, get changed and get packed... I'll meet you in an hour."

"Your mom said three hours," she corrected.

"Fine, two hours," she sighed. "And don't you dare..."

"I know, I know. I'll use a hair dryer before leaving."