Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kryptonite ❯ Kryptonite ( Prologue )

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Okay, this has got to be a first. I mean who on god's earth would write a song fic about Fish Eye. Well, I would, but hey, that's just me. I don't own anything, except my lovely manga collection! Thanks for reading.
Fish Eye sat alone at his bar. Not wondering at all where his other compatriots had gone off to. Instead he was deep in thought, he wondered why he liked men so much. And why in America it was such a crime.
I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind.
I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time.
I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon.
I feel there is nothing I can do.

He felt helpless against the western world. And DiC, they must have been appalled that Clover Way would even think of dubbing him. After all, all he wanted was fans. He'd gone surfing on the internet. Found a great one: Memoirs of a Fish. (, and then there was this girl named Angie was obsessed with him, but was there truly something wrong with him?
I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon.
After all I knew it had to be something to do with you.
I really don't mind what happens now and then.
As long as you'll be my friend at the end.

He sure seemed to be popular in fanfiction. All he knew was that he really wanted to meet this person called Zoicite. They could go dress shopping together. But they'd have to do it in Japan, cuz people in America thought that he was a she! How horrible. Then he remembered his ill-fated dub job. It was enough to tear his heart out.
If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?
If I'm alive and well, will you be there holding my hand?
I'll keep you by my side with my super human might. . . Kryptonite.

"I'm a great guy!" He yelled aloud. It echoed in his empty house. He suddenly felt alone. Like the world had abandoned him. Was he that bad? Despite things that people had said, he actually kind of liked the Michelin Man, and he thought he rather did bare a resemblance. Why didn't people like him? Seiya, and Haruka are gay, but no one talks about them behind their backs.
You called me strong you called me weak but still your secrets I will keep.
You took for granted all those times I never let you down.
You stumbled in, and bumped your head, if not for me then you'd be dead.
I picked you up and put you back on solid ground.

"I thought I was funny, and I can sure pull off disguises better than Tiger Eye can." He snickered about the tourist incident. And yet, his intentions were not well received. Did anyone out there really like him at all?
If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?
If I'm alive and well will you be there holding my hand?
I'll keep you by my side with my super human might. . . Kryptonite.

"I guess I'm not wanted." He sobbed as he stood up from his bar stool, and faced the door. He slowly meandered over there, and looked out into the forest after he had opened it. "Would anyone miss me, if I just wondered off, and never came back?" He asked himself out loud.
If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?
If I'm alive and well, will you be there holding my hand?
I'll keep you by my side with my super human might. . . Kryptonite.

He turned around and went back inside. What would fanfiction writers do with out him? The kawaii bishounen of the world have no model bishounen to compare themselves to. Besides, there are plenty of people out there, that don't even know who he is that would love him, if they just saw him.
If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?
If I'm alive and well will you be there holding my hand?
I'll keep you by my side with my super human might. . . Kryptonite. . .

He sipped more of his whiskey colored fruit juice, and sighed, "That Angie girl seems nice, maybe I can give her a call later, and we can go shopping for men at the mall." He smiled, life wasn't so bad being a kawaii bishounen, people did need him, and he wasn't going anywhere, any time soon. That is unless Mamoru decided suddenly to break up with Usagi. . . but that is another story. . .
~ Love it hate it? I don't care, Fish Eye is the best, and nobody likes him, but he deserves love too!
I do not own the song Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down, but I do adore their CD, so if they would please not sue me, it would be greatly appreciated.
*Angie 10-4 and out =)