Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Lasarius Chronicles ❯ Chapter 4/5! Babies and Funerals! The Battle Continues! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author Notes: Whee! Chapter five! Wow, I got this one out quicker than I expected. If anyone has any requests for anything in the fic, jus email me at and I'll try to get it done. ^_^ Special thanks to CP for putting this on her site! Hey, CP, did you get those pictures I emailed to you? Email me!

Chapter Five: Babies and Funerals! The Battle Continues!


I found the Tiger of the Wind in a strange place, nearly twenty four hours after Amelia found Zelgadiss. The morning after we found out what was happening to Filia, and the implications that arose from such diabolical torture, and I expected the teams to be mourning for the lost comrads. Most were.

Well, Tiger was mourning. Though, I always thought that he considered himself too tough to go to our 'church'.

But there he was, sitting on the ground (well, he is a wolf), head bowed. I didn't hear him talking, whispering, or even crying.

The church was quite packed. Alot of people were there. Alot were crying.

I walked up to the blue lupine quietly, and whispered a simple query, "Are you all right?"

Tiger looked up, and stared at me. His eyes were fairly bloodshot, as if he hadn't gotten enough sleep. Not surprising there. But who was he mourning for? I didn't think that he cared about Hare at all, as much as those two were seen fighting.

He looked back down to the ground. I frowned, and was about ready to back away and leave him to mourn, when I heard his gruff voice.

"It's not fair."

I frowned deeper. I looked at the wolf in concern, "I know."

"None of them deserved this."

I sighed low. "Tiger-san.."

He looked up, but didn't look at me. "Genki and Mocchi keep crying. The rest of us don't even know what to say to them anymore."

I frowned. So, two of the Searchers were depressed. Not unusual, for the situation.

I was about to say something else, when Jen walked up behind me. "D-chan. Selenity called a meeting."

I put my hand on what passed for Tigers' shoulder, a quick form of consolation, before getting up and walking out of the church.


Not all the leaders were at the meeting this time. Genki was not there. Holly was in his place. For some reason, this troubled me. What also surprised me was that Tenchi Masaki had someone sitting next to him that shouldn't have been at the meeting. Washuu.

I blinked twice at the pink-haired woman/girl for a moment, curious, before the meeting started.

Selenity was at the podium. "Washuu, of Tenchi's group, has come up with a plan to rescue our victimized allies."

Now, that got me to pay attention. I looked, along with everyone else, at Washuu. She stood up in her seat, and didn't seem bothered by all the attention. Quite the contrary; She seemed to bask in it.

"As some of you know, I no longer have access to my lab. But that hasn't stopped me from using my superior knowlage to our advantage." I sweatdropped slightly at her ego. "I've found a way to create synthetic organs, and if I can get to the three being used, I can probably patch them up so we can bring them back here. However, this requires everyone's help. I'll need a distraction, so that Lasarius's army won't be able to get to me before I can get our own out of there."

There was a small murmer then, as leaders spoke with each other, even as Washuu sat back down in her seat.

All became quiet again, as Knuckles Echidna raised a hand to speak, "Queen, we have a slight problem. Many of ours won't be able to fight, and two of mine are already unable to fight, atleast for a short time."

I blinked. Two? Well, Mighty is down for the moment, but who else?

Cloud Strife got to that question before I did, and Knuckles blushed slightly in response. That confused me for the moment, before he explained.

"Julie's pregnant."

Dead silence. For a full ten seconds, there was dead silence. Knuckles slinked down in his chair.

Jen's laughter broke the silence, which got a few curious glances, and quite a number of sweatdrops. "Knux, aren't you just a couple of years early? Most Guardians have their first kid at twenty!" She grinned slyly.

Knuckles glared at her from his slinked position. "Shut up."

Selenity sweatdropped as well, but spoke again, "Is there anything else that we should all know about, from any team?"

Strangely, Lina Inverse rose a hand. She grinned, seemingly humored by a private thought, "Martina's pregnant, too." Another small moment of silence, but I noticed a few people stareing at Knuckles and Lina, either grinning knowingly, or sweatdropping.

"All right, then." Selenity sighed. "Rescue mission tonight at sunset. Same as the last mission, but new groups will be formed. I'll keep you all posted."


"What the heck is this, a baby boom?" Was my first comment upon leaving the meeting, heading towards our makeshift bar/pub, alongside Lina Inverse herself.

Lina chuckled, grinning, "Who knows. With everything going on, I guess some people just don't feel secure about long lives."

I stared at her from the corners of my eyes, "You're not pregnant too, are ya?"

She facefaulted, "Dear Ciepheed, no!" She did laugh, though.

I then grinned, "Martina is having Zangulas's kid, right?"

She sweatdropped, "I hope so. It would be nothing short of frightning if she wasn't."

At that, our conversation halted, as we arrived at the pub. Walking in, I spotted my brother at the pool table, various others either playing along (it looked like a four-player game, two per team) or watching the game.

My brother, at twenty three years old, is fairly tall (five-foot-five), well-built, and rather handsome. Pale-milky skin (for some reason, no one in our familly except for my sister and father has been able to tan. Sunburn, yes. Tan, no.), black hair in a military-style cut, dark blue eyes, but no facial hair.

Oddly, my parents named him Leroy. I don't know what my parents were thinking.

Lina and I sat at a table close to the pool match, Lina immediently ordering a beer. I never did aquire a taste for alcohol, so ordered nothing. I was only there in the first place to keep Lina company, and perhaps find some company for myself.

I watched for a few minutes, my brother's team (teamed up with Alec, of the 'Dark Angel' team) seemed to be winning. More stripes than solids in the holes. He was playing against Rattrap (who I never even knew played pool. He always seemed more like a poker type.) who was teamed up with Diver.

Two humans against two Transformers in a game of pool. Interesting.

Lina drank a dozen beers before the match was over. She had to be escorted out, she was so drunk. My brother sat in her seat as soon as she was gone.

"How you doing, Donna?"

I smiled at him. "Fairly well, considering."

"It's not your fault, you know." Why does everyone keep saying that? "It's that bastard Lasarius's fault. You know that, right?"

I nodded, letting out a sigh, "I know, big brother, I know. It's just.." I paused, and sighed again. "At eighteen years old, I'm fighting for my life on a foreign planet for the universe. And yet, it seems so normal. A few years ago, I figured that, at this age, I would be driving to the mall and going out to clubs."

He smiled wryly, chuckling, patting at my shoulder. "I know. It seems strange to me, too."

There was a pause for a moment, neither of us saying anything.

"I asked Jennifer to marry me, you know." Is what broke the silence, from my brother.

Now, before any strange thoughts come from this, my brother's girlfriend of several years is not the same Jennifer that's my best friend. They just happen to have the same name. His Jennifer (we call my best friend by 'Jen', and his girlfriend by 'Jennifer') was his age.

I smiled, and I know I was practically gushing, "Oh, Lee, that's wonderfull! Yay! I'm finally gonna have a sister-in-law!"

He sweatdropped. "Finally?"

I grinned, "Hey, I've been waiting for years for you to ask her. It's bout time."


Six groups of a dozen each. Same as the last time, just different people amongst the different teams. I was assigned leadership of one team, but a different one. I lead a field-rescue team, this time.

Field rescue is just as it sounds. Jen, in attempted humor, had said to me right after finding who was to go and where, "Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to rescue the innocent whatevers in the labor fields. Choose to accept it? As if we have a choice!"

I chuckled in response.

I looked over then, hearing a loud angry yell, to another assembled team.

..Oh, dear god. Happosai was on a team. And, as usual, harrassing a woman.

I fell over laughing, as that 'woman' wound up being Sailor StarFighter. Wrong person to mess with.

Oooh, look! A new Happosai-shaped crater in the ground!

My entire team sweatdropped at what was going on.


Now, as several different things that were happening all at once have to be told, I'll tell you what I heard from other teams when I was able to talk with them.

It was a surprising battle, even from my point in it. Technically, my team and my backup team had the 'easiest' job. Field rescue is just that, and it didn't require any building infiltration. Heck, we didn't even think we would come accross any Ex-Eleven's. We just had to get some of the innocents out of the labor fields and barracks, and then retreat along with everyone else, with only a hope that other teams got their mission objectives cleared.

We got a dozen various innocents out, before we were attacked in retalliation. Usually, we'd be able to get a good fifty out before any real threat would show up. But a real threat did show up, in quite large numbers. And not only Ex-Elevens, though there were a couple dozen of those there.

I recognized the creatures attacking us before I heard Legolas's cry: <"Yrch!">

I already knew what the Elvish word ment. I called back, "Worse! Urak-hai!"

On the 'Lord of the Rings' world, Middle-Earth, Orcs (Yrch in Elvish toung) were of the evil Sauron's creation. Elves, tortured and mutilated into darkness, from what I know. Urak-hai were like super-Orcs, a mix of Orc and Goblin. A pain in the ass, really, they were.

I called into a MF-THC (multi-frequency, other teams can hear), "On your guard, everyone! Urak-hai! Take their heads off!" Hey, it is the easiest way to kill those things.

I wondered if guns/lasers were even effective against those things, already using my own to defend myself, when I heard a quite giddy yell.

<"Yee-HAH!"> I saw before I heard Quickstrike literelly jump over my head, landing a couple of feet infront of me, and shoot the inbuilt lasers in his cobra-head arm.

Hey, lasers work, when aimed at the right place. Quickstrike shot at their heads. Good enough.


Lina Inverse wanted to blow up the entire building. The Dra-Matta had found Filia, in much the same state as Hare.

But her team was not the rescue team. Washuu was in another team.

"Kuso.." Was all she can think to say at the time, distracted by the sight of her friend in such pain. Filia was unconscious, however.

"Lina!!" "Look out!!" Lina quickly whirled at the duel calls. She had been so distracted, she hadn't even noticed a soldier sneaking up on her. A red lion had pounced at the soldier, keeping the would-be attacker down, even as a young spikey-haired boy elbowed the man hard on the forhead, knocking the soldier out..

Lina nodded, "Thanks, Nanaki. Daisuke." She thanked then both, and then called into the MF-THC, <"Washuu! Room 347-B!">


Max Guevara kicked at a steel door, expecting the metal to buckle under her Ex-Five power.

Instead, all that had to show of her actions was a foot-sized dent. She blinked once, and then settled for stareing angrilly at the door.

"TORPEDO!" An attack call came from besides her, a ball of lightning raceing at the door. She barely had time to dodge, even with her feline-like reflexes. The attack came through, that thought going through her mind the moment the door buckled under the combined weight of her 'foot assault' (for lack of better term) and the Torpedo Attack.

The Ex-Five, even as she was getting back on her feet, nodded to the attack-thrower. "Thanks, Pixie."

Pixie, clad in her usual attire (which, admittingly, wasn't much), nodded in return. She then ran past Max, into the room they had just gotten entry into.

Max followed then, and noticed a third following behind. Probably a member of her team, or her backup team.

Ex-Five-Four-Five-Two then gaped at the room.

It was actually a rather small room, but a laboratory of some king, but the appearance of it. A round room (as opposed to the usual square room), curved desks lining the walls, bottle holders (think the kinds that bottles of wine are held in, only smaller) lining the walls. Each holdster held a small, liquid-filled vial. The desks had computers, microscopes, and delicate-seeming machinery atop.

"What is this place?" A rather thick voice came from behind her. Max looked back briefly, and then blinked once. At first, didn't remember the anthro falcon, and then recalled the pilot-adorned bird as part of Fox McCloud's team. On her backup team for this mission, she recalled. Falco, she thought his name was.

His question went unanswered for a moment. She knew what this place was. It was far too much like the one back at Manticore, save for a few certain details she would prefer not to remember.

She had to make sure, though.

She ran more than walked the foot or so to the nearest wall, grabbing at a vial, looking upon the label so precariously placed upon it.

Confusion for a brief second, at the simple two words, a name, upon the label in black ink: 'Armadillo, Mighty'.

She shrieked angrilly then, and threw the vial at the wall, startling her two companions. It broke upon impact, the clear liquid streaming on the wall.

"Max? What's wrong?" Pixie got to the question first, even though Falco mirrored the same thoughts on his face.

Max practically growled her answer. "Genetics lab." A genetics lab. Where they stored the sperm, eggs; enhanced or not. The same as in Manticore, where she herself was born into a life of fighting, where she managed to escape as a child of nine, despite capture ten years later, recaptured into a life of slavery and brainwashing, forced to watch her 'brother', Ben, live on only as an organ donar, unable to fight back in fear after months of torture, where that Madam Director wouldn't even let her shave her f**king legs!!

Her thoughts swirled like that for a few moments, a Monster and a falcon watching with concern and no small amount of caution.

"Help me set explosions." Her voice nearly went unheard.

"Huh?" Was Falco's ingenious reply.

Max repeated her command again.

Neither objected.


<"Washuu! Room 347-B!">

Washuu blinked twice at the call, already trying to rescue and save the life of a nine year old catgirl.

She looked to Chichiri, who was there to help her, worry in her eyes.

The blue-haired monk frowned, "Keep going, no da. We'll save them all. We just have to go one at a time, no da."

Washuu nodded, breathing deeply once, before continuing the task, trying to ignore the rumbling of the building.


To say that Hotohori was disturbed would be a vast understatement. "What are these creatures?!" Was his query, even as he slashed at a Urak-hai with his sword. Blood got onto his clothes. He faught the urge to throw up.

"Mars Flame SNIPER!" A female's cry rang out, the blast burning an Ex-Eleven to death.

<"On your guard, everyone! Urak-hai! Take their heads off!"> My voice rang through the MF-THC, Hotohori looking in my direction briefly, thirty feet away.

"You heard 'er! Lekka Shinnen!" Tasuki cried out, flames erupting from his fan, aimed at the heads of several Urak-hai.


I spotted Sailor StarMaker carrying Kitty out of the building. The catgirl was unconscious, but seemed to be in considerable pain, wrapped in a thin sheet.

"Defensive, everyone! Now!" I called out, those under my command following my order right there and then. Amelia raywinged herself over to StarMaker and Kitty, placeing a defensive shield up as soon as she got the chance.

"Amelia! Get StarMaker and Kitty out of here!" I called into the MF-THC, and I saw her nod, even as the three retreated.

I turned at the sound of a crash, spotting a familliar catwoman kick down the wooden door of a barrack. Running over, avoiding blasts and attacks by various enemies, I looked in.

"All right, people, move, move, move!" Aisha Clanclan shrieked, trying to get the beaten, starved, captive innocents out of the barrack.

It occured to me then that throughout the chaos that this rescue mission has turned into, both my team and my backup team had commandlessly merged into one large duel-mission team. And it seemed to be working in our favor.

As soon as the last of the captives were let out, and various of our own immediently went to protecting them. Aisha ran out, shrieking a battle cry of: <"DIE, already, damnit!!">

I chuckled wryly, running into the newely freed barrack.

There were dead there, those that probably went in their sleep. I was disturbed then, a small part of my mind telling me that this is what my own grandparents escaped from nearly fifty five years ago.

I heard whimpering. Someone was still alive here.

I ran over to where I thought the whimpering came from, finding a Mobian Echidna, brown fur and black hair, nearly starved to death. He looked too weak to move.

He seemed terribly familliar. I didn't dwell on it, however, and attempted to take the grown echidna in my arms. I was startled to find him very light.

I noticed then, that his left leg was just..gone. Nothing below the knee, and by the wound at the kneecap, it didn't seem to have been like that for long.

I ran out of the barrack then, ducking a gunshot from an Ex-Eleven, running over to the closest of my allies that could take the echidna to safety.

Vector the crocodile, another of the planet Mobius, was the first I saw.

"Vec! Here, take this guy to safety, will ya!?" I yelled over the sounds of battle.

He looked over, and took the injured, starved victim from my arms. He gaped then, stareing at who he now held. "Constable Remington?!"

I gaped for a minute, then, too. That was the Constable!? "Get him out of here, Vec!"

The crocodile nodded, and ran off. Oddly, Sailor Chibichibi backed him up.

I went back to fighting.
