Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2:

A soft scratch could be heard moving along the stone steps of the Moon Kingdom.

"I see Beryl took care of the Moon Kingdom for me. Oh well, one less kingdom to destroy." A tall blue haired lady whispers, walking around the destroyed palace. "It was a terrible shame the Elemental Goddesses weren't destroyed as well. Oh well, their kingdoms are next." She added with a slight cackle. All of a sudden she hears various voices and people walking. "Someone's coming, probably those idiot goddesses. I think I'll pay their planets a visit right now." She says evily. She hops into the air and disappears in a portal of blue mist.

"Woah. . . this place is totally destroyed." Ramya whispers as she picks up a charred rock. "Who could've done this?" she asks.

"Beats me, let's check the princess' chambers, and look around for any survivors, though." Aisu replies quietly.

"Whoever it was is gonna have to answer to me! That's for sure!" Sakura exclaims angrily.

"There's no point in looking for the cause, they're most likely long gone by now." Solange tells them. "I'll look for survivors outside, you guys check inside. Get whatever evidence you can!" she orders. She walks away, hoping to find someone that's still alive.

"Me and Tryphena will take the east wing. Celeste, you and Aisu check the west wing. Altair, you and Sakura take everywhere else. Got it?" Ramya says loudly. The other princesses nod their heads and travel in the direction told.

Solange walks up to a half-dead Queen Serenity. "Your majesty!" she exclaims. She runs the rest of the short distance. "Are you ok? Who did this?" she asks.

"Metallia, and Beryl. . . please. . . protect my daughter and the rest." Serenity replies quietly.

"I will, but when you or. . . her advisor awakens her, please don't mention us." Solange replies. "It's all my fault, I should've been here instead of engaging in my own selfish birthday." She adds quietly.

"Yes, Princess Solange, I will remember your request. They are all on earth, I ask you and the others to protect the outer galaxies. There you'll find other senshi. . . with different purposes, but equal trustworthiness." Queen Serenity states. "I'm thankful. . . . . . . of your kindness. . . . . Solange. . . ." she adds, with her last breath. Solange nods, and wipes the few tears from her eyes. She watches as the bubbles containing each senshi drifts to Earth. She clasps her hands together firmly and brings them close to her face. Closing her eyes, she prays for the safety of them.


"Find anything yet?!" Aisu yells to Celeste

"I would've let you know if I had!" Celeste yells back, her voice booming through the silent halls.

Aisu sticks her tongue out at Celeste and continues her search through the guest rooms. "Anyone here?" she called out. Silence. "Hello?" she called out once more. Once again, complete silence.

"Do we have any survivors on your side?!?!" Celeste asks, her voice once again thundering through complete silence.

"No. . . sadly we don't." Aisu replied. "How about your side?" she asks.

"Nope. . . . four bodies, possibly more. . . . . but they're all dead." Celeste replies shortly.

"Let's see if the others had any luck." Aisu states in a mere mutter.


"This one's dead too." Ramya mutters.

Tryphena checks the person's pulse once again. Indeed, they were dead, but they had only been that way for a matter of a mere couple of hours. "Only for a couple of hours, though. That means if we hadn't run into that asteroid belt, most of these people would still be alive." She tells her.

"Figures. We already checked everything possible in our part of the palace, I wonder how the others are doing." Ramya replies coldly.

"Most likely no better than us." Tryphena replies, slightly laughing.


"Sakura would you stop yelling at me!" Altair whines.

"Well if you'd stop whining I'd stop yelling!" Sakura yells.

"I'm only whining because you're yelling!" Altair pouts.

"Oh shut up!" Sakura yells angrily. She presses her right hand gently against a lady's forehead. "She's totally cold, she must've been one of the first to be attacked." She mutters.

"Of course, they'd attack the kitchen first." Altair replies.

Sakura looked around, that was the last person in the kitchen, and she seemed to be the same as the others. "Well, it's a possibility." She mutters. As she gets up and motions for Altair to follow, a scream shatters the silence.

"What was that?!" Altair whispers with a frightened tone seeping through her voice.

"I don't know, but we'd better find out." Sakura replies, running in the direction the blood-curdling scream emitted from.