Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Elemental Stars ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 6:

"Ramya-san, you look troubled, are you ok?" a sweet voice asked as she walked up.

"Hotaru-chan! Good to see you." Ramya replied. She picked the toddler up and hugged her. "Oh yes, I'm fine, nothing for you to worry about." She added.

"But Ramya-san, you look like someone just died." Hotaru said quickly.

"What makes you say that, doll?" Ramya asks curiously.

"Well. . . . . . . . you have a worried look on your face and your eyes look watery." Hotaru states.

Ramya giggles. "You are such a smart little girl." She compliments. "But, I assure you, it was just a dream, I'll be fine." she adds quickly. "Now, do you want to see what I got you from my trip to the mall, or not?" she asks playfully.

Hotaru claps her hands together. "Oh yes please! I can't stand suspense!" she says excitedly.

Ramya turns around and digs something out of her shopping bag. Hotaru jumps up repeatedly, trying to see what she got.

"Be patient. . . . . . ." Ramya says quietly. "Now let me just find it." She adds.

"Yay! I can't believe you got me something! You are so nice Ramya-san!" Hotaru chimes repeatedly.

Ramya giggles. "Arigatou Hotaru-chan." She says, still rummaging through her bags. "Aha! Found it!" she exclaims. She holds up a neatly wrapped package. "There you go." She tells Hotaru as she hands her the package.

"Arigatou! Arigatou!" Hotaru chants as she rips through the package. "Oh! Domo Arigatou Ramya-san!" she exclaims as she holds up a large brown teddy bear. Ramya smiles as she sees Hotaru cuddle with the bear.

"You didn't have to get her something, you know." A cold voice says from behind.

"Haruka, she's troubled. And that was very thoughtful of her." A softer voice scolds.

"I know I didn't have to. I just felt like it, Haruka-san." Ramya replies. "I got you two something as well." She adds with a slight smile.

"Oh, Ramya-san, you didn't have to, me and Haruka-san can well enough buy our own things." Michiru says politely.

"Don't worry, I got you these because I wanted you to have them." Ramya replies handing a package to each of them.

Haruka opened hers first. "Well. . . . this is very nice." She comments, a smile penetrating her cold face. She beams down at the gold plated liscense plate with the inscription 'thebest' on it. "Domo arigatou." She says with a slight smile.

Michiru opened hers after seeing the happy look on Haruka's face. "It's gorgeous!" she exclaims as she holds up a silver necklace with her name inscribed on the charm. "Domo arigatou, Ramya-san." She adds quickly.

"No need for thank yous, you two." Ramya replies. "I need to talk to both of you, though." She adds quietly, so Hotaru doesn't hear. Michiru nods.

"Setsuna-san, please take Hotaru-chan to go get some ice cream." Haruka calls out. Setsuna comes from just outside the room and picks up Hotaru.

"Alright, we'll be back soon." She says with a smile. She takes Hotaru out of the room and Michiru closes the door.

"What was it you needed to talk to us about?" Haruka asks, somewhat curiously.

"Well, it's about my dream I had last night." Ramya starts.

"Oh, please don't tell me you had a horrible dream." Michiru sighs.

"Sadly, I did." Ramya says, she then explains the whole dream.

"So you don't remember any of the girls' names?" Haruka and Michiru ask in unision.

"Only one, and that's a Queen Serenity. . . . . .and I think someone else's name was Celeste, or something like that." Ramya replies.

"Rei-san might have had a similar vision, we can see if she'll do a fire reading for you." Michiru states comfortingly.

"I'll give her a call to let her know we're coming." Haruka says as she walks over to the phone. She dials a phone number an waits for an answer.

"Hello?" Rei asks on the other line.

"Hey, Rei-san, it's me. Me and Michi-san are bringing a friend over, we want to know if you could do a fire reading on her very. . . . . erm. . . disturbing dream." Haruka told Rei quietly, while Michiru was comforting the troubled Ramya.

"Of course. Come over as soon as possible. MAKO! MINA! Stop fighting!" Rei yells. "Gomenasai Haruka-san. See you soon. Bye." Rei says quickly as she hangs up the phone.

"Bye." Haruka said, holding the phone away from her ear.

"What'd she say?" Michiru asks curiously.

"To come over as soon as possible." Haruka replies as she hangs up the phone.

"Let Setsuna know where we're going to be." Michiru advises.

"Good idea. I'll leave her a voice mail on her cell phone." Haruka says as she dials a phone number. "Setsuna? It's me, Haruka, me, Michi, and Ramya are going to be at Rei-san's temple. Bring Hotaru over there if you want, after you two get ice cream. Bye." She says quickly. She hangs up the phone and gets her keys off the table. "Let's go." She says as she helps Michi and Ramya off the floor, where they were sitting. She ushered them into the car and stepped on the gas pedal. Momentarily, thanks to Haruka's fast driving, they arrived at the Cherry Hill temple.

"Everyone out." Michiru said before Haruka got a chance.

Ramya giggled lightly and got out of the car, followed by Michiru. Haruka quickly took her key out and gets out of the car herself.